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/lit/ - Literature

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7049236 No.7049236 [Reply] [Original]

>reading manuscript
>best theological elenchus ever
>really into it
>really close to the edge of enlightenment
>it's 138 pages long
>know from glosses in other texts that the original was 143 pages
>the extant text is perfectly good and illuminating in itself
>tempted to stop and reflect on several parts
>keep skipping ahead anyway, because it keeps getting better and better
>right at the best part of all, hit 138
>dying to read what happens next
>could just go back and reread one of the many great parts
>fuck that
>become utterly devoted to hunting down the last 5 pages
>finally find them in a second manuscript, half-burned but with the relevant bits intact, in a bombed-out monastery sub-basement in belgium
>rush them back to study
>still on edge of enlightenment but a bit faded
>reread pages 130-138 to get back in the game
>raring to go again
>pulse is pounding with anticipation
>the climax of the disputatio has been built up to near infinite expectations because of the wait
>uncask 139-143 and array them along the table in their protective mylar
>scan through them rapidly
>pages 139-141 are merely winding down the argument of 138
>slide over to 142
>the disputatio ends in mutual aporia
>half a page wasted for a quotation from Aristotle
>final page is a decorative folio
>try to go back to the good parts
>can't get back into it
>end up just reading Aquinas for the 500th time
>go to bed at 4AM, soul no more at peace than it was at the outset

give me some literary feels lads

>> No.7049879

>be a student
>writing dissertation for my PhD
>studying through centuries old lore
>trying to develop a unique theory
>reading about ancient Egypt
>all of a sudden it hits me
>my mind cannot fathom the mental epiphany I've just experienced
>feel like the entirety of history has been unravelled like a string and it is running across my mind
>quickly got out and buy as many books related to my thought
>no one else has thought of it
>so happy feel I like I'm going to explode
>can barely stopping shaking as |I turn the pages
>drool at the thought of having my name live throughout the annals of history
>turn the page
>turns out my theory was already discovered by some Norwegian in like the 8th century A.D. and was mocked at the time for being so stupid the author doesn't bother to go into the deatils

>> No.7050248

That's pretty much gold for use in your thesis if there were no stated reasons for the mockery.

It'd be different if it was totally ripped apart, the reasons were given and the criticism made sense.

>> No.7050254

This. Sounds like you hit on something the Norwegians weren't ready for OP. But they're ready now.

>> No.7050289

it's a remix on a copypasta you faggots

>> No.7050300
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>uncask 139-143 and array them along the table in their protective mylar

>> No.7050343

What? Why fedora?

>> No.7050352
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>> No.7050379


I am David of Dinant and I know those feels.

>> No.7050476
File: 20 KB, 220x315, leon bloy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be a bilingual spic
>reading about Jacques Maritain
>look at how Leon Bloy made a huge impact in his life, to the point where he tells his life as "before and after meeting Bloy"
>never heard of him, start looking at his Wiki page
>read about how he was a huge catholic contrarian frenchman.
>i like this
>start reading some short biographies on him
>left with a hunger of knowing this man's thoughts and prose
>try to find his works online, looking particularly for "Letters to his Fiancee"
>eveything in french, LTHF isnt even online
>download Le Despere and La Femme Pauvre in french and try reading them with a dictionary
>feel like a pleb
>search more and finally find some short stories by him translated to spanish
>start reading, like it so far
>still want to read his main works
>tfw you are left with a huge literary hunger you know you will never satisfy

im considering learning French, I cant live with this

>> No.7050655
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السلام عليكم يا اخي

>> No.7050664

*uncasks fedora*

>> No.7050674

>how can i be both decadent and moralizing?

Leon Bloy in a nutshell.

>> No.7050689

If you already know 2 languages it shouldn't be that hard to learn another

>> No.7050751

except that i learned them at a young age. It isnt the same thing, really