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7054579 No.7054579 [Reply] [Original]

Why did it take over 3 decades for identity politcs to really become this prominent?
Wouldn't it be logical that already after the 60's it would have become prominent in political discourse? Yet it seemed to be on pause and only reemerged recently.

>> No.7054593


Because the soviet union was still a thing.
Because the left used to think economics was something a bit more important than issues which affect 2% of the population.

>> No.7054603

The internet made meme-tier ideology easy to disseminate. Twitter, Facebook, tumblr, Reddit, even 4chan -- all of them enable dumbfuck opinions to proliferate via memes/anger/misinformation.

People with dumb opinions used to actually put effort into real-life shitposting via newspapers (which had quality control), protesting, or their own magazines. Now it's easy to spread.

>> No.7054606
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it was all planned

>> No.7054616

It was, people just like pretending its only a modern thing

>> No.7054759

it has been around for a long time you are just uninformed and reactionary

>> No.7054778

>OP asks a question, not even a loaded question
>gets called a reactionary
not OP but you're kind of stupid

>> No.7054797

guess you missed #burnthebra huh

>> No.7054827

Nationalism has been around for 200 years. Its further extrapolations have been in motion for about half that time. We're just about where we should be, when one considers how much technology has changed.

>> No.7054832

it was a thing in the 90s too, you're just young and retarded
the backlash is already here don't worry so much

>> No.7054872


3 decades from what? "Identity" issues have been a major political issue in the western democracies since the 50s and were already coming to a boil long before that. Women's suffrage was already a cause in the 19th century. U.S. black liberation movement had been gathering steam for decades before it began to achieve things on a national scale in the 1950s. Gay rights movement as we know it today took off in 1969.

If you mean the reason why it's increasingly prominent element in your personal experience, that's probably because you use the internet a lot and so are increasingly targeted by identity-political messaging. That messaging was way less common on the internet fifteen years ago. This is because at that time the majority of people on the internet were straight white men, on account of straight white men being superior.

Also, >>>/pol/

>> No.7054922 [SPOILER] 
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because the economy was good so nobody gave a shit about irrelevant claims touching a minority

there was no need to listen to degenerates

no that everything is shit again since the dotcom bubble, we prefer to listen to retarted claims to avoid seeing the dismal

also, internet ofc. Now that the middle class can discuss, show off her miserable wealth and little torments, the group has become enough vocal to shitpost on the potical ground to matter

>> No.7054942

The internet has made self-centered politics vogue. It is worth noting that the two most popular strains of political thought among the electronically-inclined youth are identity SJWism and libertarianism. And the thing they have in common is that they both view the individual as the be-all-end-all of political thought.

>> No.7054955

the 60s left was more interested in collectivism. the modern liberal (not really the left) is more interested in individualism. the left's still around though

>> No.7055867

Because philosophy. See: The DIM Hypothesis.

>> No.7055926

It skips every other decade. Identity politics were big in the 70's and 90's, and they're big now. In between, they were much less important. And like >>7054832 said, the backlash is here.

>> No.7055950
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>the modern liberal (not really the left)

This is an important point although I would go further. The majority of western liberals today aren't liberal in any meaningful sense of the word.

Liberalism, as envisioned by the original Enlightenment thinkers, was quite different to what is bandied around by it's apparent bearers today. Individualism, utilitarianism, universalism and equality before the law were key tenants of John Locke, John Stuart Mill and Thomas Paine.

In opposing the absolute rule of Kings and the stupidity of inherited rule, these chaps sought to demolish the psychological barriers to progress: caste-thinking, acceptable nepotism and, although, they themselves wouldn’t have put it this way, groupthink (which is exactly what identity politics thrives on).

Repeatedly we're finding that liberals are willing to sacrifice freedom of speech and equality before the law so no "minority" is made to consider their often prosperous claims.

Sadly, totalitarianism is a tough enemy.

>> No.7055954

>60s left was more interested in collectivism
lel. 60s was the birth of individualism. the rise of identity politics of feminism, black politics, etc. they've accomplished more than any communist retard.

>> No.7056056

Pretty much this, I love leftist economic theory I think it is intreating. Not a big fan of the "muh feelings" trend that is recently coming around.