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7059404 No.7059404 [Reply] [Original]

>ghandi was more violent than hitler
>we are violent

Marxists, everyone.

>> No.7059431

>i am a dumb faggot without reading comprehension

>> No.7059433

not literature faggot

>> No.7059445

The only thing more obnoxious than Zizek's shock propositions are the people who take them out of context in vain attempts to make him look bad.

>> No.7059527

Oh yeah? Did Hitler ever hit a kid? Yeah I thought not.

>> No.7059535

I propose the contrary, not that A more C than B but rather B more C than A.

Whats with Marxists and flipping things on their head. Don't think I've seen Zizek Talk without doing one of these

>> No.7059536


>> No.7059545

my god, hitler was not violent enough!

>> No.7059546

i looked this up

>One should oppose the fascination with Hitler according to which Hitler was, of course, a bad guy, responsible for the death of millions — but he definitely had balls, he pursued with iron will what he wanted. … This point is not only ethically repulsive, but simply wrong: no, Hitler did not ‘have the balls’ to really change things; he did not really act, all his actions were fundamentally reactions, i.e., he acted so that nothing would really change, he stages a big spectacle of Revolution so that the capitalist order could survive.”
>In this precise sense of violence, Gandhi was more violent than Hitler: Gandhi’s movement effectively endeavored to interrupt the basic functioning of the British colonial state.

so deep

>> No.7059550
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>> No.7059555


this i claim is pure ideology

>> No.7059563

What is position surrounding the big Other? He says it doesn't exist but can we still use it to our advantage? Like believing in Communism as an end goal or something

>> No.7059582


>> No.7059586

He says that there is no big other, that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Have you read Lacan? It's really quite simple if you have.

>> No.7059592

i've noticed many culture theory faggots use "violence" to mean anything that violates another person, not just physical violence. what gives?

>> No.7059593


>> No.7059597
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>> No.7059613


>> No.7059751

Zizek's violence has nothing to do with that definition.

>> No.7059893

mfw noone here actually read less than nothing or anything else by zizek
pls fuck off to your basements lit

>> No.7059932


>> No.7059938

because his work is garbage

>> No.7060048

Second that. He's a pseudo-scientist like Deepak Chopra. Please stop making threads about him unless you are him or live inside his nose and like being fingered.

>> No.7060063

Not yet, I was going to read Zizeks book on him. So you mean that we act as though it exists and thats just fine? Is he just trying to clear misconceptions about it like Stirner and his spooks?

>> No.7060091

>implying thats not exactly what Zizek wants in order to stir up controversy/interest in him

>> No.7060104

fuck off to /sci/ with your objectivity

>> No.7060117

No, I mean that there isn't one but it exists anyway. Read a fucking book, analytic scum.

>> No.7060139


My gott you shee now even I am doingh it.

>> No.7060144
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>> No.7060225


>> No.7060368

top ziz

>> No.7060392

Worse. He killed a kid.

Premise 1: Hitler was a petulant child (indisputable)
Premise 2: Hitler killed himself (indisputable)
Conclusion: Hitler killed a child.

>> No.7060591
File: 86 KB, 600x700, my god pure ideology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I - and I still consider myself, I'm sorry to tell you, a Marxist and a Communist, but I couldn't help noticing how all the best Marxist analyses are always analyses of a failure."

"Liberal democracy - as you know, in the old days, we were saying we want socialism with a human face. Today's left effectively offers global capitalism with a human face, more tolerance, more rights and so on. So the question is, is this enough or not? Here I remain a Marxist: I think not."

>> No.7060612

zizek doesnt fit any cathegory beyond madman

>> No.7060688

>i don't understand it so it must be meaningless
You sure got me with those hot opinions.

>> No.7061215

so he's just intentionally misusing the word violent so his point seems edgier than it is

>> No.7061222

>All dogs die
>George Washington died
>George Washington was a dog

>> No.7061237

Different form dipshit.

I'm not saying "all" anywhere.

I'm saying this:
A is B.
A killed A.
Therefore A killed B.


>> No.7061241

no it isn't. His work on Hegel is very well respected

>> No.7061263

>all the best Marxist analyses are always analyses of a failure.
so Marxism should be about trying to find a successful method?

>> No.7061269

by people I don't give a fuck about.

>> No.7062792

>ever claiming to be a scientist