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/lit/ - Literature

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7027574 No.7027574 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most /lit/ job today?

>> No.7027599


>> No.7027619

As in literary or relating to the board /lit/? I'm sure there are plenty of people who get paid to do things akin to shitposting.

>> No.7027625


>> No.7027635
File: 89 KB, 291x295, AYT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Librarian (It's a job for neets with an OCD, that loves to read or prented to read shit)

>> No.7027641

all jobs are shit tbh

your best bet is finding something where you can at least daydream

>> No.7027647


>not daydreaming about being someone and not being cooted up in a building full of books

>> No.7027745

NEET/Writer obviously.

>> No.7027845

Just inherit enough wealth to retire at 25 like a normal person.

>> No.7027853

and then commit suicide at 27

>> No.7027866

having your qt redhead biologist gf take care of you while you read and write every day

I dream of getting rid of my spooks and letting her take care of me but I'm too proud despite her willingness to do so

>> No.7027873


Life sucks

>> No.7027877

Everything sucks tbh. What kind of a sick thing created us to experience this constant pain and suffering?

>> No.7027880

Commit to killing yourself at 30 and then you can do whatever you want.

>> No.7027882

Not everybody suffers this much.

>> No.7027884


>> No.7027892

Buzzfeed writer

>> No.7027903

Are you guys actually NEET?

Is anyone on /lit/ actually NEET?

>> No.7027908

top 10 reasons why you are a loser

>> No.7027948

No one online anyway.

>> No.7027980

Yes, why wouldn't I be?

>> No.7027984
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>not being an orangutang

Ook? Eek! Eek! Ook.*

* translated into orangutang, the navy seal copypasta is a little less impressive

>> No.7027988

Is it voluntary? Are you trying to find work?

I'm part of a Government-backed project designed to encourage young people between the ages of 16 and 25 to enter the workplace. I work for the Digital Team and my job is to visit forums like 4chan to find out more about those who are NEET and to help them find work.

Now to begin. Could you just tell me your name, your age, and your national insurance number. Thank you.

>> No.7027991
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fashionably NEET tbh

I know it won't last forever but fuck it is great

>> No.7027994

Corporate/Political shill.

>> No.7027995

The best way to achieve my goals in life is to spend as much of my free time on them as possible.

Wasting 40 of my most productive hours a week on something I don't give a shit about is not an option

>> No.7027999

What are your goals in life?

>> No.7028004

to not work

>> No.7028009

No but seriously what are your ambitions?

I'm genuinely interested

>> No.7028010

Jesus Christ how wrong you are. Most librarians are now little more than retail assistants, working with "the customer" to issue "stock", while occasionally doing work to put "stock" back on "stock"shelves. Lots of team meetings and working with other librarians too, who are often women who managed to scrap a 2:2 in English Literature and are thus boring as fuck.

A building full of books which people use. People, who are mainly - due to "library diversification" - aggressive teenagers out to use "da internet"

The most lit job possible is not having a job, being independently wealthy, and running a bookstore which is merely a front for you spend all day drinking and writing shitty poems about Deleuze.

>> No.7028011


It is voluntary, I worked for like six weeks in 2012, worst time of my life. Never again as far as I'm concerned. The notion that everyone should (or even could) be employed is a dated one anyway, we should accept the shift towards a society where most people do not work.

>> No.7028016

What do you do with your time?

Who do you live with and how do you pay for things?

>> No.7028030
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I receive eurowelfare, give half of it to my parents for room and board.

I do just normal stuff that people do in their free time, I just have more of it. Read, walk around, talk to people, make and eat food, run errands, browse the internet, cultivate my garden, take naps, have drinks, sit around, that type of stuff.

>> No.7028032

What about a girlfriend?

>> No.7028065

All things considered I've found that I'm happier when I'm single. Maybe that would be different if I would come across an extremely compatible woman that would bring me more joy than bother, but I doubt it.

>> No.7028072

How are you going to come across them, literally or figuratively, if you spend all your time chilling out? I'm sorry but I'm a girl and we don't like moochers. Like, ew. Seriously.

>> No.7028084
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This guy gets it.

>> No.7028085

Someone thought I was studying drafting. I didn't even know that was a career. So,

>> No.7028087

As if the opinion of a suc... eh, woman would matter to me.

>> No.7028090

> welfare
> literally a nigger

>> No.7028095

Hi /pol/, does it habbening this time?

>> No.7028099

>How are you going to come across them, literally or figuratively, if you spend all your time chilling out?
By coincidence, or not at all. I don't really care either way to be honest, I can take it or leave it. Besides, the type of girl that I would like would spend all her time chilling out as well.

>I'm sorry but I'm a girl and we don't like moochers. Like, ew. Seriously.
Anon pls. You do have a point though, most women (or people in general for that matter) don't like this type of lifestyle, they want people to be ambitious about their job and spending a lot of money and to not live peacefully but rather what passes for 'living life to the fullest' by their standards.

I'm not looking for girlfriends or friends who think that way either though, so everyone wins out by not having to spend time with one another.

>> No.7028115

Expecting everyone to be employed in an economy where this is a literal impossibility is irrational.

A lot of the unemployed people would genuinely like to work though, but I'm not one of them. It would be against everyone's interest if I were to compete for jobs with people who actually want them.

>> No.7028116

>and spending a lot of money and to not live peacefully but rather what passes for 'living life to the fullest' by their standards

That passive aggressiveness.

>> No.7028117
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Yep. Those dubs were well spent, m8. Into the pasta folder it goes!

>> No.7028121

If you were right: So what?

>> No.7028151

as someone who just graduated college and is looking for a job (and who went to the best university in my state for a degree specifically to get a job) you're in the wrong here. There is no passive aggressive tone coming from him, just you.

>> No.7028152

But its not right. It was a subjective passive aggressive opinion. Here's its equivalent that you would say is wrong:

>Anon pls. You do have a point though, most women (or people in general for that matter) don't like this type of lifestyle, they want people to be ambitious about their job and successful in life and to live life to the fullest.

>> No.7028175

He's not who you were originally replying to.

Of course it's merely an opinion, but I don't see what's so passive aggressive about it except for the scare quotes, but those were merely meant to distance myself from that use of the phrase that I obviously don't agree with.

>> No.7028550
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>last year of college
>thought being a cook would be nice, yet trying out the job itself was a torture with older cooks and chefs coming out as under educated manual labor alcoholics whom don't value the taste of their made food and it just became mechanic to them. they're actually eating tv dinners just because they don't even want to think about going into the kitchen and making something for themselves after ~14 hours of work
>working in a No 1 restaurant on tripadvisor in my country.
>Upcoming 9 months will have to be learning about the profession in which I'm not even going to work.
>Need to stay at work due to the fact that 5 months of my school year will have to be spent working in a kitchen as study practice. So you're either: 5 months working in a cafeteria for free or working at your workplace and getting money (yet the amount of work is significantly bigger)
>Want to read up, get the grades and study philosophy at an uni
>Have to spend time studying/working in a field I hate just because I don't want to drop out without finishing it

>tfw one of my dream jobs was ruined by reality.

>> No.7028559

Let's get real, Anon: It just hit too close home, didn't it?

>> No.7028562

I'm a NEET. I've never really aspired to be anything. Im happy with who I am

>> No.7028568

Well if it doesn't work out and you end up doing something completely else at least you picked up some neat cooking skills. Can't go wrong with that in life.

>> No.7028575

>working with other librarians too, who are often women
sounds horrible

>> No.7028618

I've been a chef for several years, it is a terrible job, you will barely ever make more than minimum wage, probably become an alcoholic, be exploited, work dreadful hours, have no social or love life, burn and cut yourself and develop anger issues.

The fact you have discovered early it is shit is a good thing. Most people have more than one career in their lives don't let it bother you so much.

>> No.7028632

>thought being a cook would be nice
I hope you like the taste of booze.

>> No.7028641

Web developer

>> No.7028657

You need a masters in library studies to become a librarian...

>> No.7028661

Nope, I'm well on my way to having a dream job. Set my own hours, live where I want, keeps me fit.

>> No.7028687

Anyone here in the Air Force or Navy? Does it suck?

>> No.7028709
File: 45 KB, 550x363, longfellow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trust fund babby writer/adventurer
Writer married to a rich woman
Ghost writer for someone famous

>tfw no half-Japanese cardiologist gf to pay the bills and think I'm a genius even though I can't sexually satisfy her so she sleeps with another doctor even though it breaks her heart

>> No.7028728

Going to be doc in ostblock making 700 e monthly, should I go to the US mates?

>> No.7028876

my ideal job is the one with the least amount of work that still allows me to live modestly

>> No.7028893

Why not a job that's a lot of work but doesn't take much time?

I'd rather work hard for 3 days a week than stand around for 5

>> No.7028896

custodial work doesn't seem too bad. from what i can tell it pays well and is relatively easy. i've considered entering the field but it would probably make my parents ashamed.

>> No.7028919

>I'd rather work hard for 3 days a week than stand around for 5
you know i think i'm with you on that. perhaps the best job would be one you work completely on your own terms, and go in whenever you want/need to. i'd love to work a few weeks, then take an extended period off until i need money again. any jobs like this?

>> No.7029045

there are worker renting services which let you do that. My cousin is working in a hotel, and when they need people fast they ring up such companies to ask for employees, the company itself sends their "workers on call" an email telling the job details, payment and work hours. You take it or you leave it, your choice.

>> No.7029058

Roughnecks in Canada can work the winter and make a shit ton of money then take the whole summer off.
Maybe not in the current economy, but when it recovers.
Same with most trades people or labourers.

>> No.7029354

This seems pretty interesting tbh

>> No.7030259

>custodial work
Don't be a traitor to your fucking class.

>> No.7030437

Brilliant minds are productive from home:
> senior programmers
> interpreters/translators
> writers

The shift will come and home office will be the norm. Shitty jobs will be done by immigrants and ugly people, and later on by robots.

>> No.7030446

>Shitty jobs will be done by immigrants and ugly people

wew that brilliant mind of yours knows no limits, eh?

>> No.7030455

Merchant Mariner isn't too bad.
Get to travel the sea's and have little human contact for extended periods.
Depending on the type of ship you get on of course, and it will also affect how much you work daily.
Spare time can easily be spent writing.
I'm going to try to start the process next year for it, but it may not work because
>I'm a felon
There is shit all jobs out there m8s.

>> No.7030460

I've been working as a medical interpreter from home since September 2012. I'm above you in every way you could imagine, friend. Haha... even they literally illiterate people I have to work with are a game to me now.

>> No.7030472

this tbh

>> No.7030481

Yeah you sound like a nice enough, down to earth guy too.

>friends are nothing but pawns to me

>> No.7030488

/lit/ as a quality is just a spook, its whatever you as an individual most enjoy doing.

>> No.7030511

Psychiatrist. Its hard but really interesting.

>> No.7030520

>I'm above you in every way you could imagine
not reading the thread, don't give a shit but
>above and below is relative

>> No.7030558

The Jedi always has the high ground though.

>> No.7031348

Why not a job that's little work and doesn't take much time?

I'd rather stand around for 3 days than work hard for 3 or even 5.

>> No.7031349

Good luck finding that job. Unless you're highly skilled and experienced, OR willing to work for peanuts, then you are as FUCKED as the rest of us.

>> No.7031352

So part time librarian.
Or doorman.

>> No.7031405

Abolishing wage slavery.

>> No.7031410

>part-time librarian
Do you have a library science degree or significant experience in a library environment? If not you're going to be dissapointed.

>> No.7031411

You don't need one at my local libraries.
I helped stock the shelves and shit like that as a part time job over one of my high school years.

>> No.7031416

What happens if you accidentally find something worth living for though?

>> No.7031425 [SPOILER] 
File: 116 KB, 800x388, 1440585444589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been secretly hoping for that; but more specifically, to find love and a wife, "accidentally". I'm 29-years-old with 5 months, and deep in heart I know I won't find love. Just seven moths and the dreadful foreboding of my existence will be over.

>> No.7031454

I'm getting tired of those baits.

>> No.7031513

Same here. Movies and books as a kid told me that if I acted in a compassionate and responsible way I would be rewarded somehow. So far I've been ridiculed for being too nice and for "taking life too seriously". It sucks to realize that so many people spend the best years of their life thinking their suffering and hard work will pay off, only to find it never does. This world is a very sad place for me.

>> No.7031539

That's because parasites can't parasitize a parasite. :^)

>> No.7031565
File: 16 KB, 480x270, scream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>running a bookstore which is merely a front for you spend all day drinking and writing shitty poems about Deleuze
So this guy.

>> No.7031720

Underrated post.

>> No.7033309


>> No.7033454


>> No.7033464

>tfw too old for even the nanny state to care anymore

>> No.7033470


>> No.7034446

>Black Books
My maaaaaaaaaaaan

>> No.7036122


>> No.7037427
File: 147 KB, 638x638, bernie_for_the_future.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please do.

>> No.7037507

Did you get triggered from my word?

>> No.7037717

>my word

Found the liar.

>> No.7039392

Why so anxious about finding a wife?

>> No.7039588

People generally want to marry because they think it's the absolute cure against loneliness and sexlessness, as well as the end of the struggle for them.

>> No.7039894

Beside the obvious stuff like writer, editor ect there isn't really one.

The most /lit/ job besides the stuff i mentioned would be not to have a job at all, or a job which requires little to no actual work so you can get paid to read/write while 'working'.

>> No.7040009
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>graduate high school
>no life goals, dreams, passions, interests and no clue whatsoever what I should do with myself
>parents won't let me be neet
>I will probably get kicked out in a couple days


Is there any way I can become like Diogenes?

>> No.7040019


>> No.7040031


>> No.7040491

>is there anyway I can become homeless

Seems like you're on the right track, m8.

>> No.7041579

This tbh