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7033938 No.7033938 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone have any scholarly articles they can link me to that talk about cultural appropriation? I'm trying to really look in to it but all I can find is angry blog posts from both sides of the issue.
Is is a new thing? Is it bad? Are people offended for the sake of being offended, or does it genuinely hurt feelings?
Help me out here, /lit/

>> No.7033954

Search it up on jstor, bruv. You're not guaranteed to have access to the articles, but you'll at the very least get links to good journals.

Here's something I found after searching for literally two seconds:

>> No.7033962

It's mostly bullshit. It's socially important to understand how people might interpret an act or word choice that you may use, but the academic direction of it is absolute dog shit.

>> No.7033979

The word itself seems to have a slant- cultural appropriation sounds a whole lot worse than cultural imitation.
I feel like they largely represent the same subject but appropriate sounds like stole, and imitation sounds like it is used as an homage to the original culture.

>> No.7033995
File: 758 KB, 2448x3264, head-dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Point: This picture is of a white man wearing a culturally and historically significant item that comes from Native American culture.
Counterpoint: That culture probably mass-produced the item and sold it to him for a profit.

>> No.7034032
File: 67 KB, 268x367, trust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Cultural Appropriation" is a slur meant to make people from primitive cultures feel better about themselves by giving them a semi-valid way to nitpick people from more sophisticated cultures. People forget that it takes an entire culture to shape the values that lead to things like harnessing hydroelectric power, so using those end products is as much appropriation of the culture as wearing a feathered headdress, the difference being that Indians have an inferiority complex with the white man and so can't see a white man wearing their traditional garb as anything but a cruel mockery.

>> No.7034033

lol a native would not make that
It's a lot easier to grasp if you leave out the 'feelings' and focus on the cultural consequences

>> No.7034050

>is it a new thing
Not at all
>is it bad
Not intrinsically
>are people offended for the sake of being offended
uh, I guess there are bloggers that stay relevant by pointing these things out, but just because they're not crying behind their computer doesn't mean they're not sincere. You don't have to actually feel emotional pain to know something's wrong or irresponsible

>People forget that it takes an entire culture to shape the values that lead to things like harnessing hydroelectric power
not even remotely accurate

>> No.7034056

you're wrong
wearing a headdress: not appropriation
claiming the headdress is part of your culture: appropriation
but even then, who cares

>> No.7034060

Please elaborate on cultural consequences.
My best guess is that attitudes towards the appropriated culture would improve if aspects of that culture were assimilated well and used respectfully, but the appropriated culture could be viewed negatively if aspects of their culture were used for mockery or show.

>> No.7034062

Is cultural appropriation not all these white girls listening to only the Dindu-Nuffinest of the Dindu hip-hop? Do they fail to see this?

>> No.7034063

I think it's just native indians lashing out. You don't hear the germans complaining when girls wear those sultry oktoberfest outfits. I've noticed a lot of self pity and blame laying in indian culture.

>> No.7034066

This man is wearing a kilt, even though he has the dirty brown skin of a spick. The Scottish people invinted the kilt, so he is appropriating all of our Scottish Brothers who Died For The Cause

>> No.7034074

Native americans don't complain about trivial things like people wearing headdresses. They just drink booze, sit at their casinos and laugh as they rake in the cash (and destroy their bodies). They don't have time to be offended by people wearing their clothing at raves.

>> No.7034081

I've found that cultural appropriation is a problem only if it's a non-white culture. The history of these cultures is quite different of course, and cultures of all sorts have been through many different things.

>> No.7034084

>not even remotely accurate
Wow good thing history is so simple. I mean, progress is inevitable and will turn out the same way no matter the culture, right? Wandering southeast Asian hill tribes developed electrical power long ago and just wandered off and forgot it for no reason, because huge technological advances literally come out of thin air and some folks just got lucky. Very convincing. Fag.

>> No.7034094
File: 1.56 MB, 904x868, selena-gomez-bindi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

appropriation or not?
smash or pass?

>> No.7034116

fuck the politics, that shit tacky

>> No.7034122

but she's just a strong latina woman, only the white man can appropriate things

>> No.7034132
File: 161 KB, 650x430, native-american-head-dress-coachella-2014-billboard-650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's this one?

>> No.7034146


>> No.7034161
File: 283 KB, 700x465, XaoKWybMJWzxsSudlaGi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once wanted to make a rap video where the guys dressed up in Korean period drama and Louis XV outfits

>> No.7034169


If it's not her culture then yeah it's appropriation. I don't think she's Indian.

>> No.7034177

Edward Said's Orientalism? Probably just read some post colonial theory. Also maybe something from The New Inquiry, they seem to be about that stuff.

>> No.7034192

I'm bad at history, but there have got to be some examples of historically oppressed white cultures.
like it's appropriation of jewish culture if you buy a menorah and light it because they "look cool" or getting hebrew tattoos because they are "aesthetic"

>> No.7034195

Oh shut the fuck up. My family is Jewish. No one cares if you get a fucking Hebrew tattoo. I've seen plenty of non-jews with tattoos of Hebrew phrases and the only time I think it's stupid is if the person thinks the word means one thing but it actually means something completely different (same with Japanese/Chinese/Hindi/Thai/etc tattoos I'm assuming).

Jews love when you adopt something from their culture because Jews are obsessed with preserving their culture through future generations. If you like something we do and you want to do it, go for it. As long as you aren't dressed up for Halloween as a Holocaust survivor, no one is going to give a shit.

>> No.7034204

Jews are great.

>> No.7034223
File: 469 KB, 583x599, haplogroups_europe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews from Europe are "white"

>> No.7034233

do it, that'd be fucking great

>> No.7034422 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 492x228, hot off the presses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some new hot 2016 fire Facebook drama, more to post if anyone cares.

>> No.7034478

Am Jews and can confirm. Ideally we'd want everyone to be Hebrew scholars. Silly us.

>> No.7034499

lol "wandering southeast Asian hill tribes" can use electrical power if they want. Only a few people have to develop it, and they can be completely removed from any culture

>Very convincing. Fag.

yeah that's the general idea. It's dehumanizing

>> No.7034509

well for one thing, appropriation is basically value-neutral. You can appropriate something without being disrespectful

but wearing a war bonnet is definitely an ass move. That kind of headdress is worn by highly honored individuals in ceremonies deeply connected to their culture and to their resistance against genocide.

If I were a Christian, I wouldn't want someone wearing a slutty nun outfit or dressing up like Jesus as a joke.

>> No.7034513

cultural appropriation taught me that twerking and dreadlocks are the shoulders on which African American culture rests

>> No.7034517

A lot of people say that IS cultural approproation, yeah.

>> No.7035334

Fucking Iggy Azalea, that speaks in an absurd parody urban accent despite being Australian.