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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 85 KB, 295x453, Confederacy_of_dunces_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7030603 No.7030603 [Reply] [Original]

Is this any good? I've read a few reviews and it seems quite interesting.

>> No.7030607

funny as fuck, and is lit incarnated.

>> No.7030614

I've also read the author's backstory, it's sad as fuck too

>> No.7030643

Yes its pretty good. It reminds me of a more contemporary Greek comic-tragedy that is life affirming in a Nietzchean kind of way. I found it really quick to get though as well, its not a book that's hard to get into.

>> No.7030682


>> No.7030686

>funny as fuck, and is lit incarnated.
This statement makes sense.

>> No.7030711


Your use of that phrase is indicative of a mind with no feel for language or logic.

>> No.7030735

It's good, check it out.

>> No.7030772

I just didn't find this book very funny. The story was a fun ride and the writing was good but the humour just didn't do it for me. I promise I'm not a humourless bastard, either. I Am A Cat and The Master And Margarita had me cracking up. This novel couldn't elicit more than a smile from me, though.

A shame, really.

>> No.7030775

kek wrek

>> No.7030777

>lit incarnated.
This is a fucking understatement. He's more /lit/ than /lit/. Some pieces of his dialogue sound like a /lit/ troll who is exaggerating memes

>> No.7030805

how so? I just wanted to express an idea and compare it to something even if its not logically accurate

>> No.7032227

It's a little microcosm of Southern literature besides being funny in its own right. Some of the characters at stereotypes but its still a real good read.

>> No.7032269

This is a good description of the book.
Although when I read it I thought Ignatius is pretty much proto-/r9k/

>> No.7032344

/r9k/ would call him a chad for having a correspondence with a "minx".

>> No.7032649

It's very problematic text. It depicts an African American man Person of color as gleefully taking part in the slut shaming and eventual jailhouse violation of one of the few strong independent womyn characters in literature. It also a strong intelligent politically aware woman as being interested in Ignatius as a human bean. This is problematic as well because it gives false hope to beta autist neckbeards the delusion that feminists are interested in hearing about their pathetic masturbatory lives.

>> No.7032652


>> No.7032677
File: 2.66 MB, 300x196, kkekek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YES It's hilarious. The funniest novel I've read. It's /lit/, /pol/, /r9k/ and /valve/ all rolled into one.

“Filth!' Ignatious shouted, spewing wet popcorn over rows. 'How dare she pretend to be a virgin. Look at her degenerate face. Rape her!”

"Begin with the late Romans, including Boethius, of course. Then you should dip rather extensively into early Medieval. You may skip the Renaissance and the Enlightenment. That is mostly dangerous propaganda. Now that I think of it, you had better skip the Romantics and the Victorians, too. For the contemporary period, you should study some selected comic books."
"You're fantastic."
"I recommend Batman especially, for he tends to transcend the abysmal society in which he's found himself. His morality is rather rigid, also. I rather respect Batman.”

“Your total ignorance of that which you profess to teach merits the death penalty. I doubt whether you would know that St. Cassian of Imola was stabbed to death by his students with their styli. His death, a martyr’s honorable one, made him a patron saint of teachers. Pray to him, you deluded fool, you “anyone for tennis?” golf-playing, cocktail-quaffing pseudo-pedant, for you do indeed need a heavenly patron. Although your days are numbered, you will not die as a martyr—for you further no holy cause—but as the total ass which you really are.

A sword was drawn on the last line of the page.”

>> No.7032826

Beyond boring and unfunny. But I realized midway how I was a lot like Ignatius and then proceeded to finish the book as a kind of instruction manual.

>> No.7032894

Somehow I can't buy a fat guy as literate or angsty. I always sort of assume fat people are care free and contended being dumb.

>> No.7032910

War and Peace

>> No.7033398

There's this magical imageboard site, you've obviously never been.

>> No.7033431

That is because you are superficial.

>> No.7033449
File: 670 KB, 674x636, ohiospiderwort.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because fat people aren't literate, nor are they intelligent.
Intelligent people know better than to mistreat their bodies, and they know better than to shovel whatever they can get their hands on down their gullets.

Don't trust a fatty's opinion on anything.

>inb4 lardass angery replies

>> No.7033488

On the surface it's a really funny novel with a really fun sense of causality.

If you want to look at it on a more political level, it's an amazing view on the different kinds of people that American society has no need of. There is no room in the American dream for anyone in this book, yet these kinds of people do exist and do things. This novel gives them a narrative, and explores how they navigate a capitalist society. Really just a wonderful read on all levels. I particularly love the use of local colour. New Orleans feels truly alive.

>> No.7033492

fattie here, can confirm.

>> No.7033520
File: 306 KB, 2000x3000, hmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


By that logic we should ignore smokers and alcoholics for example joyce

Plus chesterston and aquinas were fat and /lit/ never gets tired of jerking off to their memory

>> No.7033529

I don't get 'comedy literature'. It's rarely funny to me (this, Hitchhiker's Guide, etc).

>> No.7033531

Chesterton and Aquinas would do good to be ignored. Gluttony is a sin

>> No.7033535

Ignatius isn't literate. He read one book by Boethius in university and skimmed through everything else because he thought it was modern trash that wasn't worth his time. Not once in Confederacy do we see him reading a book. He likes to think of himself as well-read, but he's not at all.

>> No.7033538


>> No.7033555

I feel you man. I had just finished reading all the Twain in the world, cackling my ass off (for the most part anyways, I always recommend A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthurs Court to anyone I meet who's looking for a written laugh), but ACoD just didn't get me going. Still kind of liked it, and I did actually have a little chuckle at certain parts, but I guess I was expecting to roll on the floor laughing, and got some okay cracks out of it.

It's not too long, might as well check it out, if you get a good kick out of it, awesome, if you don't, oh well.

>> No.7033558

It's overrated garbage.