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/lit/ - Literature

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7047040 No.7047040 [Reply] [Original]

What classical Asian books are essential reading?

Japanese, Chinese, Mongolian, Korean.. Doesn't matter as long as it's Asian.

>> No.7047049

start with the greeks

>> No.7047056

Sanic the samurai
Nippy the ninja
And Wigger the warlord are my favorites

>> No.7047069
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Well now, aren't you fuckers HI-larious...

>> No.7047086

But the Greeks started with the Hindis.

Vedas, Upanishads, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Dao De Jing, the Five Classics, Nihon Shoky, the Book of Genji, the Pillow Book, Secret History of the Mongols, Geumo Sinhwa, Shahnameh.

Pick up Sources of [...] Tradition volumes, they exist for Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc.

>> No.7047093 [DELETED] 

Nip nong pong
And pee po lee are also good

>> No.7047104

You think you're funny, thing is though... You aren't.

>> No.7047124

This is not a joke.
Why ask for Asiatic books if you're just going to laugh at their names.
Racist fucking shit.

>> No.7047126

Do you happen to know the title of that book that is from a cats point of view within some Japanese court?

I can't remember it...

>> No.7047127

pokemon the book

>> No.7047135

Sassycat by Richard Harland

>> No.7047151

You are the definition of cancer, go back to /b/ you useless piece of shit.

>> No.7047155


>> No.7047159

And a Ching Chong Chin to you young lady.

>> No.7047166
File: 76 KB, 440x660, 440px-Subudei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Book of Five Rings
Art of War
The Secret History of the Mongols

While I'm here, guys I'm looking for work on Japanese history. I would prefer something that covered the entire history, but Samurai are my main interest.

>> No.7047179
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I thought this was pretty good.

>> No.7047186
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this tbh

>> No.7047189

I liked I Am a Cat a lot. I'm going to get Kokoro and No Longer Human soon probably. I haven't read much by the nips. Not even Murakami.

>> No.7047449

Hagakure is god tier, my father gave it to me years ago

>> No.7047458

Journey to the west

>> No.7047463

The Memoirs of Lady Hyegyong

>> No.7047517

not even asian

>> No.7047521

I am a Cat? Soseki?

>> No.7047569

Can someone recommend a contemporary Korean book, K-drama style?

>> No.7048002

I actually haven't read it, but it's been recommended so many times. I'm looking for it right now, but I might have to resort to amazon.
I was looking at the ninja book mentioned at the bottom just the other day. I will have a look. Thanks anon.

>> No.7048010

this is shit outside of the art of war.

Just read that, an abridged version of Journey to the west ( it's pure shit otherwise), The Tale of Genji, then move onto whatever post 19th century asian lit you want.

>> No.7048601

Came here to recommend this, and the other 3 great classical Chinese novels. Dream of the Red Chamber is my favorite.


>> No.7049041

Stephen Turnbull writes pretty much only about this subject. You might be able to find them on the net too if you know where to look.

>> No.7049052


Judge Dee is the man yo

>> No.7049265

Your dad wanted you to kill yourself Anon

>> No.7049294

His dad wanted him to learn the true way of the warrior through the realization that his life is less important than that of his family name, his lord, country, or whatever he chooses today down his life for, and to act and fight accordingly.
I got the hagakure off Amazon, but I think I got some shitty abridged version. What's the best?

>> No.7049311


It will take you less time skimming these than sorting through the standard /lit shitposting, and you can chose which genre and area to focus on.

These and Genji, obviously, for novels.

>> No.7049335

A writing project I've been thinking about doing lately is compiling a sort of Hagakure for 4chan posting: basically, a style guide made up of anecdotes of 4chan posts that describe the ideal 4chan poster. The Book of Fallen Posts. The central philosophy it's describing is 'the way of shitpost', the idea of seeking total anonimity and making the perfect post in every thread, completely disregarding yourself and composing a post in perfect harmony with the thread and the board. Thing is, I can't think of nearly enough post anecdotes to compile anything substantial, and I'm not sure if gathering anecdotes from Anons in a google docs would get me anything but mad /lit/ bantz.

>> No.7049499

I don't want to read abridged though.

Before I get a copy, why shouldn't I get the whole translation?

>> No.7049501

The work of based Akutagawa

>> No.7049659
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he certainly is

>> No.7049724

Name it something like "Concealed by the Meme Arrows" since Hagakure means something like "concealed by the leaves".
This is actually a great idea though, just make a thread here asking for anecdotes and "legendary" posts, and ask around in IRC for memories.

>> No.7049735

JTTW is full of comedy, action and fighting in pretty much every chapter until the end. At the same time it's also filled to the brim with Buddhist, Confucian and Taoist references and the story has allegorical value both religious and political.
If -as a pleb- this offends you, then by all means get the abridged version. If you're a true literary patrician who wants to read and isn't bound by stupid preconceived notions of formal correctness regarding works that are centuries old and the product of a foreign culture, then get Anthony C. Yu's unabridged translations.