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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 13 KB, 436x291, shakespeare_sonnets_bonnets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
705518 No.705518 [Reply] [Original]

Shakespeare was not gay. He had a wife, many children, and probably slept around. He smoked pot, wrote while drinking in taverns, and was smooth as a motherfucker. Dicuss.

>> No.705522

Plenty of gay men have engaged in all of these activities. Especially when if they didn't they'd have a medieval pike shoved up their ass and then set on fire.

>> No.705526

I am gay and I have probably fucked more chicks than most dudes on /lit/. Just sayin'.

>> No.705527

wat how did you do this? Teach us.

>> No.705529

He smoked weed, and if its good enough for him it's good enough for me.

>> No.705531

>I am gay and I have probably fucked more chicks than most dudes on /lit/.

Too bad you're still gay.

Just sayin'.

>> No.705535


Step 1: Don't give a shit about women, give them less attention than you give to your male friends
Step 2: Make fun of them when they show interest in you
Step 3: Be handsome

>> No.705541


Why? I have ladyfriends who'll gladly donate their eggs when I want to have kids and in the meantime I have a much easier time finding people who share my interests AND want to suck my dick. :3 feels good man

>> No.705543

So reading lots of well-regarded books didn't factor into it at all? No wonder I'm not getting laid.

>> No.705546



Although one girl in my Russian lit class did seem pretty enamored when we talked about Crow, but I am no longer an insecure closeted teenager so nothing came of it.

But there are some out there!

>> No.705547


Shakespeare was Edward de Vere, the Earl of Oxford. I do believe, friend, you should do a bit of research into the topic of who wrote Shakespeare before you go about making definitive statements about the man.

>> No.705548

Da Vinci never got a flaming pike stuck in his ass (unless his boyfriends set their dicks on fire). But maybe Italy was more liberal about that sort of thing than England.

>> No.705550

From what I've seen, it can work as a hook, just don't keep going with it. Get them interested with this only at very first, then use his method.

>> No.705553

Hughes' Crow? I want her already, sight unseen.

>> No.705557

No. The only people that seriously dispute the authorship of Shakespeare's plays wear tinfoil hats. You have been fooled by nutters.

>> No.705562

Done anal? If yes what feels better? Vagina or Butthole?
Need alot of work then.

>> No.705561
File: 544 KB, 900x1290, sagan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good enough for me too.

>> No.705569

Shakespeare was a time travelling 20 teramonkey complex. Who was gay. HARD gay.

>> No.705573


Hell yeah brah


Vagina feels better, especially because you don't have to so wary about going bareback. Where anal is like a supertight ring followed by a very warm, squishy black hole, vaginal has a more consistent (although not totally invariable) tightness all the way down.

Getting fucked in the butt while you get your dick sucked is superior to both, though. If only there were more gymnasts out there with long dicks.

>> No.705580

I think the main reasons people like to think Shakespeare is gay are 1) he wrote a lot of fruity sonnets to a beautiful young man 2) he was involved in the theater scene, which is very open to homosexuality today.

Both of these points completely disregard the way things were back then. Expressing love for another man, especially a wealthy patron, was just the name of the game. You could have a bro back then who you trusted and loved and it wasn't gay. The theater was regarded as seedy by some, but certainly wasn't a gay haven. Just like today, although perhaps theater people are more accepting of homosexuality than the general populace, a love for theater is no indicator for homosexuality, positive or negative.

>> No.705583

Thanks, bro. Sage to avoid inane bump.

>> No.705588

What about getting fucked in the butt and cunt while having your clit sucked?

>> No.705589

Is this really happening in a /lit/ thread? Really?!

>> No.705591


Women don't have prostates, buttsex for them can never be as good as buttsex for a man. :C poor ladies

>> No.705592

We're still on 4chan.

>> No.705594
File: 34 KB, 330x338, marlowe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much. Take Marlowe, for instance: there's speculation that he was gay based on a few lines in his plays where he seems to write gay themes. Those themes are always in context with the work itself, though: Greek gods loving young men. It means Marlowe understood history, not that he was gay himself.

>> No.705597

Is the weed thing true or is it just stoner lore?

>> No.705609
File: 98 KB, 600x400, unfuckwithable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.705611

True story, mostly. They unearthed a bunch of pipes from Stratford-upon-Avon, some from the garden at Shakespeare's own house, and a few have them had resin caked inside. There's no way to tell if the Great Bard was puffing on it or if the pipes belonged to his gardener or something. Some scholar's point to his reference in Sonnet 76 to "the noted weed" and "compounds strange."

>> No.705875



afaik man-love was not an uncommon thing in those days, and it was very rare that anyone got medieval-butt-piked for it. In the court of James I, especially, there were high levels of homogay. The thing is that 'hetero' and 'homo' didn't really exist as orientations; few people were one or the other, and if they were in a de facto way, it may have expressed nothing more than preference (or some other reason). Personally I believe that Shakespeare had bum sex at least once in his life, but I have no evidence whatsoever for this, and I only really think it because A) it's plausible and B) it gratifies my conception of the guy as a total player.

(actually, no, contemporary reports seem to indicate he was kind of a dour workaholic who would often say "sorry, can't come to the pub, got to write a play")

>> No.705881


>based on a few lines in his plays

Like 90% of Edward II was flaming gay.

>> No.705909

In Elizabethan (and slightly pre-Elizabethan) England, really? I had no idea.