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/lit/ - Literature

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7055341 No.7055341[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Reading a novel in the airport
>girl comes up to me and asks what "book" I'm reading

>> No.7055344


your gonna get laid in college

>> No.7055353

>reading a palimpsest in the temple
>slave girl comes up to me and asks what "scroll" I'm reading

>> No.7055354

hi /tv/

>> No.7055357

>quoting jokes you don't even understand

the original was about how espousing liberal philosophies get you laid in college because college girls are super liberal

>> No.7055366

>reading papyrus
>turns out to be paperback

>> No.7055385
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>reading book
>someone comes up to me
>hey what are you reading?
>p-phenomenology of spirit
>p-phenomenology of spirit
>oh? what's it about?

>> No.7055403

>feel like reading a literature today
>100 pages in and its a fucking book

>> No.7055404
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>What's it about?

>> No.7055415
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>hey fam you wanna read this graphic novel?
>it's a Dilbert comic

>> No.7055418

>reading a book
>clearly just started, like 10 pages in
>someone asks you what it's about

>> No.7055427

>not already familiarizing yourself with the plot and ending beforehand
You sound like the type of stage 5 pleb who reads for plot

>> No.7055430

Perhaps one day you'll end up on this
Remember, women are interested in the books you read, and not at all about how you look!

>> No.7055436

>reading a book
>10 pages in
>someone comes in
>immediately flip right to the middle to make it seem like you've read it for some time
>realize the exact middle is too perfect and would seem suspicious
>flip back to 2/5th

>> No.7055450




>Page-turners/Tour de Forces/Penny Dreadfuls


fuckin get it right you nasty plebs. thought this was supposed to be a half-way intelligent board at the least.

>> No.7055461

>no paperbacks
>no pulp fictions
>no airport novels
>no goodwill novels

>> No.7055467

almost all those fall under tour de forces/penny dreadfuls

Pulp Fiction is patrician-tier.

>> No.7055475

the categories are actually
>penny blood

>> No.7055492



>tour de force

the fuck, that's almost used exclusively with thrillers

the highest level of writing I've seen a critic use that phrase is with delilo

and certainly nobody uses it to describe YA lit/fantasy

>> No.7055503

the point is tour de forces/penny dreadfuls/page-turners are all trash. they're the literary equivalent of ''flicks'' or ''joints''

Delillo belongs in that category btw.

>> No.7055537 [SPOILER] 
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>reading a book
>half a sentence in
>literally the hottest 18 yo chick you can imagine comes in
>immediately flip pages to it seem like I've read it for some time
>accidentaly flip to last page
>she is evidently staring at me
>read for about 2 more minutes as she sits down on a chair near me
>close book and sigh
>"Eh, what a story, huh?"
>"What's it about?"
>"E-ehe... you see... i-it's-"
>she takes my hands and flips the book to look at the cover
>mfw this is the cover
>mfw I didn't know how to react
>"heh i-it's... as you can see it... you know it's about uhm..."
>mfw knew jack shit about the book
>mfw she was my cousin's friend
>mfw I have no face because I tore it out afterwards

>> No.7055542


It's obvious you're more of a sperg then new to reading the book.

>> No.7055546

18-year-olds aren't hot.

>> No.7055553
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>> No.7055555

>reading an opuscule in the airport
>girl comes up to me and asks what "codex" I'm reading

>> No.7055556

This is why I always research a book beforehand, you know read the wiki summary and some sparknotes analaysis

This way if I drop a book 10 pages in (90% of the time) I can still claim I read it and engage in discussion about the book and give the impression that I'm well read.

I've seduced girls way out of my league at debutante parties just by doing this

>> No.7055558

its the progression of spirit toward the absolute

>> No.7055572

Nice quints
>T. Bret Easton Ellis

>> No.7055595

>omg shes at the arbitrary legal age SO HAWWWWT <3 SMEXY!
Fuck off.

>> No.7055616

*unzips being*

>> No.7055625
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I'm sensing the presence of projection.

>> No.7055630

>"what are you reading"
>show Hesses Siddhartha
>she starts laughing

what does it mean

>> No.7055631

Do you even know what projection is?

>> No.7055641

u lmfao #rekt

>> No.7056947

>Reading a novel in the park
>girl comes up to me and asks what "book" i'm reading.
>mutter under my breath "fuck off bitch..."
>she says "what?"
>apparently didn't understand
>tell her I'm reading Roadside Picnic
>"oh what's it about?"
>"It's science fiction, it's about a strange setting where aliens visit the earth and leave behind strange artifacts and physical anomalies that kill you in a very peculiar way :^)"
>"ah I see. Goodbye".
>"Bye :^)".

remember to subscribe

>> No.7056983

>some Indian deity on the cover
>wow are you some kind of effeminate Asian or something
>you probably don't even have a dick

>> No.7057245

>deliberately read in public in hopes a qt will talk to me
>no one ever does

Feels bad man, feels bad.

>> No.7057319
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>tfw I'm sitting in a cafe right now drinking tea hoping someone will come over and talk
is this what everyone does?

at least I'm getting my studying done..

>> No.7057337

My life, tbh
But not even a qt just a person. Anyone.

>> No.7057381

Literature: Homer, Virgil, Dante, Shakespeare, Cervantes, Goethe, Pound, Joyce.

Shit: the rest.

>> No.7057388
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switch chekhov and tolstoy, switch nabokov and joyce, good list tbh (to be honest)

>> No.7057395

>Reading in public
Go fuck yourself.

>> No.7057404

/lit/ in a post

>> No.7057412

fuck. i need to buy physical books instead of reading on this kindle.

>> No.7057437

>implying that page isn't run by a gay dude

>> No.7057439


Do you not know how to preview a book?

>> No.7057441

>tfw I actually fell for the meme of believing that women would like me for my interests instead of my interests for me

>> No.7057449


Oh wow you put
>dude pedophiles lmao
As literature? Book at best but that kind of "shock value" easily makes it a page turner

>> No.7057453


/lit/ reads the wiki summary is a myth I thought?

>> No.7057455
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>Go to cafe and start reading 2666
>a big group of women come in and sit on couches near me.
>they all have a copy of some shit tier YA
>It's an all female book club
>Clearly feminists
>burly butch monsters and cuties as well
>get weird stares but power though and keep to myself
>two of them ask me out-loud what I'm reading and what it's about so that maybe they can read it for the club
>mfw I'm in the part about the crimes
>"Que? no hablo ingles"

>> No.7057456

>Reading in my in the park
>girl comes up to me and asks what "book" I'm reading
>tell her it's my diary

>> No.7057462

>using the wrong "your"
This guy fucks.

>> No.7057496


>> No.7057497
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>reading The Deluge: An Historical Novel of Poland, Sweden, and Russia
>girl comes up and accuses me of being a weeb

>> No.7057528


>> No.7057554

I was about to doing this some time because I'm shy, so maybe trying to get over it would work with my panic to talk to guys. I could ask about what book he is reading, and If I knew the book I would love to talk about it, maybe finding a new friend? but after reading all this I just back off at all.

>> No.7057573

Hey I watched the most recent Rick and Morty too!

>> No.7057593

Why would you feed >>7055641 a straight line like that? Jesus, you deserve that rekt.

>> No.7057600

>reading a novel
>someone interrupts me
>for some reason I tolerate this
These are the most made-up greentexts I've ever seen.

>> No.7057748

>girl comes up to me
you didn't say it was a fantasy novel, OP

>> No.7058045

fuck off, pedo's not allowed on /lit/

>> No.7058062

oh god are you me

unfortunately life is not like how the movies and books portray it

>> No.7058105
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>Be at Starbucks® Coffee, alone, reading a novel
>9/10 girl comes to me
>"this seat taken?"
>"please, sit down"
>"what are you reading?"
>it's Story of the Eye by Georges Bataille
>girl immediately gets on top of the chair
>takes down her skirt
>"omg I just LOVE guys who are into literature "
>pulls her panties aside and starts pissing all over my book
>dense pussy juices and urine start dripping unto my Caramel Macchiato
>I keep drinking uncontrollably, half aroused, half disgusted
>shit starts exploding out of her asshole, mixing with the other fluids
>nobody seems to notice, not even the two girls on the table next to us
>all this coffee is starting to make me want to pee
>pull down my zipper and I insert my dick in her mouth and start pissing
>she grabs my cock and pulls it out
>she starts yelling "WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK"
>I'm confused
>"why does your urine taste like a creme brulée?"
>she grabs my drink and takes sip
>immediately spits it out
>suddenly there's only silence
>I look around
>everyone is looking at me
>they all start laughing their asses off yelling "fag"
>she gets down and leaves
>everyone keeps laughing
>I sit down and keep drinking my coffee alone
>I could never finish the book because it gives me too many feels

>> No.7058162

You retards, you're supposed to approach the qts reading in public, not the other way around.

>> No.7058218

oh is that how it works?
but what if rejected :(

>> No.7058228

Then you go to /r9k/ and post greentext stories of your encounter and about how all women are whores despite the fact they don't sleep with you.

>> No.7058241

>9/10 cutie approaches me
>"What are you reading, anon?"
>"I'm actually just pretending that the letters are symbols in another language and I'm studying how they appear as a whole."
>She loses interest. Good, because I could've wasted time with a girl with no understanding of typographic aesthetics otherwise.

>> No.7058249
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>> No.7058275

Decently bait, but alot of your rankings of meme books made it obvius

>> No.7058277


>> No.7058298

Is this just some /tv/ meme?
What's the point?

>> No.7058310

we're just too shy to disturb reading guys

>> No.7058330

>reading book on the train to pass the time, with earphones in
>usually on a table, so 3 free spaces around me
>people sit beside me, opposite me, and start trying to make conversation
LITERALLY EVERY FUCKING TIME. Now I'm not uncomfortable with talking to people, but those 3 hour train journeys are the closest I get to quality reading time, and if I wanted to talk to new people I wouldn't do it on a train with folk I'll likely never see again.

>> No.7058356

I always do that but to no avail. Glances (admiring or disgusted, I don't know) I've had a few, but no conversation

Once I saw this 10/10 qt reading some book, and I was dying to strike up a conversation with her but I simply couldn't. Still regret it to this day

>> No.7058362

I hate it when that happens

>> No.7058371

>listening to a sophist on the agora
>pederast comes up to us and asks why he isn't playing flute

>> No.7058379

top lel m8