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/lit/ - Literature

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7046718 No.7046718 [Reply] [Original]

Who is your favourite contemporary female writer?
Mine?? Pic related

>> No.7046733

i remember when i came on this girls tummy.

>> No.7046734

Who is she? Any links to her nudes or writings?

>> No.7046737

I don't read fat writers

It's nothing personal, I just think if a person is too lazy to take care of their health then their writing is probably lazy also

>> No.7046743

who is this scrumptious strumpet?

>> No.7046745

I asked for your favourite contemporary female writer, not favourite contemporary fat writer....

>> No.7046749

Who is this trashy whore?

>> No.7046751

eh, atwood i guess
all the women i actually like are dead

>> No.7046752

I don't think I've ever enjoyed or admired the writing of any woman - contemporary or not.

>> No.7046765


even though her writing mines themes of degradation, I am not sure your posting this in each thread she is mentioned in adds much to the conversation. wither or not its true.

>> No.7046766

Who is this voluptuous seductress?

>> No.7046768

Cathy Park Hong for poetry

I don't read that much contemporary fiction

>> No.7046770

>reading authors that take "sexy" pictures of themselves and post them on the internet
Why do you think respected authors never take pictures of their dicks or asses? Because they have integrity.

>> No.7046772


Kill yourself

>> No.7046773

Molly Tanzer

>> No.7046776

Who is this phallus chalice?

And why is my phallus calloused?

>> No.7046814

How to get Marie gf

>> No.7046816

>Who is your favourite contemporary female writer?
Mary Gaitskill
Hilary Mantel
Zadie Smith
Donna Tartt
in that order

>> No.7046865

It's Marie Calloway. You can find her nudes in Google. You can see her tits and pussy but they aren't that exciting

>> No.7046884

sounds like a problem with the reader

>> No.7047379

But you never did actually come on her tummy

>> No.7047390

DAE: Miranda July?

>> No.7047393

her and pornstar paris lincoln look really similar.

>> No.7047414

This, and Ruth Ozeki for fiction.

>> No.7047585 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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Fugg, it's kind of true XD

>> No.7047600
File: 59 KB, 642x390, Eleanor-Catton-GQ_16Oct13_getty_b_642x390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Idk, I really liked ancillary justice but the next book was complete shit.

Eleanor Catton is pretty based.

>> No.7047601

I like Lydia Davis and Flannery O'Connor. That's about it.

>> No.7047633 [DELETED] 

boobs, need more

>> No.7047652 [DELETED] 


>> No.7048104


>> No.7048133

holy fuck. This woman is the perfect mirror of modern society and it makes me want to throw the fuck up.

>> No.7048137

Kill yourself

>> No.7048154

that's really the only remaining option. This isn't the real unglamorous moments that go on under the surface, this is a piece of shit human that is the perfect product of what we've become.

>> No.7048169

You sound euphoric, why don't you cool down with some fast tips to your elegant headdress?
Degeneracy amirite good sirs?

>> No.7048179

good job that ad hominem really showed me! hahahaha!

>> No.7048184

>ad hominem
>goes ape shit about a seeing a woman in lingerie

>> No.7048190

i was referring to the content of her work and argument, not her.

I'm sure that's disappointing for you.

>> No.7048192

Gillian Flynn is pretty good.

>> No.7048205

You will never produced anything even remotely significant. She has.
So get rekt dumb bitchboy pleb autist fedora /v/edditor hoi polloi

>> No.7048213

Not really, chum. Why so pissy?

>> No.7048215

"significant" and "popular" are not the same thing.

This retarded idea is what has led us to the shithole we call modern democracy.

>> No.7048225

Such a weak baiting effort
No need to respond my post

>> No.7048226
File: 28 KB, 500x425, ronald-kun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice reverse double blind bait, but i'll gladly argue with a vacuum.

>> No.7048228


>> No.7048230

>call someone euphoric

next you'll tell us you're the one in charge here, hothead

>> No.7048238

I didn't call anyone euphoric, lad.

Getting caught was part of my plan.

>> No.7048285

Me, tbh.

>> No.7048323

I haven't read any female writers, because the only topic they seem insightful on is femininity, which isn't worth reading about.

>> No.7048471

Really liked her novel from this year. Pretty sure I'm pleb for that opinion. But I believe she's a great director tbh smh.

>> No.7048473



>> No.7048544

her boob looks like a shoulder tbh

>> No.7048573

Anybody got a link to some pdfs of her work? Can't seem to find any.

>> No.7048632
File: 180 KB, 400x400, facefuckme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no love for based Megan Boyle and her soon to be magnum opus, LIVEBLOG

>> No.7048722


Who is this Jizzm Organism?

>> No.7048737

Is this a funny post? Seriously curious whether I should give her a read. Is she at least better than Mira?

>> No.7048755

some of her short stories are brilliant and some are high school creative writing

>> No.7048819

Probably Zadie Smith, tbh fam

>> No.7048882

yall ever read Nell Zink?

her writing is very funny, she covers a pretty wide range of topics, and her books are short enough that you can finish them in a day. recommend.

>> No.7048892

*-to be honest, family

>> No.7049523

it's literally all over the internet...check vice

>> No.7049530

finally /lit/ has caught up...I posted about The Wallcreeper months and months ago and no one cared, she's the only new writer I've been really excited about this year

note to others in this thread: bragging about how you never read women just proves that you're not smart/a good reader/worthy of being alive...even the biggest misogynists acknowledge Woolf as a genius and you aren't well read if you haven't read her, sorry...also women have been writing the best novels in the past 10-15 years, it's not even a contest (of course /lit/ doesn't read anything more contemporary than IJ)

>> No.7049571


So you haven't read any female writers yet you know their strenghts and weaknesses as writers? Makes sense.

I really like Jennifer Egan's novels.

>> No.7049577

Jhumpa Lahiri
Elena Ferrante
Zadie Smith
NoViolet Bulawayo
Helen Oyeyemi

>> No.7049583


>> No.7049585

>her books are short enough that you can finish them in a day
This is what happens when you destroy your mind with Twitter and memes. Eventually you start to think that your low attention span is normal and it's okay to support lazy literature

>> No.7049586

mind sharing some of the best recent novels?
Haven't read Bulawayo, does she live up to the hype? I looked up her novel but the word 'bildungsroman' turned me off

>> No.7049604

How about Katherine Mansfield? Woolf?

>> No.7049691

>even the biggest misogynists acknowledge Woolf as a genius and you aren't well read if you haven't read her, sorry
I think the secret is to only read dead lesbians,
Woolf, Yourcenar, Highsmith.
Reading living hetero women will just infect you with mind poison.

>> No.7049708

many have been mentioned in this thread

all of Elena Ferrante's books, Zadie Smiths's NW (White Teeth gets the most attention, but NW especially and On Beauty are even better), the Wolf Hall books, The Flamethrowers, Life After Life, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
I think these are just okay or I haven't read, but a lot of people would also add The Luminaries, Swamplandia, Station Eleven, Marilynne Robinson, Kelly Link. I'm forgetting a lot of other examples.
And of course Didion, Morrison, Gaitskill, Tartt, Atwood and Munro are still writing.

>> No.7049727

>Patricia Highsmith, the height of female-written literature
thanks, I enjoyed White Teeth so I'll definitely pick up NW

Also shocked that Didion is still alive

>> No.7049732

Aлeкcaндpa Tpaнcep

C дeтcтвa Хapд Tpaнc мeчтaл cтaть хиpypгoм. Уж бoльнo eгo пpивлeкaлa тpaвмaтoлoгия и opтoпeдия.
B вoзpacтe 10 лeт, в нaчaлe нyлeвых, oн нaткнyлcя нa cтaтью o пoкoйнoм aкaдeмикe Mихaилe Eгopoвe, кoтopый пepвым в миpe нaчaл yдлинять нoги здopoвым людям.
Cмoтpeл интepвью Mихaилa Гoльдpeepa в paзных пpoгpaммaх и peшил cтaть opтoпeдoм, чтoбы иcпpaвлять и yдлинять нoги людям, избaвляя их oт кoмплeкcoв.

Училcя в мeдaкaдeмии, cтaжиpoвaлcя в Кypгaнe, oбщaлcя c пaциeнтaми, кoтopыe иcпpaвляют и yдлиняют нoги.
Пocлe oкoнчaния yнивepa yзнaл o бecплaтных кypcaх, кoтopый вeдeт yчeник Eгopoвa - Teтepин Oлeг Гeннaдьeвич))
Пpиeхaл в Boлгoгpaд и нaпpaвилcя в 3. гop.бoьницy, дoгoвopитcя o пpиcyтcтвии вo вpeмя oпepaции.
Teтepин c paдocтью и зaинтepecoвaннocтью зaпиcaл Хapд Tpaнca нa cвoи кypcы + дoгoвopилcя чepeз нeдeлю пoпpиcyтcтвoвaть нa oпepaции пo yдлинeнию нoг.

>> No.7049733

Хapд Tpaнc c yдoвoльcтвиeм пoceщaл зaнятия в мeд.aкaдeмии, и в cлeдyющyю cpeдy yтpoм пpиeхaл нa oпepaцию.
Oпepиpoвaли дeвyшкy c pocтoм 160, oчeнь хoчeт быть вышe.
Bмecтe зaшли в oпepaциoннyю, Teтepин тyт жe пpинялcя пpoвoдить cпицы нa пpввoй гoлeни.
Хapд Tpaнc пpoвeл пapoчкy cпиц)
Зaкpeив кoльцa, cтepжни, Teтepин aккypaтнo cдeлaл нaдpeз нa бoльшeбepцoвoй кocти.
Хapд Tpaнc cтoял и зaинтepecoвaннo нaблюдaл зa пpoиcхoдящим.
Bзяв в pyки дoлoтo, нaчaл дeлaть ocтeoтoмию.
Глaзa Хapд Tpaнca oкpyглилиcь!
Oн зaкpичaл
- Зaчeм вы тaк cтyчитe!! Bы нe пpaвильнo лoмaeтe кocть!! Hac тaк нe yчили!
- Зaткниcь - pявкнyл Teтepин
- Здecь oпepaциoннaя, нe нpaвитcя - вoн двepь, yхoдитe - пpoшипeлa мeдcecтpa.
Хapд Tpaнc oшapaшeннo cмoтpeл, кaк Teтepин лoмaeт кocти пaциeнткe.
Ha втopoй гoлeни oн лишь пpoвeл пapy cпиц и пoпpocил yдaлитьcя из oпepaциoннoй.
Зaшeл в opдинaтopcкyю, ceл, пoдпepeв пoдбopoдoк кyлaкoм.
- Чтo cлyчилocь? Oпepaция eщё идeт - yдивлeннo cпpocил oдин из вpaчeй.

>> No.7049736

_ Teтepин нe yмeeт дeлaть ocтeoтoмию! Hac в Кypгaнe, в yнивepe тaк нe yчили!
- Meтoдики y вpaчeй paзныe - paвнoдyшнo oтвeтил вpaч.
- Этo нe пpaвильнo! - Хapд Tpaнc был в шoкe.
Пocлe вceх oпepaции и oбeдa дoвoльный Teтepин зaшeл в opдинaтopcкyю
_ A, ты вce eщё здecь? - yдивилcя oн, yвидeв Хapд Tpaнca.
- Ecли ты c чeм тo нe coглaceн, тo гoвopи oб этoм пocлe oпepaции - пpoшипeл Teтepин, пoдoйдя вплoтнyю к Хapд Tpaнcy и пpoдoлжил
- Cтeпaн Cepгeeвич, ceгoдня мы cнимaeм aппapaт c пpaвoй гoлeни Apтypy
- Дa
- Дaвaйтe cнимoк, пoкaжeм Хapд Tpaнcy, кaк выглядит peгeнepaт пpи пoлнoм cpaщeнии.
Дocтaв cнимoк, Cтeпaн Cepгeeвич пoвecил eгo нa cвeтящийcя экpaн.
- Boт, пocмoтpитe, peгeнepaт нa твepдyю пятepкy - дoвoльнo yлыбнyлcя вo вce 32 зyбa Teтepин
Глaзa Хapд Tpaнca oкpyглилиcь и oн зaкpичaл
- Heт, кocть eщё нe cpocлacь!! Пocмoтpитe, зaдняя cтeнкa нaхoдитcя в cтaдии cpaщeния! Mинимyм 2 мecяцa нaдo нocить aппapaт! Пpoшy, нe дeлaйтe этoгo!
- Знaeшь чтo - пpoшипeв, Teтepин двинyлcя нa Хapд Tpaнca
- Boт oтcюдa! И чтoбы нoги твoeй здecь бoльшe нe былo! - c этими cлoвaми вытoлкaл Хapд Tpaнca зa двepь.
B шoкe, Хapд Tpaнc ceл в aвтo и пoгнaл пo Boлгoгpaдy в гocтиницy Boлгoгpaд.
Хapд Tpaнc был чyвcтвитeлeн к нecпpaвeдливocти, плaкaл зa pyлeм.
Пpиeхaв в гocтиницy, зaвaлилcя в pecтopaн и нaжpaлcя виcки c вoдкoй.
Eлe дoпoлз дo нoмepa, oткpыв eгo, pвaнyл блeвaть в caнyзeл.

>> No.7049741
File: 112 KB, 1300x865, 5643006-Laughing-man-s-face-with-shaving-cream-on-it-and-razor-near-the-face-Stock-Photo[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Patricia Highsmith, the height of female-written literature
implying she isn't miles ahead of your Reader's Digest-tier middlebrow trash
>mmm, Zadie is right, race relations are complicated stuff :^)

>> No.7050199

I consider her books a kind of a guilty pleasure but I still like her

>> No.7050200

also can anyone recommend anything similar to her (better) short stories?
except lorrie moore

>> No.7050226


shut up.

>> No.7050884

read her mane, she blows Mira out of the fucking water, they aren't even comparable

>> No.7051944

My favorite poet is Sor Juana Inez de la Cruz but you gotta know Spanish to get her in full force.

Even know women poets are the answer:

Wendy Barker
Natasha Tretheway

As for sexy young prose I leave whales like Molly Tanzer to sink by themselves and go for Iphigenia Baal. I am a feminist, if course--a feminist harpooner.

>> No.7051950

*of course

Phone typing. Arrgh

>> No.7051980
File: 59 KB, 600x385, stockphotoman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when I searched "Marie Calloway nudes" and got Andrea Coates nudes