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7026761 No.7026761 [Reply] [Original]

Describe a recent romantic encounter.

>> No.7026770
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>> No.7026780

Gf has a virus so I made her stay in bed while I made some soup. After she ate she said she was sore so I rubbed her shoulders then we cuddled and made out and fell asleep. I'll probably catch the same virus now but I don't care. Warm kisses :3

>> No.7026784

>never happened

>> No.7026798

So we were at the bookstore, me, I mean. I was checking out, you know, the manga section.

So this girl comes by, and she's super cute, with glasses and this really fat buttockseroony, and her teats also look pretty nice on account of a turtleneck she's wearing.

So she says, "Whatcha lookin' at down there, fag?"
And I say, "B-B-Boku no Hero A-A-Academia," in a really deep, manly voice.
"What kind of self-respecting man likes shounenshit?" she asks.
And I say, getting more composed now, "Shounen is in fact a varied genre encompassing not only stories meant for children but also stories meant for adults and adult children like myself."
She laughs, and her tits bounce really intensely. She says, "Well maybe you should grow up a little and trying something like Kierkegaard next time."
"I'm not familiar with that author," I say. "Is he in Shounen Jump, or syndicated somewhere else?"
She laughs again, and I'm really not at all displeased with how her boobs are bobbing up and down. I think I'm definitely going to fuck this girl soon, and I'm not going to cum prematurely this time, either.
"No, Kierkegaard is a philosopher," she says, taking my ice-cold hand and leading me to another section of the book store. "He's over here."
I know, at this point, that I am going to ravage this women's she-cunt so brutally that I'll have to call an ambulance before I leave. I'm going to end her pussy.

>> No.7026806

She asked for a pen, only had pencils

Best day of my life

>> No.7026827

I don't believe you one bit.
Move along nigger

>> No.7026828

We started making out but I couldn't stop sobbing. She's chill about it tho

>> No.7026916


>tfw had a nightmare my ex of three years ago who lives in a different country saw my tinder bio which is "gurl I'ma take you out for a lobster dinner then you know the suicide pact is on (ghetto twitter emoji)" (pls no bully, shit works on edgy 19 year olds). It'd be bad if she saw it because she thought I'd an hero'd once upon a time. The only person I've slept with since is her best friend. Anyway I woke up and she was tagged in a picture on a hike somewhere a couple hours away. I've hooked up with (not penetrated) a few girls since but nothing feels the same /lit/ and shes nearby now. I don't feel like I'm ready to see her again. What do?

Inb4 >>>/r9k/

>> No.7026919


I think he wrote it to be amusing. i liked it. even though its propabbly copy pasta

>> No.7026969

As I sat on the night bus headed home, I gaze anxiously at my crotch. The only other people on this bus wwas myself and a lady 5 seats down to my right. I nervously lifted my gaze and took a quick glance her direction. Before I could avert my eyes, she shot a glare towards me that pierced me.

I followed suit and promptly pierced her vagoo.

>> No.7026974

I'm going through a summer fling sort of thing while I'm doing a summer internship.

She's pretty cool, I just like talking to her and joking around. I've never dated someone who I felt like I had a real comedic rapport with, and it's been a lot of fun. I get the feeling she's never dated anyone before, but she's been really relaxed about the whole situation, not clingy like you would expect. I go back yp school next week. I will miss her.

>> No.7026984

then you woke up and realized it was all a dream

>> No.7027006
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I've never kissed a girl, AMA

>> No.7027040

Suicide when?

>> No.7027041

I have not done that unless you count my monitor, probably not though.

>> No.7027046

Not until I hit wizard status, but I doubt I'll get there. At some point I'm going to just try and fuck every 6+/10 woman in sight, one of them is bound to accept.

>> No.7027051

How old are you?

>> No.7027053

This past February I attended a Super Bowl party. A lovely-looking young woman kept sidling closer to me as the game wore on. She leaned in close at the start of the fourth quarter and kissed me gently on the lips. Though I'd never been kissed much before, I knew enough to reciprocate. We met gently, but not without tenderness. Later on, we had a similar encounter, perhaps more intimate this time. However, by this point, Tom Brady was leading the New England Patriots on the greatest comeback in Super Bowl history, the first ever comeback from being down double digits in the fourth quarter of a Super Bowl. I was riveted watching the greatest quarterback of all time go to work, so I suppose I did not pay attention to her as much as I should have. She accused me of being autistic at this point, and I never saw her again.

The moral of the story is that women don't understand sports.

>> No.7027061


>> No.7027065

Night smelled of indecent sweat. God, it was fucking hot, like the kind of heat that mercilessly sticks to your skin like greek fire. She walked into my smoke filled motel room looking like the used whore she felt herself to be. She saw the money on the table next to the table; she knew the drill. "You miss me baby?" she asked rhetorically. I didn't say anything. I just sat there in hunched in a chair with my limp dick out. Her eyes glanced down at my crotch while licking her lips. She got down on all fours and began to slowly crawl to me. She never broke eye contact. She crawled her face right up to my crotch to the point where I could feel her heated breath blowing on my dick.

>> No.7027068

Met with gf about a month ago. We are in a long distance relationship now, since I graduated and she is a senior. I think I should have ended it. We ate too much food and had too much sex.

>> No.7027116



You realize 6 women are probably actually dressed down 8s and have the same stance towards men that 8s have. You have to go down to like 3 - 4 to get people fucked enough emotionally to reliably put out

>> No.7027123

Met my waifu on /a/ couple of years ago.
When I first watched her cartoon, I was merely sympathetic to her character arc, and felt bad about what happened to her.
Unfortunately, many /a/nons completely missed the point of her character and kept insulting her, calling her a bitch and worst girl.
At first I tried to explain to them why they're mistaken, but they would not listen and over time, I started getting into more and more heated arguments about her.
Eventually, after yet another exhausting thread where I defended her honor, I realized I love her and that she is the one for me, and finally understood what people meant when they said that you'll know it when you waifu your waifu.

It's probably the greatest love story ever told.

>> No.7027233

I've never even kissed my mother
refused to as a kid, thought it was gross

>> No.7027261

We gave each other a smile, of the kind one gives upon discovering leftover cake in the fridge.

>> No.7027297


This post reeks of Melvins.

>> No.7027311

...using a Pynchon quote?

"And then they were fucking."

>> No.7027329


>> No.7027330

all you need is avast mate :^)

>> No.7027336

she succ me

>> No.7027346

only girl i ever cared about is on the other side of the planet and over me from what I can tell.
feels absolutely devastating and soul crushing man.

>> No.7027363

Just go controllaby insane and be funny. You will get pussy in no time.

>> No.7027371
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Good feel tbh

>> No.7027381

I've kissed about three or four girls I think. However, none of them felt "real", if you get what I mean.

>> No.7027387

I've kissed a girl once. It felt exactly how you expect tonguing a mouth would.

>> No.7027391

>wants to avoid wizard status
>reduces his standards to 6/10


>> No.7027401

>tfw never held hands or been on a date

>> No.7027421

Wont ever be a genuine encounter again, might finally appreciate it too

>> No.7027424

She was going away for 5 weeks. I had known this for a while, but it had now only churned through my system as we prepared to say good bye. We drifted slowly down that long street just by the industrial park. We held hands. Her hand was small and limp and cold. Oh god. In our silence, time had drifted too and we were now at my bus stop.

I asked, "I guess this is that big Casablanca moment then?".
"Fuck up," she said.

She kissed me and left with, "see you in five weeks."

I watched her walk away, head bobbing up and down, half-expecting her to considerately turn around, just so I could see those tired eyes once more before we drifted. She turned the corner that leads to her house. I've not even had a message since.

>> No.7027425

>"Fuck up," she said.
relationship goals

>> No.7027430

We sat on his bed. Her head fell against my shoulder. We talked for hours, but I don't think we said anything. At last we kissed. I am not sure if she has really kissed before. Sitting her on my lap, I asked her if she really wants this. I don't know what she replied. I undressed her. I had her naked before she took of more than my shirt, while we still kissed in an awkward manner. I repeated my question. She avoided the reponse again. I caressed the inner part of her soft thigh. Finally, I moved just a finger inside her. She moaned. But finally she talked again. "I have to confess something. I haven't slept with himyet."
I paused. "Especially then we should not be doing this."
I stood up, and told her to put on her clothes again. I wished her a good night and left my roommate's room, not without kissing his girlfriend on the forehead.

>> No.7027434


>> No.7027441

Yes, I regret that whole ordeal but if it's worth anything, she initiated the cuddling and I just went along with it.

>> No.7027445

I really like the photo in the OP. That aesthetic appeals to me so much. Twin Peaks, Infinite Jest, coming-of-age movies where kids wear double-denim. There's something about the 1990s American aesthetic, particularly in regions of the country where the climate is often rainy and all four seasons are experienced, that makes me so sad and wistful for something I've never experienced. Renting a room in a large chilly house with thin wooden floorboards across the bedroom floor and a little rug between my bed and the antique fireplace. An LP player and a gf who wears cardigans and oversized black satin bomberjackets and denim dungarees and dark green tshirts tucked into light blue jeans with an elasticated waist. Walking home in a waterproof poncho with hardback books pressed against my side and drinking black coffee from white porcelain mugs while listening to Pavement or Mazzy Star and watching the hard Oregon rain falling or the first snowfall of a New England winter or the flocks of brown and curling leaves being hurried across a residential road in Washington State. Watching the latest Richard Linklater movie while sitting low on the red and thickly padded seats of a cinema while sharing popcorn with a cute brown-haired girl whose eyeballs reflected the light from the screen.

>> No.7027451

That rug really pulls the room together tho.

>> No.7027455

>Describe a recent romantic encounter.
I ate her out, and proceeded to not come in her or on her. I came in the toilet after throwing up in it as the girl who I just supposedly had fucked snored in the next room. I didn't sleep well, as I can never fall asleep with people who snore. I had drunk two bottles of wine myself so I spent my hours awake in drunken illusions of the wife I would prefer to have been lying next to. At 9 am she awoke and I drove her to her high school, and then went to the Del Taco across from the street and purchased breakfast burrtios that I promptly threw up. Post-nausea I went home and hated myself until I convinced myself that none of this matters and slept for 22 hours straight.

>> No.7027461

What is it with normies and being incapable of writing things that aren't melodramatic, edgy or narcissistic?

>> No.7027467

Finally, we had a moment to talk away from the others.

"Listen... there was something I wanted to talk to you about," I said casually.
"Do you remember that time you took my hand? When we were at that show?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," she snapped. "I don't remember it. You're making it up. You always want to talk and you never say anything."

She turned and ran away.

I went home and wrote about it until I ran out of words and ink and paper and snapped the pen and covered my desk and skin in the blue-black bruise tide. I lay there with the pain and wished I was floating in space with the silences I loved more than she ever knew, or ever would. We did not speak again for years.

>> No.7027473

>a moment
>"something I wanted to talk to you about"
>said casually
>"took my hand"
>ran away
>went home
>ran out of words
>floating in space

Cliched as fuck hombre

>> No.7027474


this was when I lost my virginity like 3 years ago and haven't had sex since

I'm not a normie, or edgy at all

I may be melodramatic and narcissistic, but that's because I'm dicating a personal experience

Get over it you fucking loser.

>> No.7027479

Life doesn't care if it's cliché or not, it just happens.

>> No.7027499

She gave me a green light. Too bad I'm colour-blind.


>> No.7027504

She smiled as she curled up next to me, she said she loved the feeling of me running down her legs
She seemed happy the next morning
I haven't spoken to her in two weeks.

>> No.7027521

You seem to be doing really well, and that is wonderful to see. Thank you for everything.

>> No.7027523

>tfw nobody is ever likely to say this to you

>> No.7027539
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I was making rough violent love to my highschool sweet-pea. She was being ever so complaisant and I was about to reach fruition when I woke up dry humping my mattress, alone of course. Fuck my gay life.

>> No.7027544


>> No.7027653

>meet a qt3.14 girl at book store
>she tells me to start with the greeks
>I bend her over and fuck her in the ass

>> No.7027675 [SPOILER] 
File: 21 KB, 357x313, 1440501377905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fine

I'll be alright, you will too

>> No.7027676

Go back to /b/ until you stop being retarded.

>> No.7027678

Out on the balcony, when Reginald kissed Diana's lips, her knees went weak. Slowly, he pulled her top down, exposing her soft, unyielding breasts. Just the sight of those breasts made Reginald's penis very hard. His penis was of considerable size, and now beads of sweat slowly ran down his penis, making it glisten like a strong swimmer, fresh from out of the pool. It was a fantastic penis, that seemed as strong as a horse's leg, yet as delicate as a flower wrapped in silk. What a grand, grand penis.

>> No.7027684

Diana had never slept with another woman before, but it was an erotic thought she often fantasized about, and as Rebecca's naked body lay before her, Diana couldn't help but feel aroused. "Go on", Rebecca said softly, "Touch me." Diana leaned down slowly and brushed Rebecca's bare stomach with her fingertips... It felt good. Like a penis. A soft, but sturdy penis that felt warm to the touch. In Rebecca's mind, she suddenly felt like she was surrounded by penises. They were all around her, flopping all around and slapping her face. It was as if she were in a redwood forest of penises. They presented themselves tall and mighty all around her.

>> No.7027731

I'm at least a 6.5, my problem is that I'm beta as fuck

>> No.7027747
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>> No.7027811

I moved her hand onto my dick while we were making out, but then got nervous and stopped to ask if she was okay with it. She told me she didn't know what she was doing, so I gave her some brief instructions and we got back to it. It was much less arousing and more embarrassing than I'd expected. I started laughing and lost my boner, so we ended up just having a cuddle and a chat.

>> No.7027822


>> No.7027824


>> No.7027891
