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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 4 KB, 900x562, sweden_flag[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7027484 No.7027484 [Reply] [Original]


I am curious about how many Swedes there are on /lit/. But everybody is welcome.

Where are you from and what do you read?

I am reading history stuff. I am reading a little about Britain in the first millenium, a little about the Persians and the Greeks and a little about the Ottoman empire. Can't find a novel that will keep my attention.

>> No.7027492

Göteborg here. I am reading A Distant Shore by Caryl Phillips. It was assigned by my local reading group.

>> No.7027501

Currently living in Luleå.

Been trying to get in touch with Swedish and Scandinavian literature lately. Been reading a lot of Pär Lagerkvist, Hjalmar Söderberg, and Harry Martinsson.

>> No.7027503

Why are you living in Lulea?

>> No.7027507

Göteborg here, currently reading Lawrence's memoirs Seven Pillars of Wisdom because the movie was so damn good.

>> No.7027510
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Sverige ein bæsj

>> No.7027512

Thought their university seemed cool, and didn't want to study in Stockholm.

I think I made a terrible decision tbh.

>> No.7027514

Where are you living?

Olivedal here

>> No.7027518

Studying what?

>> No.7027524

Linköping, currently reading Utvandrarna.
Its okey, very straight forward story so far.

>> No.7027527

Another Göteborgare here
Just got started on Love and Math by Edward Frenkel (I'm on a bit of a popsci spree), prior to which I read The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt, good read. (Den överväldigande klämkäckheten i inledningen håller tack och lov inte i sig länge.)

>> No.7027531

Daily reminder that if you live anywhere but Stockholm you are literally irrelevant and will never be remembered.

>> No.7027533

Not Swedish but Swedish speaking. Fennoswede master race samt Helsingfors bo

>> No.7027534

I hear that thing happen in Stockholm, whats it like to have things happen where you live?

>> No.7027535
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Kor mange av dykk er faktiske svensker? Vær ærlege.

>> No.7027536
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Stockholmers are all cucks who ruined Sweden.

>> No.7027540

Stockholm here, I almost exclusively read in English. Most recently Flash Boys (Michael Lewis) and I'm gonna finish The Time Machine (Wells) on the subway home.

After that it's probably some Kierkegaard.

>> No.7027541

This is true

>living anywhere but a major city

How's the 18th century treating ya kiddo?

>> No.7027543

How tall are you?

>> No.7027545

>Stockholmers think their city counts as a "major city" internationally

Fucking lel.

>> No.7027546

hej jag bor i Vasastan!

>> No.7027550

194cm, do I know you or something?

>> No.7027551

oh god, i live in skäggetorp. How long did u have to wait in que to live in vasastan?

>> No.7027552
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>> No.7027553

it's pretty big

>> No.7027556

How do you get into the pants of a swedish girl? I have one on my course, she is cute, smart and we share the same interests.

>> No.7027560

Being swedish and a frequent browser of the 4chans, I wouldnt know.

>> No.7027563

sing her a traditional swedish folk song


>> No.7027566

My girlfriends parents are rich and have an apartment here. I only pay 4k krona a month to live here thankfully

>> No.7027569

How are those crops growing Per?

Remember to set your watch back twenty years when travelling outside of Stockholm.

>> No.7027571

Who /SD/ here?

>> No.7027573
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>> No.7027576

Hopefully no one seeing as they're a fucking retarded party.

>> No.7027578

are good for a laugh though.

>> No.7027579

It's a million people. If not major internationally, then at least major historically.

>> No.7027582

Why do you hate Sweden m8?

>> No.7027584

Any writers ITT?

My first book is being published by Wahlström & Widstrand in February 2016 and I have to do a "tour" of Sweden to promote it. Very anxious about this.

>> No.7027585
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Guess who'll have the last laugh.

>> No.7027590

Luckly i got a norweigian passport so i can just run away to norway when sweden goes to the shitter.

>> No.7027591

Only of poetry really. But I started a longer project a few weeks back which is turning out pretty nicely. We'll see how that goes.

>> No.7027592

snyggt jobbat. får jag fråga vad boken heter?

>> No.7027595

Did you have an agent or did you just send in a manuscript to a bunch of publishers. I don't really know how it works here in Sweden.

>> No.7027598

I live in San Antonio, Texas, USA and i am reading The Business of War: Military Enterprise and Military Revolution in Early Modern Europe by David Parrott and some short stories by Dostoevsky.

I hope your weather has been good. Daily temperatures here have been around 100 F or 38 C for a couple of weeks.

>> No.7027600
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Det var ikkje naudsynt fåvæ

>> No.7027604

yea but thats going to change when they realise all the immigrants getting swedish citizenship starting to move over to norway.

>> No.7027608
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I'll move to Iceland or the Faroe Islands before that tbh

>> No.7027613

>being a swede

perkeleen hurrit saatana

>> No.7027615

as long as their not apart of EU its fine.

>> No.7027618

>being a mongol

>> No.7027621

Fucking retard.

>> No.7027634

Biskop :^)

>> No.7027637

>being a swede
Āra no Kursas, prom uz Līvzemi, un tad uz Igauņiem, un tad pie Ingrijas, un tad, galu galā, pie pašiem velliem!


Daily reminder that
Duchy of Curonia and Semigallia > Swedish 'Empire'

>> No.7027644

Love utvandrarna, the characters are some of the best I've ever read. Also it's filled with feels.

>> No.7027646

Ah cool. Good luck!

Sovrum Låtar

Yes I have an agent. I was rejected around 20 times before getting one however.

>> No.7027649

>not reading in swedish

stay plebs anglophucks

>> No.7027656

Wtf jag är också LTU.

>> No.7027657

>anglos will never read utvandrarna, doktor glas, or röda rummet in beautiful, untranslated, swedish prose.

>> No.7027659

Who here is starting GU this autumn? I'm gonna read french for a year.

>> No.7027660

>personer som läser litteratur på svenska universitet

Ha så kul med feministerna. Ni kommer inte få läsa en vettig bok.

>> No.7027662

Vem manlet här?

>> No.7027671

Norrbotten representerar!

Vem mer?

>> No.7027686

I kursen jag ska läsa har vi både Ulysses, Der Prozess, Hamlet och massor av annat kul.

>> No.7027688

I've never met a Swede who wasn't an annoying fussy buzz kill.

>> No.7027693

Finlandssvensk, Jakobstad.

>> No.7027697

Will you make a lot of money from this? Like can you write full-time?

Sorry for asking.

>> No.7027699

Yes but not all that much. But my publishers have helped me apply for grants and so on, and if all works out I will find out next week if I will be able to spent all of 2016 writing full-time with a literary grant. Depending on interest there may be a translation too, which will help with finances. I am told my book is among their top three or four books they're going to promote heavily, and they are hoping to reach the younger audience with my work.

>> No.7027702

Damn that's awesome bro.

>> No.7027705

Thank you.

>> No.7027713

Read some Palle Lauring.

>> No.7027734
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who /Zara/ here?
who /Nyheter24/ here?
who /Vänsterpartiet, långt skägg och filter/ here?

NEJ JAG BARA SKÄMTAR. Fy fan för er Stockholmare. Ni sitter där i era hippa kläder som kompensation för bristande personlighet, och tror att ni är något. Ni tror, helt på allvar, att världen tar slut utanför Mälaren, en världsbild man hade kunnat haft förståelse för om ni bott i New York, men Stockholm? just fuck my shit up så sjuka ni är.

Själv läser jag om koloniseringen av Norrland. Mycket intressant.

>> No.7027875

found the S voter.

>> No.7027896

Wut. Vad läser du för något?

>> No.7027900

Läser du PO Tidholms Norrland? Han är så jävla vilsen i sin koloniseringsteorier. Norrland åt samerna. Det finns typ 30k samer, mer priviligerad samhällsgrupp får man leta efter.

>> No.7027912

Jag tror inte Mälardalen är ett speciellt hett samtalsämne i New York.

>> No.7028044

Litteraturvetenskap på SU

>> No.7028054

Is he any good? Just earlier today I found The Nature of Blood at a secondhand, hadn't heard of him.

>> No.7028057

Are you smart and cute?

>> No.7028059

Yes it's good. I like books about this sort of relationships.

>> No.7028064

>Sovrum Låtar

better be about a /mu/ klv NEET

>> No.7028106

Just got back, wow this thread is still alive. Nothing to do with /mu/ I'm afraid but yes the story focuses on several individuals who do not work (initially). Some of them pursue creative endeavors and some wither away in their bedrooms or move elsewhere. There is a is a plot also but I do not wish to spoil things. I feel that after much struggle I have finally found one way of referencing internet culture in a novel in a way that does not seem cliched or affectedly "hip". I basically tried writing a Stoner-esque book focusing on young people, without resorting to drugs and so on to "shock" the reader as I believe many writers my age try to do. I believe Tao Lin did so well in his novel Richard Yates, though I do not write in that minimalist way so much.

>> No.7028283

Högerman här.

Läser igenom västerländsk filosofi, någon som har en litteraturlista för Sverige? Förutom det, någon som har en litteraturlista för svensk politisk filosofi? Känner knappt till något om historien i frågan, förutom paret Myrdals hygienteorier.

>> No.7028292

Shouldn't the title be Sovrumslåtar?

>> No.7028316

Probably, but google translate gave me that.

>> No.7028327

Southern European reporting in.
I have been reading Knausgard's Min Kamp recently; its depiction of Sweden startled me, specially since I had moving to Stockholm in mind, though still in a nebulous future.
Is Sweden such a cuck country or is Knausgard blinded by typical neighbour banter?

>> No.7028334

Yes sweden is as knausgaard describes, atleast in the bigger cities.

>> No.7028349

Swede here, I thought Knausgårds description was spot on. In fact he was being too kind, but I guess he was writing from what 2010? It's even worse now.

>> No.7028356

I want to visit your country Swedish bros, where is nice in your country?

>> No.7028357

What did he say?

>> No.7028370

Malmö. There's this really cozy neighbourhood called Rosengård there that has some great cafés and restaurants.

>> No.7028383

Kan rekommendera böckerna om Tornedalens historia.
En dag kommer vi dra vår nya gräns med storsvenskens blod i umeälven min vän.

>> No.7028392

Knausgard was attacked by our blessed journalist overpriests when he pointed out how they like to stomp on people and they went ahead and proved his point.

>> No.7028394

Västerås RAPPORTERAR IN. Läser för tillfället David Byrnes How Music Works. Kalasbra

>> No.7028399
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>> No.7028404
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>“Sverige har inte haft krig på egen mark sedan sextonhundratalet och hur ofta tänkte jag inte den tanken att någon borde invadera Sverige, bomba husen, plundra hela landet, skjuta männen, våldta kvinnorna, och sedan låta något avlägset land, som Chile eller Bolivia, välkomna flyktingarna därifrån med sin stora gästfrihet och säga till dem att de älskar allt skandinaviskt och sedan fösa ihop dem i ett getto utanför någon storstad där. Bara för att få höra vad de skulle säga.”

>> No.7028405

>But everybody is welcome
>tfw this post is a microcosm of everything wrong with sweden

>> No.7028412


Så jävla glad att jag flyttade från det absoluta skithålet.

>> No.7028414

Jag växte upp i Luleå under intrycket att det var en kulturell ödemark sen flyttade jag till Göteborg för att studera och insåg att det är inte bara Luleå utan hela Sverige.
Ha så kul i men hemort kom ihåg att spotta på alla som tar på sig en studentoverall.
P.S det enda kul i stan är knark.

>> No.7028437

Göteborg är ju fan ingen kulturell ödemark. Vi har ju en rätt najs musikscen t.ex.

>> No.7028471

Is there any literary scene / book club / whatever here in sweden that isn't just feminist shit?

>> No.7028476

If you find one please tell me

>> No.7028480


>tfw you'll never have Norway's based literary scene

>> No.7028488

Vem här /hedonist/?
Följ med mig på göteborgs svartklubbar så kan vi peta i oss piller tillsammans :^)

>> No.7028495

Känner inga kanaljer som säljer oxy bara massa weedblattar
snälla hjälp mig
Inte säpo jag lovar

>> No.7028499

>skrattande epikurister.png

>> No.7028501

Stockholm. Currently reading Doktor Glas.

>> No.7028509
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>I am reading history stuff.

Have you tried anything by this fella?

>> No.7028515

>dkn heroin är ett telefonsamtal bort men tar 2 veckor att få dyr, svag, lsd.
Måste fan flytta ut så jag kan börja köpa från darknet.

>> No.7028518

När vi ändå snackar historia, någon som har läst Sveriges Historia i 8 band av harrison?

>> No.7028521

Finns ju lapplisa i göteborg som tar emot bitcoin och droppar i din brevlåda typ samma dag.

>> No.7028524
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För att vara svenne har man ändå konsumerat rätt lite svensk kultur.

Kan vi köra en sådan här:

>bästa boken
>bästa filmen
>bästa skivan

från Sverige?

>Röda Rummet?

>> No.7028533

Sverige har fan bästa musikscenen i världen tbh
>bästa boken
Röde orm
>bästa filmen
Sjunde inseglet
>bästa skivan
Älgarnas trädgård - Framtiden är ett svävande skepp förankrat i framtiden

>> No.7028534

jo men bor hemma å vill inte ha knark i mammas brevlåda :^)

>> No.7028544

Har typ läst en bra svensk bok så.. ja. Den är jävligt bra dock.
Sett en ~20 bergman filmer, ingen annan svensk regissör kan mäta sig imo, detta är min favorit av honom även om jag vet att persona/sjunde inseglet är mer kritikerrosade.
>The Field - From Here We Go Sublime
Jaja han bor i tyskland men han kommer från stockholm, grymt album om du gillar techno.

>> No.7028636

yes in fact I am

>> No.7028695

Stockholm. Currently reading Ut ur världen av Knausgård.

>> No.7028750

>bästa boken
Den Allvarsamma Leken
>bästa filmen
Håller väl med föregående anons om Bergman
>bästa skivan
Ghost - Opus Eponymous

>> No.7028837

>bästa boken
Den Allvarsamma Leken
>bästa filmen
Jägarna :)
>bästa skivan
Refused - The Shape of Punk to Come

>> No.7028887

Sweden, Stockholm. Lived in Uppsala until recently and soon it's going to be Tokyo.

>People still posting internet polls like they mean anything
Remember when yougov said fi would get 18%? Thankfully that was bullshit as well.

>> No.7028956

From Stockholm here. Last finished book was The hero with a thousand faces, soon done with History of the Peloponnesian War. As for the next one I'm probably feeling phenomenology of spirit.

>bästa bok
Doktor Glas
>bästa film
Egentligen Persona, men för ett mer personligt svar kan jag säga de ofrivilliga av Ruben Östlund så det inte bara blir Bergman.
>Bästa skiva
Svårt som fan.. säger bara de första jag kommer att tänka på
Ghost reveries - Opeth
Och vinnaren är... - Veronica Maggio
Strange place for snow - Esbjörn Svensson trio
Fattaru - Fatta eld

>> No.7028992


>bästa boken
>bästa filmen
The Room
>bästa skivan

>> No.7029014

Wtf? Why is there a cuck thread on a SFW board?

>> No.7029015

Jag talar from Brasilien.

But I love Sweden, and I'm learning Swedish :D

>> No.7029016

>yougov said fi would get 18%

That never happened.

>> No.7029018

Let's see what you'd all vote for.


>> No.7029025

Herregud, hur kan du gilla en så seg och tradig bok? Läser översättningen på svenska och har nog aldrig somnat så mycket av en bok. Trist då jag gillar ämnet.

>> No.7029266

valitse yks/välj en

>> No.7029277

Särskilt scenen med det kåta liket.
Dyker upp alldeles i slutet, du har verkligen något att se fram emot!

>> No.7029279

Jo men det visade sig vara fel

>> No.7029328

Laughing knausgard.jpeg

>> No.7029713
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Stockholm, but raised in the US.

Mostly read WWII/military history and political writings.

>> No.7029720
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Agreed, I regret returning to this cultural vacuum.

>> No.7029758
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>> No.7029790

some guy once told me about a book that sounded p cool, written by a swede (i think), but i forgot both the title and the author
if i remember it correctly, it was about two conjoined twins, one guy and one girl, the sister was basically just a head, while the rest of the body was the brothers and could only be controlled by him. in the beginning the sibling are in love and are in some sort of relationship, until the brother meets some other woman and falls in love with her instead, and the sister is heartbroken but can't get away from him and the situation, since they are literally stuck together

does this sound familiar to anyone? pls help need title

>> No.7030089

not only that but the way they did it exampled the pathological progressivism so damn well, the response was "oh no, not another angry straight white cis male" or something of that nature.

>> No.7031111

Is this really in the ficking book? Which part?

>> No.7031181

Volume 2 of Min Kamp.

>> No.7031219

Gonna read that.

>> No.7031228
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Sounds like Nedstörtad Ängel (Downfall) by P.O. Enquist, kind of

>> No.7031268

Läs inte översättningen ffs.

>> No.7031336
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>dkn ingen sötpaj fv som ZL

>> No.7031354

Peasant from Värmland checking in.

Läser Knausgård just nu. Duger.

>> No.7031362
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>The Room

>> No.7031364


>> No.7031375

What's his point, sweden shouldn't take in as many refugees, or sweden thinks it's a utopia for immigrants? Becuase most swedes would agree that we suck at integration. Does he only complain or does he write anything actually constructive?

>> No.7031671

Swedish people are smug and arrogant.

>> No.7031693

yeah that must be it thanks, i'd kiss you on the lips if i could ;)