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7054374 No.7054374 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /lit/

Here are this week's ten questions. It's a bit of a mixed bag this time Longer answers preferred.

1. Do you play an instrument? If so, what do you play and can you read music?

2. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?

3. What's your level of education? What do you study?

4. What are you reading? Why? Good?

5. Your view on God.

6. Your view on the human self, its existence/ non-existence and importance to life without reducing your answer to a discussion of its evolutionary importance.

7. Your favorite landscape that you've actually laid your own eyes on.

8. Saddest moment of your life in one sentence.

9. Drink/ smoke?

10. Hunt/ fish?

>> No.7054377

these are some gay ass questions

>> No.7054400

1 no
2 no
3 currently study at uni
4 Isabel Allende, something with Ripper in the title, because I found it in my library and I never read it, idk i'm 50 pages in
5 foggy but luminescent
6 I'm not responding this question with a post on a chinese comics site
7 the dolomites at dawn
8 no
9 yes and yes
10 wtf no

>> No.7054401

Not today, officer.

>> No.7054406

srs. most of the time these survey shits have some bullshit as the final question that reveals it as a marketing data-mining operation. "Do you prefer physical books or e-readers" is the classic tell.

that shit is annoying, but at least it's people trying to make money. This survey seems like some fag just talking for no reason.

>> No.7054410

>1. Do you play an instrument? If so, what do you play and can you read music?
I don't
>2. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?
>3. What's your level of education? What do you study?
Law student
>4. What are you reading? Why? Good?
2666, Book of the Long Sun and some Aquinas. Interest and quality of said works I guess.
>5. Your view on God.
Catholic, all that comes with it.
>6. Your view on the human self, its existence/ non-existence and importance to life without reducing your answer to a discussion of its evolutionary importance.
Unclear question.
>7. Your favorite landscape that you've actually laid your own eyes on.
Don't have one.
>8. Saddest moment of your life in one sentence.
Emptiness after sin.
>9. Drink/ smoke?
Occasionally both.
>10. Hunt/ fish?
Only eat hunted animals and fish.

>> No.7054416

I forgot to say I study psychology

>> No.7054419


1. No

2. No.

3. University dropout from a STEM field.

4. Paradife Loft. Fancied reading something with great scope and religious themes. It's pretty good.

5. I believe that if a greater being does not exist and did not create the universe, and the universe created itself out of *theoretical physics*, then the universe itself is a great creator and all energy and matter in the universe is therefore God.

5. The self either exists or we are all a product of some rather cosmically scaled programming which doth illicit feelings and behaviours which mimic that of what we consider self.

7. In recent memory, the Northumberland countryside during sunrise.

8. Cannot pin down a saddest moment, there have been a lot of sad and disappointing times, nothing so huge that it really sticks.

9. Yes and yes, in moderation and when I feel like it.

10. No, but I would like to if I had more of an opportunity to.

>> No.7054433


1 yes very proficiently, orchestral brass
2 yes several cars, none right now because of being in college
3 currently finishing my bachelors at ivy
4 haven't read a book in 3 years
5 i think god is just our way of rationalizing the beginning, and that's as much as you can say
6 see above
7 my first day on campus
8 every summer when I am alone to my own devices
9 straightedge lifestyle intentionally
10 nope

Hope you like this pal

>> No.7054448

>The self either exists or we are all a product of some rather cosmically scaled programming which doth illicit feelings and behaviours which mimic that of what we consider self.

Mr Meme Machine right here

>> No.7054465

I don't understand this archaic thing or believing that God created the universe and that's all
I mean, I don't think that's the point. Jesus talked about love, about the relations between us and with what we could call god, that becomes not a simple creator but a emotional figure

idk if i could express what i wanted to say

>> No.7054474


>Do you play an instrument? If so, what do you play and can you read music?
I do vocals, can't read music, not that important when you're a singer.

>Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?

2013 Jeep Wrangler

>What's your level of education? What do you study?

Highschool, going to school for biology major soon

>What are you reading? Why? Good?

American Psycho, I wanted to see how the main character worked, and why he has such a large influence for guys my age.

>Your view on God.

I believe he exists and that a lot of Christians give lip service

>Your view on the human self, its existence/ non-existence and importance to life without reducing your answer to a discussion of its evolutionary importance.

It's all about making life enjoyable for everyone. You come into a developed world, ypu suck out it's resources, you should give back. You live confidently and happily so you can be a role model to others, taking for yourself what you want, and giving back, having calm understanding and an appreciation for others as being the same being you are, just in different circumstances.

>Your favorite landscape that you've actually laid your own eyes on.

A lake with sand beaches, with high cliffs and million dollar houses perched upon them.

>Saddest moment of your life in one sentence.

I honestly don't know. I don't think I've had it yet.

>Drink/ smoke?

Sometimes I roll up in the evenings for a nice experience

>Hunt/ fish?

Nope, I think hunting recreationally causes more pain than it brings pleasure in the grand scheme of things. Survival is a completely different subject.

>> No.7054480

You're a moron. Stop trying to sound philosophical, you're not interesting and your premise doesn't even reflect what the bible says, even if you're a non believer.

>> No.7054488

1. Do you play an instrument? If so, what do you play and can you read music?
>can play piano, bass, and various horns (mostly trombone). only ever really touch the bass anymore and that's rarely. yes I read music

2. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?
>yes, a Toyota Corolla

3. What's your level of education? What do you study?
>BA in English and math

4. What are you reading? Why? Good?
>The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen and Capital in the 21st Century by Thomas Piketty. Both fine and enjoyable (/informative) but neither really interesting enough to justify the amount of love/revulsion they've received.

5. Your view on God.
>raised Catholic but not dogmatically so and still like religious iconography and themes in artistic work even though I am functionally agnostic. consider myself Christian but not really convinced that the basic tenets of Christianity have anything to do with the existence of God or an afterlife

6. Your view on the human self, its existence/ non-existence and importance to life without reducing your answer to a discussion of its evolutionary importance.
>humanist, find the extremes of individualism deeply troubling, consider myself broadly some sort of collectivist. as such, interested in myself as a part of society more than as some Nietschzian/Randian rational utility-maximizing actor. find Lanza's biocentrism interesting but probably spurious

7. Your favorite landscape that you've actually laid your own eyes on.
>the Rocky mountains

8. Saddest moment of your life in one sentence.
>I'm giving up a mediocre arts career for a stable higher paying one.

9. Drink/ smoke?
>used to drink almost nightly, now very rarely

10. Hunt/ fish?
>nah, seems like it could be fun though

>> No.7054493

I'm trying to speak your dumb language and express my thinking at the same time but maybe my english is worst that I thought

and I wasn't talking about the bible, just the gospels, i'm catholic

>> No.7054495

>1. Do you play an instrument? If so, what do you play and can you read music?


>2. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?

Yes, a ford fiesta.

>3. What's your level of education? What do you study?

Degree, philosophy

>4. What are you reading? Why? Good?

"Mindfulness in plain english" and "Un altro giro di giostra."

why: book started during summer travel.
why(2): I'm in a strange phase of my life.

>5. Your view on God.

It's a way of expressing some concept.

>6. Your view on the human self, its existence/ non-existence and importance to life without reducing your answer to a discussion of its evolutionary importance.

We are all one. We must made ourself. Only strenght is the one put in service of others.

>7. Your favorite landscape that you've actually laid your own eyes on.

Can't say. Anyway it' alsways about my eyes not the landscape.

>8. Saddest moment of your life in one sentence.

Realization after years of lies,

>9. Drink/ smoke?

Yes. And fuck and fight.

>10. Hunt/ fish?

A long time ago, with my grandpa

>> No.7054502

The gospels are in the bible, and they say that jesus created the universe.

Even if you don't believe it, that's what is written and printed on every bible in Barnes and Noble and in evert hotel drawer.

>> No.7054507

yes, children and people who live in the middle age read the bible literally
and americans, of course

>> No.7054509
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>> No.7054643

>1. Yes but my music reading is clunky at best.
>2. Opel Agila
>3. I'm studying psychology at uni.
>4. Notes From The Underground, it's really good. Also Stirner. I know I want to familiarize bettere with the board.
>5. I feel I can refute easily an anthropomorphic god who behave like a man, like every organized religion, but I stopped to think religion is pointless by itself.
>6. Everything we know is codified by our language, so the word "existence" by itself feels meaningless.
>7. I don't know, there are too many.
>8. There are bunch, don't feel to talk about them or choose one.
>9. Yes/No.
>10. No.

>> No.7054676

>1. Do you play an instrument? If so, what do you play and can you read music?

I played trumpet and clarinet and am a master of Hot Cross Buns.

>2. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?
Yes. Toyota Corolla.

>3. What's your level of education? What do you study?

Some college. Not sure what I want to really study last semester I got in some English, Psychology, and some math. This semester I'm taking mostly science and business.
>4. What are you reading? Why? Good?

Reading some online Theodore Roosevelt biographies to fill any gaps my previous Roosevelt book on his conservation efforts might have missed. Why? He was an interesting and principled individual. Good? The conservationist biography was pretty good at covering his politics actually. Re-reading portions of his life with more or less nuance.

>5. Your view on God.

Probably doesn't exist. A useful concept to the right people.

>6. Your view on the human self, its existence/ non-existence and importance to life without reducing your answer to a discussion of its evolutionary importance.

I'm going to respond as if the question was the meaning of life. The purpose is ultimately to propagate. Meaning beyond that is a question for the individual. For me, it's carving out a space of comfort and control in this world and spending to either enjoying or improving it.

>7. Your favorite landscape that you've actually laid your own eyes on.

Ghanaian Rain forest. Don't recall the name.

>8. Saddest moment of your life in one sentence.

Got turned down by the only girl I've ever had feelings for and haven't felt the same since.

>9. Drink/ smoke?


>10. Hunt/ fish?

Fished twice, open to hunting.

>> No.7054681

To become a meme philosopher and a philosopher of memes

>> No.7054690

You're gonna wanna read up on Diogenes.

>> No.7054703

>Hi /lit/
>1. Do you play an instrument? If so, what do you play and can you read music?
I can drum. Actually, I can't read proper sheet music b/c I have dyscalculia and that shit is near impossible. It really did a number on me during HS b/c all my friends were musical and I just sat there, bopping along and/or reading.

>2. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?
Nope. Dyscalculia also makes me a danger behind the wheel due to a lack of spacial awareness.

>3. What's your level of education? What do you study?
BA Honours in Religion, Culture & Society. Almost entirely useless w/o a Masters but can't decide what to do it in.

>4. What are you reading? Why? Good?
War of the Worlds & The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. Got WotW for my bday and I'm reading Jekyll & Hyde with my S/O. I'm enjoying the latter but haven't gotten into the former yet.

>5. Your view on God.
>inb4 unhappy jew
HaShem has left us now. Once, maybe, there was a force that aided us. Maybe He is still in his day of rest.

>6. Your view on the human self, its existence/ non-existence and importance to life without reducing your answer to a discussion of its evolutionary importance.
I don't have the energy for this, I'm sorry. All it does is depress me.

>7. Your favorite landscape that you've actually laid your own eyes on.
I love the skyline of my city when riding the bus in. As each layer unfolds, each skyscraper getting larger, while the bus gets fuller, I gain a great sense of belonging. Those great glass structures jutting up into the air, giving God the finger while expanding upwards, each person trying to find a place. England is getting full now, but by no means does that mean it is becoming less.

>8. Saddest moment of your life in one sentence.
I wanted to save his life but I couldn't see him to try; all I could do was hope his family found him before he was just a body.

>9. Drink/ smoke?

>10. Hunt/ fish?
Nope, never.

>> No.7054710

To become a meme philosopher and a philosopher of memes.

>> No.7054712


1. Piano, Viola, I can read music ver well and from high school (mabe middle school) I waned o be a composer. I'm ver well versed wih music heor and I sill check ou scores fro he librar ever now and hen when I ge ino a music suding mood.

2. 2008 Corolla

3. 2nd ear Universi, Undergrad, Lieraure and Compuer Science (wasn' allowed o do Philosoph because m dad doesn' like he idea of me reading Marx, ironicall for him and lierar sudies bullshi)

4. I'm rereading all of P.B. Shelle and finall geing around o Julio Corazar

5. Irrelevan o me, hough I'd raher side wih Caholocism over Aheism

6. Unimporan o me

7. I lifeguard during he summer and I wen o a pool nex o a lake wih upper end ownhouses and he view from he chair was high up enough o see dozens of miles awa in all direcions in a fla par of Virginia, so probabl ha

8. aking his surve.

9. no

10. When I was ounger sure, I'm an Eagle scou and ou don' ge here wihou a few fish

>> No.7054728

To become a meme philosopher and a philosopher of memes

>> No.7054743

your keyboard has some issues, i suggest you reading what you write before you post

>m dad doesn' like he idea of me reading Marx
that would have been the most interesting reason to read it, unluckly my dad always invited me to read whatever i could find

>> No.7054757

1. Guitar. Sure, I can read it.
2. Your mom
3. Uni. Physics
4. Nietzsche. Idk. Sure
5. Cool story
6. Existence sucks. (God left me unfinished.)
7. I don't know
8. My life is the saddest thing ever.
9. Occasionally
10. Fished once. I felt bad for killing them. Now I don't care

>> No.7054760

>1. Do you play an instrument? If so, what do you play and can you read music?
>2. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?
Yes, An Opel
>3. What's your level of education? What do you study?
just signed up to study history
>4. What are you reading? Why? Good?
currently nothing, want to start with some socrates
>5. Your view on God.
Catholic, but do not believe in any religion *tips fedora*
>6. Your view on the human self, its existence/ non-existence and importance to life without reducing your answer to a discussion of its evolutionary importance.
None i guess
>7. Your favorite landscape that you've actually laid your own eyes on.
Standing on a tower seeing an entire city from above
>8. Saddest moment of your life in one sentence.
>tfw no gf
>9. Drink/ smoke?
no and no
>10. Hunt/ fish?

>> No.7054761

>that would have been the most interesting reason to read it,

oh rus me, I've alread read Marx, and dislike him for oher reasons

> your keyboard has some issues

mabe because I bea i wih m fingers all da, huh

>> No.7054774
File: 421 KB, 700x525, 5xuaXWY.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Do you play an instrument? If so, what do you play and can you read music?

I played trumpet all through public school. Got to first chair in jazz and concert band. Guess what: Band girls are freaky af and you non-musical nerds missed out.

2. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?

No. Gave up the car after college to save money since I'm doing labor close to where I live.

3. What's your level of education? What do you study?

Two years into an English degree, I quit. Currently studying how to become a decent writer since I had the recent revelation that I suck shit.

4. What are you reading? Why? Good?

Atlas Shrugged atm. I lost a copy way back when I tried reading it and picked up a paperback so I could finish it.

5. Your view on God.

God is infinite, beyond human reason or concept. God is indifferent to the needs of humans in the same way humans are indifferent to ants. I almost see him more as the Old Testament jew god than anything, even though I grew up Catholic.

6. Your view on the human self, its existence/ non-existence and importance to life without reducing your answer to a discussion of its evolutionary importance.

In some undefined length of time, the universe will be subjected to its heat death; all matter, all energy dissipated through the cold vacuum. There will be nothing. Humanity will have ceased to exist long before that, regardless of how far it evolves or how brilliant its science is. Humanity will die, like all things do. This makes your life special. You are one of a finite group that has come/will come into existence, and you have the power to influence the track that we're on. If a man retreats from life, he is a coward that wastes the finite presuming he exists in the infinite.

7. Your favorite landscape that you've actually laid your own eyes on.

The Grand Canyon under snow. An inconceivable depth and a bitter dryness that tore my nostrils open and dotted the ice with the red of anemia.

8. Saddest moment of your life in one sentence.

When I realized I will never, ever have her back.

9. Drink/ smoke?

Of course.

10. Hunt/ fish?

Love fishing, want to hunt.

>> No.7054798
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>used to play guitar and violin, used to be able to read music but I can't that much anymore
>yes, a shitty Toyota Avalon or something
>sophomore at NYU studying econ
>'The Mismeasure of Man' (alright), Aristotle's 'Metaphysics' (shit), 'Solaris' (great), and a collection of New Yorker short stories (mostly shit)
>not real, but I wish He was
>humans are corrupt but it would be bad if we didn't exist
>the cliffs at Big Sur
>tfw no gf

>> No.7054806
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1. Yes, guitar. I've played for ten years but only recently got to a point of average skill. I can't read sheet music. >muh tabs

2. No, in the application process to get my provisional driving license as we speak, though.

3. A Level (UK). I went crazy after been given an unconditional offer to study literature in wales and just stopped bothering with my A levels all together. Dropped out in February. I've been tinkering with writing while working at a bookshop part time.

4. Currently reading Atlas Shrugged. The amount of hatred Rand gets both on here and just day to-day inspired me to give Anthem a chance, considering it was only like 120 pages. I liked it a lot, and, although i've always leaned left politically, I began to sympathise with her moral code, to the point where I memorised the quote: "I know not if this earth on which I stand is the core of the universe or if it is but a speck of dust lost in eternity. I know not and I care not. For I know what happiness is possible to me on earth. And my happiness needs no higher aim to vindicate it. My happiness is not the means to any end. It is the end. It is its own goal. It is its own purpose."
I'm only 30-40 pages into Atlas Shrugged, but It seems promising so far. She writes very similar to K. Dick- i'd have to do at least 30 seconds of googling to figure out if she was before or after him, though.

5. God has never really concerned me. I grew up in a family of atheists and although i went to a Church of England school (not much choice for a child growing up in a rural village), the appeal of religion has always been lost on me. I do consider myself vaguely spiritual and try and meditate at least once a day.

6. I feel like humans are almost too obsessed with their own existence and its importance. This question would require a few people at a dinner table with at least four to five units of alcohol consumed per person.

7. For me it would be the beaches in Norfolk, UK. Not necessarily the tourist hotspots like Hunstanton, Wells, Cromer (although I have fond memories of those places). I prefer the smaller, more isolated beaches. Perhaps it's just having gone there every single year growing up, but I don't know. There's something very calming about the whole landscape. Pic related is a 3 mile costal walk that takes you to a remote beach with sporadic dunes and grassland. Went there with my GF recently.

8. It feels like every day my brain redefines all my emotions and leaves me utterly confused and isolated in dealing with them and it's crushing me.

9. Yes & yes

10. Nah, I'm an inconsistent vegan but I haven't eaten meat in nearly three years now. Sometimes I regret not trying out fishing before I realised how shamelessly evil the whole animal produce related industry is.

>> No.7054808

1. Yes I play Cello, Electric Bass and some piano
2. a 2007 Colbalt, planning on getting a 2017 Chevy Impala next
3. Associates of the Arts, final year for a Bachelor in English
4. Currently readin Consider the Lobster, hit and miss
5. Agnostic
6. Each human self is to be valued the same from the greatest to the weakest as each human being adds unto the failures and success of another greater one.
7. Mississippi River Valley at midnight, in June while the moon is perfectly aligned with the Bay.
8. In one hour my entire extended family died in a car crash; I was eight.
9. With friends and I use an e-cig
10. I used to hunt with my uncle before he died in a car accident, I fish with my dad but fishing is like drinking to me, only good when it's with another.

>> No.7054812


>> No.7054843

>wanting cancer

>> No.7054848

How can you play an instrument for ten years and still not read sheet music? I don't even play an instrument and I can read sheet music. Come on dude

>> No.7054850

>smoking at all
fag lol

>> No.7054868

>not enjoying a nice relaxing smoke
Cum breather lol

>> No.7054938

1. Do you play an instrument? If so, what do you play and can you read music?
Yes. Guitar. Yes.

2. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?
Yes. Motorcycle.

3. What's your level of education? What do you study?
College grad. Comp sci.

4. What are you reading? Why? Good?
King's Dark Tower series. Deliberate study of technique, style, etc. Yes.

5. Your view on God.

6. Your view on the human self, its existence/ non-existence and importance to life without reducing your answer to a discussion of its evolutionary importance.
>>>/philosophy/ ie - don't care.

7. Your favorite landscape that you've actually laid your own eyes on.
Any forest.

8. Saddest moment of your life in one sentence.
Last relationship crashdown.

9. Drink/ smoke?
No. No.

10. Hunt/ fish?

>> No.7055079

A survey like that won't get people to interact much in a thread, because of the large amount of boring information thrown at them.
Specialization is key in a survey like this if one wants to further this board's culture. And seeing how you put "Longer answers preferred" in the OP this survey was made with the intent to either relieve boredom or to attain knowledge about characteristics of a person for something like a novel, meaning you could have made the survey more enjoyable on top of making it useful.

What I'm trying to say, is that you should've made the questions more in line with one another (everything about fishing as an example) or you should've only asked two or three questions.

>> No.7055099

1. No
2. No
3. White (Other)
4. 80kg
5. Less than monthly
6. $40,000 - $50,000
7. 5 years
8. Yes
9. No, Yes
10. Yes, Skymiles

>> No.7055139

1. I played a trombone in high school, not very well mind you but I have a rudimentary knowledge on how to play and read music.
2. no
3. Senior in college, studying anthropology.
4. I recently desired about getting serious into reading so I started reading books on mythology, and will move forward to some philosophy after that.
5-6. I don't believe in god, so I believe humans have to find reasons for living for themselves, my world view is somewhere between the absurdist importance of individual reaction to the world and the rebelious attitude in the face of the absurd coupled with the humility, kindness, and simplicity one would find in the tao te ching.
7. The smoky mountains mountain range and its attributing falls, or the ocean that seems boundless, walking out into it the water can be only up to your waist, in front of you endless blue, to the left and right the same, looking back the coast you came from and the people on it look like ants compared to where you are now, and as I said you can reach this view with the water only reaching above you waist. It was a view that made me lightheaded, and my knees weak, I can't swim very well though and that might have contributed.
8. I have had many deaths in my family over the years, my grandfather was my hero as a kid and that hit me hard in middle school, then my cousin who was in high school hung himself, and another cousin who was in his twenties had a car accident and also died. These two deaths happened a year after my grandfather died and happened within a month of each other. It was a strange time, and made death something that was no longer a stranger.
9. no
10. very rarely fish, only a few times over that past couple of years.

>> No.7055142
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1. Piano, advanced level, modern pieces recently like Webern or Serocki. I can read music.
2. Yes. I don't own a car, but I save for Saab 900
3. HS, applying to Cambridge
4. Spring Snow by Mishima. I fell it's becoming better and better with each sentence.
5. Catholic
6. Very tough question. For a book.
7. The view from my grandma's little flat in industrial district of my city
8. Various losses.
9. No/no
10. Often fish, my dad used to hunt

>> No.7055157

1. Do you play an instrument? If so, what do you play and can you read music?
Nope, I guess I can play the kazoo though.
2. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?
I don't, I live in a city, I'm not a savage.
3. What's your level of education? What do you study?
I studied computer science but got really cool jobs before I finished, now I study literature in the evenings.
4. What are you reading? Why? Good?
I have to read a bunch for school but I won't count that. I just finished The Rules of Attraction and I'm about to start Faust or Catch-22.
5. Your view on God.
I don't believe in a god, no. And I sometimes think less of people who do.
6. Your view on the human self, its existence/ non-existence and importance to life without reducing your answer to a discussion of its evolutionary importance.
I don't believe there is a point to anything.
7. Your favorite landscape that you've actually laid your own eyes on.
The Cricket field at Stonyhurst college (Where J.R.R. Tolkien often walked "The Tolkien Trail")
8. Saddest moment of your life in one sentence.
Everyone leaving me at the same time.
9. Drink/ smoke?
I drink all the time and I smoke when I'm drunk.
10. Hunt/ fish?
No, I was fishing every once in a while when I was younger though.

>> No.7055159

To become a meme philosopher and a philosopher of memes

>> No.7055185

1. Only Guitar
2. Nope
3. College, Filmmaking
4. Finishing up 2666, its great, starting The Devil to Pay in the Backlands next
5. Don't really care, dont know if i believe him and dont waste a lot of my time thinking about it, just hope he does exist cuz dying sucks ass
6. fuck u u pretentious snob
7. Probably patagonia in south argentina
8. dad dying
9. drink a lot, dont smoke
10. fish, usually in the sea

>> No.7055202

Yes, piano and trumpet. Yes I read music.
2nd year applied math
Moby dick, yes
Descartes view mostly, with some more conservative fiscal views as well as social
What the fuck is this gay shit?
Fucking stop you little shit

Shit survey, kill yourself

>> No.7055211

1. Do you play an instrument? If so, what do you play and can you read music?
I used to play Cello. I can read music, but I don't really play much anymore. I also played piano as a child but can barely remember it.

2. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?
Yeah, I drive. I have an Audi.

3. What's your level of education? What do you study?
In college, studying to be a history major.

4. What are you reading? Why? Good?
Just finished an Eisenhower biography, currently started The Old Man and the Sea by Hemingway. I'd previous only read A Farewell to Arms. Very much enjoying it.

5. Your view on God.
I think the notion of God is beautiful and whether or not he exists shouldn't stop one from trying to live one's life up to his standards.

6. Your view on the human self, its existence/ non-existence and importance to life without reducing your answer to a discussion of its evolutionary importance.
Humanity is unique amongst all living beings.

7. Your favorite landscape that you've actually laid your own eyes on.
The Elbe in Swiss Saxony.

8. Saddest moment of your life in one sentence.
I don't know.

9. Drink/ smoke?
Drink rarely. Do not smoke.

10. Hunt/ fish?
Fish rarely. Never hunted.

>> No.7055215

I can play some very basic guitar. Can read music however.
I drive a 1987 automatic 4 cylinder ranger Supercab
Currently going to a community college to get my high school diploma. I got kicked out of my HS last year (senior year) in April because I was arrested. Getting my final 2 credits now.
A couple things. Notably Gravitys Rainbow and Heart of Darkness. Both pretty good thus far.
Agnostic mostly. I don't believe in God, but I'd like to, and thus act as if there is and try to conduct myself accordingly.
Does it matter beyond our own subjective view of life?
Sardinia Italy
After she left me broken hearted
Both on occasion.
Have fished. Never hunted.

>> No.7055222

Why'd you get arrested?

>> No.7055230

I got arrested for gross misdemeanor stalking, felony malicious mischief, and felony attempted arson.

Currently fighting the charges. Things look mostly good, their case has holes and their supposed witness (my former best friend of 4 years) has fled or something as the court cannot find him.
Won't go further into detail. Sorry.

>> No.7055243

Well hopefully you get the punishment you deserve. Sounds like you will, too.

>> No.7055255

good luck m8

>> No.7055258

r u a grill?

>> No.7055261

Crossing my fingers I pull through.
Nerve racking in any case.
Don't know if it is life imitating fiction but...a few months before it all went down I wrote a very similar story/screenplay.
Kind of came to life before me.

>> No.7055267

Nah. This entire ordeal the cops haven't exactly been playing nice either. But they recently shot some unarmed kids as well. Was big in the news.
So I'm not surprised by their dirty tactics.
Honestly my friend doing what he did. That's what hurts the most.

>> No.7055276

>1. Do you play an instrument? If so, what do you play and can you read music?
I'm a classically trained pianist, 16 years of experience. I can read and write music.
>2. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?
I do drive, no one ever, ever believes me when I mention my vehicle so I'll avoid that question.
>3. What's your level of education? What do you study?
I majored in ChemE and Mathematics.
>4. What are you reading? Why? Good?
I'm rereading Summa Theologica so I may improve my next book.
>5. Your view on God.
real and good
>6. Your view on the human self, its existence/ non-existence and importance to life without reducing your answer to a discussion of its evolutionary importance.
You mean ego? Clarify.
>7. Your favorite landscape that you've actually laid your own eyes on.
Can't think of anything specific
>8. Saddest moment of your life in one sentence.
My girlfriend grew up.
>9. Drink/ smoke?
I drink
>10. Hunt/ fish?

>> No.7055287

>1. Do you play an instrument? If so, what do you play and can you read music?
Trumpet, violin, piano, a little bit of guitar. I can indeed read music

>2. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?
2004 Toyota Camry

>3. What's your level of education? What do you study?
3rd year of undergrad, studying finance/economics/poly sci (double major and a minor)

>4. What are you reading? Why? Good?
Infinite Jest, lots of acclaim on /lit/ and beyond, I'm enjoying it very much so far

>5. Your view on God.
Too complicated/probably retarded to post here. Essentially I think it's within us

>6. Your view on the human self, its existence/ non-existence and importance to life without reducing your answer to a discussion of its evolutionary importance.
The body is more or less a vehicle for the soul

>7. Your favorite landscape that you've actually laid your own eyes on.
The New River Gorge in West Virginia

>8. Saddest moment of your life in one sentence.
I realized I was no longer in love/perhaps had never been in love with my girlfriend of 4 years

>9. Drink/ smoke?

>10. Hunt/ fish?
Fish a good bit during the summer

>> No.7055288

>no one ever, ever believes me when I mention my vehicle
what is it, I will definitely believe you

>> No.7055297

2008 Rolls Royce Phantom, in navy

>> No.7055303

I smell money

>> No.7055307

>history major
>I smell money
Not for long!

>> No.7055316


>> No.7055322

you just write that so we would have asked, right?

>> No.7055330

No, I wanted to avoid getting in a fight over it.

>> No.7055335

he doesnt need a job, i could bet 5€

>> No.7055343

I'm kinda surprised anyone reads these things enough to notice.

But yeah, spoiled rich kid here.

I'm going into consulting, already have the job set up.

>> No.7055359

and where are you from?
what does daddy do?

>> No.7055362
File: 699 KB, 376x475, RoBY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1. Do you play an instrument? If so, what do you play and can you read music?


>2. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?


>3. What's your level of education? What do you study?



>4. What are you reading? Why? Good?



>5. Your view on God.


>6. Your view on the human self, its existence/ non-existence and importance to life without reducing your answer to a discussion of its evolutionary importance.



>7. Your favorite landscape that you've actually laid your own eyes on.


>8. Saddest moment of your life in one sentence.


>9. Drink/ smoke?


>10. Hunt/ fish?


>> No.7055376


stupid question you're british, let me guess also the other things

>> No.7055383

Nope, from the US. I'll let you guess the rest though.

>> No.7055397

ok let's start with the easy ones
you have a girlfriend.

>> No.7055409

1) Yes. Piano, and yes.
2) No.
3) Currently 2nd year 1st semester of university. Forensic Science major.
4) Finished reading a novel called "Life and Death are Wearing Me Out." by Mo Yan. Because one of the best teachers I ever had in my life told me to give it a read. I cried at the end.
5) He probably exists. And is pretty good.
6) Extreme potential.
7) All of Istanbul, Turkey.
8) Can't choose a specific sad moment.
9) Not yet / Never will
10) No / No

>> No.7055431

>tfw revealed as a normie


>> No.7055439

but that was easy
you're posting from an iPhone

>> No.7055440


1. no. music is overrated.

2. no, drive is overrated.

3. no, education is overrated.

4. everythyng from wikisource, just for curiosity, some goods, some bads. too much poetry in the history of literature.

5. exactly, overrated.

6. humans are warriors that, eventually, die.

7. my city from a big big eye.

8. sad without anger or panic it´s just soft, feels good really.

9. sometimes / no

10. no

>> No.7055444


>> No.7055448

n-not this post, now I'm self-conscious and switched

>> No.7055452

1. Yes. Viola, guitar, banjo, bass, mandolin. I'm a crappy drummer and an even worse pianist. I can read music.

2. Yes. Chevy Cobalt.

3. Did 2 years of an English degree before deciding it was a waste of time and money. It's been 4 years since I dropped out, don't regret it.

4. Currently reading the His Dark Materials trilogy and Aurelius' Meditations. The former because I never read it when I was a kid; been enjoying it, makes me wish I was 12 so I could enjoy it more. The shout-outs to various mythologies are entertaining. The latter because I saw it at the library and decided to nab it; love it, full of wisdom, though I wish it was more cohesive.

5. God is irrelevant to me.

6. Depends what you mean by the human self, I guess. Will say that I think it's unlikely that there's nothing perceiving and thinking and so on.

7. Probably the Grand Teton mountains or something in southern Utah.

8. My grandpa is incapable of functioning so now he's rotting in an assisted living facility.

9. I drink and smoke weed. Only smoke tobacco very rarely anymore.

10. I've done both, but not for a couple years at this point. I've been thinking of picking up fishing again.

>> No.7055469

well you're cheating, you can't hide the hand while the fortune-teller is studing it!
but you always had the shortcut, havent you?

ps this is very funny, i am enjoying this

>> No.7055474

Ok, faggot.
>1. Do you play an instrument? If so, what do you play and can you read music?
Don't play, can read.

>2. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?
No, not yet.

>3. What's your level of education? What do you study?
Finished highschool and one year of undergraduate study (not american). I study computer science.

>4. What are you reading? Why? Good?
reading on /lit/ top kek I like Kafka and Dosto a lot, currently reading "A hundred years of solitude"

>5. Your view on God.
Too personal.

>6. Your view on the human self, its existence/ non-existence and importance to life without reducing your answer to a discussion of its evolutionary importance.
Too stupid.

>7. Your favorite landscape that you've actually laid your own eyes on.
Too personal. I don't travel much ;_;

>8. Saddest moment of your life in one sentence.
ayy lmao too personal

>9. Drink/ smoke?
Drink only.

>10. Hunt/ fish?

>> No.7055486

i have ;_;
one percenter and only mildly ashamed tbqhwy

i am too, should i tell you my dreams so you can psychoanalyze them

>> No.7055496

Too personal to be said anonymously to other anonymous people in a thread that probably will no longer exist in 24 hours.

>> No.7055509

What the fuck is this, just write tbh like a normal person.

>> No.7055516
File: 33 KB, 154x182, stunned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like Kafka

>> No.7055517

tbqhwyf (to be quite frank with you my brother) that's not meme enough for me

>> No.7055533

My apologies I did not know that you were one of the mememasters

>> No.7055559
File: 12 KB, 275x183, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't actually believe in dynamic psychology, but I do believe in cognitive psychology so let's try another way

what do you see in the picture? who is this person? what is he doing? why?

>> No.7055564

and i'm not your brother
or a brother in general

>> No.7055570
File: 521 KB, 1920x1080, city.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1. No, although I plan to learn piano and guitar soon.

2. No, driving gives me anxiety.

3. Graduated from high school, will be going to college next year.

4. The Iliad, because it's a good story and an important one, and parts of it are quite beautifully written.

5. Human compassion and aesthetic beauty are my gods.

6. The human self is of incredible importance to me, its existence or non-existence notwithstanding.

7. Abandoned church ruins in Ireland.

8. Watching old home videos of my family when I was a child.

9. I like drinking too much to do it more than occasionally, and dying of cancer seems undignified, so no.

10. I live in suburban Southern California. However, I wouldn't be opposed to those things in theory, but I doubt I'd get along well with anyone who might want to do them with me.

>> No.7055576

>1. Do you play an instrument? If so, what do you play and can you read music?

No and no.

>2. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?

Yes. Shitty 4-cylinder hatchback for financial reasons.

>3. What's your level of education? What do you study?

Doctoral candidate in Rhetoric.

>4. What are you reading? Why? Good?

Listening to an audiobook of Dracula. Because I'm burnt out on reading from work and Tim Curry is one of the narrators. It's bretty good, but Stoker repeats himself a lot more than I remember. If I hear one more monologue about how good and pure and godly Mina is and how her tender sympathies improve everyone's mood I might throw my phone against a wall.

>5. Your view on God.
Vaguely atheist.

>6. Your view on the human self, its existence/ non-existence and importance to life without reducing your answer to a discussion of its evolutionary importance.

Maybe it's because I'm surrounded by a bunch of postmodernists, but lately I've become an ardent individualist, almost to the point of solipsism. I believe that man is inherently capable of reason and self-assertion, and that enculturation/education gives him a wider vocabulary and perspective with which to do so. I'm very distrustful of the idea that identity is socially constructed beyond helping to shape this perspective, or that internalized biases can somehow "trick" people into knowing themselves or their motivations less fully than some bullshit academic.

>7. Your favorite landscape that you've actually laid your own eyes on.

The Badlands of South Dakota in early autumn.

>8. Saddest moment of your life in one sentence.

My field is a more corrupt, rotten business than I'd ever thought.

>9. Drink/ smoke?

Often / no

>10. Hunt/ fish?

Fish sometimes, although I like being out on the water more than the actual act of fishing.

>> No.7055587

alright let's do it

It's a slav (you can tell by the tracksuit), probably desperately studying english to try to emigrate. Looks like he's having some trouble, probably because he's studying by hand in a library rather than learning through shitposting online.

poor fella

>> No.7055589

mah nigga we in crackerville. this is how crackers talk nigga

>> No.7055603

ok, at uni they dont teach us about the meems

but were your granparents immigrants?

>> No.7055622

>1. Do you play an instrument? If so, what do you play and can you read music?
No, can't read music
>2. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?
Yes, 97 Infiniti
>3. What's your level of education? What do you study?
Currently doing gen ed in University
>4. What are you reading? Why? Good?
Nothing right now, thinking of grabbing Starship Troopers, Armor, and other sci-fi
>5. Your view on God.
Religious views should be kept personal, organized religion is a bastardization and 99% of the religious have no relationship with their own god. I don't believe there's any particularly strong reason for religious faith, but I don't attack those who do.
>6. Your view on the human self, its existence/ non-existence and importance to life without reducing your answer to a discussion of its evolutionary importance.
Weird self-contradicting Nihilism; there's ultimately no objective but in that same view people should be free to do whatever they want, though others are also free to oppose those actions.
>7. Your favorite landscape that you've actually laid your own eyes on.
Ehh, I like being innawoods but I really would love to see some NZ mountains.
>8. Saddest moment of your life in one sentence.
Day my 12 yo Golden Shephard died and we buried it, same day I realized my nuclear family are shallow useless people.
>9. Drink/ smoke?
Nope. Smoking tobacco is fucking disgusting and self-deprecating, weed is slightly better.
>10. Hunt/ fish?
Like to hunt because innawoods wif guns, don't really care about the sport of it. Don't care much for fishing.

>> No.7055623

>1. Do you play an instrument? If so, what do you play and can you read music?

Guitar and piano. I mostly play classical music or (gypsy) jazz.

>2. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?


>3. What's your level of education? What do you study?

Currently in "classe préparatoire". My curriculum includes notably maths, literature and geopolitics

>4. What are you reading? Why? Good?

Dreamtigers by Borges. I had never read Borges before, and I wanted to forge an opinion about him. It's really enjoyable.

>5. Your view on God.

I'm catholic.

>6. Your view on the human self, its existence/ non-existence and importance to life without reducing your answer to a discussion of its evolutionary importance.

This question isn't clear enough.

>7. Your favorite landscape that you've actually laid your own eyes on.

Sunrise on the Mont Blanc massif from the Mont Buet above a sea of clouds.

>8. Saddest moment of your life in one sentence.

Suicide attempt.

>9. Drink/ smoke?

Yes ; tobacco only.

>10. Hunt/ fish?

No but it seems fun.

>> No.7055626

oh, sorry about that i don't mean to be a difficult subject

nope, been here since ~1860s

>> No.7055638

ok I'm tired, I give up, tell me your story

>> No.7055639

1. Looking to get into it, had some training years ago but have lost most of the knowledge.
2. I don't drive
3. Somewhere between junior and senior, studying physics and mathematics
4. Reading All Men are Mortal because a cute Danish math student told me to. It's good.
5. Agnostic 'cause can't know nuffin but in practice secular, with jewish background
6. Not sure what to make of the self, given how heavily external influences seem to weigh in on that idea. As to its importance, I'd say it's about as important or unimportant as any other phenomena
7. The Atlantic crashing against the cliffs of the east coast. Feels more like home than home does.
8. There hasn't been a particular moment, save a few deaths in the family, but mostly just a gentle, constant humming of self-loathing
9. When I've got the cash for it
10. nope

>> No.7055660


I go to school in NJ, daddy's a big partner or something at a consulting firm back home in Chicago and has secured me a job there when I graduate next year. I will work until he dies, then retire with his and my money, and enjoy the /lit/erary lifestyle.

>> No.7055666

U lucky son of a bitch

>> No.7055674

thx bruv

in the meantime i donate to keep 4chan alive through purchasing too many passes want one?

>> No.7055705

Heh. Thanks, would if I could.
I only have a tablet so my IP changes all the time. I'll often find I'm temp banned for something someone else did

>> No.7055706
File: 751 KB, 1641x1189, Napoleon_returned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>. Do you play an instrument? If so, what do you play and can you read music?
No, can tell you the order of the chords though.

>2. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?
Yes. I have a motorcycle and a jeep cherokee.

>3. What's your level of education? What do you study?
Masters in Accounting
>4. What are you reading? Why? Good?
The Campaigns of Alexander. I'm enjoying it a lot so far. Arrian's writing seems to jump around between characters like ADHD, but it provides a nice reference to Alexander's history and his conquests.
>5. Your view on God.
Deist I suppose. Seen a lot of bad things happen to good people in this world, and seen bad people succeed.

>6. Your view on the human self, its existence/ non-existence and importance to life without reducing your answer to a discussion of its evolutionary importance.
I have personally come to think that none of it really matters in the long run. Just do what's best for yourself without hurting others, and be as happy as you can be. Give back to your country, family, community, and friends. Do as much as you can or want to help people in need.
>7. Your favorite landscape that you've actually laid your own eyes on.
Cliffs of Moher.
>8. Saddest moment of your life in one sentence.
During the 4 months I was studying for the CPA, I'd be out the door at 4:45am, and home at 11:30.
>9. Drink/ smoke?
Yes, and yes.
>10. Hunt/ fish?
No, I live in a city. I used to do a good amount of this growing up though.

>> No.7055715

that blows, sorry

>> No.7055723

well enjoy your easy life.
i mean do it. enjoy. buy taylor made clothes and stuff, spend the money and revive this planet

>> No.7055739

All good my man, all good.

>> No.7055746
File: 3.30 MB, 3872x2175, 1437435415740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cliffs of Moher

Based choice, although personally I preferred the Aran Islands cliffs. Less crowded, more ancient-feeling.

>> No.7055777

well, I could take it, as reward for my fortune telling!

>> No.7055807

post email

thx m8

>> No.7055819

Another solid choice. I just didn't like it because it was too much biking around and it hurt my legs lol

There really are some beautiful places to read out there if you can find a spot with not all that much wind and rain. The ruins really do inspire something in me.

>> No.7055822

>_> i actually dont have a second email

>> No.7055833

oh i meant to send you the pass i need an email, you could give me skype then email or something complicated idk

i appreciated your fortune telling :3

>> No.7055859 [DELETED] 

skype it is then
my contact is bradip4

>> No.7055870
File: 49 KB, 450x297, hngh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Guitar and piano, without proficiency. I can read music.
2. No.
3. Mid-uni, haven't yet picked my major.
4. A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again and Dead Souls. I'm easing into Wallace before I read Infinite Meme and I'm rereading Dead Souls because I love Gogol. They're both good.
5. Depends.
6. I'm not going to write an essay on a Kazakhstani lunchbox discussion board about the human condition and I'm not going to reduce my thoughts to a couple sentences.
7. Pic related.
8. I don't get sad.
9. I sometimes smoke when I drink and I often drink.
10. No.

>> No.7055888

1. Do you play an instrument? If so, what do you play and can you read music?

2. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?

3. What's your level of education? What do you study?
>Almost graduated college. Math.

4. What are you reading? Why? Good?
>Age of Extremes by Eric Hobsbawm. I want to get a somewhat 'specialist' level of knowledge of 20th century western history. it's alright. not really going over anything i don't already know but there were a few valuable pieces of information.

5. Your view on God.
>I believe in the generally Christian God.

6. Your view on the human self, its existence/ non-existence and importance to life without reducing your answer to a discussion of its evolutionary importance.
>Only real meaning is to enjoy being alive, if you're able to.

7. Your favorite landscape that you've actually laid your own eyes on.
>I don't think I've see anything too exceptional

8. Saddest moment of your life in one sentence.
>Realizing how much of a loser and failure I am, every day.

9. Drink/ smoke?
>Yes, yes

10. Hunt/ fish?
>No, no.

>> No.7055938


1. I used to play the violin and I sang in a Cathedral Choir in order to earn a choral scholarship to a private school. I can read music, I recognise the lengths of notes and their purpose but I'd have to guess the sound they make.

2. No, I'd like to learn to drive soon.

3. Going on to do a Masters in Philosophy

4. Nothing at the moment. All my books are in storage. The last thing I read was about a month and a half ago, "The Book of Laughter and Forgetting", unless you count audiobooks, in which case I listened to "A Christmas Carol" I think both of them are very good. The BoLandF has some very fun concepts to muse over but I prefer A Christmas Carol for its prose and timeless story.

5. I don't think God exists, I am certain that if there is one he does not deserve attention. One of my reasonings being that according to Christains some people go to Heaven without reading the Bible because they have an inherent moral code. However if that's the case why is it that God does things that disgust our "inherent moral code" and if he is beyond us why did he give us a moral code that he doesn't live by and why didn't he give us the capacity to understand that?

6. I think that life is given value by the existence of the pleasures which I think are indubitable goods in themselves, something I know from personal experience and others I've asked often share the same view when asked whether pleasure and pain are undoubtedly good or bad respectively. I think "the self" changes from moment to moment but not significantly. I think that life is important insofar as it experiences pleasure and pain. I think the goal of life should be to maximise pleasure and minimise pain.

7. The view from the Arch d'Triumph in the rain with many happy families gathered to watch the lightshow over the Eiffel Tower.

8. I have made a move.

9. I drink very occasionally but enjoy it when I do and I've never smoked nor taken any drugs whatsoever.

10. I have fished once and ate the fish my father caught in France, that was years ago. I neither fish nor hunt, there's not much call for it in Britain.

>> No.7055979

1. Do you play an instrument? If so, what do you play and can you read music?
No, dabbled in guitar a bit but I'm totally tone deaf
2. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?
Nope, don't need one
3. What's your level of education? What do you study?
Masters degree in history
4. What are you reading? Why? Good?
Fathers and Sons, because Russian authors make me warm and fuzzy inside
5. Your view on God.
Seems unlikely
6. Your view on the human self, its existence/ non-existence and importance to life without reducing your answer to a discussion of its evolutionary importance.
How can anybody even begin to answer this one?
7. Your favorite landscape that you've actually laid your own eyes on.
Mountains in Austria
8. Saddest moment of your life in one sentence.
Realizing the only person I ever loved is a complete monster
9. Drink/ smoke?
Yes and Yes
10. Hunt/ fish?
Fish occasionally.

>> No.7056042

1. Yes, I've been playing alto sax for 7 years, and, yes, I can read music, which is kind of required.
2. I don't drive.
3. Working on getting my BS in software engineering
4. Gravity's Rainbow, Ulysses, and Infinite Jest. I like reading. They're some of the best books I've read so far.
5. I believe it is impossible to prove or disprove God's existence.
6. I believe I, possibly we, exist insofar as we can experience, interpret, and interact with the world around while being aware of doing so.
7. The Badlands.
8. My grandmother's funeral.
9. Nope
10. I used to fish a fair amount.

>> No.7056109

1. I'm a near-competent pianist and a singer (bass 2). I read music.

2. Nope

3. Working on thins

4. V. I tend to pick away at one denser work and read smaller stuff in between to cleanse my palate. Last of those I read was the Epic of Gilgamesh- before that I rereread Words of Radiance. I just can't tear myself away from Sanderson's worlds.

5. People see agency where none exists. We think in terms of wants and hates- human concepts. The universe runs on different logic entirely, and science is our attempt to run Universe Logic on a human OS.

6. Whether or not it exists doesn't really change anything?

7. A slope full of powder with a clear bright sky overhead and a girl I wanted to show off for behind me.

8. When I was five, I was going to a theme park and my mother told me that since I had been bad she was going to waste the money (which was tight) she had spent on tickets and give them to somebody else.

Shittier stuff has happened but that moment was like running into a brick wall head on. I didn't know what I had done wrong.

9. Nope

10. Nope.

>> No.7056114

leave this board

>> No.7056125

1. I know how to play the violin but have not played if for quite some time.

2.I don't drive

3.I am law student

4.I am currently reading the Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith because I am really interested in economics.I really like it but I am reading it very slowly so I can grasp the concepts.

5.I don't think we can prove that God exists with our current level in science.I pray sometimes but to be completely honest I don't really care if God exists.

6.Personally I believe humans are wretched creatures incapable of true and utter devotion without a personal reason.I believe everything we do is a cold calculated process,which is meant to bring us profit.In reality I say we are individualists and only care about ourselves,which is masked by the fact that we help other people.In reality even when we are being altruistic we still making a choice that is profitable to us.

7.Up on a hill near a small monastery in Romania I saw the whole forest,which I dare say was the most beautiful thing ever.

8.Don't really have a special bad moment because my life was always filled with hardships,which basically means that I had a lot of ''saddest moments'' rather than a single one.

9.A little wine when I feel like it / I don't smoke.

10.Want to hunt but can't and I'm not fishing either.

>> No.7056132

Yes, '99 CR-V. Gets me to where I need to go, but it eats up too much gas.
Undergrad student right now, majoring in Polisci, probably going to double in History.
The Sailor That Fell From Grace With the Sea by Mishima and An Actor's Work by Stanislavski. Recommend them both.
I believe in the personal God outlined in the Bible.
It's in God's hands.
Edinburgh, Scotland. Gorgeous.
Realizing that my uncle is a junky drug dealer/addict and is tearing my poor grandparents apart.
Neither and never.

>> No.7056156


>1. Do you play an instrument? If so, what do you play and can you read music?


>2. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?

Yes, saturn LS

>3. What's your level of education? What do you study?

Junior, biology BA

>4. What are you reading? Why? Good?

The woman in white - Wilkie Collins. It's really slow, and so far not very good. (I love dickens, so I'm quite disappointed. )

>5. Your view on God.

Devoutly religious.

>6. Your view on the human self, its existence/ non-existence and importance to life without reducing your answer to a discussion of its evolutionary importance.

Human self is comprised of a physical body and a spiritual element that together form your soul.

>7. Your favorite landscape that you've actually laid your own eyes on.

(Good question OP) grand Canyon was breathtaking, but there's nothing like the jurrasic coast.

>8. Saddest moment of your life in one sentence.
Grandma died the months before my grandparents golden wedding anniversary, my grandad had a special trip planned, it broke him, he slowly deteriorated in health and stopped taking care of himself, died two years later.

>9. Drink/ smoke?

No, no. (Use to, used to)

>10. Hunt/ fish?

No, no. Would like to try though.

>> No.7056166
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1. Yup, guitar, bass and baritone. Occasionally sing. Finally getting a band together, hope to work something out.

2. Kia Sorrento, but its on its last legs. Have to find a new one by the end of the year.

3. University- Neuroscience with a minor in literature

4. Liver - Will Self. It's alright, four stories, the first one was good, the second dragged on too much.

5. Atheist.

6. Existence is what you make it to be. How you respond and react to those around you. Always be interested.

7. I watched the sun set in the Andes in Chile. At one point a purplish hue covered the entire sky and the stars began to come out. I was oxygen deprived and to the point of literal breathlessness. I felt really at ease with the world in that moment.

8. Putting my cat to sleep. Luckily I haven't had too much heartbreak and sorrow, but having to say goodbye to my friend who was with me since I was 7 years really got to me.

9. Used to. Slowly waning off both.

10. Fish

>> No.7056527

1. Bassoon, Classical Guitar, and Cello. I also played on drum line in marching band. I main cello now and 1st chair at Uni. I can read Bass, Tenor, and Treble. That's a good mix, but not as many as a trombonist.

2.Yes, White chevy van.

3. Studying Mathematics/CS... first semester sophmore in cs/ second semester junior in mathematics. I wish I could test out of some of the CS classes because I already know C++ and C. I'm also familiar with UNIX.

4. American Literature Anthology because class. I just read some short stories from Cristobal Colon and Bartolome de las Casas. Otherwise, I was recently reading Candide recently. Candide was pretty good.

5. God is potentially real in some perspectives and reference frames, but personally I don't think a higher power exists. Though I'm willing to expect the possibility that I am wrong. So, atheist I guess, but I 'm not religiously atheist if that makes since.

6. Humanity is the ultimate gift. Do with it what you may. Albeit, Humanity is intrinsically meaningless, but has subjective value. Be the change you want to see in the world et etc.

7. Eh, I don't have a good answer to this. I want to see the Aurora Borealis.

8. I can't say honestly. I guess I was at my lowest after my dad died, but I wasn't sad because of that really. It was one of those years where it felt like I was bashing my head on concrete every day. So, I made a change of place and everything has been good.

9. no

10. no

>> No.7056579
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4-tarot/intresting/pretty much
6-existance irrelevant/importance none
8-my birth?

>> No.7056679

>Yes, a car
>Currently studying at university
>The time traveler's guide to medieval England by Ian Mortimer
>If he exists he cares very little about us
>This question needs work
>Some where in Scotland, I don't remember the place exactly
>I've lived a pleasant life so far.
>Drink once a week, never smoke

>> No.7056723

1. Do you play an instrument? If so, what do you play and can you read music?
various percussion and piano a bit

2. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?

3. What's your level of education? What do you study?
computer engineering graduate

4. What are you reading? Why? Good?
just finished Bleak House and hopping on Atomised because a charismatic midget from youtub sold me on it

5. Your view on God.
meh, if it's out there it's mean, indifferent, or a moron, so not really worth thinking about

6. Your view on the human self, its existence/ non-existence and importance to life without reducing your answer to a discussion of its evolutionary importance.
life is pretty pointless, and it's scary. trying to do it anyways, though, and help others in whatever way possible

7. Your favorite landscape that you've actually laid your own eyes on.
a tiny town on a hillside in eastern europe. steep, cobbled streets, coffee shops, an arched stone bridge, and beautiful trees

8. Saddest moment of your life in one sentence.
discovering (via the news, no less) my close friend had killed herself despite all my efforts to help.

9. Drink/ smoke?
drink sometimes; it's a useful social tool, and wine is tasty

10. Hunt/ fish?

>> No.7056731

what town?

>> No.7056775

1. nope

2. Rav4

3. Medicine

4. The Stranger, why not?, very

5. Theology interests me and God is a dick

6. "have as much fun as you would like while helping others have as much fun as you're having." other than that there really isn't much of a point

7. the hills and mounts in southern Vermont

8. Every moment from beginning till end.
Alternatively; Tfw no gf.

9. no

10. fish

>> No.7056825
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>1. Do you play an instrument? If so, what do you play and can you read music?


>2. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?


3. What's your level of education? What do you study?

Highschool and JC dropout. I casually study everything I'm interested in

4. What are you reading? Why? Good?

Arms and The Dudes. I'm interested in real world crime. Good

5. Your view on God.

God is a byproduct of existence, ultimately unconscious it's the purpose of humanity to give conscious to Him

6. Your view on the human self, its existence/ non-existence and importance to life without reducing your answer to a discussion of its evolutionary importance.

I don't believe in a self and think this is a good thing

7. Your favorite landscape that you've actually laid your own eyes on.

Somewhere in Hawaii, Cancun? My ex's ruined room while she was supporting me?

8. Saddest moment of your life in one sentence.

I realized people no longer love me

9. Drink/ smoke?


10. Hunt/ fish?


>> No.7056867

>1. Do you play an instrument? If so, what do you play and can you read music?
Guitar. Little bit of bass, dab around with piano/keyboard.

>2. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?
Yes, Nissan Pathfinder

>3. What's your level of education? What do you study?
Currently in Uni. Studying history and world religions. Not sure if I'll keep at it though.

>4. What are you reading? Why? Good?
As I Lay Dying. Yeah, solid 8 so far. Not as good as I thought it would be but it's not bad in any way.

>5. Your view on God.
I cannot know if one exists, but I'm not convinced one does.

>6. Your view on the human self, its existence/ non-existence and importance to life without reducing your answer to a discussion of its evolutionary importance.
Religiously I would say that there is no "self" to speak of. All will pass one day, so in the grandest of scales nothing truly matters.

Remember, if it's getting tough, don't worry. You'll be dead one day.

>7. Your favorite landscape that you've actually laid your own eyes on.
Never really traveled that much. I don't get to see a beach that often, so that's always cool. But I think I like looking at the woods of north Georgia better.

>8. Saddest moment of your life in one sentence.

>9. Drink/ smoke?
Trying to smoke less. Was going to buy a vape to help but the cheapest one would have cost me $50 total so fuck that noise. I don't really like being drunk, and I don't smoke pot very often, but not for any reason really.

>10. Hunt/ fish?

>> No.7056871

>Only eat hunted animals and fish.

Very reasonable.

>> No.7056879

So you didn't even graduate high school?

How old are you?

>> No.7056887

Taking this would just make me look like a massive loser.

>> No.7056948
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1.I play bass, both electric and standup. Yes, and I'm well versed in music theory.

2.I drive one of the worst cars imaginable, a 1995 saturn station wagon

3.currently in college on a liberal arts major, undecided

4.City by Clifford D Simak, it's good, high-minded and clear, a refreshing break from reading Storm of Steel and other history books about WW2 and WW1

5.I'm a Presbyterian. I feel as though a god exists, as we know it or not as we know it.

6.Yourself is your only true companion in life, one should cultivate oneself and one's knowledge of oneself by a mixture of silent study alone and rigorous discussion with one's peers.

7.Looking out on a former lakebed, now a forest in Appalachia.

8. I've lived easy.


10.Occasionally, mostly due to being a victim of circumstance.

>> No.7056990


Hitler didn't finish the German equivalent of high school either :^)

>> No.7056991

>1. Do you play an instrument? If so, what do you play and can you read music?

>2. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?
Currently no.

>3. What's your level of education? What do you study?
Finished master in accounting, and now getting ready for the CPA exams.

>4. What are you reading? Why? Good?
Journey to the end of the night - Céline . recommended to me because I liked Catch-22. So far good.

>5. Your view on God.
I believe in God.

>6. Your view on the human self, its existence/ non-existence and importance to life without reducing your answer to a discussion of its evolutionary importance.
Life will continue to exist with or without us.

>7. Your favorite landscape that you've actually laid your own eyes on.
The beach with rocky mountains in the back.

>8. Saddest moment of your life in one sentence.
When my grandmother died and I wasn't there.

>9. Drink/ smoke?

>10. Hunt/ fish?
No/no. But I'm willing to learn how.

>> No.7057009
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1. I do not play an instrument

2. I drive a 2001 Ford F-150 Lariat Crewcab with the Fx4 offroad package.

3. I graduated from a top-20 American research university with a B.S. in Biology.

4. I'm reading The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test by Tom Wolfe because I'm curious about the psychedelic movement and it is very good.

5. God doesn't real. I grew up in a super fundamentalist home and church where we read scripture and apologetics all the time. This experience is how I know Christposters here are trolling.

6. I'm a biology major, so the human self is defined by its evolutionary origins. It does exist and it's the most important thing unless you spoof your brain to believe otherwise, which I can neither recommend nor condemn.

7. My favorite landscape so far is Namibian mountainous range land.

8. When I realized that I wasn't going to marry the girl I lost my virginity too, no matter how badly I wanted it, because I wasn't a real man yet and couldn't inspire that kind of confidence in her.

9. I drink very moderately after binging lost its shine in college. I've never smoked tobacco and don't smoke pot anymore.

10. Both avidly. I've hunted in Africa as well as all over the southern U.S.

>> No.7057062

I'm an atheist but if you base you idea of all christianity on fundamentalists you grew up with you're embracing ignorance. I'm sorry if you got touched as a kid or whatever but not everyone who believes differently than you is wrong or trolling and not everyone who calls themselves a christian has the same creed. There are literally over a billion of them and the idea is 2000 years old. There is more diversity there than you think.

>> No.7057069

>My entire extended family died in a car crash

Wait whut? How would it even be possible for 1.) Your entire extended family to fit in a car/van/etc. Do you live in a family in which both your parents are only children?

2.) Why would your entire extended family be in a car in the first place without you in it? Personally I don't know if I've ever seen my moms side talk to my dads side and vice versa more than once.

>> No.7057074


>1. Do you play an instrument? If so, what do you play and can you read music?
I used to play drums as a teenager (took lessons for 6 years or so), and now I am trying to learn how to play the piano on my own. I can't read music but am eager to learn as I would also like to compose music someday.
>2. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?
>3. What's your level of education? What do you study?
I'm in year 2 of a french university. I study Latin and Greek (it's called " Lettres Classiques " here.)
>4. What are you reading? Why? Good?
Right now, mostly french poetry. I love poetry and french poetry is probably the only one I'll ever understand since I am incapable of comprehending versification systems different from our syllabic one.
>5. Your view on God.
I believe in God (as in the intelligent being who willfully created everything that exists and who is infinitely good), mainly due to a personal experience of faith, but also because I think there is nothing absurd about it even from a reasonable point of view.
>6. Your view on the human self, its existence/ non-existence and importance to life without reducing your answer to a discussion of its evolutionary importance.
I believe in the immortality of the soul, and I think the current tendency to insist on the spatial significance of mankind when compared to cosmic objects is irrelevant when considering our limitless spirits.
>7. Your favorite landscape that you've actually laid your own eyes on.
Paris, the mountain/sea combination in Corsica, Switzerland in winter, the volcanoes of Auvergne. Couldn't really pick one.
>8. Saddest moment of your life in one sentence.
I can't think of one in particular.
>9. Drink/ smoke?
I drink in a patrician way : appreciating the taste of good alcohol, never searching to get drunk. I don't smoke.
>10. Hunt/ fish?
I fished once or twice and I have pleasant memories of it. Never hunted.

>> No.7057081

Did I say "all christians are trolls?" No, I said Christposters on 4chan are largely trolls. Christposting is like absolutely everything else here, don't take it so seriously.

>> No.7057084

>suicide attempt

Did you die?

>> No.7057109
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You mean people on this website don't actually share my love for the airplane scene in The Dark Knight?

>> No.7057113

So how do I know you're not trolling me right now and you're actually a christian?

>> No.7057116

6th graders learn to read music in a week, anyone who plays an instrument without bothering to learn to read is as retarded as a regular illiterate.

>> No.7057152

Because I'm not posting arguments I skimmed from the top of a wikipedia page and pictures of fat white guys wearing hats.


>> No.7057164

but that's exactly what you would say if you were a troll playing the long game.

>> No.7057169

>1. Do you play an instrument? If so, what do you play and can you read music?
Start piano next Tuesday.

>2. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?
Yes, 2015 4Runner

>3. What's your level of education? What do you study?
In community college at the moment. Dunno what I'm going to study. Everything I'm interested in pays horribly.

>4. What are you reading? Why? Good?
The Confusions of Young Törless. Törless' struggles resonate with me and make me feel like a shallow fucker. Very good.

>5. Your view on God.
He could be a thing but probably isn't. I don't know though.

>6. Your view on the human self, its existence/ non-existence and importance to life without reducing your answer to a discussion of its evolutionary importance.
We're the brain cells of the solar system or something

>7. Your favorite landscape that you've actually laid your own eyes on.
Probably mountains somewhere in Colorado

>8. Saddest moment of your life in one sentence.
"I loathe my existence. I loathe my gift. I don't want it. It hurts and aches."

>9. Drink/ smoke?
Socially for both. Used to smoke pot but it started causing severe anxiety/paranoia/delusions

>10. Hunt/ fish?
Fish sometimes. I don't like killing so no hunting.

>> No.7057187

Now either disregarding my advice to, "not take it so seriously" or you're trolling me, which is fine, I guess.

>> No.7057203


1. yes, guitar, bass, drums, and piano. i can read the most simple and standard of single notes for piano. i used to know how to read piano music but i stopped practicing many years ago and forgot how to.

2. yes, a volvo.

3. bachelor's degree and teaching credential. liberals arts degree focused on euro medieval history.

4. one flew over the cuckoo's nest. i enjoy it but it is rather long. i've paused from it and hastily read "a confederacy of dunces." i really liked that one. it was as good as everyone claimed it to be. sensible chuckle for days. i am almost done with over the cuckoo's nest. eager to see how it ends.

5. no god, no masters, no trigger warnings

6. i'm too basic to understand your terms as they stand. the human self exists....and then....yeah....? we are ingenious mimics. importance to life? what does that mean? am i being evolutionary?

7. i've seen icebergs from a ship and that was pleasant. the colors and serenity of it all gives off a very comforting and certain feeling. i've been to yosemite where an entire row of hills were caught aflame years past. the stumps of the hundreds of trees that remained along the rolling mounds were something to truly be viewed.

8. lost my group of friends to an ex-gf and her new bf who happened to be my friend. broke off from them and was depressed for a good long while. these guys were the circle i grew up with since kindergarten. eventually they all apologize to me and we are all bestest of buds again. dude even broke it off with the ex-gf and literally prostrated in front of me for forgiveness. you don't have to be blood to be family it seems. my cat died a few years ago. that was very sad but the feeling did not last very long. it was just very strong, but short.

9. yes and yes.

10. no and no.

>> No.7057238 [DELETED] 



>Do you drive?

Yes, some shitty subaru

University. Possible prospective philosopy grad student. Currently finishing double major in physics and philosophy (done with physics degree, last year in philosophy).


I rightly pass an atheist. I am sympathetic to the views of Derrida on the issue. To put it bluntly, I am skeptical of any claim that says, "I am an atheist, theist, deist, agnostic, etc." However, I don't go to church, attend prayers, nor do I participate in any religious events. So whether someone wants to call me agnostic, atheist, deist, etc., is irrelevant. I am not religious, and that is the end of the issue for me. I can speak more in regard to the issue of God, but I think there are much more legitimate people that I would defer to, e.g., Feuerbach, Schleiermacher, Kierkegaard, Ricoeur, Buber, and others.


>General life philosophy

I don't know. And I don't think anyone legitimately has an answer to such a broad and unclear question. The framing of the question anticipates a dogmatic response, which is why I refuse to answer further.


Irish planes when I visited Europe (I am from Cali)

>Saddest moment

The feeling (both physical and mental, as in a deep anxiety attack that incites both mental and physiological responses) that I was going to die.


On occasion. I smoke a tobacco pipe more than I drink.


No. But I might get into those activities more when I start hiking soon. I have just been in a shitty area and would like to move to a more mountainous region.

>> No.7057269
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>Do you drive?
Yes, some shitty subaru

University. Possible prospective philosopy grad student. Currently finishing double major in physics and philosophy (done with physics degree, last year in philosophy).


Critique of Pure Reason. I am reading it for my senior thesis. I don't know if the categories of good or bad apply to it. I can say that it is interesting, at least insofar as my opinion is concerned.


I rightly pass an atheist. I am sympathetic to the views of Derrida on the issue. To put it bluntly, I am skeptical of any claim that says, "I am an atheist, theist, deist, agnostic, etc." However, I don't go to church, attend prayers, nor do I participate in any religious events. So whether someone wants to call me agnostic, atheist, deist, etc., is irrelevant. I am not religious, and that is the end of the issue for me. I can speak more in regard to the issue of God, but I think there are much more legitimate people that I would defer to, e.g., Feuerbach, Schleiermacher, Kierkegaard, Ricoeur, Buber, and others.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcl00tc-WHc [Embed]

>General life philosophy

I don't know. And I don't think anyone legitimately has an answer to such a broad and unclear question. The framing of the question anticipates a dogmatic response, which is why I refuse to answer further.


Irish planes when I visited Europe (I am from Cali)

>Saddest moment

The feeling (both physical and mental, as in a deep anxiety attack that incites both mental and physiological responses) that I was going to die.


On occasion. I smoke a tobacco pipe more than I drink.


No. But I might get into those activities more when I start hiking soon. I have just been in a shitty area and would like to move to a more mountainous region.

>> No.7057277


>> No.7057281

1. Do you play an instrument? If so, what do you play and can you read music?
I play the clarinet and I can read music.

2. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?
Chevy Blazer

3. What's your level of education? What do you study?
Math at uni

4. What are you reading? Why? Good?
A book on non-Euclidean geometry, stoner, and the senate torture report. All good.

5. Your view on God.
Leaning towards belief ATM

6. Your view on the human self, its existence/ non-existence and importance to life without reducing your answer to a discussion of its evolutionary importance.
I dunno.

7. Your favorite landscape that you've actually laid your own eyes on.
View of half done in Yosemite. Or maybe my lovers in bed

8. Saddest moment of your life in one sentence.
Dropping out due to depression and drug use

9. Drink/ smoke?

10. Hunt/ fish?
No/no but both sound fun

>> No.7057421

1. I play piano and sing. Working on learning guitar as well. I can not fluently read sheet music at the speed to translate it to what I play, but I do understand sheet music.

2. No.

3. Currently in college. Playwriting degree and performance degree like a total shitstain pleb.

4. "Ancient Civilizations before the Greeks and Romans" by H. Saggs. It's boring as hell, but every few pages there's something that is probably worth knowing. I started with the ancients like a dipshit. Cant wait to resume m reading of the greeks though.

5. Monism. Materialist. Atheist Existentialism.

6. Well, it seems there are influences coming from the neuro/psychology schools, physiology/biology schools, economics/social sciences, memetics, and personal philosophy all go into a "self." I define the "self" as a body with an acquired language. But any kind of "self" that is based in souls or metaphysics is bunk. Without a functioning body, there is no "self." Therefor, I'd argue a self is, as Shelly Kagan of Yale University explains, like a long timeline tracking a single body. He explains it much better in his Open Yale Class, "DEATH."
People get too focused on what their brain is thinking and assume that's their self, without being in touch with their bodies.

7. REcently I've taken quite a liking to the view of Chicago from the Sox-35th Red Line stop IIT bridge. But the best landscape I've ever seen is certainly back home in Connecticut. Chester and Westbrook, CT both have marvelous forests and lakes. I need to travel more.

8. Got dumped by my first one-itis, then existential crisis. Or that time when I was 5 and my drunk cunt of a Mom stabbed my Dad in the hand with a fork and came into my room, took all my clothes, and screamed at me while my Dad drove away like a athetic bitch and left me with her.

9. Hardly drink ever. Never touched tobacco. Used to smoke weed a lot. Maybe once every 2 or 3 month is frequent for me now.

10. I don't, but I sure would like to. I love the outdoors, and I think catching my own food every now and then would be a worthwhile endeavor.

>> No.7057489

>Do you play an instrument?
Every mainstream one, guitar, bass, the drums, some keyboard. There is a flute somewhere I manage to make do sometimes.
>If so, what do you play and can you read music?
Just barely, I find it hard to understand the y axis as pitch. Time and duration are easy for me, though.

>Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?
No. Nothing

>What's your level of education?
>What do you study?
International relations

>What are you reading? Why? Good?
Nothing, I'll try to get my hands in Nietzsche in my language, because /lit/ made me.

>Your view on God.
>Your view on the human self, its existence/ non-existence and importance to life without reducing your answer to a discussion of its evolutionary importance.
I'd say I believe in a god, but more as a force beyond understanding and that possibly gives not two shits about our existence. Human existence is a sad and limited endeavor, locked into dealing with its own mortality and believing in permanence like a damn fool. This is a whole lot of shit and I'm very lazy to put actual thought on it though.

>Your favorite landscape that you've actually laid your own eyes on.
A riverbed in the hills, down the state towards the coast. I saw the sun rising behind it from a bus as I made my way to Rio. I was not expecting such beauty there, it took my breath away.

>Saddest moment of your life in one sentence.
Nothing I have experienced is trully worth being called "the saddest moment of my life. Perhaps when I realized my ex stopped loving me months and months before she dumped me.

>Drink/ smoke?

>Hunt/ fish?
lol what no

>> No.7057685
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1. I don't. Always wanted to learn and play a brass in an orchestra
2. I drove. I drove fine. I may drive again, but have ridden now for many years. Saves money and it's healthier.
3. Some college classes. Independent study. Sociopolitical history stuff.
4. Lots of books. Concentrating on Age of Revolution by Hobsbawm. Everyone should read it.
5. There is likely no such thing as a creator, and the myth humans created about one has led to some very bad behaviour.
6. It exists. It is your brain and it isn't immortal.
7. Earth's. Sorry too many great places to name, but maybe I'll post some pics
8. Too personal, anon.
9. Occasionally, wines, sweet. Never took up smoking.
10. No

>> No.7057726

1. No.
2. No.
3. In a couple of months, a bachelor's degree in Economic history.
4. The Illiad, but I forgot it at my mom's.
5. Something's out there, and I try to communicate with it every now and then.
6. I'm crazy like a fool What about Daddy Cool?
7. The mountains of northern Sweden.
8. Dad leaving, coming back, then leaving again, until I cut him loose.
9. Yes/only when I'm drinking.
10. No/no - see 8.

>> No.7057731

>all these people that don't drive

what the fuck? are you all european or something? i don't get it. how is this possible?

>> No.7057742
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I'm too poor to have a car, so why bother learning?

So the bus fare fucking kills me every year.

>> No.7057744

Most are underage.

>> No.7057747
File: 19 KB, 470x275, UPSally Hawkins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of Europeans, but also NEETs and students can't afford it.

I'm just an outlier. I could get a heap but it would eat into my coin

>> No.7057749

You're alright
Hot Crossed Buns all day
I can drum too
you reall need o fix your keboard.
Mildly dislike. Atlas shrugged? Why?
More Atlas Shrugged, I see. Dislike.
Right on
I ride a 1985 Yamaha XJ700 Maxim. It's red. You? Strongly approve.
Nice dubs. Weird troll.
Very cool
Very cool
Loser. I'm your Dad.
Very cool
Very cool
Actually awesome though

>> No.7057753

>1. Do you play an instrument? If so, what do you play and can you read music?
>2. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?
Yes. 2007 VW GTI
>3. What's your level of education? What do you study?
BA in History
>4. What are you reading? Why? Good?
The Crying of Lot 49. Good so far.
>5. Your view on God.
Isn't one.
>6. Your view on the human self, its existence/ non-existence and importance to life without reducing your answer to a discussion of its evolutionary importance.
Meaningless. Just hope the collective efforts of humans one day get us off Earth and sustainable colonizing the galaxy.
>7. Your favorite landscape that you've actually laid your own eyes on.
Northern Canada
>8. Saddest moment of your life in one sentence.
Realizing I wasted my 20s
>9. Drink/ smoke?
Socially. No. Sometimes a cigar.
>10. Hunt/ fish?

>> No.7057772
File: 94 KB, 575x950, tumblr_lnvab2toLA1qm7fxao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. I make music with a sampler but I'm sure that doesn't count. I used to play trombone, probably can't read music at all anymore.

2. Yeah, I drive a 2004 VW Golf.

3. In college. Studying History.

4. I've been Re-reading Borges because I love him and it's hard to start something new and keep up with classes. Might try getting into some Kafka or older Japanese works soon if I can.

5. Don't believe in the guy. Fascinating concept though.

6. I think we as humans are just as important as everything else is, which is to say we're not "important" because nothing is. The term supposes hierarchy that I can't see in the natural world. I do like being alive though for the time being.

7. I like flying over or through clouds in an airplane, it's a sight very much exclusive to us here in the future so I always feels some sort of privilege while checking out earth and our sky from tens of thousands of feet in the air. Dunno if that counts as "landscape" though.

8. I feel like I'm the one that's doin dope

9. No/No

10. No/No

>> No.7057799

1. piano and guitar. yes.

2. yes, prius.

3. at uni for maths and philosophy

4. on the road; wanted to read more beat generation. i didn't like it at first but im getting more into it

5. doesn't exist

6. if there is a god, He put us here to be able to comprehend and recognize His efforts at creating a universe suitable for us. if taking the agnostic approach, existence is absurd

7. san francisco from bernal heights

8. then, i realized that no matter what i do, i couldn't make her happy.

9. used to smoke

10. nah

>> No.7057812

1. Not anymore. Used to play Violin. I can still read music
2. Yes. Subaru Forester
3.Bachelors degree in English
4. The Magic Mountain by Thomas Mann. Realized a year ago that I haven't read much by non-English speaking authors, so Mann was added to the list. I like it so far.
5. Don't know, don't care
6. I don't have any sort of deep insight. I live my life, even when I don't want to because I'm afraid of death.
7. The Boundary Waters Canoe Area/Quetico Provincial Park
8. When my father could no longer remember that he had a terminal illness because of the disease's progression.
9. Yes to both.
10. Yes to both

>> No.7057863

1. Do you play an instrument? If so, what do you play and can you read music?
Yes, I play viola and guitar primarily. I can read music for viola the best. The other instruments I am less comfortable with are violin, bass guitar, drums, all in that order. I can read music for all of them though. (Lol sheet music for percussion)
2. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?
Yes, I drive a 2006 Civic Si. (/o/ here)
3. What's your level of education? What do you study?
I have my BA in Literature and Creative Writing, and I am currently studying my MFA in Creative Writing.
4. What are you reading? Why? Good?
Within a Budding Grove, because I'm trying to make my way through the entirety of In Search of Lost Time. I'm about 300 pages into this volume, and I think I may like it even more than Swann's Way.
5. Your view on God.
Sure, maybe, yeah.
6. Your view on the human self, its existence/ non-existence and importance to life without reducing your answer to a discussion of its evolutionary importance.
I guess it depends how you define important. We're pretty important to ourselves, we're the only beings with that level of cognition. Living in a sense is all you do, so it's important for almost anyone, exceptions being suicides.
7. Your favorite landscape that you've actually laid your own eyes on.
Belgium, on the way into Brugge.
8. Saddest moment of your life in one sentence.
That's tough. The things are typically sad (death and all that) I don't react all that much.
9. Drink/ smoke?
10. Hunt/ fish?

>> No.7057901


1. Synth, software production cannot read music

2. Yes, Audi A4

3. Currently studying management and economics. Aiming for postgrad law

4. Meme Jest, is breddy gud

5. Agnostic

6. "Creative Nothing"-esque view. Self cannot be defined, it is important in that it gives a reference point to peg our existience on and a frame to understand and manipulate our surroundings.

7. Lake Bled in Slovenia from a mountain

8. When my gf left for Berlin 3 years ago/when my father died

9. Only socially, not often. Used to party and do drugs often.

10. Fly fish

>> No.7058243

1. I played piano as a kid, but didn't get very far, and I can read music very basically.
2. I do not drive. I must be seizure-free for at least a year to drive, but my most recent seizure was like an hour ago, and I had another one a couple of hours before that. I can't see myself driving in the foreseeable future.
3. I got my full high school education, and a year of college, but then I dropped out because I was spending two and a half hours commuting every day and it was too much.
4. Blood of Elves. It's a fun diversion but nothing more.
5. Agnostic.
6. I try not to think about things like that.
7. Otago Central, South Island, New Zealand
8. Granddad.
9. Drink occasionally, don't smoke, don't intend to start smoking.
10. No. I don't eat fish -- I will eat hunted deer/pork, but I don't hunt myself because getting places to hunt in is too difficult when you can't drive and no one will take anyone with epilepsy out back into the beyond and hand them a gun because that's fucking moronic.

>> No.7058953

Thanks m8, 04 camry here. Have you posted one?

>> No.7058977

No instrument, but I can produce electronic music on my computer

A 2001 Toyota corolla

High school

>Reading, why?
To kill a mockingbird, it's a classic. Bretty gud

Don't think about

>view on existence
Life is what you make of it, too subjective from person to person, can anyone truely relate to the words of another's?

>fav landscape
My hometown is one of the biggest industrial towns in the Southern Hemisphere, whixh is at the bottom of one of the worlds largest mountain ranges

>saddest moment of life
My current state of inadequacy

Drink a lot

Fish a lot

>> No.7058981

1. I play the harpsichord, used to play carillon
2. No (unless my bycicle counts)
3. Currently studying Law at KULeuven (3rd year)
4. Just finished reading Nabokov's Laughter in the Dark, which was good but not his best by far
5. I believe in the value of religion, though not necessarily in a God, though I would say I'm inclined to believe there is "something"
6. 2deep4me, I don't really understand your question
7. View from atop Hadrian's Wall somewhere, can't remember where
8. Yet to come I guess
9. Drink, don't smoke
10. Neither

>> No.7058982

1. I play guitar and can read bass and treble clef although i almost always play by ear so it would take me ages to work out sheet music
2. Yes, a 97 toyota camry
3. I have a BS in Psychology
4. Don't want to be too specific on this one to avoid any identifying information but I'm reading a nice light book right now because it had importance to someone very close to me when he/she was young. It's very enjoyable and funny.
5. Atheist
6. I am agnostic about the reality/existence of the universe and the self, but I operate under the assumption that it is real and exists and place a very high importance on the self since it effects every interaction with the physical and material world.
7. Alaskan wilderness
8. Coping with the impermanence of life after the death of a loved one
9. Yes/in the past
10. No/in the past

>> No.7058988

1) Yes and yes
2) No
3) Uni: Philosophy
4) Lets mots and les choses; Studies; Not far enough to make an assessment
5) Don't believe but taking God as starting position from knowledge is as good as assuming that the world is actually real.
6) Paul Ricoeur's narrative identity is so far the best description I've read. Go read the paper if you're interested.
7) Apparently landscapes don't interest me
8) no
9) no
10) no

>> No.7059041

>1. Do you play an instrument? If so, what do you play and can you read music?
Yes. Viola. Yes.
>2. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?
>3. What's your level of education? What do you study?
PhD. Originally studied chemistry, now researching a branch of atmospheric chemistry.
>4. What are you reading? Why? Good?
Plutarch's Greek Lives. I finished Suetonius Lives of the Twelve Caesars a few days ago, picked this up afterwards. Good read, I enjoy this Herodotus-esque type of history, with it's cordial manner and almost gossipy asides. Other than that, re-reading Buddenbrooks and occasionally reading a story or two from The Cyberiad.
>5. Your view on God.
I take the view that there's a Dionysian, primordial side of human nature, one that is irrational and prone to being gripped by chaotic emotions. Whether God is just an idea that results from the impressions gained while in that state, or whether God is the cause of it is something of interest.
>6. Your view on the human self, its existence/ non-existence and importance to life without reducing your answer to a discussion of its evolutionary importance.
See above - duality between a rational, concious side able to overcome the limitations that nature has imposed on the human organism, and an irrational side that stirs as a result of ritual or emotionally intensive experiences.
>7. Your favorite landscape that you've actually laid your own eyes on.
Looking out across the valleys and mountains ranges from the top of Mount Jiuhua.
>8. Saddest moment of your life in one sentence.
I honestly can't think of anything, except perhaps my grandfather's death.
>9. Drink/ smoke?
I drink, I don't smoke.
>10. Hunt/ fish?
I used to go rabbit coursing with my grandfather but then der gubbment outlawed it (thanks, Blair). I occasionally go fishing, but it's rare now since I live apart from my family and fishing was always just an excuse for a good chat with my father/grandfather/uncle.

>> No.7059078

>1. Do you play an instrument? If so, what do you play and can you read music?
Used to play guitar a little bit, and no I can't.
>2. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?
Yes - a Mitsubishi Mirage.
>3. What's your level of education? What do you study?
University degree, I studied Commerce.
>4. What are you reading? Why? Good?
Last Dark Tower book. Because I want to see how it ends. Don't know yet, just started.
>5. Your view on God.
Doesn't exist.
>6. Your view on the human self, its existence/ non-existence and importance to life without reducing your answer to a discussion of its evolutionary importance.
I don't care about/have an opinion about any of this.
>7. Your favorite landscape that you've actually laid your own eyes on.
Rio from the Jesus statue at night.
>8. Saddest moment of your life in one sentence.
When mum left the country.
>9. Drink/ smoke?
>10. Hunt/ fish?

Shit questions tbh.

>> No.7059118
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1) I can play basic piano, but it has been years
2) I can't drive
3) Master's degree in law (university of Ghent), currently master's degree in international relations (Oxford university)
4) The Sixth Extinction. It's a really pleasant read about the current wave of extinctions. I was tired of reading fiction.
5) Agnostic-atheist. I don't believe in any religion or god, nor do I see the need for a god to explain the creation of the universe. But I cannot decisively disprove the existence of god, nor can I answer all of live's most important questions. So I'm not a full fledged atheist.
6) I have the same views as other existentialists. I never asked to exist, it's painful and filled with terrors and sorrow. Just try to make the best of it, and find meaning in your own pleasures.
7) I live in Limburg (Flanders) near a orchard (pic related). Every spring my neighborhood looks like this.
8) Luckily, I haven't really have to deal with serious problems yet.
9) I don't drink and I don't smoke
10) N/A

>mfw I studied the same degree but at Ghent before I went to Oxford

>> No.7059135

1: Yes, guitar. Elec/bass
2: Yes, no own car, drive my dad's lexus ct200h
3: university, history.
4: just finished Plato's symposium, reading introduction to Islam/Arabic textbooks for university
5: God doesn't real, but it's important nonetheless.
6: Not explainable in this amount of text
7: Southwest Ireland valleys at the end of the morning in early summer
8: Not your concern
9: Drank about twice in the last 6 months, smoke weed about once every two weeks, more often during holidays, rarely ever alone.
10: no.

>> No.7059151

>just finished Plato's symposium
Gay detected.

>> No.7059254

My God, I want to do international relations too! Is it worth it?

>> No.7059329


>1. Do you play an instrument? If so, what do you play and can you read music?
Been playing drums 13 years, no semiprofessionally. I have an okay understanding of theory.

>2. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?
>3. What's your level of education? What do you study?
I have a BA. I studied English, Philosophy and German.
>4. What are you reading? Why? Good?
I just finished The Dead Father by Barthelme. It was great. I'm looking for something new to read now.
>5. Your view on God.
Depends on my mood.
>6. Your view on the human self, its existence/ non-existence and importance to life without reducing your answer to a discussion of its evolutionary importance.
The self does not exist the way we think it does.
>7. Your favorite landscape that you've actually laid your own eyes on.
Looking out to sea from Cape Town.
>8. Saddest moment of your life in one sentence.
Dad diagnosed with leukemia - he's good now though, so not so sad after all.
>9. Drink/ smoke?
yes, yes
>10. Hunt/ fish?
going on my first rabbit hunting trip soon, yes.

>> No.7059372


I absolutely love it. I highly advise it, if you want to become a diplomat or representative. You can choose courses like international law, human rights, international diplomacy, international economics (BRICS, developing countries), public management, diplomatic policy, etc

>> No.7059392

1.yep, guitar, synth, drums and i used to play the french horn, i can kinda read music
3.I'm currently studying law in uni
4.Infinite Jest, So far, it's good, doesn't live up to the hype tho
5. lmao
6.We love to hate
7.Old impoverished villages in Ukraine, idk.
8.struggling with vices.
10. I used to, whenever I visit my dad we go fishing

>> No.7059420

>playing an instrument
I used to play guitar years ago
>do i drive?
Yea, an old Opel Astra
>education ?
Studying sociologie
>what am i reading
The plague by camus. I try to read all of his Works (i used the guide by lit). The plot is alright but i don't really like his style of writing.
>believe in god.
Been raised catholic but i didn't really believe in any religion since childhood.
>thoughts on self
I find myself agreeing alot with Schopenhauer. Im not really intressted to get hated on by anons who fislike schopi, so i'll skip this question.
>favourite landscapes
Bavarian alps
>saddest moment
Holy shit is this question edgy. Idk some First World Problem.
Only on partys or with friends. Not on a regular basis.

>> No.7059544

I always wanted to be a diplomat yeah... Do you need to have high grades to get into Oxford?

>> No.7059595

>I play the piano, daily read and write music.
>I have a license, but currently have no car due to lack of money
>I'm at my second year of uni, majoring in philosophy
>Ashbery's poems because that stupid poetry chart reccomended it. He's great honestly, shouldn't have waited to long to read him.
>Empiricist, nihilist. That's the most I can say within the boundaries of a survey I think.
>Hard one. Egyptian deserts, I guess.
>I came to realize, it's not a phase; somthing is essentially broken with my life.
>Drink at weekends, would smoke weed at a party but don't regularly smoke.
>Would like to try fishing, but neither as of now.

>> No.7059669

>1. Do you play an instrument? If so, what do you play and can you read music?

>2. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?

Yes, got my drivers license last october. My dad was so kind to pass me on his Fiat Panda. Great little car. don't care that people say it's ugly and what not. It gets great milage and is really cheap to run (insurance is cheap on it, which is the most important as a young driver imo)

>3. What's your level of education? What do you study?

Finished A-levels where the focus was on communication, IT and English; also had philosophy as an extra. Going to start comparative literature at university in a years time.

>4. What are you reading? Why? Good?

Fernando Pessoa, The Book of Disquiet. Why? Dunno, guess I'm reading those kinds of books atm, read Notes from UUnderground before this. Troubled men in one way or the other is what gets me off at the moment I suppose. And yes, it is very good.
>5. Your view on God.

Don't believe. Wish I could. More agnostic that atheistic.
>6. Your view on the human self, its existence/ non-existence and importance to life without reducing your answer to a discussion of its evolutionary importance.

Don't know what to answer here to be honest.

>7. Your favorite landscape that you've actually laid your own eyes on.

Glacier I walked on when I was on Iceland.
>8. Saddest moment of your life in one sentence.

Not one moment, but the fact that I fucked things up with a girl a few years back. Really think it would have been good, I still think about it years after. Often have dreams where I am with her, doing trivial things like lying on a bench or walking on a meadow. Those dreams are better than anything I have ever experienced in real life.0 Then I wake up and realize that it isn't real, makes me incredibly sad. Sounds pathetic, I know.
>9. Drink/ smoke?

Binge drink occasionally, don't drink much else. Smoke both pipe and cigarettes

>10. Hunt/ fish?

Fish once in a blue mooon

>> No.7059717

1. nop
2. Yes. A 2008 Subaru Impreza WRX (Hatchback.)
3. College student. Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Graduated from an Arts High School for Creative Writing.
4. The Art of War by Sun Tzu. Because his teachings were timeless. Good? It's a classic, so yes.
5. Doesn't exist. I pretend to be Protestant (because most Americans are Protestant) because it's easier to get along with people that way.
6. Your existence is determined by yourself, and because you have two hands, two legs, and intelligence, you can do whatever you want. That's your purpose.
7. None.
8. My childhood.
9. I drink. I don't smoke.
10. No/No.

>> No.7059732

>1. Do you play an instrument? If so, what do you play and can you read music?
Guitar, bass and drums. I used to read music, not so good anymore.

>2. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?
Yes - a fiat 500 that belongs to my father.

>3. What's your level of education? What do you study?
Got a degree on Internet Systems this year, not sure what to do next.

>4. What are you reading? Why? Good?
Anna Karenina, some essays on Shakespeare, Fernando Pessoa's poetry.

>5. Your view on God.
Used to be a Jehovah's Witness, never believed in God. I despise religion but I think that's because I was raised in a cult.

>6. Your view on the human self, its existence/ non-existence and importance to life without reducing your answer to a discussion of its evolutionary importance.
I don't know, man. I'm just here for a while.

>7. Your favorite landscape that you've actually laid your own eyes on.
I'll never forget when I was going to Europe and I could see the border of Africa and the ocean from the plane for the first time. I never felt so little in this huge world of ours.

>8. Saddest moment of your life in one sentence.
When I realized life was meaningless. I used to believe in some crazy shit.

>9. Drink/ smoke?
Love wine and vodca. I don't smoke.

>10. Hunt/ fish?
Never did that. I think I should someday.

>> No.7059800


You need a GPA of at least 3.71 (European based GPA, it's more for Americans). This is about 80-85% on average. This is a pretty high bar, but there are many other universities with lower requirement, which are still good like King's college London, Edinburgh, etc

>> No.7059803

Holy fuck
Is it Bachelor and Master combined or only Master?
If combined, I can't get 80 anymore I think

>> No.7059857

1. No

2. Yes, for about two weeks now

3. Doing A-levels (Politics, History, English Lit) and aiming for a university in Europe.

4. This Side of Paradise because I was curious if Fitzgerald was a one hit wonder. I was not disappointed. Also reading The National State and National Self-Determination by Cobban because I'm 'Northern' Irish.

5. Raised a Catholic and the ethos is pretty engrained on me. Pretty much an atheist.

6. Skipping

7. Carlingford lough from the Cooley mountains. Stunning

8. Skipping

9. Yes/ No

10. No/ No

>> No.7059877


It's based on your last/latest degree. So if you already have a master's degree, it's based on this degree, if you already have have a bachelor's degree, only this degree counts.

>> No.7059887

>1. Do you play an instrument? If so, what do you play and can you read music?
Guitar, I can read tabs but not sheet music.
>2. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?
>3. What's your level of education? What do you study?
I am doing A Levels in English, Maths and History
>4. What are you reading? Why? Good?
Sorrows of Young Werther, because I liked the sound of it, yes.
>5. Your view on God.
I believe in God but I don't believe that humans can know enough about God to make any statements about the nature of God
>6. Your view on the human self, its existence/ non-existence and importance to life without reducing your answer to a discussion of its evolutionary importance.
dunno lol
>7. Your favorite landscape that you've actually laid your own eyes on.
My grandparents have a really great view from their house in Scotland of mountains and sea
>8. Saddest moment of your life in one sentence.
idk its been alright so far
>9. Drink/ smoke?
>10. Hunt/ fish?
i have fished but i dont regularly

>> No.7059907

Then I might have a chance. Thank you so much, this might help me decide what to do with my life!

>> No.7059928

1. Nothing well, can read basic music
2. No
3. MBChB
4. Last of the Mohicans - better than expected
Cuentos de la generacion de 1898 (dual language) - easier than expected
Clinical approach to jaundice - slog
5. Suspended belief in god until I have time to read a bible and make my mind up
6. To serve
7. North Yorkshire Moors
8. The numerous times that the NHS has dumped a steaming shit of beurocracy on someone who needs help
9. Yes, yes
10. No, yes

>> No.7059935


No problem anon, I wish you the best of luck, it's really worth it.

>> No.7061474


>> No.7061591

Little bit of Clarinet, Guitar, Accordion
college student, studying russian & just added chinese
Stories of your life by Ted Chiang. good enough so far
don't know. but if i don't keep reading religious texts i can get kind of depressed
there is no self but i still want it
probably the white mountains, or the countryside out of san francisco
no idea. beginning to realize i was depressed?
drink a little but not to get drunk

>> No.7061620

>1. Do you play an instrument? If so, what do you play and can you read music?

No. I used to play guitar but I broke my finger and used that as an excuse to never play again. I never enjoyed it and always felt embarrassed while practicing.

>2. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?

Yes. I drive my parents and gfs vehicles when I can...no vehicle of my own.

3. What's your level of education? What do you study?

Bsc. in Biochemistry and Molecular biology. Hoping to get a job at a major brewing company but I've been unemployed for the last 8 months

>4. What are you reading? Why? Good?

Anna Karenina. My gf is reading it, and I also heard it was considered one of the greatest novels ever written. I'm enjoying it so far.

>5. Your view on God.

I used to be Catholic. Went through an edgy athiest phase between 18-22 now I'm indifferent/agnostic.

>6. Your view on the human self, its existence/ non-existence and importance to life without reducing your answer to a discussion of its evolutionary importance.

I can't offer you anything of value on this question.

7. Your favorite landscape that you've actually laid your own eyes on.

My cousins cottage in Northern Ontario. The rocky mountains. Prince Edward Island.

8. Saddest moment of your life in one sentence.

When I watched my dog die

9. Drink/ smoke?

I drink socially. Never smoke. Used to smoke a lot of weed though.

10. Hunt/ fish?

No, but I'd like to.

>> No.7061673

1. Yes and yes. Bassoon
2. Yes, 2004 Corolla
3. Working on a bachelors in pure math from a shitty LAC
4. Currently reading Locke's 2nd Treatise on Government. I'm only reading it for a survey course, and I'm not sure if if I'm missing any context or not, but I think i get the gist of it.
5. Don't real.
6. Human life is important. The self exists, though I'm not sure why or how. I'll leave the rest of the discussion to the people who have some clue what they're talking about.
7. The mountains in northern Tennessee
8. My STEM granddad died of cancer; now I don't like STEM.
9. Nope. I can only contain so many vices at once.
10. Haven't hunted. I've fished a few times but I haven't reached the skill for it to actually be remedial. It's just tedious.

>> No.7061724 [DELETED] 

>1. Do you play an instrument? If so, what do you play and can you read music?
I can sort of read music from prior study (piano), but I haven't played for a long time.
>2. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?
I drive a compact car
>3. What's your level of education? What do you study?
I have a Master's (related to question #5)
>4. What are you reading? Why? Good?
A couple short-story collections. They're vry different but both very good
>5. Your view on God.
There are good and bad aspects to believers and nonbelievers both, but my sympathies are a bit on the side of faith
>6. Your view on the human self, its existence/ non-existence and importance to life without reducing your answer to a discussion of its evolutionary importance.
If I am understanding this correctly, I take a pragmatic approach and accept existence and importance of each self since believing otherwise doesn't accomplish anything
>7. Your favorite landscape that you've actually laid your own eyes on.
I'm having trouble answering this because of feels from #8
>8. Saddest moment of your life in one sentence.
o god why did she do that
>9. Drink/ smoke?
>10. Hunt/ fish?

>> No.7061728 [DELETED] 

>1. No. Tried to learn music but didn't have enough enthusiasm.
>2. I drive a Saturn Ion Redline
>3. High school diploma but self-educated to the point of genius
>4. The Nature of Alexander. Fantastic stuff.
>5. I have a personal god whom I worship and invoke in times of great distress or need.
>6. Man cannot extricate himself from the standpoint of subjectivity. His knowledge of the world is twofold (first and third person), and this unique position influences everything he does.
>7. Your favorite landscape that you've actually laid your own eyes on.
>8. My grandfather expiring in my arms after I asked my god to give him a long healthy life or a quick painless death (he had suffered a stroke several hours earlier that left him unable to swallow)
>9. no/no. If you drove a Ferrari, would you put orange juice in it?
>10. Fishing is fun, but hunting is a joke with modern firearms

>> No.7061733

1. Bass and guitar, can read veery slowly, only notes, not rythm though.
2.used to drive a Jetta til I crashed it after 3 days of no sleep, it was a light crash, but piece of shit car started having a lot of problems, better to sell it, didnt need it anyway
3.Studying a STEM career
4.Sherlock Holmes' a study in Scarlet, its cool so far. Also "Por su nombre" by Alvaro Uribe, beautiful on every way.
5.Don't believe in any god or energy or whatever the fuck.
6. We've lived enough to keep being such violent egoist morons.

7.View of the ocean when arriving by car to this coastal city, you traverse a kind of dark road surrounded by junglish trees, then the view opens up and you see the endless ocean, makes me feel so sad and so happy at e same time. (I'm a feely faggot)

8. Everyday alone in college, for the last 4 years...
Or possibly when I realized I'm handsome and yet can't get girls.

9. Love artisan dark beer, cuban cigarettes and Lucky Strikes


>> No.7061738 [DELETED] 


forgot 7

not sure about a landscape, but the most visually impressive thing I've experienced is the night sky from my uncle's farm

I can only imagine what the view must have been like before artificial light

>> No.7061752


>then i wake up and realize it isnt real, makes me really sad.

Know at feel bro, I too fucked up a few years ago with the girl of my dreams, she was beautiful in every way.
Now I drink and do whores and cocaine

>> No.7061766

>1. Do you play an instrument? If so, what do you play and can you read music?
I haven't played for a long time. I can read slowly
>2. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?
Yes, a compact car
>3. What's your level of education? What do you study?
I have a Master's (related to question #5)
>4. What are you reading? Why? Good?
A couple shorts-tory collections, They are both very good
>5. Your view on God.
Probably mostly agnostic. I empathize slightly more with believers than nonbelievers although I am ambivalent about both groups
>6. Your view on the human self, its existence/ non-existence and importance to life without reducing your answer to a discussion of its evolutionary importance.
If I understand the question, my answer is pragmatic--the self exists and is important in its own way
>7. Your favorite landscape that you've actually laid your own eyes on.
I'm having trouble answering this because of feels from #8
>8. Saddest moment of your life in one sentence.
Can't go into it
>9. Drink/ smoke?
>10. Hunt/ fish?

>> No.7061779

1. Do you play an instrument? If so, what do you play and can you read music?
I can play guitar and have very rudimentary piano abilities. I can read music, but not fast enough to play it on sight.

2. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?
No. 25 years old and no license. I gotta get on that. Although I live in a major city with a pretty comprehensive public transportation system.

3. What's your level of education? What do you study?
Bachelor of Arts in English (lol) with areas of interest including apocalypse narratives, OuLiPo, and digital culture

4. What are you reading? Why? Good?
No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai
It's okay. The narrator seems to have Asperger's, but he can turn a pretty phrase.

5. Your view on God.
If a god exists (which I doubt) it is beyond our ability to know or comprehend that fact. Or they are entirely outside our sensory perception.

6. Your view on the human self, its existence/ non-existence and importance to life without reducing your answer to a discussion of its evolutionary importance.
I don't think we're anything special, if that's what you're asking.

7. Your favorite landscape that you've actually laid your own eyes on.
Shenandoah National Park. Absolutely breathtaking.

8. Saddest moment of your life in one sentence.
Watching my fiancee get driven away in an ambulance after a suicide attempt. I went into a fetal position on the floor of the foyer and wept.

9. Drink/ smoke?
Drink more than is responsible and smoke pot like an addict. No cigarettes, though. Had a Cuban cigar about a month ago.

10. Hunt/ fish?
No. Just not interested.

>> No.7061793

you will enjoy american psycho

>> No.7061846

Hi /lit/

Here are this week's ten questions. It's a bit of a mixed bag this time Longer answers preferred.

1. Do you play an instrument? If so, what do you play and can you read music?

Guitar/banjo/fiddle. Kinda

2. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?

Yes. Toyota corolla

3. What's your level of education? What do you study?

Masters in pharmacy currently

4. What are you reading? Why? Good?

The third policeman - o'brien. Iunno lit said was good. It is.

5. Your view on God.

Doesn't noumenally exist obviously. Interesting as psychological/anthropological projection.

6. Your view on the human self, its existence/ non-existence and importance to life without reducing your answer to a discussion of its evolutionary importance.

Exists categorically due to our tendency to create finalities and absolute definitions.

7. Your favorite landscape that you've actually laid your own eyes on.

Enormous field in the middle of the night in Texas surrounded by mountains. Felt like I was in The Crossing

8. Saddest moment of your life in one sentence.

No individual moment stands out. Most traumatic was finding out I was cheated on. Tried to kill self once but that was more the result of a culmination of sadnesses rather than a particular set of moments

9. Drink/ smoke?

Drink every other day, smoke a couple /day

10. Hunt/ fish?

Fish sometimes, have hunted twice with uncle but not regularly

>> No.7062018
File: 139 KB, 469x500, 6d6d2910fd300cf46724fdd334bd31a5c8262889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1. Do you play an instrument? If so, what do you play and can you read music?
I currently play the guitar and piano. Played the violin for a while. Can read music and know a bit about theory
>2. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?
I have a license, but don't have a car at uni. Usually an Altima
>3. What's your level of education? What do you study?
Working on an undergrad. STEMfag (Computer Science)
>4. What are you reading? Why? Good?
Finished Blood Meridian yesterday. Currently reading Hemingway's Short Stories. I wanted to read some short stories since I can read them quickly in between classes.
>5. Your view on God.
God is cool. Had a falling out of Christianity a few years ago, but have come back to it and seeing it with a new perspective. I don't really have a denomination, but I do enjoy reading Christian works (Confessions, apologetics, etc.) Have a disdain for Catholics since last gf was one and broke it off with me since I wasn't.
>6. Your view on the human self, its existence/ non-existence and importance to life without reducing your answer to a discussion of its evolutionary importance.
Too deep for 4chan. I don't feel comfortable answering this since I really don't have any prior knowledge to support my claims. Am starting to get into philosophy, but am not ready to make any "2deep4u" thoughts of my own
>7. Your favorite landscape that you've actually laid your own eyes on.
Niagra Falls was really pretty. Spent a lot of time in Canada, its really beautiful up there.
>8. Saddest moment of your life in one sentence.
Life's been pretty good to me. I'm kinda lonely now, but content.
>9. Drink/ smoke?
Occasionally drink. Usually wine and mixed drinks. Don't really have time for it.
>10. Hunt/ fish?

Here's your reply!

>> No.7062086

>1. Do you play an instrument? If so, what do you play and can you read music?
>2. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?
Yes, I drive a Chevy
>3. What's your level of education? What do you study?
Undergrad accounting student
>4. What are you reading? Why? Good?
Swords around a throne: Napoleon's Grand Armee by John Elting. I am really enjoying it, but i enjoy military history a lot and like reading obscure details about how napoleon organized his guard battalions. I also admire Napoleon a lot so i like learning more about him
>5. Your view on God.
If god exists why wouldn't he create a better world?
>6. Your view on the human self, its existence/ non-existence and importance to life without reducing your answer to a discussion of its evolutionary importance.
The human self is basically essential to even experience life
>7. Your favorite landscape that you've actually laid your own eyes on.
I really like the endless forests, hills and lakes of Michigan's upper peninsula
>8. Saddest moment of your life in one sentence.
I don't know to be honest, my life hasn't been too sad to be honest, or I'm just not very emotional.
>9. Drink/ smoke?
never smoked, and i really dislike drinking, but i've done it before
>10. Hunt/ fish?
I love fishing more than anything, and hunting is fun too

>> No.7062148

>1. Do you play an instrument? If so, what do you play and can you read music?
>2. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?
2002 volkwagon jetta
>3. What's your level of education? What do you study?
i have a PhD in Biochemistry and work as a biology lecturing professor
>4. What are you reading? Why? Good?
just finished the Earthsea based on talk around here. not impressed, but not disappointed either.
>5. Your view on God.
i don't know if a god exists or not and i do not claim to know
>6. Your view on the human self, its existence/ non-existence and importance to life without reducing your answer to a discussion of its evolutionary importance.
i'm here for literature, not philosophy
>7. Your favorite landscape that you've actually laid your own eyes on.
the red mesas of the american southwest
>8. Saddest moment of your life in one sentence.
rejection by a crush, back in high school/undergrad, probably
>9. Drink/ smoke?
occasionally and socially / nope
>10. Hunt/ fish?
no, although i recently moved to Louisiana and i might have to start

>> No.7062227


South Africa?

>> No.7062702

1. No, have "piano hands" though
2. No, clumsy guy in a big city
3. Gap year, applying to Oxford University for Phil/Theo
4. Gravity's Rainbow, Brother's K (then Stirner, just catching up on all the meme authors and digging /lit/'s taste
5. Reluctant agnostic, admire Catholicism
6. No way to find certainty in anything, no way to deduce objective meaning = creating your own purpose on arbitrary aesthetics
7. The Nile in Central Cairo
8. None really, I suppose being dyslexic enough to justify being considered semi-retarded
9. Prefer MDMA or even acid to getting drunk, drink a nice beer with a meal or smoke pot usually
10. Once killed a small bird with an airifle and felt bad

>> No.7062715

1. No :'(

2. Yes, Camry

3. currently doing undergrad

4. Heartsnatcher by Boris Vian. It's really good, had a bit of trouble getting into it but I've warmed to it.

5. Don't believe in him, sadly.

6. Be good to people, also fuck bitches.

7. can't remember one

8. Accidentally poisoned my sister when I was a kid, nearly killed her.

9. Yes. No.

10. Have done them, don't really like either. Shooting targets is cool though

>> No.7062728

>1. Do you play an instrument? If so, what do you play and can you read music?
Guitar and have recently started messing around on piano again. I can read music.
>2. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?
>3. What's your level of education? What do you study?
Currently doing Physics
>4. What are you reading? Why? Good?
Carlyle's Sartor Resartus, Scruton's The Meaning of Conservatism and Kierkegaard's Either/Or. All good.
>5. Your view on God.
le God is dead etc.
>6. Your view on the human self, its existence/ non-existence and importance to life without reducing your answer to a discussion of its evolutionary importance.
I'm not answering this
>7. Your favorite landscape that you've actually laid your own eyes on.
Oxfordshire or the Oxford skyline
>8. Saddest moment of your life in one sentence.
No idea
>9. Drink/ smoke?
Yes and now and then
>10. Hunt/ fish?
No, I use supermarkets

>> No.7062729

>Nietschzian/Randian rational utility-maximizing actor

>> No.7062742

1. Do you play an instrument? If so, what do you play and can you read music?
>Yes, I play a variety of instruments mostly string and electronic, and yes I can read sheet music.
2. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?
>no, drivings dumb, dangerous and expensive.
3. What's your level of education? What do you study?
>Dropped out of uni. More interested in music.
4. What are you reading? Why? Good?
>Leviathan, because I own it and haven't read it, haven't particularly enjoyed it yet.
5. Your view on God.
>artificial existential blanket and warm hat
6. Your view on the human self, its existence/ non-existence and importance to life without reducing your answer to a discussion of its evolutionary importance.
>arrangement of patterns that a life form has adapted to utilize and build as information. There is no evidence of there being anything intrinsically "important" about life.
7. Your favorite landscape that you've actually laid your own eyes on.
>deep in the montana bitterroots, far away from any people are some really beautiful untouched mountains
8. Saddest moment of your life in one sentence.
>dumped by fiancee that I'm still in love with years ago.
9. Drink/ smoke?
>socially/socially, used to do both regularly
10. Hunt/ fish?
>I'll hunt when long term subsistence camping, and fish then too though I used to fish for sport. I probably still would if I was in a better financial situation, I enjoy fishing.

>> No.7062790

1 yes multiple guitar,vox,bass,drums and piano
2 yes, my parents car
3 currently in college(graduated high school)
4 infinite jest, it's length and critical acclaim
5 exists but not identified
6 exists but not properly nurtured
7 Maryland bay bridge
8 finding out my sister claimed I indecently assaulted her
9 smoke weed on occasion
10 fish very rarely

>> No.7062854

1. No to instrument, can read music
2. Fuck cars
3. In uni, philosophy
4. On the Road, it's been on my list, v good
5. exalted man (tfw mormon)
6. Man exists, general Nihilist views with Hedonistic influences
7. There are a couple lakes in Vancouver and Victoria
8. No, goodbye
9. Sometimes/sometimes
10. No/no

>> No.7062969

>Trombone and guitar-like things. yes.
>honda accord
>recently finished my BS in Computer science
>towards the end of House of Leaves, my ex suggested it a long time ago when we were dating, its great.
>driving though Connecticut in the fall
>my mom got brain cancer last year and now her body is starting to fail and she is in a lot of pain and I can't do anything about it
>my dad was never around

>> No.7062976

Because he did, but man chose sin and sin entered the world and it became the best possible world with sin.

>> No.7063019

>I play the violin. Yes, I can read music. I don't play as much as I used to. Of course, where I'm from we call it a fiddle.
>Yes, I drive an '08 Toyota Tacoma.
>I'm a senior English major (inb4 poorfag) with a minor in creative writing.
>Sheppard Lee by Robert Bird. It's decent.
>I don't really know. I'd like to think so.
>This question is too deep to discuss in one sitting.
>The view from a tree stand as the snow covers the landscape. The damp, dark tree trunks contrast with the white and everything is quiet. Your hands and face are both numb, but it's wonderful.
>The death of my grandparents.
>Not usually, but I won't turn down a drink or a cig.
>I do both very regularly. I feel like you have no notion of the complexities of life until you've watched a creature take its dying breath, until you've watched the life fade from its eyes. You don't know the solace of being on a river in a flat bottom boat and watching the world pass slowly by unless you've been fishing.

>> No.7063042

owned, I guess. I didn't really expect anyone to read that. but sure neither of them really gives a shit about utility directly

>> No.7063046

3.nearly finished middle school
4.not reading
5.don't think he exists
6.don't think it matters
7.haven't layed my eyes on any landscape worth noting
8.it all blends together

>> No.7063048

1 Used to play drums and guitar. Not very well.
2 Yes, 1994 BMW
3 College sophomore. Lit+film
4 The Sound and the Fury. Great
5 Atheist but leaning towards determinist theory now
6 No-self
7 The Beaches of Monaco/Glacier National Park
8 My childhood dog broke her neck by running into a sliding glass door, I carried her to the hospital while she died.
9 Not-often/no
10 No.

>> No.7063051

>1. Do you play an instrument? If so, what do you play and can you read music?
as a child, bass guitar. I might be able to, i havnt looked at a sheet since i was 14
>2. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?
Yes, Toyota hilux 3.0 diesel, 2002 model
>3. What's your level of education? What do you study?
Part-time chemical engineering while running a cattle property
>4. What are you reading? Why? Good?
The Scarlet Pimpernel. Dated
>5. Your view on God.
If God exists, then its none of my business, and im none of his
>6. Your view on the human self, its existence/ non-existence and importance to life without reducing your answer to a discussion of its evolutionary importance.
>7. Your favorite landscape that you've actually laid your own eyes on.
Lord Howe Island
>8. Saddest moment of your life in one sentence.
Dog was killed, but my cattle sold for 40k more than i expected
>9. Drink/ smoke?
Both. Bourbon and cheap rollies
>10. Hunt/ fish?
I kill feral pigs with dog and knife. Closest i get to fishing is pulling bogged vehicles out of the mud

>> No.7063071


>> No.7063079

These are shit and nobody cares.

What are you reading?
Post a critique of it.
What are you writing?
Post the last thing you wrote.

>> No.7063086

>No. I can read music
>A Durango
>I teach. I'm a teacher
>Ornithology textbook, poetry anthology, chemistry textbook; yes, eh, as good as a chemistry textbook can be
>A concept but not an existing being; think we'd be better off without the concept entirely
>Completely irrelevant
>The hills of my wife's curves
>It's all been steadily depressing, there's not one moment I'd single out over another
>Fishing occasionally

>> No.7063101

>1. Do you play an instrument? If so, what do you play and can you read music?

I play the banjo. I can hack my way through sheet music but it takes time, I mostly play by ear.

>2. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?

2001 Chevy Silverado

>3. What's your level of education? What do you study?

Senior in college, English major. I have an associates in the culinary arts as well.

>4. What are you reading? Why? Good?

Ishmael, recommended by a friend. It's a bit preachy for me.

>5. Your view on God.

I guess agnostic but with a hard lean towards atheism

>6. Your view on the human self, its existence/ non-existence and importance to life without reducing your answer to a discussion of its evolutionary importance.

Gonna skip this one

>7. Your favorite landscape that you've actually laid your own eyes on.

Montana or Wyoming, both gorgeous states

>8. Saddest moment of your life in one sentence.

Only I walked away unharmed.

>9. Drink/ smoke?

Bourbon and beer/cigs and a pipe

>10. Hunt/ fish?

It's been a year since I've done either but I put my deer stand up last weekend so hopefully I can get out there this year

>> No.7063150

My hog hunting nigger. I like you. I kill them with a compound though. I don't like to get that close while they're still breathing.

>> No.7063164

but why would he create a world where all of that is possible? wouldn't loving deity make an absolutely perfect world, with no possibility of ever becoming worse?

>> No.7063215


1. I play guitar and I sing, but I can't read music. My younger brother is the musical talent in the family. I recognize the similarities between music and language, but it does not come as naturally to me. Being mediocre lets me practice more and harder. Being decent at writing means that I cringe at it 6 months or a year later, so I stopped.

2. I drive a 20 year old Lexus. The A/C is broken.

3. I flunked out of college after four years. I struggled to care about GE's, but I did pretty well in most upper level English classes. I failed English 105 twice when I went back for those credits, so I just gave up at that point. The professors wanted me to, even.

4. I haven't read anything in years, I spend all evening drinking beer and smoking pot. I'm trying to read Unlimited Power by Tony Robbins, and hopefully I can recapture my love of reading.

5. There is no meaningful influence by God, so I don't believe in him. I do think about talking to him, like I do a genie.

6. I struggle with my existential self, but I know it doesn't have to be this way. I just do it badly.

7. Wolfgangsee in Austria.

8. I can't remember if I sold my soul so my rat could live a little longer.

9. Cigarettes, beer, and weed. They are a knot!

10. No, and not in years. I would hunt birds if I could.

>> No.7063223


750 Honda Shadow Aero, 2006. Black.

>> No.7063307

1. I practice Guitar and Piano every now and then but can't really properly play either of them. Just some melodies of some songs I like but not full songs. I really do try to practice guitar even little every day. I can't read music.

2. No. My driving licence was almost done few years ago but then something happened and I got really depressed so I never completed it. Now I feel like I probably forgot everything and since I couldn't even afford a car I haven't been motivated to go finnish it. I plan to get it in this year though.

3. College. I study animation and special effects.

4. Free Will by Sam Harris. Never really thought about the subject before I read some discussion of it hear. I wanted to read that one because its short and I heard its good. I'm enjoying it.

5. I think I'm agnostic. I wouldn't argue about gods existence and I love science. I've never really believed any of the stories in bible but for some reason I still believe in some kind of higher power.

6. I don't know. I'm bit too tired to start think about it right now. Sorry

7. I don't think I have one. I like to gaze at the stars at night.

8. Finding my dad dead.

9. Both. I have cut down on smoking and do it only three times a day now and intend to stop completely. I drink almost every weekend.

10. Never hunted. I have fished but its not really my hobby.

>> No.7063385

Hi /lit/

Here are this week's ten questions. It's a bit of a mixed bag this time Longer answers preferred.

1. Do you play an instrument? If so, what do you play and can you read music?

2. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?

3. What's your level of education? What do you study?

4. What are you reading? Why? Good?

5. Your view on God.

6. Your view on the human self, its existence/ non-existence and importance to life without reducing your answer to a discussion of its evolutionary importance.

7. Your favorite landscape that you've actually laid your own eyes on.

8. Saddest moment of your life in one sentence.

9. Drink/ smoke?

10. Hunt/ fish?

>> No.7063548

these are some gay ass questions

>> No.7063561

1 no
2 no
3 currently study at uni
4 Isabel Allende, something with Ripper in the title, because I found it in my library and I never read it, idk i'm 50 pages in
5 foggy but luminescent
6 I'm not responding this question with a post on a chinese comics site
7 the dolomites at dawn
8 no
9 yes and yes
10 wtf no

>> No.7063565

>1. Do you play an instrument? If so, what do you play and can you read music?
I play mediocre guitar. I can't read music but have a basic understanding of the theory involved.
>2. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?
I have a driver's licence but do not own have a car.
>3. What's your level of education? What do you study?
University - Master level. Studying law.
>4. What are you reading? Why? Good?
The Long Ships, because it was recommended on /lit/ and I have just read some of the Islandic sagas. A very entertaining book, would recommend.
>5. Your view on God.
An interesting and beautiful concept. I do not believe, nor worship any deity right now. Might change when I grow older.
>6. Your view on the human self, its existence/ non-existence and importance to life without reducing your answer to a discussion of its evolutionary importance.
Meaning in life is found through personal conviction, and hopes and dreams that transcend mere hedonism.
>7. Your favorite landscape that you've actually laid your own eyes on.
A wheat field near my parent's farm during a sunset. Absolutely beautiful. Besides that the Alps.
>8. Saddest moment of your life in one sentence.
Hearing my mother would be brain damaged for the rest of her life.
>9. Drink/ smoke?
Yes. Both. But in moderate amounts.
>10. Hunt/ fish?
No, although I should take of hunting to try and gain the approval of my father before it is too late.

>> No.7063566

Not today, officer.

>> No.7063589

1. Mostly bass and a little guitar
2. Yes. 2014 jeep wrangler sport (Gift before college)
3. In college, studying computer engineering, hoping on going to law school after
4. Autobiography of benjamin franklin. Need to for a class. I've liked it so far.
5. Raised catholic
6. I'm here for a reason. ive yet to see what is is though.
7. Mountains of north carolina
8. Watching my uncle die in front of me in the hospital
9. Drink occasionally, don't smoke
10. I go deep sea fishing maybe twice a year with family, never hunted before.

>> No.7063615

1. Do you play an instrument? If so, what do you play and can you read music?
>I used to play guitar, but I was never very good so I quit.

2. Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?
>Yes. I have a 2009 Honda Civic

3. What's your level of education? What do you study?
>College drop out "studying" film.

4. What are you reading? Why? Good?
>Don Quixote, because I remember an episode of Wishbone about it

5. Your view on God.
>There isn't one

6. Your view on the human self, its existence/ non-existence and importance to life without reducing your answer to a discussion of its evolutionary importance.

7. Your favorite landscape that you've actually laid your own eyes on.
>Scottish highlands

8. Saddest moment of your life in one sentence.
>I'm sure it hasn't happened yet.

9. Drink/ smoke?
>Yes and yes

10. Hunt/ fish?
>I have done both, I don't do either.

>> No.7063622

>but why would he create a world where all of that is possible?
Because he can. Also free will for his children. Both work.
> wouldn't loving deity make an absolutely perfect world, with no possibility of ever becoming worse?
Why would it? By which logical connection does God being perfect mean he must create a world without suffering? This wolrld already is "perfect" as a work of engeneering afaig. Also loving doesn't mean a puppy loving God who gives you all the food and pleasure you wish for.

>> No.7063635

1. No.
2. No.
3. In college.
4. Nothing right now.
5. I cannot prove santa Claus exists, but I'm prety sure he doesn't. The question isn't "Does god exist?", it's "If a god were to exist, would I give a shit?" and the answer to that is no.
6. We are terrible. Without tools we'd be fucked.
7. 60 miles off the Atlantic
8. My mother.
9. Refuse to.
10. Fish.

>> No.7063684


1. I play violin and bass guitar and perform with various groups on a regular basis. I have studied music theory in depth.
2. Yes, parent's car
3. Grade 12 but planning on at least Masters
4. Norwegian Wood cuz Murakami is sick
How the Mind Works by Pinker, cuz science
Balthazar by Durrell cuz I got the whole Quartet for free
5. Atheist, and dislike organized religion, but with respect for those who believe in personal spirituality
6. Consciousness/subjective experience is an illusion created by the physical brain. Basically along the lines of Hofstader's "I am a Strange Loop"
7. Sea to Sky probably
8. Breaking up with gf I guess, but not much to compare to, I'm pretty boring
9. Both, but only in social settings
10. No, but noone in my family or any of my friends do

>> No.7063687

1. Violin, can only read it at a simple level.
2. Yes, prefer to ride my bike.
3. English bachelor's at UC Davis.
4. To the Lighthouse, very good.
5. Creator
6. The human self is inherently unimportant to life but paramount to existence, being as it is the only species which can confirm its existence. There is no purpose, but this is a freeing notion.
7. The Kaweah Gap in the Western Sierra Nevadas, or the overall layout of New Zealand as you begin to round the tip of the North Island.
8. Girl I loved stopped talking to me.
(she ended up contacting me again 3 months later, we've been dating for a year now.)
9. Never been drunk or buzzed, but enjoy cider. No.
10. No. Would probably turn me completely off meat tbh.

>> No.7063732

1. Yes, guitar, somewhat
2. Yes, Toyota Tundra
3. High school, I read a lot?
4. 'Dragon seed' and Beowulf, they're alright
5. Undecided, too many things to consider, too little time considering
6. Is this about the importance of human life in the universe? There is none, everything's pretty pointless, but I still enjoy everything
7. I love mountains and rivers, West Virginia was nice, would love to see Norway
8. I've been sad plenty of times in my life, nothing still makes me sad, life is life, it goes on, whatever
9. Used to smoke tobacco cigs and then funky cigs , I enjoy the occasional glass of whiskey still
10. Yes, yes

>> No.7063770


1. Guitar and Bass. I can read music but that's unrelated.

2. No, I cycle because I am superior human being

3. Mathematics undergrad

4. War and Peace, because I am interested in the Napoleonic wars and read several short stories by Tolstoy and enjoyed them. I'm not far yet but am enjoying it, though it's hard keeping track of who's who

5. I would give anything to believe in him

6. I'm trying not to think about it at the moment because I'm not in a great place

7. Along the beach towards my hometown

8. Coincidentally on election night when my sense of self collapsed and I went for a walk through the streets sobbing and feeling completely detached from everything.

9. I drink but don't smoke

10. No, too much of a city-dweller