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/lit/ - Literature

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7046381 No.7046381 [Reply] [Original]

I think I read because it's at the same time fun and intellectually challenging, but recently I get thoughts that it's just a giant waste of time. I have nothing else to do with my spare time, but I don't want to just waste it and it makes me kinda depressed.
>pic unrelated

>> No.7046386

I read so people think I'm cultured and intelligent when really I don't enjoy 80 percent of what I read. I forced myself through crime and punishment and didn't even finish Kafka's The Castle despite it only being like 300 pages.

I also leave books around when people go into my room to show how intelligent I am, usually classics like Wuthering Heights or Dickens

>> No.7046414

Doesn't that make you feel like a poser?

>> No.7046450

Pure enjoyment.

I enjoy reading very much, because I only read things that I enjoy.

If something bores me, I drop it, because I would rather be reading something I enjoy.

I don't really think about or care what people think about me for my reading material.

But I'm not particularly interested in accusing other people of reading for the "wrong" reasons either.

>> No.7046454

I enjoy it too. But I get a bit angsty that my time is running out and I should do something constructive with my free time instead.

>> No.7046461

Are you me? I feel you, man. People pick up a novel you've left sitting around: "Oh, you read? That's cool." They never notice it's a piece of classic literature.

>> No.7046466

Ah, it's all dust in the end.

If you can find something constructive that you enjoy though, it will be a wellspring of vigour and satisfaction to the very end.

But worrying about it and getting it done aren't the same thing.

I've been consciously trying to act without thought of late.

It sounds strange, but sans procrastination, I actually get more shit done, particularly if I just decide to take the boldest route as par for the course.

>> No.7046471

I'm interested in learning lots of things, I just can't stand the usual school settings.

I sometimes buy college textbooks and read them. It's not the greatest reading, but I wanna know stuff that's maybe not written about as much as it ought to be in my country.

>> No.7046482

I know nothing really matters in the end, but I think every human has so much potential that is never used, so I feel a pressure to dedicate my life to something great. But I don't know what. I don't want to procrastinate anymore.

>> No.7046486

This so much.
>Read /lit/ canon meme books, can't understand a single more difficult sentence
>Rush trough them, read the meanings of ithem on the internet
>Participate in shitposting

>> No.7046496

i like to feel empathy, with an author, and with an author's creations. it makes me feel less lonely when i read a book and feel like i can understand the people in it, and the person who wrote it

>> No.7046523

Honestly, a lot of what we do is a waste of time if not everything. If you are coming from perspective that you can't do anything practical with reading, just look at how others spend their free time: TV, movies, music, etc...a lot of it isn't "practical."

Also if you don't learn to give yourself a break every once in awhile you are going to burn yourself out. There is nothing wrong with wanting to not waste your time, but you can spare a little time if it is something you enjoy doing.

>> No.7046534

You and me both buddy.

I've decided to take a metal shop course myself.

I want a practical skill, and to be able to leave artefacts of my life behind.

>> No.7046548

I read philosophy to gain new perspectives and understanding.
I also read textbooks, hardly anything else.

>> No.7046705

for fun.

its more engaging that tv/movies but less demanding than athletics.

I read when I'm not feeling lazy enough for tv but too lazy to go kayaking or hiking or playing any number of sports

>> No.7046727

I read cause i stopped playing video games and wanted to feel productive, then i got to mark twains connecticut yankee in king arthur's court after the red and the black and it felt very unsatisfying and "easy" compared to the french lit. funny book though.

>> No.7046774

I read mostly for enjoyment, but sometimes to try and better my understanding of the world. I read a book and I'm constantly trying to find out what the meaning of it all is, but I'm too stupid to actually work it out myself. I read something many on /lit/ think is simple, ie. heart of darkness, and had to google it at the end because I really was struggling to find out what the book was trying to say. I don't deny that i'm a pleb, I just wish I wasn't

>> No.7046829

It's like having friends without any commitments.