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/lit/ - Literature

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7031275 No.7031275 [Reply] [Original]

Recent purchases thread? Bought off book depository for the first time recently, seems legit

>> No.7031310

That a new radiator bro?

>> No.7031329
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I challenge to figure out which book I got yourself.

>> No.7031340


why would she send anyone this photo of her.

>> No.7031355

What does The Double cover look like? Didn't know penguin did a standalone edition for it

>> No.7031376
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to put it unfriendly: /fit/ bandwagon

>> No.7031439


It's based on the movie, so the cover has a photo of Jesse Eisenberg and Mia Wasowskii

>> No.7031443

Eh. Decent movie, but terrible adaptation.

>> No.7031450


I looked at her instagram she has a nice body I don't understand why she needs affirmation from random followers to make herself feel better.

>> No.7031464 [DELETED] 
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Latest order, haven't gotten them yet though.

Oh, and I've read The Stranger, Candide and the Bell Jar before. But I didn't have the books.

>> No.7031472
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Ooops, missed a bunch in the middle there.

>> No.7031536
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trying to get back into reading which I haven't done since I finished school and I've almost graduated university; bought these just off the wiki reccomendations

did i fuck up

>> No.7031546

Ulysses might be a little too hard. You should read Dubliners, Portait of the Artist and Exiles before.

>> No.7031560
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These are mine, I've read death of a salesman and in cold blood, but not for a long time and wanted to reread.

>> No.7031563

Maybe reading The Tale of Genji (A fucking gigantic novel from like a 1000 years ago) and Ulysses are not the best choices if you are going back into reading. From those, start with fear and loathing.

>> No.7031570

they sounded interesting, thanks for the tip tho anon have a nice day

>> No.7031585
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2nd-hand bookstore near my house went broke and started selling cheap shit at even cheaper prices. Paid 8€ for this beaut. I'm not interested in all of his plays or all of his poems, but I like having one big volume instead of small books for individual plays or sonnets.

>> No.7031929

What's the best place to get books for cheap online in the UK?

>> No.7031998


>> No.7032182

BD really is the best. Slightly cheaper than Wordery, with the same range.

>> No.7033493

I live in a poor city, so there's a lot of thrift stores around, so I go thrifting for books every 3 weeks or so, latest purchases:

Jane Austen - Emma
W.E.B duBois - The Souls of Black Folk
H.G. Wells - The War of the Worlds and The Time Machine
T.H. White - The Once and Future King
Zora Hurston - Their Eyes were Watching God
Eli Pariser - The Filter Bubble
Kate Chopin - The Awakening and Other Short Stories
Chuck Palahnuik - Damned
Matthew Aid - Intel Wars
John Gardner - Grendel
Neal Stephenson - Cryptonomicon
George Eliot - Daniel Deronda
Thomas Pynchon - Mason & Dixon

All those for less than 20 bucks

>> No.7033559

>not just pirating then reading on kindle

Waste of money, clutter tbh

Why is /lit/ so luddite

>> No.7033571

I don't have anything to take a picture with, but here goes

Annie Dillard - For the Time Being
Haruki Murakami - The Elephant Vanishes
Marie-Claire Blais - Mad Shadows
Gertrude Stein - Three Lives

Finished Mad Shadows in one day and the first hundred pages or so had me on the edge of my seat. The second half of the book feels way too fast, but it was still great.

>> No.7033584

why not just return book after finishing?

>> No.7033634
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I don't normally like film tie in book covers but this one looks okay, and the film looks pretty decent. worth seeing?

>> No.7033642


Bro, Genjie and Ulysses are probably bad choices if you're just getting back into reading, fear and loathing is a pretty fun/easy read though.


Wilfred Owen is based. You read any of those essays by DFW before? I'm interested in that collection but can't find it anywhere local, I don't know if it's worth ordering it online and paying for shipping etc.

>> No.7033792
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almost pulled the trigger on Dying Grass but thought better of it. I really hope I like book of Numbers even though there's been so much negativity around it, maybe it's a 'so bad it's good' type of deal.

>> No.7033807

It's so boring it's bad. Have fun w/that one.

>> No.7033989
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what am i in for lads?

>> No.7034017

Hell. Baudrillard is an incredibly bad writer.

>> No.7034179
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I'm reading Silence right now. Pretty good so far. I'll probably start on Dubliners next.

>> No.7034185


Because affirmation feels nice. What more reason do you need?

>> No.7034994

Anybody bought from fishpond before? Any problems I should know about?

>> No.7035000


Who is this semen devil?


what's askildsen like? I've heard good things

>> No.7035002
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Fun fact: the actor in the movie the double looks freakishly like moot.

>> No.7035022

like who?

>> No.7035089

Joseph Roth - The Radetzky March
Orwell - Keep Flying the Aspidistra
Paul Bowles - Collected Stories
Solzhenitsyn - The Gulag Archipelago (abridged)
Mike Martin - An Oral History of the Helmand Conflict

>> No.7035094

Jesus. Nice.

>> No.7035096


Any idea what the abridging involves? I've got a copy that's like ~650 pages, would that be the complete one?

>> No.7035102


>8 books of short stories

Do you have ADHD op?

>> No.7035117

No, I believe the unabridged is in four volumes and is ~2100 pages.

>> No.7035296

Not that guy but I can recommend DFW's essays, even if you didn't like IJ, and I went through the trouble of ordering it online, paying for shipping etc.
Authority and American Usage is interesting as shit, as well as the one on Dostoevsky, and I think both are easily available online if you want a sample.

Also he covered the AVN awards and the article on that was probably the most entertaining read for me out of all the essays in Consider The Lobster.

>> No.7035575
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So are you Swedish or wot because if you are I don't get the English translations

>> No.7035582

I can confirm this

>> No.7035606

definitely worth seeing, it's a great film

but it's definitely a terrible adaptation if you were looking for a true rendering of the novel

>> No.7035612


I do, funnily enough, but medicated pretty good so it's not really a problem these days. I actually mostly read novels, that's why I got a bunch of short stories, to get into different types of literature.

>> No.7035614


Damn, I guess I have the abridged version, didn't know that... I think it was like $4 at a book sale though so I guess I don't mind. Has anyone read the full version? I imagine that would be depressing as fuck.

>> No.7035627


paperback complete shakespeare? dang, sounds alright, i've got a really old hardback that's falling to shit, pages tearing, spine broken etc. hope the paperback doesn't fuck up for you

>> No.7035694

got the complete works of kafka at a record store.

>> No.7036304

Hermann Hesse - Glasperlenspiel
John Williams - Stoner
Thomas Mann - Buddenbrooks
Franz Kafka - Der Prozess

All together for ~8.30$

>> No.7036336

Damn I'm jelly. Where are you getting all those treasures?

>> No.7036362

pretty cool how you managed to fit enough books in a tight space so that they keep each other up, but what happens when you take one out?

>> No.7036680
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Baudolino - Eco
Foucalt's Pendulum - Eco
The Names - Delillo
Saturn's Rings - Sebald

>> No.7036698

Vollmann is pretty great overall. have o idea about those otheres but I've heard good things about Marias. have you read any english translations? are they any good?

>> No.7036711
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When I read paperbacks, I usually treat them well enough, not like pic related. But most of those are 300-600 pages, let's see how it holds up with 1200 pages of Bard.

>> No.7036843
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pretty neat

>> No.7036850

hey i just bought baudolino and the rings of saturn too

>> No.7036895


post pics

>> No.7036930
File: 249 KB, 1000x750, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's baudolino
i ordered rings of saturn yesterday so it's on its way

>> No.7036939

Haha, nice. It's got a better cover than my edition. Cheers.

>> No.7036985
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Camera is broken. But I'll just scribe this shit. These are all the books I bought for uni semester:
Complete Somnets and Poems - Shakespeare
Utopia - More
Gargantua and Pantagruel - Rabelais
Essays - Montaigne
A shit ton of shakespeare that I actually rented since I have the complete plays already but didn't want to lug that beast to school.
Doctor Faustus - Marlowe
Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals - Kant
Utilitarianism - Mill
Nichachean Ethics - Aristotle
Faerie Queen - Spenser
Fundamentals of Ethics - Shaffer-Landau
Enquiry...of Morals - Hume
Some book that contains PreSocratics + Plato + Aristotle but it's in the mail
Living Language - Ahearn
King James Bible

>> No.7037005

great resolution 10/10

>> No.7037030
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Yeah my phone's camera just fucked itself for some reason. It worked about a week ago. I tried to photograph a spider yesterday and nah, shit was just blurry blobs.

>> No.7037055

I got an old and busted copy of white noise I want to replace. what version is that?

>> No.7037060

Did you try unplugging it and plugging it back in?

>> No.7037066

My phone? Yeah, I've reset it a few times to no avail if that's what you mean.

>> No.7037088

I'm going to buy some books from the /lit/ starter kit. Do I go for paperback or hardcover? And how the hell am I supposed to know which version (e.g. paperback from 2002, 2010 and 2013) is the best?

>> No.7037100
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Which books? It all depends. Softcover is fine but if you want hardcover they are very cheap on Amazon depending on the book you're looking for.

The edition of the book really doesn't matter provided it's originally written in english and doesn't require a hefty load of annotations. Usually the foreword is what varies.

>> No.7037121
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shitty resolution, ah well

>> No.7037136

I think I'm just going to start at the top. I've watched A Clockwork Orange, so I was thinking of Brave New World and To Kill a Mocking Bird.

>The edition of the book really doesn't matter provided it's originally written in english and doesn't require a hefty load of annotations. Usually the foreword is what varies.
Good to know, I'll just go with the cover I like best then. Thanks.

>> No.7037806

It's the Quality Paperback Book Quality edition. I found it at a Half Price Books.

>> No.7037958

>Nichachean Ethics - Aristotle

I've been interested in that book. Anyone have any opinions on it?

>> No.7037960

Which language is this?

>> No.7038473


My advice is go to secondhand bookstores to try and find what you want, this way you won't have any choice in what edition so you don't have to worry about that, plus it will be a fuckton cheaper, and look better. You don't want to be that guy with 50 mint condition unopened penguin classics on his shelf.

I'd take paperback over hardback any day

>> No.7039153
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I recently read Zweig, same book, I think he has a nice and classic style but his tones gets a bit preachy at times
Really fucking interesting book, though, with him brushing shoulders with basically a whole generation's power players, and Hitler lived across his street at one point

>> No.7039175
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>> No.7040717
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The books on the right are the recent purchases excluding Island of Dr. Moreau that I read yesterday, Portrait of the Artist as a young man that found a place on my bookshelves and Tender is the night that I am currently reading.

>> No.7040737



>> No.7040862

br br br

>> No.7041108

How it is possible to read Celine in an other language ?

>> No.7041112

It's definitely where some of Aristotle's most famous ideas about teleology and the meanness of virtues are touched on. Kind of a chore to read. Apparently it's stringed together from sort of lecture notes by a student of Aristotle's (Nichomachus or something like that) rather than being written by Aristotle himself.

>> No.7041217

Simmel - Individuality and Social Forms
Durkheim - The Division of Labor in Society + Suicide
Baudrillard - Simulacra and Simulation + Symbolic Exchange and Death

I love social theory, concepts on hyper-reality and postmodern mumbo-jumbo.

Titles I'm picking up for fun:
Burroughs - A Princess of Mars
Gibran - The Prophet

You're in for a crazy Frenchman with obscure writing and wild ideas who is widely panned by academics.