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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 6 KB, 259x194, averageDFWfan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7030134 No.7030134 [Reply] [Original]

>Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone has all the markings of a classic. Rowling uses classic narrative devices with flair and originality and delivers a complex and demanding plot in the form of a hugely entertaining thriller. She is a first rate writer for children.

>> No.7030142

Harry Potter is a good bokk..Better than DFW..
Deal with it..

>> No.7030146

I would agree. However, it's really up to the next generation to decide...too much of a nostalgia factor to overlook.

>> No.7030154

Reminder that there is literally nothing wrong with Harry Potter; it's a cracking good yarn full of wit and charm, and the perfect book for kids.

Shitting on HP because it has an adult fan base of mouth-breathing fanfic writers is like shitting on Dune for having total autists as fans, or on the works of Camus because he's inspired countless edgy teens.

Shit on a work for its quality, not pop culture perception. Like anything by John Green because that man is a hack.

>> No.7030236
File: 1.20 MB, 1642x2855, 1433831628023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pottershit is literally the lowest tier of literature. If a child was given the chance to read only Harry Potter for ever and ever, or watch Harry Potter films for ever, the latter would offer more in terms of intellectual development. And the adults reading Harry Potter - well, they're a lost cause.

>> No.7030245


>> No.7030260

>Twain that low

Yuropoor get the fuck out

>> No.7030262

Harry Potter sucking asside, this list is absolute dog shit.

>> No.7030264
File: 399 KB, 1037x860, mission-earth-hardovers2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least they aren't spending their time reading L Ron Hubbard's Mission Earth - coming in at a whopping 1.2 million word *decology*. It's basically the largest pulp fiction novel ever written. I'm on book 4, why do I keep reading this shit?

>> No.7030286

This is the first in that bait chart that trigger you ?

>> No.7030338
File: 910 KB, 2600x1000, The greatest achievements.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7030347

top kek the fact tat anime and video games are even included as art is enough to rustle any sense of propriety

>> No.7030348


I lifeguard at a pool and today I had a bunch of 5-6 year olds run in screaming about harry potter and spells and trash like that, I think it's fair to say it's going to last another generation or so. When I was 6 or 7 I loved the series too

>> No.7030355


I love how it's actual baiting by including actual masterpieces along with trite trash

>> No.7030382

This is some savory bait.

>> No.7030803

>Here are all the works I like in each artistic medium

>> No.7030844

theres so much wrong in this pic

>> No.7030846

favorite HP book?
Which ones the best objectively speaking?

>> No.7030848


Your use of that phrase is indicative of a mind with no feel for language or logic

>> No.7030849


I can't believe how effective this still is.

>> No.7030858

Is that top anime supposed to be Future Diary?
If not, it probably should be.

But w8 this is b8 so maybe it... doesn't... deserve to be there...?

>> No.7030867

D H is objectively the best

>> No.7030892

>Is that top anime supposed to be Future Diary?
You haven't seen EoE?

>> No.7030916
File: 77 KB, 1175x656, narrameme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw narrameme anon proved J.K. Rowling had a consistent and honed form of prose-style

>> No.7030953

I am relatively new to the anime fandom, unfortunately. I had a thread yesterday on /lit/ explaining that I'm a lit-casual and anime-casual fan.

If you can recommend me some anime masterpieces of plotline that doesn't become fanservice garbage (like Future Diary), I'd be ecstatic to recieve them.

What is EoE?

>> No.7030958


My favorite is CoS. Mad comfy.

I think the fourth is objectively the best. It had neat, traditional plotting (three tasks and all that); it was well paced; it had loads of character development; and it had a big, sexy climax. I was kind of butthurt that there was no quidditch though.

>> No.7030974

>What is EoE?
End of Evangelion. You should watch Neon Genesis Evangelion and after EoE. One of the very few anime worth watching. But honestly, steer away from anime if you value your time and intelligence.

>> No.7031057


>> No.7031061

I'm curious to see if Harry Potter will become a classic series in a few decades and get their own Penguin Classics covers.

>> No.7031122

>greatest artistic achievements
>in art
uh, i'm guessing that means painting/sculpture?

>2 michelangelos
>a copy of a da vinci uses in place of da vinci
>anything by rembrandt

>tree of life
>not any other malick film
>boyhood :^)

>gone home
>the last of us

>the walking dead

the /lit/ picks aren't that bad considering.

i can't believe how triggered i am from this shit.

>> No.7031130
File: 26 KB, 540x310, cute-cat-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care what anyone says, that scene in Naruto had me balling like the teenage bitch I was. I would probably still fucking cry if I saw it again.

>> No.7031149

Anybody here in Hufflepuff?

I'm leaving next Monday for the start of the new term. How are you guys getting to Hogwarts?

>> No.7031185


>> No.7031194

Those hacks have never produced anything worthwhile, and pretend that their lack of talent is on purpose

>> No.7031203

Ohhhhhh you poor BABY!!! Did I hurt your widdle FEELINGS by saying your FAVORITE GENIUS film sucks ass and your pic is shit?>>7030916

>> No.7031212 [DELETED] 

Underage. Reported.

>> No.7031225

>reporting a report

>> No.7031233

>average DFW fan

>> No.7031409

That pic literally killed me

>> No.7031479

>you will never go shopping in Diagon Alley and see your crush with her parents
>you will never get on the train to Hogwarts and share a compartment with your best mate and a qt and eat jumping chocolate frogs
>you will never go swimming in the loch beside your school
>you will never walk around the school grounds on a chilly morning with your qt crush
>you will never read books in your house common room as it rains hard against the windows and a fire keeps you warm
>you will never join Dumbledore's Army and hang out secretly with your buddies while plotting to overthrow the new head mistress
>you will never sneak around the corridors at night to meet up with your qt crush
>you will never walk down to Hogsmeade with your buddies and your qt gf and have drinks in a cosy pub as it snows outside

>> No.7031522

Here's a list of anime worth your time

>Serial Experiments Lain (GOAT)
>Genius Party
>Neo Tokyo
>Boogiepop Phantom
>The Tatami Galaxy
>Perfect Blue (or any Satoshi Kon film)
>Shinsekai Yori
>Haibane Renmei
>Mobile Suit Gundam: War in the Pocket

>> No.7031567

I enjoy a fair amount of quality hardcore pornography

>> No.7031569


>> No.7031578

Poorfag here. Parents are taking me to the station. It's fucking bullshit being in hufflepuff. I hate it. Shits gone south since diggory got waxed. Our fucking quidditch team is shit, the prefect fingered my girlfriend after we had a fight. Some asshat in ravenclaw threw my broom to the wimping willow and now I have to use one of those broke dick school issued Nimbus 2000's. I tried to get with that chick in slytherin who has the deformed hand thing going on because I thought she'd be an easy score but she's a fucking dyke. The house elf they have cleaning our dorm Always smells like shit. Dude, fuck that sorting hat. Hufflepuff. Goddamn it.

>> No.7032348

Best vidya plotlines ever made are AceCombat 04 and AceCombat 5.

Seriously. The following of these games was pressuring for an HD release of these 2001 and 2004 titles even in 2013 and 14, with a loyal and completely undying cult following.

>> No.7032436

This picture hurts me. 10/10

>> No.7032888


>> No.7033441

Might have just been because of the films though, they've erased a lot of the books to many people, even Rowling it seems who now thinks Harry and Hermione had the relationship in the David Yate's films rather than the one she wrote.

>> No.7033519


Prisoner of Azkaban and Goblet of Fire are the peak of the series.

>> No.7033579

>The Invaders Plan


>> No.7033606


>> No.7033738
File: 2.15 MB, 3254x1726, greatest artistic achievements fixed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I tried to fix this. How'd I do, /lit/?

>> No.7033798

Drop Busdriver, Tribe Called Quest, Michael Jackson and Pink Floyd. Replace "A Love Supreme" with "Blue Train". Include more electronica and contemporary classical. "Yeezus", too.

The literature section needs a near complete overhaul. The film section is in dire need of some Tarkovsky and some Resnais.

Video games should be Myst, Dear Esther, Papers Please and literally nothing else. Mario Galaxy 2 at a stretch.

Not sure if animation should be distinguished from film. I will admit it's nice seeing Coonskin in there.

>> No.7034339

Look at you and your shitty love of allegory.

>> No.7034360

This is the truth, only plebs who still believe in the sharp feitsh-like divide between high and low culture could think otherwise.

>> No.7034391

pls pls pls pls pls pls pls be bait

Oh God, please

>> No.7034411

It's all awful, especially art and music.

>> No.7034412

>Mario Galaxy 2
How is being 14? It was fun I guess, but calling it a great artistic achievement is possibly the stupidest thing I have ever heard.

>> No.7034415
File: 33 KB, 329x329, 1438203188077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finnegans wake
>no electronic or hip-hop
>pride and prejudice
>the hobbit
>that fucking urinal

bait for the bait god

>> No.7034417

>no electronic or hip-hop
Pop music isn't art.

>> No.7034437
File: 423 KB, 550x137, 1436820894893.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks all electronic and hip hop is pop music

>> No.7034448

It is by the definition of pop music, you overly defensive turd.

>> No.7034473

>fucking Inside Out
trainwreck of a list. Just say these are your favorites, don't pretend like every album you like is automatically the greatest album ever recorded. Busdriver is a cool artist, but makes no sense in this context

>> No.7034477

Depends on your definition of art
There is definitely a skill and craft to making fun video games.
Things like player psychology and efficient programming require skill and technique to master, much like painting.
A well made mahogany table isn't going to move me, or teach me, but there's an art to making it.

The original Super Mario Bros is a great example of this craft.

>> No.7034487

>Not Perfect Blue

>> No.7035569

>in art
>literally nothing but Renaissance work
Whoever made this needs to actually take an art history course before they go talking big shit.

>> No.7035589

not even are you replying to bait, you're fucking up your retort as well.

>> No.7036674

It could be that "plan" is being used as a verb.