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File: 366 KB, 599x399, CMZhAO9WEAAocwo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7042302 No.7042302 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7042308
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>> No.7042311
File: 59 KB, 548x814, FB_IMG_1440777926361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7042312

This picture is literally the difference between Nihilism and Existentialism

>> No.7042314
File: 599 KB, 1043x892, rip wojackina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7042324

I oscillate between the two positions frequently

Currently leaning toward the left :(

>> No.7042329
File: 26 KB, 558x744, 1395116954576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more accurate "reality" pic

>> No.7042336

why do you have fag rainbows on your picture you faggot? gtfo

>> No.7042344

Nihilism is a reaffirming belief in the lack of subjective value in things, such that all things have only categorical value. "This jug is an absolute democracy of atoms."
Existentialism is an ultimately self-deprecating belief that one's actions and experiences hold no value due to the ultimatum of death.

>> No.7042348

> implying I took that screenshot

>> No.7042366

Existentialism is for turbonerds who can't handle how kickbutt reality is

>> No.7042372

No, in fact it is:
Right on the outside
Left on the inside

>> No.7042373


holy shit what the fuck is wrong with those people

>> No.7042375


You have the freedom to do anything. ANYTHING. Don't spend your time moping. Take a shit in the middle of a busy street or something.

>> No.7042398

I have a nagging feeling that nihilism, at least for me, isn't really a 'buyable' idea. I've gone through the whole existential tumult thing after reading Camus and Sartre and I've dabbled in Nietzsche and read various other miscellaneous things on Nihilism, yet through the whole thing, my actions and their effects seem like possibly the most important thing in the world from my standpoint. I was never relieved of the anxiety that accompanies the notion that my actions have real consequences. The whole "nothing mattress dude, CHILL out and be cool B)" thing seems impossible in the face of my easily aroused nervous system (ie general anxiety).In the grand scheme we are all just dust, sure, but while living we have real pains and emotions and the idea that I can affect peoples states kind of makes nihilism frivolous.

>> No.7042406

Cool subjective debunking of philosophy bro
Just b urself B^)

>> No.7043225

Hey, I think you're right.

>> No.7043864

You're great.

>> No.7044999

Wasted dubs.

>> No.7045001

New sincerity.

>> No.7045156

nothing in life matters...yet this mattered enough for you to share it LOL

check and mate. next?

>> No.7045176


>> No.7045187

I concur hubalah hubalah guffaw *readjusts self

>> No.7045195
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>> No.7045229

When you say that all you have to base off what human nature is is yourself. You have this have this idea that pains and emotions matter and it's built into you so fad that you don't argue with it, but that doesn't make it a universal truth.

>> No.7045245

This song is about the nihilism induced by shock, and other parts of the song contradict the nihilism pretty much explicitly.

>> No.7045325

Life was pretty good as far as experiments go, but I really liked the Universe's earlier stuff. I understand that the Universe was trying to get away from the whole "bigger is better" scene by going from a relatively infinite scale to a finite one, but I think everyone can agree that a return to form would be ideal. Apparently the "End of All Life" is exactly what we've been waiting for, and personally I can't wait any longer for it. The question now is what will the universe do with the results from this experimental work? Sadly I can't answer that question, but I'm sure that the universe will come up with an interesting spin on some classics.

I literally cannot live on because of my excitement for the candle of life being snuffed out. Actually, I know it's a bit premature, I'm going to just go kill myself right now.

>> No.7046512

trips of truth

>> No.7046524

confined to the 90's? It's a fate worse than the Buddhist yama.

>> No.7046532

B&: Underage

>> No.7047686

aren't you a 40 year old woman that spends her life on /lit?

>> No.7047781


Real butterfly is kill I think

>> No.7047827

The word "vacillate" might be more along the lines of what you're talking about, m8

>> No.7047934

"For optimists, human life never needs justification, no matter how much hurt piles up, because they can always tell themselves that things will get better. For pessimists, there is no amount of happiness—should such a thing as happiness even obtain for human beings except as a misconception—that can compensate us for life’s hurt. As a worst-case example, a pessimist might refer to the hurt caused by some natural or human-made cataclysm. To adduce a hedonic counterpart to the horrors that attach to such cataclysms would require a degree of ingenuity from an optimist, but it could be done. And the reason it could be done, the reason for the eternal stalemate between optimists and pessimists, is that no possible formula can be established to measure proportions and types of hurt and happiness in the world. If such a formula could be established, then either pessimists or optimists would have to give in to their adversaries."

>> No.7048254

underrated post

>> No.7048386

You have the freedom to do somethings. SOMETHINGS. Don't spend your time doing things you clearly don't care about. Cry for a while and think about what you want to do with your life or something.

>> No.7048454

>40 year old

>> No.7048584

why do you think that?

>> No.7049010

reality is true during the day, the stereotype is true during the night

>> No.7049020
File: 54 KB, 211x162, noam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem with your image is that it suggests that this or that philosophy will actually determine how you really feel about life beyond a theoretical level.

People on this board use philosophy as a self-help manual rather than just a thought exercise. No amount of the right philosophy is going to make you "happy"; this is something determined by real life factors and, above all, your brain chemicals. Nietzsche didn't go mad because he went "full nihilist". He went mad because he had brain cancer.

>> No.7049071

This about sums it up.
Threads over. Carry on folks, not much more to see here

>> No.7049093
File: 180 KB, 517x768, 1421544291865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw had brain cancer
>tfw almost went mad
>tfw they had to cut off my brain
>tfw now on /lit/

>> No.7049160

both can be used in the context but i've always thought vacillate sounded better