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7046369 No.7046369 [Reply] [Original]

Will anyone defend the canon after Bloom dies?

Will the school of resentment go unchallenged?

Pic unrelated.

>> No.7046390

Could sand people, such as myself, be taken seriously by defending the canon? If yes, maybe.

>> No.7046407

How does it feel being made out of sand?

>> No.7046439

It feels comfy. I warn you, you do not want to be near us.

>> No.7046453

I'm sure some dipshit professor will half-assedly take it upon themselves just to be contrarian/quirky.

>> No.7047036

I just want to see more critics who write these really broad, sweeping books that cover the entire history of literature while focusing on 1-200 major figures

>> No.7047203

While many academics might share his views, or at least his critique of the so-called school of resentment, nobody will be able to stop it.

Soon Shakespeare will be reduced to reading Othello for political purposes and slam poetry will be praised as better and more important than Cervantes, Milton, Dante, etc.

Similar things have happened before in literature I suppose. Not sure if any of you would be familiar with Knut Hamsun's critique of the "big four" in Norwegian literature, but it was basically criticizing the big, popular authors for creating "types", not humans. When the human, with all its emotional depth and psychological complexity, is reduced to a symbol of a social element, you reduce literature to propaganda or preaching.

While Bloom tries to stop us from this, he'll soon be dead, the school of resentment will take over and some decades will pass, until we start appreciating the true beauty of the sublime, created by Allah, as the New Caliphate School of Literature ushers in a new era of reading for aesthetics rather than social values.

>> No.7047214

>Could sand people, such as myself, be taken seriously by defending the canon? If yes, maybe.

>> No.7047270

>Knut Hamsun's critique of the "big four" in Norwegian literature
have a source? I'd like to read it.

>> No.7047296

>Soon Shakespeare will be reduced to reading Othello for political purposes and slam poetry will be praised as better and more important than Cervantes, Milton, Dante, etc.

I just don't see this happening and think you're just doom-mongering. As bad as humanities is right now, there will always be those that take it seriously. The people that would toss Dante, Shakespeare, etc in favor of slam poetry are in fact a minority. Slam poetry can never replace classical verse anyways, it's too different. It's not even the same medium; slam poetry is more akin to a performance art than written verse.

>> No.7047304

Honestly I doubt it, the school of resentment/identity politics seems to be the way of the future for atleast this generation in the west

>> No.7048760


The concept of canon serves absolutely no purpose in the 21st century. God I can't wait until this hack fucking dies so the shitposting stops and we can finally have a decent conversation about literature without all the "academic" wankery.

>> No.7049044

You realize that his death is just going to make the 'shitposting' increase a hundredfold...

>> No.7049051


This tbh

Allahu Akbar

>> No.7049058

I only hope my death brings on a new era of shitposting on 4chan.
>inb4 supreme gentleman

>> No.7049078


Quick intro. Not sure if there are any transcriptions of his lectures where he elaborated, I've just encountered excerpts in various textbooks etc.

I hope I am just doom-mongering. But at the university I graduated from, the literature courses had this on the list of literature they studied: Neil Gaiman, Hunger Games, various African authors who were read for being black as there was little literary mert, a streetcar named desire (feminist analysis), the yellow wallpaper (feminist analysis) and a post-colonial anti-racist analysis of Heart of Darkness.

How many living authors reach popularity and write well, and not just for social messages? McCarthy, Pynchon, who else?

There are weekly rage-threads on /lit/ after some tumblr caricature persona has won some literary award, being praised by professors and the public for some subpar prose with a clear political message (always post-colonial, always feminist, always talking about racism, etc.).

I'm not even right winged but having spent some years now around the "literary academia" has certainly made me conservative on this area.

>> No.7049375

His canon is obsolete.

Try the expanded canon:

>> No.7049599

But that's a list of great books, not just literature. I'm not interested in reading Einstein's papers

>> No.7049628

>various African authors who were read for being black as there was little literary mert
Well I have to hand it to you, it must have been hard to read all those authors to judge their literary merit on their writing and not their continent of origin.

What were some of the books you found least worth your time?

>> No.7049639

There is no greater collection of ressentiment than that within the "conservative".

>> No.7049644

>When the human, with all its emotional depth and psychological complexity, is reduced to a symbol of a social element, you reduce literature to propaganda or preaching.
So 99.99999999999999 percent of all literature ever written.

>> No.7049651
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thanks to SJWs, I will never read a literary work by a non-European

>> No.7049661

If were to compile everything worth reading I wonder what the actual percentage would be.

>> No.7049665

>Well I have to hand it to you, it must have been hard to read all those authors to judge their literary merit on their writing and not their continent of origin.
Exactly. Every one of these idiots makes these amazing condemnations and clearly have no idea what they're talking about. They think their ressentiment towards minorities being recognized in literature is the same as criticism. I wouldn't hold my breath, he wouldn't be able to name a single African author that wasn't Achebe or other typical HS level reading, without consulting wikipedia.

>> No.7049676

The same. That anon's gripes about "the human" vs. "propaganda or preaching" is an entirely modern invention, and even then it's not like modern literature about "the human" doesn't serve a propagandist or proselytizing purpose. It's a false problem.

>> No.7050865

To be fair those African names are hard to memorize, man

>> No.7051059

>Will anyone defend the canon after Bloom dies?
No, because it won't need it. The idea of a literary canon is basically ingrained into popular culture and literary criticism now. It's not going to just evaporate. It'll change, but Bloom never advocated for a specific and unchangeable list, just the idea that some works have been more important or influential to a society than others. I'm not even sure why people got butthurt about it, since his canon was explicitly dealing with Western culture and not any other world culture.

>Will the school of resentment go unchallenged?
Probably not. The obsession of academic/critical literary studies with political "activism" and social studies to the expense of any other subject is a popular criticism, although it isn't always referred to by Bloom's term for it.