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File: 408 KB, 383x551, dylan moran.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7049970 No.7049970 [Reply] [Original]


What are some good stand up comedian?
Any tips on how to write comedy?

>> No.7049994

I like Hanibal Buress

>> No.7050014

People aren't there to watch you be your authentic self onstage, they're there to be entertained.

>> No.7050024

yep, i always thought of stand up comedy as a form of theatrical play

>> No.7050082

OP what is DR COSMOS? I'm a massive fan of Dylan Moran and google brings back nothing.

I heard a piece of from Dylan recently that was quite good - the questions you want to be asking onstage are the questions you would ask a fortune teller. Big questions about success, death, your family; that's what people really wonder about.

I've loved stand up since I was kid and have wanted to do it since I was a teenager, nearly 10 years ago now. It took me that decade to align the planets and muster up the courage to get up on stage and I'm slowly realising just how much work I have ahead of me to become good at it, never mind a master.

Stage time is all that matters. The ideal image of yourself you have in your head is not the performer you will be that first time you get on stage or the performer you will be in 15 years time. Stop protecting that image; you have no control over what you have inside you that can affect a crowd and that power is what's going to shape you.

>> No.7050117


Moran wrote some children books illustrated by him, Dr Cosmos is one of them

>> No.7050178


I was just on his site and that didn't pop up for me... Looks interesting. I'd get one for a nephew.

[premise] What is it with comedians and children's books, am I right?

>> No.7050179

Tour venues only? Aw what!

>> No.7050383

Help me conquer my fear of showing people what's going on inside my head!

>> No.7050388


>> No.7050389

Watched an interesting Stewart Lee talk on whether or not Stand-up is considered 'writing' or not today:


>> No.7050729


>> No.7050797

loved this anymore like this? not necessarily from the same guy but anything like this?

>> No.7050889

So....Bernard finally wrote a children's book?

>> No.7050916

Stewart Lee he is a smart comedian for people who read books none of that pedestrian comedy that is popular. No, nothing but quality humor based on booksmarts. It is quality intellectual humor. High brow material that actually requires a brain to even understand. I was watching him with my friends as it was my turn to pick the entertainment for the night. They didn't laugh once but I suppose those low brow cromagnon morons can't even comprehend him.

The next Voltaire, the next Swift the next Twain? I'm not saying that but I wouldn't argue with it.

>> No.7050958
File: 46 KB, 600x411, 1398373838847[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why and which people laugh at this person in this situation is a very decent question to ask.

>> No.7051203

dont hate on Lee with this weak bait m8, he's funny

>> No.7051214

memes aside i love this guy

>> No.7051762

More stuff!

>> No.7052386

How do you write your material?

>> No.7053331


>> No.7053342

I dont know, i know that most comedians keep a diary/notebook where they write down their ideas and the things that happen to them.
Then they select the best stories and work and on them.

(ps.if i wrote something wrong sorry for my broken english)

>> No.7053347


>> No.7053352

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=61y-8HGEGCQ just posting something in my mothertongue, hoping that i'm not the only italian who likes this stuff

>> No.7053365

Richard pls go

>> No.7053392
File: 9 KB, 250x250, 1402958964029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sam Hyde knows people inside and out. It's not necessarily funny but it makes you wish you could laugh at it.

>> No.7053419

hyde is an ok stand up comedian, but he's miles away from being any good.
People are there to be entertained not to take part in his satirical social experiment

>> No.7053447

The people who show up to Sam Hyde's stand up shows are his audience the same way someone on a hidden camera show is the audience. Those people are just props for a performance he's putting on to entertain youtube viewers.

>> No.7053456

two types of humor: so outrageous/ridiculous it's funny, so true it's funny.

Tips: keep a phone or writing pad on you at all times. write down anything and everything you think MIGHT be funny.

These are your blocks. You shape and cut/refine them by wording them into jokes. Wording is everything. You can tell the same joke two ways and one will be hilarious and one will be a complete miss.

Part one requires a kind of "eye" for humor. Part two requires some familiarity and instinct with audiences, and some writing skill.

>> No.7053481

i think that timing and body language are as important as wording

>> No.7053489


>> No.7053509

Stewart Lee, he's brilliant.

Just go watch Carpet Remnant World

>> No.7053521


>> No.7053998
File: 24 KB, 460x280, BernardBlack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


he's giving you this look right now.

>> No.7054839

Oh, god. I cried laughed.

>> No.7055519

I fucking hate Doug Stanhope. All of the shitty aspiring comedians I've known have cited him as a main influence alongside, you guessed, Bill Hicks, George Carlin, etc.

Is it something...with a fox?

>> No.7056697

Fucking... Same stand up thread we have every time /lit/. does anyone have anything new to say about stand up?

>> No.7056828

i love this man. genius


>> No.7057591

>stewart lee, hannibal burress, jeffries, louis ck, stanhope
rofl. you might as well say your favorite filmmakers are the coens, tarantino, and nolan.

>> No.7058184

post your favorite comedians then

>> No.7058256


>> No.7058270


>> No.7058272
File: 22 KB, 300x277, badumtish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, these threads are really running out of material