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/lit/ - Literature

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7059416 No.7059416 [Reply] [Original]

Why are women so garbage at writing?

>> No.7059428

A lack of testosterone and fewer neurons in key areas of the brain inhibit their ability to innovate.

>> No.7059436

She'll always be hotter than Rowling so she has that.

>> No.7059439
File: 45 KB, 499x630, leguin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My, what a tip top example for your question there, OP.

>> No.7059440

Literature is not a serious thing, thus it isn't taken seriously by females who generally focus on the essential aspects of life

>> No.7059444

coz wimin stuped

>> No.7059451

nice use of trips there
consider yourself checked.

>> No.7059454

Why are men so garbage at writing?

>> No.7059460


>Implying the best books of all time weren't written 99%+ by men
And no, whatever you think, MtF does not make it a female writer.

>> No.7059462

Why, thank you. I am honored.

>> No.7059466

>implying 99+% men aren't garbage at writing

That's what he was implying.

Way to miss a simple point, bro.

>> No.7059470

there is already a thread for this on the front page
what a shit board

>> No.7059472
File: 20 KB, 2000x2000, the author of gray books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This image there will prove surely that women are inefrior writers surely

>> No.7059493

It's 100% for women though.

>> No.7059498

*David Attenborough voice* "...but for some the summer mating season has not been successful..."

>> No.7059504

poor you

>> No.7059510

i'm not a girl, so gay lol

>> No.7059517
File: 43 KB, 242x276, gloriatesch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because of the readership, they have a lower barrier of entry for quality.

>> No.7059539

>Why are women so garbage at writing?
Generally it's the lack of being truly self-aware. Women are wired in a way that stacks the cards against them when trying to make something self aware or self critical.

>> No.7059631
File: 71 KB, 500x411, sirjohn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First off, these are gross generalizations. I love Plath, Woolf, Austen and Didion. Below are a list of reasons why the most women attractive enough to potentially get by on a man's provision aren't good writers. Hopefully each of these statements is adequately qualified.

They're less likely to have exceptional intelligence or other personality traits (narrower first and second standard deviations from the mean).

Lack of exceptional personality traits means they'll probably write about lame shit everyone's thought of already.

In terms of priorities, women are generally less interested in things that don't contribute directly to making their lives better. Producing a good story or poem is less likely to make a woman's life easier than spending that time keeping a strong hand on her social circle. A man, on the other hand, has plenty of incentive to slave away at esoteric pursuits because if he gets famous at 45 he can still get laid for it.

Women judge men by their storytelling ability and ability to manipulate emotions, so men have a powerful incentive to git gud at that stuff.

The average woman in a first world country is so thoroughly shielded from the way most of the world lives that it isn't funny. It's in basically nobody's interest to toughen a girl up or expose her to West Virginia hillbillies or central American street children. This narrows their range of experience and empathy to encompass only their own homes and places like them.

>> No.7059644

For the same reason they don't tend to be that funny, they don't need to be. For the majority of women, the only thing they ever need to cultivate is their looks.

>> No.7059645
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>> No.7059647
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>> No.7059664

>thinking pseudo intellectual babble is "quality posting"
all of that is bad.

>> No.7059666

>Why are women so garbage at writing?

Probably because you desire them but they don’t pay attention to you, thus making you communicate your frustration on anonymous image-boards.

Your unfulfilled sexual desire and hurt ego combine to make you angry and bitter.

>> No.7059755

IQ and EQ too low for existential dread

>> No.7059779

kek btfo.

Lmao brahsef, half the humans on the planet are good-for-nothing braindead fuckholes, who can't write or form a coherent opinion on anything. Got it.

>> No.7059880
File: 20 KB, 440x269, marguerite-yourcenar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7059890


It doesn't matter how his personal life brought him this position, what matters is the position itself.

>> No.7059896

Ugly and broken women tend to be good writers though.

>> No.7059949

I'm 90% sure John Green made this graphic.

his crash course videos are garbage and factually inaccurate.

>> No.7059952

Hannah Arendt

>> No.7059955

one word: virginiawoolf

>> No.7059957

Women are a meme. That's why.

>> No.7059976

dubs confirms as truth.

>> No.7059988

>/lit/ not having a board culture
probably the only right thing there
>tfw I should be writing rn but i'm shitposting on /lit/
feels bad fam, tbh

>> No.7059991


John Green spends his time critiquing an unimportant wasteland like /lit/

Do you even think?

>> No.7059993

yo I've had a girlfriend for four years

she can't write
neither can any other woman
sorry mister strawm'n

>> No.7060006

they're not. you're just too young and haven't read enough. you're too much of an internet junkie spewing memes versus actually reading women authors.

hell anything by flannery O'Connor and especially song of Solomon by toni Morrison are both more manly than most men.

>I'm not a grill btw

>> No.7060013


Wise Blood?

>> No.7060025

>Toni Morrison
Opinion discarded. Go read some bell hooks and Gayle Jones while you're at it, you bleeding vagina.

>> No.7060045

wise blood is fantastic. been than her other novel and right up there with her best short stories.

have you seen the old movie with brad dourif??? it's sick.

fuck off. read song of Solomon and get back to me.

>> No.7060055

>been than her other novel

the violent bear it away was good but didn't blow me away like wise blood. the ending was so good.

>> No.7060067

>tfw you're a male feminist
>naturally, you prefer to associate with other feminists
>most of which are women
>tfw they still think of you as a rapist

i-i don't know what else i can do. sometimes i just want to scream in their face I'M NOT ONE OF THEM GODDAMN IT I'M ONE OF YOU

but that would sound kinda rapey

>> No.7060070
File: 7 KB, 130x150, supreme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you should learn to be a benevolent despot the way men are supposed to be so you can actually live in peace with a woman. Just a thought.

>> No.7060078

Unfortunately, many women will assume you're just pretending to care about women's issues to get in their pants

Consider misogyny

>> No.7060080

honestly just be yourself. don't feel you're extra special for what you should be doing anyways. and that's treating people the same unless they give you legit cause for otherwise.

if some female wants to talk to you like shit no matter what then that person is a bitch reglardless of their views.

>> No.7060083

You're retarded. Women have contributed major or minor work, in the last couple of centuries, to every kind and movement of literature. See:

The Bronte Sisters
Jane Austen
George Eliot
Emily Dickinson
Edith Wharton
Virginia Wolf
Marianne Moore
Elizabeth Bishop
Willa Cather
Djuna Barnes
Carson McCullers
Shirley Jackson
Muriel Spark
Flannery O'Connor
Sylvia Plath
Joan Didion
Marilynne Robinson
Ursula K. Leguin
Susan Sontag
Zadie Smith

>> No.7060085

>pretending to care about women's issues to get in their pants

has that ever worked for any guy...?

>> No.7060099

>you're a male feminist

come on dude. there's nothing wrong with not hating women and believing they should have the same rights as us, but to actually classify yourself as a ''male feminist'' is just... you're asking to get cucked, bud.

>> No.7060103

>the way men are supposed to be


>> No.7060112

No, but a lot of male feminist betas seem to think it will

>> No.7060114

Why are you so garbage at making threads?

>> No.7060129

Sure. But those types of guys could get into women's pants even if they didn't do that.

>> No.7060131

>Bronte Sisters

They stink. Hardly even literature.

>Jane Austen


>George Eliot


>Emily Dickinson
>Edith Wharton


>Virginia Woolf

One of the most overrated writers in history. The epitome of terrible womanish writing.

Fuck this, everyone on that list sucks except for Flannery O'Connor.

>> No.7060134

Okay, the way I think most men can live to their best advantage if they desire to both have sex and emotional intimacy with a woman.

Happy now?

>> No.7060155

Women spend their formative years extremely valued simply for existing in a way hardly any man could ever imagine. They don't face loneliness, hopelessness, or anxiety like men do. They expend less energy on abstract thoughts because they are so wrapped up in the world in front of them, because the world in front of them gives them constant positive feedback and constantly validates their existence.

They also have a lower standard deviation in IQ so while less likely to be morons, and perhaps slightly more intelligent on average even, there are significantly fewer brilliant women than brilliant men.

But of course, there are a number of very talented female writer. Just fewer than male writers, and it will likely always be this way naturally.

>> No.7060181

But what do women want? Really, what the fuck do they want? They don't have any real passions or interests.

Do all of them really just want a big strong man to dominate them and that's it? What a pathetic existence.

>> No.7060212

epic meme

>> No.7060216

They're hormonal and generally stupider and weaker. This leads to a shallow materialism and insecurity that manifests itself in everything they do.

>> No.7060245

I wouldn't say that's all they want, but it's pretty low on their hierarchy of needs. A woman pretty much needs to either discard the need for a dominant partner or have a dominant partner to move beyond that as her primary desire. Unfortunately, spending your youth trying to convince the biggest baddest man you can get to tie you down isn't a great preparation for making good art once he does so. I seriously saw a clickbait article posted on facebook by some of the hotter women I know called "An Open Letter to the Men Who Didn't Have The Balls to Claim Me." It was nothing but passive-aggressive resentment that they'd let themselves get fucked and chucked.

Part of their dilemma is that even a 10/10 girl who could easily get a great partner will not be satisfied with whoever she settle with unless she's sure she played the field, so a massive amount of time can go down the hole trying to make sure she's getting the absolute best instead of just the top 2%, time she could be using to get good at literally anything else.

Meanwhile most men kinda have a set of standards and any woman who meets those standards is good enough. Much less distracting way to go about things.

>> No.7060261

nothing meme-ish about it fam. just the truth.

>> No.7060278

They lack the rational capacity to evaluate irrational emotions and frame them in a way that is both informing to the reader and capable of stirring that same emotion within the reader. Wordsworth said that the way he wrote a poem was to first experience an intense emotion, and then reflect on it rationally, and then form a poem around it. Women are capable of the first act, but are hopelessly ill equipped to deal with the second.

>> No.7060280

The female species is actually an invasive hivemind that wishes to enslave the original humans, men, through sexual manipulation.

>> No.7060309

It's not that they're bad, just that they're not as original or groundbreaking as men on average. Fedora wearers like to exacerbate this.

>> No.7060400

Anyone recognise the people in the pictures on her wall?

>> No.7060402
File: 29 KB, 200x268, J.V. Jones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm as /pol/ as they come, but one of my favorite fantasy authors is a woman.

They are rare, but good female writers are out there.

>> No.7060423

I'm not a regular and I came here to check out the board and the posters a few minutes ago and, Jesus Christ, you guys are such fags.

>> No.7060433

you've just read a /pol/ post

>> No.7060444

>>tfw you're a male feminist
>/pol/ post

Does this board have Down's or something?

>> No.7060454

>tfw they still think of you as a rapist
Because they are gender biased. Everyone should just be humanist. That aside, give it a while, they'll trust you once they know you're sincere.