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7056717 No.7056717 [Reply] [Original]

Post some custom poetry, haikus etc!
Have fun! No bullying!

>> No.7056722 [DELETED] 
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I like to drive right down the street

Running down every black nigger I meet

Run run jaywalkers! I'm a smooth talker

Oh my god it was an accident officer!

6 feet down their corpse underground

Another dead hood rat brotha

I'm fucking their chimp mother

Then dumping her ass back on the street

So a white cop shoots her on his beat

Two dead animals no one will meet

As I run another nigger dead in the street

>> No.7056738

Well here I am,
What day is it?

>> No.7056741

Not mine just bumping

I loved thee, though I told thee not,
Right earlily and long,
Thou wert my joy in every spot,
My theme in every song.

And when I saw a stranger face
Where beauty held the claim,
I gave it like a secret grace
The being of thy name.

And all the charms of face or voice
Which I in others see
Are but the recollected choice
Of what I felt for thee.

>> No.7057172

Cannibalistic Haiku
My Craving to eat
A very rare cut of meat
An immoral treat

>> No.7057185

shit haiku tbh.

haikus are more than just syllable counting.
there is supposed to be a focus on nature, and a shift (in tone usually) from the second to the third line.

Basho would not be impressed.

>> No.7057234

Hey nick.

>> No.7057309


>> No.7057614

Ki no Tsurayuki here, haikus are stupid and Basho is a fag. Tanka is where it's at.

Flower of spring
Unwise to her forebears' fate
Cold, chance, and change

Boldly she stands, as if
Her life's seven days were eternity

>> No.7057616

Now is the rhymer's honest trade
A thing for scornful laughter made.

The merchant's sneer, the clerk's disdain,
These are the burden of our pain.

Because of you did this befall,
You brought this shame upon us all.

You little poets mincing there
With women's hearts and women's hair!

How sick Dan Chaucer's ghost must be
To hear you lisp of "Poesie"!

A heavy-handed blow, I think,
Would make your veins drip scented ink.

You strut and smirk your little while
So mildly, delicately vile!

Your tiny voices mock God's wrath,
You snails that crawl along His path!

Why, what has God or man to do
With wet, amorphous things like you?

This thing alone you have achieved:
Because of you, it is believed

That all who earn their bread by rhyme
Are like yourselves, exuding slime.

Oh, cease to write, for very shame,
Ere all men spit upon our name!

Take up your needles, drop your pen,
And leave the poet's craft to men!

>> No.7057804

Thou call'st me effeminate, for I love women's joys;
I call not thee manly, though thou lovest boys.

>> No.7057809

It amuses me that, in your unfailing collective stupidity, my high quality post (honestly, the most damning one in this thread) was overlooked in the span of 11 separate replies. My post completely upended the argument being made by this thread. It should have been the end of discussion, but you goons refused to read it. A pity... your loss, not mine.

>> No.7057837

But this is the 11th reply.

>> No.7058481

A casino slot machine dances red at red the rhythm blue of insert coin—try again.

He stands atop a -hanger, awaiting a jump jump jump to ring.


A child picks up a daisy. She loves me, she loves me not, loves me, loves me not, loves, loves not, yes, no, one, zero...

Best out of three: 0. Best out of five:

>> No.7058504

Trees (by Joyce Kilmer)

I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.

A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the earth’s sweet flowing breast;

A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;

A tree that may in Summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;

Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.

Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.


Atheist (by Yip Harburg)

Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree;

And only God who makes the tree
Also makes the fools like me.

But only fools like me, you see,
Can make a God, who makes a tree.

>> No.7058622


-Free verse poem by anon