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/lit/ - Literature

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704771 No.704771 [Reply] [Original]

What books should I carry with me that makes me look cool?

>> No.704778

A netbook.

>> No.704782


lol j/k

>> No.704819

Come on I need some fashionable books or some books to carry around that would make me look interesting.

>> No.704823

Books are for readig, not an accessory :)

>> No.704826

Guide To Suck Penis: A New Look At The Art of Serious Cocksucking

>> No.704835

Why not?

>> No.704845
File: 22 KB, 480x640, 1267243751857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.704846


>> No.704867

How to live with a micro-penis

>> No.704875

Mein Kampf

>> No.704876

Most of the pretentious hipsters like to be seen with Kafka, Pynchon, books like that.

>> No.704879


>> No.704890

Discipline and Punish >:3

>> No.704923

Thanks guys.

What about Catcher in the Rye or Catch 22?

Those seem pretty fashionable to carry.

>> No.704932 [DELETED] 



>> No.705073

Hmm. Hard to say. While the concept is dumb and you will not be successful, I'd say, go for a book a lot of people have heard of but few have read. Not a book commonly assigned in high school. You want to look cool, not "as smart as a high schooler."

>> No.705089

Clive Cussler. You'll get all the college hipster pussy you can handle.

>> No.705109

Pound's Cantos and Terrell's companion to the Cantos.

Awesome poetry and big books make tiny nerd strong.

>> No.705327

I disagree, I don't think the concept is dumb. But thank you for your input you make a good point.

>> No.705331

an e-book reader

when people ask how you like it or what it is you can start a conversation with them. It worked when netbooks were new and it's working now.

>> No.705369 [DELETED] 

ebook readers

worth it?


>> No.706708

ebook readers

worth it?


>> No.706709

Going Rogue

>> No.708398


>> No.708423


Philosophy books, or science imo. I'm often reading particle physics-related titles, no entry level shit though. The Republic (Plato) might be OK.

Any entry level lit fiction will make you look like a faggot (vonnegut, bukowski, etc.)



>> No.708428

the brothers karamazov and watchmen

>> No.708441

Simone de Beauvoir

So you look interrested in the chicks' condition, as well as knowledgeable in French literature.

>> No.708457

The thing with catch 22 is that it doesn't make an impression. It's a legitimately awesome book that you should actually read.

Anyway, carry around Leviathan.

>> No.708503

I don't think carrying around any book is going to make you look cool to the people you're trying to impress...

I would seriously try a sports cap or a band t-shirt.

>> No.708592

I already wear baseball caps.

Band shirts ehh not so much.

But come on guys. I know you have some pride in carrying some cool books around. It feels like your absorbing the information while you do.

>> No.708597


You are a bad troll.

Carry around some highschoolshit like to kill a mockingbird.

>> No.708606
File: 152 KB, 600x1026, 1984.159211540_std.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brave new world - aldous huxley
1984 - George Orwell
Great books from great writers that have awesome book covers

>> No.708616

Camus has some killer covers.

>> No.708622

house of leaves

>> No.708668

Obviously American Psycho...
The reason?
Well his early work was a little too new wave for my tastes, but when this came out in '91, I think he really came into his own, commercial and artistically. The whole book has a clear, crisp plot, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost. He's been compared to others in the Brat Pack, but I think Bret has a far much more bitter, cynical sense of humor.

>> No.708673

Obviously American Psycho...
The reason?
Well his early work was a little too new wave for my tastes, but when this came out in '91, I think he really came into his own, commercial and artistically. The whole book has a clear, crisp plot, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the BOOK a big boost. He's been compared to others in the Brat Pack, but I think Bret has a far much more bitter, cynical sense of humor.

>> No.708679


When I was reading 1984 (with that same cover), someone asked me what I was reading. I showed him and he's like "Oh, George Orwell, who wrote it and what is it about?" I wanted to slap him.

>> No.708685

Atlas Shrugged

>> No.708694

Naked Lunch, if they ask about it read them a passage and watch their reaction

>> No.708716


I lol'd so hard

>> No.708739


If you travel a lot I say it's really worth it. Much better than carrying a bag full of books wherever you go.

>> No.708757

I laughed so hard!

>> No.708776
File: 992 KB, 800x1286, fromrussia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing like struttin' around with this baby in hand to make it clear to everyone you are 100% hetero despite your hair.

>> No.708783


I've got the first edition, non-book club, of 1984. I'd much rather be seen with Signet's version than it. That cover is just pure class.

>> No.708789

Anything by Goethe, Dostoevsky, Rand or Nietzsche. Everyone will think you are way deep.

>> No.708793


They're probably think you want to be that lady

>> No.708796

Not a troll. What's wrong with carrying books around to project a image of you?

>> No.708812


Because you won't actually read the books and are a boring person if you need a book to project an image of you for you. Fucking pathetic.

>> No.708815

If you haven't read them and are doing it for the image (OP's idea) you look like an asshole

>> No.708821


She probably spends all day fucking spies and drinking martinis.Who wouldn't want to be her?

>> No.708833

I concur.
Everything, whether consciously or not, projects a sense of self unto others. But there is a stigma that occurs in most societies that by doing it consciously, you will be looked down upon as a 'try-hard'. I say all the best for those who try new things, for if there is no jump of normal interests into new frontiers, we will all be living a life that is void of any change.
Having said that
made me fucking lol

>> No.708835

its not about projecting an image thats frowned upon (because we can't help doing that in some way or another anyways). I think its the assumption that it is a dishonest image, the lack of authenticity.

>> No.708846
File: 57 KB, 365x295, mbolton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What books should I carry with me that makes me look cool?
>tons of replies with honest advice from people who obviously do this
>my face

>> No.708847


>it is a dishonest image, the lack of authenticity.

Exactly. Plus if you ever meet a person who does know what they're talking about with books, you'll look like a huge fucking retard, and isn't that what you set out to avoid?

>> No.708855


>> No.708866

Michael Bolton?? Dude I love your songs!

>> No.708916 [DELETED] 

Well geez guys, it's not like I'm just carrying them around and not reading them. I'll check out the cover flap too.

No but seriously, I never said I wasn't going to read them. I just didn't want to make this one of those recommendation threads so I asked in a more interesting way.

>> No.708931

>in a more interesting way
>made self look like douche

>> No.708935

Stop being so pretentious.

>> No.708940

I'm not being pretentious, if you carry books around without reading them to look cool you are a douche.

Since you are going to read them you are not a douche.

>> No.708944

>implying that this thread was supposed to be serious in the first place

>> No.708952

I was thinking more a long the lines of..

What's a cool book to have around and also interesting to read?

Thanks for the suggestions guys.

>> No.708954

>Implying implications

>> No.708977

Thus Spake Zarathustra, in DEUTSCH.

>> No.709616

The Bible, if you ignore the religion and read it as fiction.

>> No.709644
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>> No.709681

Ulysses or Finnegan's Wake, obviously.

>> No.709802

Naked Lunch.

Makes me feel cool.

>> No.709807

Against The Day.

>> No.710296
File: 122 KB, 407x405, Hipster-Kitty-ask-parents-to-get-you-a-629-3g-ipad-with-39-case-and-29-screen-shield-put-a-punk-rock-sticker-on-the-back-and-think-youre-anti-establishment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GTFO MY /lit/

>> No.710334

if you carry a book to look cool enjoy the absolute shit you attract.

Sweat pudgy bandy legged smart and awkward in high school just mean awkward in college. Hope you enjoy virgins.

>> No.710347


>> No.710352


And This.>>710296

>> No.710372

That book cover is pure awesomeness, I'd fucking print it on every shirt i have if i were you. Shows you like books. And that you're an attention whore. Problem solved (but actually read the book, its awesome)

>> No.710397

I try to hide the covers of books I read on the train.

>> No.710400

why would you do that?

>> No.710404

hahaha, this

>> No.710410


I'm just a private person.

>> No.710871


>> No.710903 [DELETED] 
File: 251 KB, 385x645, lazy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any book by Peter Sotos makes you am instant winner, OP. For extra mileage, also carry with you a copy of his cool underground 'zine', Pure.

>> No.710906
File: 251 KB, 385x645, lazy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any book by Peter Sotos makes you an instant winner, OP. For extra mileage, also carry with you a copy of his cool underground 'zine', Pure.

>> No.710910


i do this too. im reading because i dont want to talk to you.

>> No.710931


>> No.710935


I don't do it, I'm just conscious of how cool I look with certain books.

>> No.710943
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>> No.710957
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>> No.710979
File: 47 KB, 282x475, autobio_malcolmx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a full blown fashion accessory

>> No.710982

suck my negro cock.

>> No.711045
File: 61 KB, 300x379, ValerieSolanasSCUMCover.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But only if you're male.

>> No.711056

I'm gonna start a SCUFF- Society for Cutting Up Fucking Feminazis.

I heard she shot someone. Crazy bitch.

>> No.711085
File: 26 KB, 289x450, AmericanPsycho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha, excellent. I was reading American Psycho in an airport and the middle aged woman sitting next to me asked me what it was. When I showed her she gave me a look of disgust and moved away shortly afterwards.

One of my friends carries Mein Kampf specifically to piss people off.

>> No.711088

>I heard she shot someone
Well, it was only Andy Warhol.

>> No.711091
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But you'd better be able to actually follow the Gorgias and the Protagoras, because I will talk to you about them.

>> No.711126

Dummies guide to being an athiest

>> No.711132

I tend to avoid people who like Bret Easton Ellis too.

>> No.711142


>> No.711180

I was thinking about the Mein Kampf idea lol. Sounds fun.

When I was reading The God Delusion, I'd get some looks now and then. Figured they were just some dumbasses who thought I'd get my ass kicked for carrying it around though.

>> No.711209
File: 126 KB, 330x491, japrockcover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least people will respect your music taste

>> No.711227 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 400x400, prose_before_hoes_poster-p228230969796199021t5ta_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking good prose, how does it work?

>> No.711232
File: 3 KB, 203x212, 1268261549851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any fantasy book would do the trick

>> No.711240

UHH, no no. The pseudo intellectual in Starbucks reading Plato.

>> No.711244


>> No.711252

You'll look like an idiot if you carry around Ayn Rand.
Then again, you'll probably look like an idiot anyway.

>> No.711297

Last week when I was waiting in the hospital waiting room for my appointment I was reading LotR because I have never read it before (yes, yes, I know, shameful). I know the woman next to me was glancing over but she said nothing. Would I have looked like an idiot for reading it?

Funnily enough I got the trilogy off my mother, she said she got them because 'there was once a time where it was really fashionable to sit on the train and read Lord of the Rings, but I never got around to it so you can have it'.

>> No.711315

epic lol

>> No.711324

that bitch needs about a yard of cock, and there's no better man to give it to her.

>> No.711326
File: 931 KB, 831x833, fabooks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.711341


Pretty much.

>> No.711354

-Beyond Good And Evil by Friedrich Nietzsche.
-The Art of War (Sun Tzu) and The Art of Peace (Morihei Ueshiba) simultaneously.
-Valis by Philip K. Dick

>> No.711368
File: 64 KB, 500x625, Kampfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This'll turn heads.

>> No.711372
File: 89 KB, 768x713, Ludwig-van-Beethoven-portraits-classical-music-5377632-768-713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Develop a crazy hair and stare Beethoven look and carry around The 120 Days of Sodom, quoting it at random to that cute store clerk you like.
Alternitively, imitade Napoleon in your fashion and manerisms and carry around Venus in Furs.

>> No.711395

You are all bunch of faggots, fucking plebs.

>> No.711396

Carry a kindle, then people will think you read so much you need to pay hundreds of dollars for a machine that's like a book.

>> No.711404
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>> No.711406
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actually you should read shit off the nyt best seller list

theres a MUCH greater probability of you running into someone who's read a very popular book than some obscure hipster pretentious message board bullshit books recommended by navel gazing neck-bearded faggots

>> No.711413
File: 59 KB, 706x1066, [MalleusMaleficarum]%20front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burn the witch, slaughter the heretic!

>> No.711466

OP wants to look cool. Did you miss that part?

>> No.711479

So, any book(s) so far that pique your interest?

>> No.711501


lol in that case he's only gonna look cool to himself

>> No.712809

Lets see...

Brave New World
American Psycho
Art of War
Art of Peace

But I'm going to save this thread anyways so I can refer back to these.

This is great by the way, now I won't run out of cool books to carry around all year.

>> No.712815

Ahaha... this. Right here. I support this post.