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/lit/ - Literature

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7056436 No.7056436 [Reply] [Original]

>narrative driven film
may as well call it filmed literature tbqh

>> No.7056495
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>film professor calls a movie a "text"

>> No.7056522


ahhhh, go suck Brakhage's cheesy dick some more
Definite autist meltdown.

>> No.7056595
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>plot driven literature
might as well be a movie script

>> No.7056605

>the cinematography is the "prose"

>> No.7056610
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>> No.7056620

Only if it doesn't suck.

>> No.7056662

>all meaningful background elements of the narrative must be made explicit through direct reference in character dialogue, voice-over exposition or fucking flashback scenes
See attached image of agonised reptile

>> No.7056678

this tbh

>> No.7056687

post film

>> No.7056689

I love film and literature (though literature a little more so) and find it baffling people with an interest in either medium can dismiss the other.

>> No.7056693


I feel you on that one.

>> No.7056698

A poignant demonstration of why film is the lowest form of art.

>> No.7056708

pleb it up more

>> No.7056776


I like avant gard film Mekas, Dern... the list could go on

>> No.7056781
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>read book
>it's written almost like a film script (just dialogue and simple description)
>pretty much no attention given to the form of prose fiction or art of language at all

>> No.7056789

>The Martian

>> No.7056820

Reminds me of 'Ma Nuit Chez Maud'. It's based around a philosophical idea and is almost entirely dialogue. Great film though, I recommend it.

>> No.7056834

b-but how can I be le patrician then?

>> No.7056842

My kind of book. Fancy prose is pretentious and oftentimes sacrifices clarity to sound as pretentious as humanly possible. What good is a book that breaks your immersion, either because you find yourself struggling to figure out what a passage describing the setting is supposed to mean because it's overwritten poetic garbage, or when all the characters speak like euphoric tryhards a la Ayn Rand?

>> No.7056848


>> No.7056854
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Why are high schoolers allowed on /lit/

>> No.7056863

I suspect a lot those who are most vocal about 'muh prose' are probably high schoolers, actually. Past a certain age you realize that no one cares how much of a cultured patrician you are because you read all the 'grownup' books. Not even the people to whom you brag about it on porn sharing internet forums.

>> No.7056870
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You show 'em, pal.

>> No.7056872


It's not about being "fancy". It's about being beautiful, and beauty and clarity goes hand-in-hand all the f-cking time. If you've read more grown-up books you would know what the heck I'm talking about.

Also, no one thinks Ayn Rand is good at writing prose or dialogue.

>> No.7056888

you think that's why people like well written prose? to appear cultured?

>> No.7056896

I'm sure there are people who genuinely just read for the prose, but I doubt they're on /lit/ harping about patricians and plebs.

>> No.7056942
