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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 298 KB, 2197x1463, Elliot-Rodger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7046191 No.7046191[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>My two housemates were nice, but they kept inviting over this friend of theirs named Chance. He was black boy who came over all the time, and I hated his cocksure attitude. Inevitably, a vile incident occurred between me and him. I was eating a meal in the kitchen when he came over and started bragging to my housemates about his success with girls. I couldn’t stand it, so I proceeded to ask them all if they were virgins. They all looked at me weirdly and said that they had lost their virginity long ago. I felt so inferior, as it reminded me of how much I have missed out in life. And then this black boy named Chance said that he lost his virginity when he was only thirteen! In addition, he said that the girl he lost his virginity to was a blonde white girl! I was so enraged that I almost splashed him with my orange juice. I indignantly told him that I did not believe him, and then I went to my room to cry. I cried and cried and cried, and then I called my mother and cried to her on the phone. How could an inferior, ugly black boy be able to get a white girl and not me? I am beautiful, and I am half white myself. I am descended from British aristocracy. He is descended from slaves. I deserve it more. I tried not to believe his foul words, but they were already said, and it was hard to erase from my mind. If this is actually true, if this ugly black filth was able to have sex with a blonde white girl at the age of thirteen while I’ve had to suffer virginity all my life, then this just proves how ridiculous the female gender is. They would give themselves to this filthy scum, but they reject ME? The injustice!

What did he mean by this?

>> No.7046206

I have to admit I think My Twisted World is fucking great, i mean its completely wacko, but it's like Bret Eastin Ellis couldn't come up with some shit that fucking edgy in a million years

>> No.7046214
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I had to fucking google this to make sure this wasn't some parody or something. How can one man be so cucked as to write like this unironically?

>> No.7046215

My Twisted World is the modern days Sorrows Of Young Werther, except instead of being "based on a true story" it's an autobiography

>> No.7046220

He's almost exactly like Chris-chan.

>> No.7046248

Pathetic and pathetic.

Elliot was an asshole with no self-awareness, but his bewilderment and bitterness is sincere.

His book is a mildly interesting case study of a narcissistic personality with no social aptitude.

His sense of entitlement thwarted at every turn by the perfectly reasonable expectations of his peers that he not act like a creepy freakwad in public, he takes the only action that would garner attention, and kills a mediocre number of people, before an-heroing.

Really, he was just out for attention.

But he lived like a pussy and died like a pussy.

>> No.7046257

they're the two sides of the golden medal at the sociopath olympic games

>> No.7046274
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>I was so enraged that I almost splashed him with my orange juice
There's no way I would have believed this was serious if he hadn't actually gone off on a killing spree.
I just can't wrap my mind around how fucking nuts he was.

>> No.7046282

If he was so desperate about getting laid, why didn´t he go to a fucking hooker?

>> No.7046288

Is the whole thing like this? Does he make any salient points that can't be refuted by a 5th grader?

>> No.7046290

He was probs most salty about women not wanting him than about the sex itself imo

>> No.7046304

If you're looking for salient points like it's Wittigenstein's Tractatus then you've missed the point.

In fact, you're not even on the right continent.

The book is pure expression: it is "My twisted World" not "Justifications and Empirical analysis of My Twisted World".

>> No.7046305

I would have thought this to be an over wrought copy pasta if I didn't know it was written by a real person.

>> No.7046311
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>> No.7046314

Is this before or after the part he learned how to masturbate

>> No.7046315

Memes and pasta are also the products of "real people".

At least until we build a machine clever enough to meme on it's own.

The singularity will put a stop to "real people", just you see.

>> No.7046317

He actually wrote it the absolute cuckman

>> No.7046332

that dude who shot up that black church might have been the ultimate cucklord but he was an uneducated hillbilly so he couldn't produce anything of literary merit

>> No.7046557

>The book is pure expression: it is "My twisted World" not "Justifications and Empirical analysis of My Twisted World".
That was beautiful

>> No.7046571

I think it's really funny that he knived his asian loserly roommates in their sleep before going on his spree

>> No.7046587

sounds like he browsed /lit/

>> No.7046599

>tfw i too would get mad at the black kid

i feel u elliot

>> No.7046603

Ok they weren't asleep

>> No.7046605

This tbqh

>> No.7046629

>I was so enraged that I almost splashed him with my orange juice
>I cried and cried and cried, and then I called my mother and cried to her on the phone
This is pretty hiliarious. Seems like the guy had a talent self-parody. Although I guess the fact that he then went and actually shot people shows that it was unintentional and he was actually just a really big idiot.

>> No.7046631

He means society has crumbled to the point where our women are so degenerate they fuck niggers instead of him, a beautiful half-white lady's man.

>> No.7046648

>I couldn’t stand it, so I proceeded to ask them all if they were virgins.
Holy shit this is exactly like all those incredibly awkward greentext stories. I just wish it had ended with everybody walking the dinosaur instead of a bunch of corpses.

>> No.7046689


>> No.7046699

thanks for the analysis!

>> No.7046716

This makes you rethink all of those melodramatic r9k stories that you might have thought were pulling your leg and wonder how many undetonated elliot rogers there are right now.

>> No.7046729

Elliot "the-voice-of-our-generation" Rodgers, tbqh w/u fam, imo.

>> No.7046795

I highly recommend reading this it is; fascinating, horrifying, hilarious and tragic in equal measure. He should've released it before he died and just got laid in the infamy which would've followed.

>> No.7046807

>black guy
>called Chance

>> No.7046834
File: 67 KB, 680x391, DJ Goymon Racemix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The black person is not the reason you fucking dink

>> No.7046848

He shot chads and sluts because he was mental and pissed off by them being normies. Literally Pepe: human incarnation, bringing us normie holohoax 6 americans at a time.

So the black was indirectly the reason, one of many.

>> No.7046854

Yeah, but (Assuming you're the same poster) you made it sound like Chance was the WHOLE reason why he did it.

But yes, you're post is correct.

>> No.7046856


The videos are funny, but I'm not gonna sit here and read that grammatically incorrect nonsense.

>> No.7046866

Oh, nah, maybe I indeed made it sound like that

Time to read his manifesto, it sounds terrible

>> No.7046880

show me the grammar error in it? the supreme gentleman has impeccable grammar, you are a pleb.

>> No.7046881

I read like.. 4-8 pages.
Than I got bored and left.
But you can skip through or search. I just scrolled and stopped at certain pages/spots that seemed interesting

>> No.7046885

Has this been commented on/discussed much in academic circles? Surely it is a valuable insight into the mind of a severely ill individual

>> No.7046887

dude, it's so fucking good, you will read the whole and love every minute of it, but then since you're a sjw beta who tries to be a "normie" you'll pretend it outraged you

>> No.7046891
File: 30 KB, 349x349, elon_musk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a hell of a read. Someone earlier in the thread called it "mildly interesting," but I would go as far as to call it "fascinating".

>> No.7046894

this is the kind of shit guys like brett easten ellis and tao lin try to write but fail at, this is the real authentic shit, so fucking good

>> No.7046901
File: 26 KB, 906x531, 11891198_158554227813878_8482361344693490038_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If he was a mixed white/black kid, /lit/ would probably try and help understand his frustration.

Since he's white/asian, no remorse, too much priv he left unchecked.

>> No.7046902

I remember reading it after it happened. It is quite funny

>> No.7046904

Parts of it sound like shit the shota main character in a hentai would say

>> No.7046907

/Pol/ is always right :^)

>> No.7046909

Both stances outlined in the comic are compatible and both are the correct stance.

>> No.7046913
File: 373 KB, 800x340, yeah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7046914

Guy was /pol/ incarnate. I wouldn't be surprised if some of said board's regulars meet the same end as him.

>> No.7046915

and /lit/ claims to hate post-pomo
thought he was hispanic

>> No.7046917

That's wonderful, but it doesn't really answer my question

>> No.7046920

remember the first anti-gun laws in america were passed in california after the black panthers started marching around with shotguns, paranoid conservatives are too stupid to realize "gun control" is code for "negro control", if you're going to pass anti-black laws you have to be considerate about it and use code words.

>> No.7046922

It's like if r9k synthesized its consciousness and asexually shat out a living being in the form of Elliot Rodger.

>> No.7046923

He mentions Game of Thrones, the books, somewhere.
Plus he was addicted to WOW for some time.

>> No.7046935


>if we make guns illegal, then nobody will get shot anymore, that's how we stopped everybody from doung drugs

>> No.7046948

>Breivik was also addicted to it
Guess we have to ban WoW now.

>> No.7046952

Breivik will be remembered as a hero in 100 years.

>> No.7046954
File: 15 KB, 250x285, just fuck my wealth up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Except I'm not conservative. I don't want gun control because negroes wield it.
In fact, I would give my pinky toe for a Black Panther movement instead of identity politics bullshit.

But nice try though.
Keep that "guilt by association" stuff going.

4chan and the internet, signs our culture faces the death of debate

>> No.7046955

but the federal government has promoted the drug market, and addiction is a thing that does not apply to guns at all

>> No.7046977

Hapamania dot org IS IN DA HOUSE!

>> No.7046981

Im not a normie noe trying to, but I can tell that 'so raw!!' and 'omg so authentic' not refined at all semi-autobiograpgical "literature" by some 19 year old gamer reading GRRM us not my type.

>> No.7046988

Gun control doesn't prevent criminals from getting guns

It's literally observable that in every state where gun control is implemented strongly, gun crime increases.

Some issues are not up to opinion or debate, it's objective reality that there is too many guns in circulation in the US to have gun control work.

This is why democracy is fucking retarded.

>> No.7046989

What is it even?

>> No.7046991
File: 283 KB, 576x566, porky vamp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wait so what's your point now?
The government is actively involved ( somehow leftist conspiracies are always ok, but not Alex Jones cuz lulz, its tots n always le Porky guise ) and then you say the law is there to help keep the people from addiction?

>> No.7046994

wtf is GRRM i'm not a fucking nerd like you buddy

>> No.7046997


>> No.7046998

Wait, is this post irony or real irony or are you being serious

>> No.7047000

gun control is to prevent negros from getting guns, not criminals, or are you saying african-americans are all criminals now? fucking racist!

>> No.7047003

i googled it apparently you're talking about that fat ass gaim of thrones faggot

>> No.7047010

The USA would still be on top if it didn't have niggers

Saying this as a non american

>> No.7047011

Ye. Read 5 posts above, Rodger apparently read him/watched the show.

No wonder he went on a killing spree, he was a huge pleb.

>> No.7047020

this is true, we need to find a way to flood china with blacks to rot our their inner city from the inside

>> No.7047028
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No, but they're a fascinating cultural specimen.
I can't imagine a trash culture taking pride in being the biggest trash culture out there, except gypsies.

And I say this as a guy who dated a black girl graduating from MIT getting bullshit like: "lol she actin' white."
Achievements is white washing? Well stay fucking trash then.

>> No.7047044

China has too many people for that

And they wouldn't be pussified like whites so they won't accept it

>> No.7047046

dude you're projecting so hard its embarrassing

>> No.7047051

anyone read that book? what's it say?

>> No.7047052

It's a forum, dedicated to hating on hapas.

>> No.7047060

dude it's fucking gold, go read it

>> No.7047065
File: 68 KB, 649x506, well cucked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's a significant amount of blacks in Guangzhou.
And I know a few Chinese girls there who couldn't resist testing out the BBC myth.

>> No.7047099

I recommend it as well. It's what Ellis wanted to accomplish -- direct wire to the mind of a fucking psycho, but for real. Surreal.

Read with care, though.

> my God, the lottery part. the fucking lottery.

>> No.7047102

To my understanding their inner cities are already pretty fucked, no worries my friend.

>> No.7047113

Well, thanks black "people", once again

>> No.7047118


Doing this started a new obsession for me. I became more and more obsessed with my appearance. Because my mother, father, and grandmother constantly paid me extra money now that I was living in Santa Barbara, I had saved up enough to indulge in this obsession. Familiarizing myself with all of the top designer brands, I bought new clothes every time I visited my hometown. My favorite brands were Hugo Boss and Armani. I always stopped by at the Camarillo shopping center on my way back to Santa Barbara. I loved it there

they had a store for almost every brand. One time, as I was shopping at the Calvin Klein store in Camarillo, I saw such a sexy-looking blonde girl with perfectly tanned skin. She looked so beautiful and sexy that I had an erection instantly.
Oh, the
heavenly things I wanted to do to her…
And then I saw her hunk of a boyfriend. My entire being was
filled with anguish and despair. I could only imagine how amazing and pleasurable that guy’s life was.
They were older than me

probably mid-twenties

and I thought with desperate hope that when I’m
that man
’s age I woul
d be worthy enough to have such a girlfriend by my side, to shop with her at that same shopping mall in heavenly bliss. My life was a life of starvation and yearning.

>> No.7047123

he should have just became a sissy slut for the bbc, as a short asian he would have transitioned well

>> No.7047143

>It was the fourth country I’ve been to at such a young age
page 3

>> No.7047153

Holy shit. 80 fucking replies?!

I think Elliot was too good for any of us and he just couldn't handle it so he went out like a soldier in Babelon firing randomly into the abyss before entering into it himself, no more.

>> No.7047157

>Holy shit. 80 fucking replies?!

When this actually happened like 1/4 of this board read his manifesto within a week.

>> No.7047165

dude, it's a fucking page turner, every paragraph has some crazy shit in it

>> No.7047168

I can't, and I don't think I ever will, get over the fact that this is real. That someone was this deluded and pathetic, that actually felt these things and, further, was reflective enough to write them down and yet somehow incapable of cognizing how absurd he sounded. It's a masterpiece of unconscious self-satire. Just unbelievable.

>> No.7047173

dude, but the internet and 4chan specifically is filled with kids like that

>> No.7047176

that's part of why it's so great, if one of those dudes who writes books about rich kids wrote that people would say it's not even believable, but it's fucking real!

>> No.7047180

he should have gotten into drugs, with all of his money he could have fucked a lot of druggie chicks for sure...that's why everyone does drugs, because you get an instant social circle the minute you turn on to it

>> No.7047181

Smdh remember those bodybuilding forum posts

>> No.7047191
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Lovely! XD

Also, a bunch of perfectionism from his side.

>> No.7047194

that's part of what's so great, he writes 200 pages about how he can't get laid, but never talks to a girl in the whole shit! or how he tries to win the lottery not realizing he's already fucking rich and no one cares lmao

>> No.7047210

anyone here seen his videos too?

Jesus Christ

>> No.7047223

>Elliot was an asshole with no self-awareness, but his bewilderment and bitterness is sincere
Seriously this. He puts so much weight on how great he is because of things afforded to him by his parents, yet takes no responsibility for his own faults. I don't know if this qualifies as autism but it sure ain't normal

>> No.7047224

>he's already fucking rich
As if. Soraya cucked his father away from his philiphino mother. All the fatherly attention/money focus at this point went to his half brother...

>> No.7047233

ever trust fund dipshit at a private school in nyc thinks this way, it's just most of them have no problem getting tons of tang so they don't go bezerk and murder everyone...although sometimes they do: remember when that princeton grad whose dad cut his allowance from $2000 a week to $600 because he wasn't looking for a job stabbed his dad to death? lmao more rich kid hillarity

>> No.7047237

that's what funny tho his mother was basically a hollywood whore ("she dated george lucas for a little while" etc.) maybe that's where his real hatred of women came from, his own mother's tricks

>> No.7047254


his mother was basically the only one that ever tried to actually help him, or seemed to care about him.

>> No.7047272

>Girls have always deemed me unworthy of their love and sex. I tried to overthrow them by gaining wealth at a young age, from trying to come up with invention ideas, to contemplating writing an epic story, and finally to trying to win the lottery.

come on now, who on /lit/ can't relate to that? well in the end he did write an epic story but he wasn't around to see it be appreciated, but then again how many other great writers of a generation faced similar fates?