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/lit/ - Literature

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7055929 No.7055929 [Reply] [Original]

>Try to do something different and unique
>Show it to someone else
>They instantly tell me of another book that did this already years before

How do you deal with the fact that there is nothing new under the sun?

What's the difference between stealing and referencing?

>> No.7055947

If you cant do anything new, no one can. Inso facto, whatever that was causing the impulse to do something "new", which is also whatever was causing the anxiety of failing, is defeated.

>> No.7055960

Do what you love, nobody cares if it's been done before if it's done well. Shakespeare's plots were all rehashed from myths and stories from before him yet you know who he is four hundred years later eh

>> No.7055992

Infinity is a pretty big thing anon.

>> No.7056021

You need to be creative and valuable in term of prose. Everyone is able to come one with a story, one thousand stories. I have a story, you have a story, there are stories everywhere. People are writing on the same subjects for centuries. What makes them different is the quality of the writing.

>> No.7056022

Honestly, most successful books are just rehashes. Rather than saying, "what can I do new?", one must say, "that is a very interesting concept, how can I expand and improve it?"

>> No.7056058



Doesn't that mean creating something new?

Sure, it's like adding a layer to a cake that's already baked, but that layer you added is brand new,

>> No.7056061

Do not worry about being unique. Instead, do what you like doing and delve into the facets of that thing.

A shitty new media proposition with a bit of a stupid epicurean angle but it's better than being "unique" and ending up categorized.

>> No.7056076

Be unique in terms of prose and structure, even theme.

Plot really just boils down to desires conflicting with and supporting other desires until it finally putters out or is left unresolved/unfulfillable. So have fun with that

>> No.7057534


Shut up, Jessica

>> No.7057552

it doesn't matter if someone already had the same idea, so long as you execute that idea differently.

or do you think stories have to hinge entirely on the premise alone?

>> No.7057585

>so long as you execute that idea differently.

So long as it does something new

>> No.7057609

Do something rare or forgotten excellently instead. If you can't be unique, be better.

In fact, it could be argued that preferring "uniqueness" to quality is the plague of the modern age.

If you do it well, it is rare in its quality; if you do it the best, it is unique in its excellence.

>> No.7058376


It's new if everyone has forgotten about it

>> No.7059689

Nothing is ever forgotten.