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7041586 No.7041586[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I become a great debater like Hitchens, Dawkins, Harris, Chomsky, etc.

>> No.7041593


>> No.7041597

Like online? I want to get better before I start debating in public.

>> No.7041599

Browse politically charged threads on 4chan and contribute

>> No.7041602

It goes like this: claim, warrant, impact.

>> No.7041603

watch internet videos and browse reddit /r/atheism and /r/politics

you will be regurgitating banal insights in no time

also leave chomsky out of this

>> No.7041605

No, debates online are very bad for a lot of reasons.

Debate in your uni, but only if the club isn't autistic. Always defend the position you do not support, you will understand things better this way.

>> No.7041624

Problem is, I suck ass speaking publicly. I know you're supposed to practice, but I don't want to embarrass myself for a month.

>> No.7041651

dude join Toastmasters or something

>> No.7041654

>Hitchens, Dawkins, Harris
Be a condescending, ad hominem spouting dickwad, making absolutely sure you know very little about the topic at hand but know how to call your opponent a retard in the most elegant way possible

git gud

>> No.7041683

>Be a condescending, ad hominem spouting dickwad, making absolutely sure you know very little about the topic at hand but know how to call your opponent a retard in the most elegant way possible
Do you really think that describes Harris? If anything that describes almost everyone who has this irrational hatred of him. I mean the liberal media has been campaigning to have him branded as an Islamaphobe for saying very truthful shit.

And let's not forget he just recently destroyed Chomsky in debate.

>> No.7041699

Admittedly, with what little I've gotten from Harris, he's not that far off from Hitchens or Dawkins, who are definitely within that camp.
I can't imagine he would beat Chomsky at anything, unless it's brain surgery, but then again, as I said, I'm not familiar with him.

>> No.7041705


>> No.7041710

sucks because it's an important part of debate

>> No.7041715


>> No.7041716

Be an arrogant fuck

>> No.7041720

Which part are you laughing at?

>> No.7041725

I once put a live snail in my urethra

>> No.7041730

realize that the point of a debate is to win, not to arrive at an agreeable truth

>> No.7041739

Oh I see, foreign policy. I forgot Chomsky blew hard at that, what with how he denied the horrors of Khamer Rouge and what not. I'm not exactly impressed, but I'm not unimpressed either.
I could be catty about his "Science can prove objective morality" nonsense, but now is not the time for that.

>> No.7041870

Be intelligent and nihilistic with a wicked sense of humour.

>> No.7041888
File: 61 KB, 300x469, WarCrim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hello, Henry.

>> No.7041894
File: 1.23 MB, 912x905, super golden lel 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do I become a great debater like Hitchens, Dawkins, Harris

Hitchens got rekt by fucking WLC of all people lmao

>> No.7041895

Just because I'm aware that communists tend to kill people en masse doesn't mean that I agree with Kissinger.

>> No.7041908


>using the one talking point rightists use against Chomsky when not trying to ignore his arguments completely

>> No.7041929

For the first 3 start practicing rhetoric and snappy reddit tier insults. Don't worry about logic or actually knowing anything other than SAT prep words.

for Chomsky dedicate your life to academia and then just be as wooden as possible while spouting statistics of genocides.

>> No.7041944
File: 500 KB, 1224x737, 1401971432563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean the argument of how western foreign policy is wrong for all the civilians it kills? While ignoring or denying whenever governments he supports do it?


>> No.7041951
File: 67 KB, 1166x731, Dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>while ignoring or denying whenever governments he supports do it?

Prove Chomsky supported (or "supports") Pol Pot's regime. Go on, have a go.

>> No.7041964

Browse /pol/, you'll pick up a lot of good tricks

>> No.7041965

Have faith in God, brah

>Exodus 4:12
>Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say."

>> No.7042011


This, except for the last remark.

Harris didn't "destroy" Chomsky. The debate didn't even properly start because they couldn't even agree about what was under discussion. As Harris himself admitted.

>> No.7042013

After the Cataclysm was undoubtedly an apologetic for the Khmer Rouge regime.

>> No.7042030


In what ways did he show his support for the regime? Genuinely interested.

>> No.7042053

By absolute denial of any wrongdoings on the part of Khmer Rouge, trying to argue that the reporting of the atrocities in Cambodia was over-inflated media bias, and that their sources of these atrocities, being refugees that escaped Cambodia, was unreliable (even though his sources for things being not as bad as they seem were straight from Khmer Rouge)

>> No.7042128

good b8

These people are hacks and 1st three cannot into philosophy