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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 126 KB, 350x532, gr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7024754 No.7024754 [Reply] [Original]


It's been a year since the only "successful" /lit/ writing project, let's try and do it again.

>> No.7024879

Actually kind of funny so far

>> No.7024934


>> No.7024942

i want reddit to leave

>> No.7024959

I'm in

>> No.7025039

Mexifats(term coined at the 20th Border Disorder anniversary)

>> No.7025073

A... Search and replace, the one true enemy of google docs

>> No.7025082

its ogre now

>> No.7025084

>le trump troll

>> No.7025090

i actually had some fun doing this, too bad

>> No.7025120

The ONLY "successful" /lit/ writing project so far has been the anthology of poems about Nicki Minajs ass.

>> No.7025143

sounds interesting. link?

>> No.7025270

I had fun writing with you guys. Please make a thread tomorrow.

>> No.7025274

Oh man, I remember that

>> No.7025310

It hasn't been a year since the Spiritual Sequel...

>> No.7025347

Could someone make a footnote that links to a sub-book?

>> No.7025411

cool beans

>> No.7025506


>> No.7025745


>> No.7027548

I think it's a bit too coherent tbh

>> No.7027666

im putting the first one in suggestion only, part 2 is here https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cZU53DxV4I5-AvdzwTRMp1sick80VuFRHEkUolK1vvE/edit

>> No.7027694


>> No.7027709

Just read the first part (link in OP's post) is legitimately hilarious. Not in a cringy way, just really funny. Thanks for the laughs, anons!

>> No.7027715

I actually really dig it too.

>> No.7027786

Part 2 is WAAY too understandable, just fuck my shit up.


>> No.7027794


>> No.7027800

this, we need to fuck it up

>> No.7027856

I wondered why I drifted towards long sci-fi explanations of things when I realized it was the name.

>> No.7027869


>> No.7027937


>> No.7027956

I guess I'll join in. Only a few words of mine made it into Tundra, but I still loved it nonetheless.

>> No.7027959

what happened to the one a few weeks ago? few people created an irc, contributing was pretty fun

>> No.7028060

bump get in here

>> No.7028180


>> No.7028201

I really enjoyed the "Brucie Wucie" part.

I liked the email.

My favorite thing so far is:
(Author’s note: One of the previous 2 paragraphs is non-canon, you decide which one!)

>> No.7028331

Is this readable on Kindle paperwhite? or ist preferable to read it on a Galaxy S4? should I just print it?

>> No.7028450

I think we're done, OP. Part 2 is finished. Compile both docs, send it to Scribd and post a link.

That's p much it.

>> No.7028502

Fuck that, this kind of thinking is what ruined miami. People in other timezones are going to have more to add and people will have written storylines that they didn't have time to finish today. Its only 37 pages so far so I think we can do at least a part 3 later on

>> No.7028503


>> No.7028513

I would keep part 2 open for a bit longer (maybe even a day) but start part 3 now.

>> No.7028522


>> No.7028551

do this right now op

>> No.7028593

Hey, what are your favorite parts so far?

>> No.7028610

I'm going to wait like an hour and then open part 3.

Not doing it right away because I don't want us to write a shitload in one go and make everyone who contributed to part 1 that isn't awake again yet have to wake up to 50 new pages and also because it's probably a good idea for us to all proofread what is in part 2 so far and edit it a little bit.

the matrix review

>> No.7028627

i've been at it for five hours guys (with breaks in between of course) i really enjoyed the experience.

we can discuss story ideas here

>> No.7028630

>proofread what is in part 2 so far and edit it a little bit
at what point are we doing this? because we need to do this?

>> No.7028644

idk man i'll put it on suggestion mode at some point after opening part 3 so that it can be edited. part 1 is on suggestion mode at the minute, i read through it once and corrected anything that looked like a mistake and rewrote some bits. If you want to leave a suggestion on it then I'll approve it as long as it's not someone trying to vandalize it.

>> No.7028647


not this>>7028502

>> No.7028668

what bits have you been working on the most?
i enjoyed the bit with the puerile king and johannes

>> No.7028678

i like the bottles part tbh

>> No.7028691

i wrote parts of journal of johannes wilkenssburg and king's diaries. now i'm working on bottles. my favourite bits to write was the footnotes and the author's/editors' notes at the end of page eleven

>> No.7028698


>> No.7028751

be honest OP. Is it good? I understand it might be full of memes but would normies find it amusing o interesting or is it bound to /lit/? I'll read it when it's finished, I love it when you guys get together and do this.

>> No.7028757

This is far easier for normies to understand than The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra but it's still pretty crazy.

>> No.7028766

it's too early to tell anon. i like what i'm seeing so far but i don't think it will be presentable as anything more than a joke until we let it rest for a bit then get together again to group edit it into an overarching narrative. right now it's all over the place.

i also hope it doesn't get vandalized.

>> No.7028778

Coetzee, I recognize your style. I know it's you.

>> No.7028789

I really do think we need a royal family tree.

>> No.7028791

aww nigga you caught me

>> No.7028798

That's cool. I wrote the first and last Johannes part. At least that was somewhat coherent, its pretty messy now.

>> No.7028811

i did the middle johannes part, and the sentence with shakyamuni
i really like the johannes part.


>> No.7028846

I hope you guys don't close the doc soon, I have a neat idea I'd like to try

>> No.7028847

Messy is what we're going for. The reader should have to fight a bit for our collective knowledge.

>> No.7028861

get on it boyo

>> No.7028863

I'm pretty proud about
>less metaphorically carnal
for Communion wafer/dicks

>> No.7028908

The instructions are dope as shit. Keep at it

>> No.7028917

Thanks fam, the instructions part and most of the bottles parts are mine, including the Arabic one. I also edited some intermission in the middle. Any suggestions?

>> No.7028936

writing it now

>> No.7028941

I really like the instructions part, but can we change it from madscientist.com to something else?

>> No.7028942

Do as you may, as long as the instructions remain in one page. It's neater that way.

>> No.7028968

OP, let's make this official. Some of us have already accumulated in the past some "/lit/ writes shit" documents. I suggest, perhaps, if we can collaborate and find all the missing/lost documents and put them into one, and then perhaps give three or four days for people to edit over them, we can come up with something actually decent.

>> No.7028972

make a separate project Hypersphere is pretty cool as its own thing.

I have nine collaborative stories on my google drive that /lit/ wrote.

>> No.7028975

>separate project
I think that's the way to go.

>> No.7028983

And that's the thing, we have so many loose threads we can twine if we just give it a chance and, with proper effort, maybe connect the missing dots then those nine collaborative stories of yours won't just be derelict or disjointed stories stuck on your drive.

>> No.7029012

poo stuck in me anal staircase: A Scatalogical Deconstuction
>circular story told with in various layers of dream / alternate reality / whatever that are respresented by layered boxes
version 1: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zuO1VrEb0srUyngrjY8F-dB1zTWc6x8VTS5IPRYFDSs/
version 2: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JQA6dHd1EQ8ganz5IMY0q1t5TNu0YP4axrOp-HQBRTQ/

>One of many failed tundra followups, came out after Quagga Project disappeared

Rocket rimjobs ahoy
>Vaguely about snakes, I remember this one being one of the most incoherent stories

Phallic Monsters from the deep beyoooooond: episode 1: fuck the future and fuck op's shitty theme, I'm writing about dick monsters
>Story about Elton John travelling through time and meeting various people

Memes, an epicc
>I don't remember this one tbh

The Bequeathment of Democracy in the Saharas.
>A story about a guy who goes into a library and takes on the personas of various authors

The Absence of Meaning in a Marshland
>Don't remember this one either

>> No.7029022


>> No.7029026

The Legacy of lit in a Postmodern Wasteland
>Alternate version of The Bequeathment of Democracy in the Saharas, I think this one is more edited

Godlib Fargles, a dank meme story by /lit/
>Don't remember what this is about
version 1: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1H_QBI_pMThgS1sz0mgDOfXnLzT-6LMl9T-qEi58LdT4/
version 2: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SkWBai0MyC5By72qc3zFHlHVU1dGBvAruMYjEsQZRyo/

5^97 Light Years of Grey
>One page of nothing

The Spiritual Sequel
>A play that may or may not still be going (last edit was made 7 days ago)

>> No.7029035

why not go the Grand Inquisitor route and add it as a short story? condense it and relate it to the Hyper somehow.

>> No.7029036

>nine collaborations
>nine rooms between the hypersphere- and space


>> No.7029039

pretty spot on, here's one that isn't on your lists. trying to find others.

Copy of 'MURICA: LE BUK :)
>One person shatpasted memes and nonsense, this was directly after Kolsti's Totalitarianist sequel failed to launch.

>> No.7029041

I just don't see the point of trying to shove short stories into this when we have a lot of people writing original stuff.

We can make something out of the short stories but there's no need to put them in Hypersphere.

>> No.7029044

holy crap that's a good suggestion.
i suggest maybe not completely c/p material from other stories but using the main narrative to direct original effort, we could always use their material as backup.

>> No.7029050

if anybody remembers defunct i think it's been completely locked, can't view it

>> No.7029052
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It's... beautiful.

>> No.7029055

The Hypersphere is a big fucking place, after we've finished it we could just put these in at the end and present them as some other stories from the Hypersphere.

>> No.7029087

Hypersphere is infinity, hypothetically every story is already happened in there

>> No.7029091

How has the story progressed? I wrote the second room of the hypersphere, now there's nine of them, does every room has a specific function?

>> No.7029096

Vox here, the order was not in my hands to lock Defunct but Sweaterx's. I lament it too. AS/CC took a turn for the worst. Oh well, maybe I can build that up once again.

I'm also >>7028917, I'm quite fond of these projects.

Here are the remains of Defunct.
>There was also an editors' letter for the next edition, but I guess the others lost interest.

And here is a document I found floating from early Tundra series that didn't quite make it.


>> No.7029098

i think the ninth room is made up of stories or some sort of oral tradition, since it doesn't actually exist
looks like you can leave hyperspace though these stories too, if trump is to be believed

>> No.7029101

yeah ikr

>> No.7029108

>Link hidden in some ebook editions of TLOTIAT

A Critique of Impure Reason
>Collaborative philosophy

>Not sure if any of this actually made it into Miami

>be me
>Combination of greentext poetry and collected greentexts, may still be in progress

The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra Presents: Kolsti's Adventure in the Everglades: A Novella
>TLOTIAT spinoff, go into view mode to read it
>Can't fully remember what this one was, I remember writing some shit about kawaii hornets and I think there was something about a guy visiting hollywood

so far the ninth room is a way out of the Hypersphere and into hyperspace and the third room is a room where people compete for their place in hyperhistory by going in big balls and bouncing into each other

>> No.7029109

>AS/CC took a turn for the worst. Oh well, maybe I can build that up once again
these projects are fun as fuck
what does as/cc stand for again?

>> No.7029121

Chapter 10 part 2 is in my edition of tundra I think, although I'm not sure all of it got in. Definitely the 12 variations on a theme bit though.

>> No.7029130

AS/CC = Anarcho-synergism and Collective Consciousness.
The latter's KRAKEN's def, so we combined both mine and his.

>> No.7029133


Wow, /lit/'s been busy.

>> No.7029164

I'm almost done with my hypersphere entry!!

>> No.7029169

It's why they don't get published, they burn all their creative juices on this.

>> No.7029179

Cuckold Rendezvous
>Unusual story, written post by post in a /lit/ thread and not on Google Docs

Strychnine from Woodward
>I don't know what this is

lit sketch
>I don't know what this is either

>> No.7029180

Which one is yours?>>7029164

>> No.7029187

I haven't put it in yet, I'm writing it up beforehand

I also wrote the Chapter X in Part 2 (about climate change)

>> No.7029189

Will the docs still be available to read even after it's all 'finished'?

Is it too late to get in on this meme dreme?

>> No.7029249

not at all, it's free :^)

>> No.7029260

“Which is why its important for all of us to be cruel” - Ghandi (Ed: sometimes mistakenly attributed to MLK, Celement Atlee, The Original Martin Luther, Hulk Hogan, Scipio Africanus, Noam Chomsky, Christian Weston Chandler, that dude off that advert… oh - you know the one, the one with the teeth, Gerald of Rivia ,Third Iteration of Buddha, Octavius Augustus Caesar, Napoleon III's unborn identical twin, King Alfred The Great, Melvyn Bragg, and also Malcom X).

>> No.7029264
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fucking hell I was just about to post this.

>> No.7029270
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It's growing.

>> No.7029290
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updated version

>> No.7029301
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>> No.7029332

I didn't get any work done today because of this thread tbh

>> No.7029340
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I think this is the final part.

>> No.7029341


Same here. I have an exam in the morning.

>> No.7029346
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Thanks comrade, that's one for the folder.

>> No.7029359
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Final version is even funnier

>> No.7029361


Kekd that was the final version>>7029359

>> No.7029382
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hogan time

>> No.7029408
File: 57 KB, 638x361, finally.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the final version, cheers. Vox.

>> No.7029425


>Dwayne "The Rock That Does In Fact Recognise The Moon" Johnson.

kek'd hard

>> No.7029452


>> No.7029456

Do I need to migrate my story there or what? It's nowhere being finished yet

>> No.7029467

no, im putting part 2 in suggestion mode in like 20 minutes so if its not done by then just finish it as a suggestion and i will approve it later

>> No.7029470

Do I need to do something special for finishing it as a suggestion or do I just keep writing and it'll appear like that?

>> No.7029483

you'll probably have to reload the page but basically yeah.


heres an example of how suggestion mode works

>> No.7029485

okay I'm done going to post my story. but if we're doing a Part 3 anyway, why not post it there? how long do these things go on?

>> No.7029546

If anyone wants to beef up the trans-ayylmao section, go right ahead. I'm not well versed on the terminology of existential philosophy.

>> No.7029587

The Know Your Meme stuff is amazing

>> No.7029590

eh, posted it in part 3

>> No.7029598
File: 14 KB, 346x57, Screen Shot 2015-08-26 at 0.23.10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even Google docs knows it!

>> No.7029610

Divisible Thirds, right?

Am I insane or is it about masturbation?

>> No.7029622

that's the one. and you might be insane, or you're right and I am. why masturbation?

>> No.7029630

I dunno, something about all the uh...


Let's change the subject.

>> No.7029638


I'm glad I posted it in part 3, it's more fitting with those descriptions of the rooms at the beginning. it reads kinda like a low-concept introduction, a very primitive attempt at going through the rooms

>> No.7029654

so what themes are we trying to explore here boys?

>> No.7029680

"Even when Caitlyn’s screaming came across the sky, there was no reason to consider hiding. Who on this mighty yet forsaken planet would consider finding shelter in a banality such as the ‘hypersphere’ - a construction not only founded by the Pinecones of Irrealization but a concept so utterly unsublime that it was unworthy of saving. YET, think again2, one can implement the illusion of footnotes when there are none. As with the latter, the primary saveable subject should consider that very same screaming to be meaningless. ‘After all,’ Shakyamuni thought, ’it is only when one writes as gibberish as incomprehensible as Derrida’s mother’s mammaries that he or she (or both, because Caitlyn) is deemed worthy to transcend.’ "

Liked this part

>> No.7029722

It's a mixture of actually kinda interesting exploration of the Hypersphere and just, complete shitposting, which on rare occasion fits with the theme of the Hypersphere being all things and all times, Hyperspace being all Hypersphere and all that is beyond it, etc.

>> No.7029726

If we just keep writing we'll see some recurring themes. Then we edit out everything else: Journalism.

Or we keep some of the fluff: Poetry.

Or we keep a bunch of it: A novel.

Or we just keep it as it is: Gravity's Rainbow.

Or we keep adding stuff even after we feel it's done: Finnegans Wake.

>> No.7029730

Why not try to write something good, or are afraid everyone will realise how shit you really are?

>> No.7029738
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>Timmy Tingler, hyperdimensional abortion

>> No.7029741

gotta work with what ya got anon

>> No.7029742

okay this whole bit was great.

>> No.7029772

Wow, what a revelatory comment.

>> No.7029785
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Saving all my """""""good"""""" writing for whenever I get serious about my genre fiction.

pls no bully

>> No.7029786
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I fucking love you guys. This feels a lot like being 17 and listening to the nightly live 4chan radio shows with Polish.

>> No.7029796
File: 27 KB, 403x173, Screen Shot 2015-08-26 at 1.27.05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit!? Are we ALREADY getting a Penguin Classic? Is /lit/ as fine an author as Morrissey?

>> No.7029797

You should at least minimize the comma splices and shit. It's almost as bad as Reddit's attempt.

>> No.7029805

It's a style choice ya dummy

>> No.7029807

I like it, but I have a couple of things to suggest:

1. Should be intertwined with TLOTIAT a bit more.
2. More interactive bits with other literature, film, music, et cetera - possibly even other media created (websites, YT channels with content to access, et cetera).
3. Cover should be seemingly random but relevant later on (ex. "Cover is pic related).
4. Should be organised in such a way that there are secret messages throughout.
5. Overall more cryptic parts.

Keep up the good work!

>> No.7029814

"Our style is shit on purpose. :^)"

>> No.7029821

I want to do a bit more of #1 and 2 the BLIT was my idea but I'm trying to be cautious so as not to overdo it.

Usually I'd be with you but half of us are just rolling our faces across the keyboard. It's not really an attempt to be legible or good, just a sort of...digital graffiti, kind of?

>> No.7029843

it's over boys. it was a good run. thanks to everyone who contributed

>> No.7029868

>comma splice

Found the pleb

>> No.7029882

Dude, my teacher told me it was incorrect. I think she knows more than you.

>> No.7029924

I like the repeating pieces. More diary stuff plz.

>> No.7029945
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>"please mr hogan-san, ugu, what are you going to do to me <3"
>" uuuuh Brother I'm gonna stick my 12 inch python in you brother urgh I'm Hulk Hogan"

holy fucking shit
I'm dying

>> No.7029951
File: 99 KB, 609x445, welp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yr both perfect examples of why this will be terrible. No one like to gargle w/wet shit.

>> No.7029959


>> No.7030086

I think we're done for today. That's it. End it.

>> No.7030515

Wat. ESL?

>> No.7030537

Emma Zizek's diaries are particularly spicy. Perhaps Dank, even.

>> No.7031005

>comma splice
>replace with semi colon

was that so hard?

>> No.7031656


They're very good. As are the key on trial and the bottle bits.

>> No.7031658


hey thanks anon

>> No.7031860

bumping morning

>> No.7032341

New thread soon?

>> No.7032383

I thought this thing was ending.

>> No.7032401

I think part 4 is just around the corner. We need to break 150 pages at least.

>> No.7032405

Oh excellent. I wrote a screenplay because I didn't understand what was going on.

How many anons have contributed? Is there an editing process?

>> No.7032422

I've seen 20 or so editing at the same time, but it's hard to know how many there are in total that actually edited something. But I'd guess over 50 maybe?

>> No.7032904

I just spent like 40min copy pasting emojis and changing the color of their backgrounds

>> No.7032955

What's everyone's favorite piece from part 3?

I fucking lost it to Red Ropes of Mars

>> No.7033146

Chapter Bottles with Masketta man is brilliant.
I like the Hulk Hogan story.
I really like Timmy Tingler, hyperdimensional abortion.
"Female anatomy he knew like the back of his hand. " is a great section of Strange Nights.

[Scene: The masketa men start hitting the other masketa men.]

>> No.7033172

Timmy Tingler is my favorite. fucking fantastic

>> No.7033217

The Wucie stuff is great too.

>> No.7033274

The Wucie erotica from part 2 is up there with the greats.

>> No.7033293

Is anyone else a bit stuck fro what to write now?

>> No.7033307
File: 235 KB, 423x306, 1438109409570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i was the one who started injecting masketta man in pt. 3
>mfw people who are smarter than me ran rampant with it

>> No.7033313

if you have nothing original to say then just start plagiarizing

>> No.7033322

At some point we ought to just start injecting Buckethead chord notation.

>> No.7033432

What do people think about my screenplay Joyce-ripoff interlude?

>> No.7033439

Did someone see my gmail or is it a coincidence one of the stories has my full name in it?

>> No.7033444

gratz newbro ur immortal now

>> No.7033474

hey I'm the writer of that story. it's a coincidence. i was lookin at part 2 and the name was in the corner of the screen, and i realized some dumbass had been looking at this/writing on a 4chan project while logged into gmail and using their real name. so i thought what an asshole i'll use his name in a story about a guy going to a sexual mass suicide. total coincidence

>> No.7033476

Someone please write more overarching stuff. That way future historians can make graphs and shit for how everything connects.

>> No.7033479

This was a funny post. I like you.

>> No.7033489

Captain America could use a line or two in it.

>> No.7033496

It's not really the name you find in books.

>> No.7033501

I'm stewing on something that might help this. It's not quite formed in my mind, though, so depending on how long the document's staying open I might not figure it out in time.

>> No.7033517

it's a good-looking name

>> No.7033521

p.3 is too long

>> No.7033523

My initials are SAM.

>> No.7033630

I significantly revised my 'Strange Nights' section if anyone would like to re-read it.

>> No.7033638

Well, I didn't give him lines, but he does stick his intertextual foot in the door before swallowing an Iraqi Moor whole and falling off a ten-mile-high ladder, played by Peter Dinklage. Is that good enough for you?

>> No.7034608


>> No.7035142

Should move on to part 4 fams

>> No.7035163

Is this just one big shitshow, or are we actually writing something?

>> No.7035353

We're still at the introduction of characters. The story has barely even started yet.

>> No.7035392

Should we create a rough info graphic detailing the plot so far so new contributors won't just write whatever (Which is fine)?

>> No.7035401

Please get started, I'll help you later on. The only real thing I have my head wrapped around is the fact that one of the kings employed one of Slavoj Žižeks ancestors, and his daughter is dating Donald Trump. Donald Trump in turn has visited the hypersphere (room 2 at least) and has somehow gotten our (one of the pills?).

>> No.7035404

Maybe create a new google doc for planning the story out and tying stuff together.

>> No.7035421

Lads, I work for a publishing company with it's own press.

I can probably get this printed, in a very limited edition if you want.

>> No.7035444

I read through this last night when I was really stoned but is the gist:

King Puerile eats all of hyperspace and is being sexually courted by homosexual Joan Wilkensburg or something, Donald Trump has found a way into hyperspace, the 9th room is debatable, hyperspace is really fucking big.

What are we missing?

I would buy it.

>> No.7035450

I'd buy two.

>> No.7035454

I'm not really sure how Brucie/Wucie/Caitlyn ties into it all. Or the Maskettas. The Maskettas could easily be intertwined with Trump or the Kings though. Like them staging a coup or something.

>> No.7035458


needs more footnotes tbh

>> No.7035460

Is it just one anon mainly doing footnotes?

>> No.7035465

How long do you think it'd take to get skewered by everyone?

Alternately: how long do you think it'd take to get upheld as the next big thing by hipsters?

more William F. Buckley """"""jokes"""""" y/n?

>> No.7035471

It's a bunch.

>> No.7035477


I desperately want to add to this but I've no idea what on earth is going on

>> No.7035484


You can write about anything in the hypersphere.

Everything is in the hypesphere by the way it's really fucking large.

>> No.7035490


That's four including me, see brilliant.


It depends, we do quite a few obscure limited editions for artists and it can take anywhere from 5-20 years. Quicker if they die. 91,4% rocks up in value.

>> No.7035499


But the author is Anonymous. So does that mean, the Author is already Dead?


>> No.7035501

I'm so unemployed and depressed I'm going to comb through the three parts so far and write down the cast, storylines, themes and possible ways to go forward

I'm going backwards, halfway up part 3 now

>> No.7035502
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>> No.7035503

Read through it, if any characters catches your fondness, write down their name and something about them on a piece of paper.
Write your own little piece at the end of part 3 connecting some or all of them together.

>> No.7035504

Thanks anon.

Can you maybe talk about pieces or tone that you don't like when you're done? I don't think many have read the thing in the whole yet and it would be interesting.

>> No.7035506

The legacy of totalitarianism in a tundra is going for like $300 on amazon. Buying this sounds like a great investment.

>> No.7035508

Running the numbers here.

Cloth hardback, A4 size with dust jacket, full colour on 180gsm silk paper (yeah we can do that, heavy paper thicker then the average vietnamese cock) for 600 pages (ballpark figure, we can go higher).

Copy number doesn't really matter from 20+ get's cheaper really gradually. (1 cent/book)
Would end up at roughly 38 pounds per book.

If we go for 100gsm paper and half/black white printing it would come to about 22 pounds.

>> No.7035510

That's seriously pretty cheap. Do we get an ISBN?

>> No.7035516

Now we just need to make it worth reading.

Are we going to have a pretty heavy handed edit?

>> No.7035517

sure thing

>> No.7035521


That is taking in account me fingering my boss.
We can be cheap.

ISBN is like 15 pounds to register.

Shipping will be a bitch though.

>> No.7035524

i've seen a few links to bryce, johannes, and the puerile king

'collect the scalding blood of winners and condem the remainder to he absurdist's paradise' is a reference to competing for a place in hyperhistory in the third room, and those who fall into the netherrealm
each symbol is a '3', so it's '333333333333333 interlude'

>> No.7035525


If done by my company that would be expensive, better to leave it raw. (Hidden profit cost for us)

I could make a kickstarter.

>> No.7035529

we'd do any editing

>> No.7035530

We can edit ourselves

>> No.7035531

i'm sure there's some stuff that really doesn't need to be in there, but it'll be difficult to tell because the links aren't very clear for the most part

>> No.7035532


With the kick-starter I meant for the printing itself + payment & distribution.

>> No.7035541

Seems someone is already editing the fuck out of part 1. Crossed out a big section early on, not sure if I should skip it

>> No.7035543

Does anyone want to help me with my Physics of Hyperspace etc?

I want to include some of the older characters but only have hazy memories of them and don't want to ret-con other anon's works.

>> No.7035545

edits should be posted here before people go through with them, it isn't difficult to take out something important considering the links are difficult to see

>> No.7035547

Yeah, that would be a pretty neat way to handle fulfillment and stuff. Kickstarter has pretty nice tools for handling that kind of stuff.

>> No.7035552

If you ret-con it just makes it more complicated and then we have to ret-con your ret-con, it'll be fun, don't worry too much, just write :^)

>> No.7035558

Summary Anon here, started from the beginning anyway, halfway through part 1

>> No.7035561

you're more than we deserve

>> No.7035563

All praise summary Anon.

(It'll be fun when you get to the summary that is already on the book)

>> No.7035571

Heads up, someone tried to cut a section in part 1 (it's crossed out in purple), I think it should be un-cut but I'm not sure how. I tried copying, deleting and pasting it again, but the crossed-out part didn't go away (and in the new pasted version the footnotes were gone)

>> No.7035576

i think op needs to reject the suggestion

>> No.7035577

Only OP can do that I think. It should definitely get un-cut.

>> No.7035578

I;m having so much fun

>> No.7035586

In one place (I forget where, I think part 2) there is a footnote on a footnote. How do I do that?

>> No.7035590


We need footnotes on footnotes on summaries of footnotes.

We need to go deeper.

>> No.7035610

On to Part 2

>> No.7035615

can't wait tbh

>> No.7035625

Please post your summary onto the book itself.

>> No.7035630

Ride on, oh valiant one

>> No.7035633

I was thinking someone can start a new doc for it and then everyone can add their notes

>> No.7035634

I'm the guy who wrote the mock-Joycean screenplay last night. Does anyone know if there are any other screenplay sections in the piece? If so, feel free to remove mine if the other one's better.

>> No.7035640

which one is that, Scene Change?

>> No.7035641

I wrote one about an alternative earth universe where ISIS fight Captain America.

It's not very good either though.

>> No.7035647

Yeah, that's me. Do you feel it's fit to stay?

>> No.7035657

Did you write the bit about Sam Murphy?

I liked that, but it had my name in it.

>> No.7035658

for sure

>> No.7035661


That's the section in red text, right? No, I didn't write it, although interestingly I and the guy who wrote it started writing at almost exactly the same time.

>> No.7035662

I also liked the rest of your screenplay as well though.

>> No.7035668

who wrote the hyperspherical poetry ? I think we should delete it

>> No.7035672

Which one? The one about Donald Trump?

>> No.7035674

no, the one that makes a losange

>> No.7035677

What are you talking about? Deleting stuff is for losers.

>> No.7035690
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wrote something people actually liked

>> No.7035699

Is anyone else still working on part 3?

>> No.7035703

I wrote Chapter 9 30 minutes ago but I'm sort of waiting for part 4.

>> No.7035714

I'm the guy who was writing above you

>> No.7035736

How;s the summary going?

>> No.7035743

About 30% through part 2. it's dense

>> No.7035753

I'm waiting on the summary anon so I can complete my history and physics of the hypersphere.

>> No.7035755

You should write more on this

>> No.7035758

You like it? I was worried it was too random

>> No.7035764

I enjoyed the meta aspect of it

>> No.7035774

Thanks anon, I'll keep writing

>> No.7035782

Publishing anon here, my company decided that anything under 500 isn't worth their time, however don't despair for I know a company who will do it for roughly the same price from 1-infinte copies with roughly the same options.
>Straw poll for the type of book.


>> No.7035832

I'd say: do a kickstarter, see how much interest there is and take it from there. Maybe we could reach 500 (I sort of doubt it, but who knows).

>> No.7035855

Halfway through Part 2. This might be the Stockholm Syndrome talking but this is surprisingly coherent

>> No.7035873

I haven't managed to read the whole thing yet. I know there's a lot about skeletons, donald trump and some guy johannes

>> No.7035895

what do you think about the ephemeral golden age? it's very short and i'm not sure what to add in
looking forward to the summary btw

>> No.7035903

Donald Trump best character.

Can we include alternative origin stories for the hypersphere? I think I have one about how to imagine the hypersphere, you have to imagine the size of a normal human, enlarge that to the size of your mother, half that and sell it to property mogul QUAZAR CASTLE, turn that into four quazers of ground, let DONALD TRUMPS IDENTICAL TWIN build a factory there, convert it into hyperspace, copy that and enlarge by a factor of several million and then label it as hypersphere and sell it to the children of interdimensional gods.

>> No.7035907

One could read Mathematical Explorations in the Hypersphere and the Metaphysical Consequences thereof: Russell, B. as an alternate origin story

>> No.7035912

i like it a lot, the 42K a year line cracked me up. the idea that cyberbullying is what caused the Puerile King's absence could be a big part of the story, SJW campaign against cyberbullying could bring him back

>> No.7035921


I'll do one when I get the groundwork done.
I need to know what kind of book we are creating.
This is a collaborative effort after all.

As expected cloth hardback is doing well.
A dust jacket is pretty much a given right?

>> No.7035926
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mfw I wrote the first three Trump stories

>> No.7035928

This is so much fun.

You guys are all pretty funny.

>> No.7035932

What are your plans for Trump as a character?

I wrote him as a wise but racist space emperor.

>> No.7035934

I really like the fact that the book doesn't have name yet.

Dustjacket is a given, with some really edgy print

>> No.7035937

What would really make me happy is some Trump/Emma Žižek erotica.

He is the first human to have entered the hypersphere so racist spacelord doesn't sound unreasonable.

>> No.7035940

did you mean a wise AND racist space emperor?

>> No.7035943


>> No.7035948

it's important to make the distinction in order to establish an authoritative and cohesive narrative voice

>> No.7035968

He hates space Mexicans but he considers space Argentinians not to be Hispanic, which in a lot of people's eyes looked soft.

>> No.7035969

>Straw poll for the type of book.

>Straw poll for the size.

Custom sizes are quite and in general larger = more expensive.

>> No.7035998

I'll write more once summary annon has finished

>> No.7036066

Please create Part 4 after we have a summary to follow, this is just getting ridiculously absurd.

>> No.7036082

Finally, Part 3, this one should go faster

>> No.7036094


>> No.7036103

Can you give us a teaser post of what you got?

>> No.7036110

Nah, Part 3 is as long as Parts 1 and 2 combined; the mythology and cosmogony is bound to change

>> No.7036114

Jesus, I never read the Ayy Lmao thing at the top of part 3, it's fucking hilarious

"The ayy lmao is not bound by group identities like 'Anglophile' and 'Pedophile'"

>> No.7036126

The Divisible Thirds is probs my favourite from part three. "Inspired by the Dadaists, and in tribute to the investigation's element of creating through repurposing, I plotted a solitary art performance involving urination and a local well: through unspeakable channels of communication I petitioned locals for contributions of a nature so strange the request could only be brooked in anonymity; nine bottles of urine."

>> No.7036162

Are you editing as you go?

>> No.7036166

OP where are you, we need part 4
part 3 is getting a little crazy

>> No.7036180


>> No.7036182

wait for the summary, then we hit part 4. Hard

>> No.7036187

fair. that would take ages

>> No.7036191

it's also unnecessary

>> No.7036196

We only need formatting IMO, and that should be done after part 3 ends.

>> No.7036330


>> No.7036410

OP here, I didn't have internet access yesterday but it looks like everything has been fine. Should I open a part 4?

>> No.7036411

jesus, this physics of hyperspace thing is long

>> No.7036418

open a document for me to post the summary, I'm almost at the end of part 3

>> No.7036429

do you have a google account? I can make it so only you and me can edit it so other people can't fuck around with it. If not I'll just leave it open.


>> No.7036441

nah make it editable by everyone, so people can add notes.

>> No.7036451
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>a succulent Chinese meal of baloney and spinach salad

>> No.7036458

you fucking legend

>> No.7036472

>Not without my baby Dada: the art of loving outside Time
didn't even realise how hilarious this was before

>> No.7036479

this summary is awful but I don't really care

>> No.7036497

lemme know what's wrong and I'll try to do better for the last few summaries. what I ended up doing was more like taking notes than properly summarizing in a lot of cases

>> No.7036503

it would work better as a flow chart

>> No.7036506

it can't have been an easy job given how fragmentary it all is

>> No.7036508

you might end up being the only person to ever read this thing cover to cover

>> No.7036514

I wonder if he's read tundra

>> No.7036524

We need a new thread with Book 4.

>> No.7036532

You two are clearly the most knowledgeable people at this point concerning the overall narrative. I vote for giving you both editorial control over the first three parts such that a decent plot (inb4 reading for plot) emerges

>> No.7036547

There are huge chunks missing, things that are pretty important to the lore and overarching narrative. The parts that you include or exclude seem kind of arbitrary.

No one should have definitive editorial control.

>> No.7036557


part 4 lads

>> No.7036559
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>no one should have definitive editorial control

It's the October Revolution all over again.



>> No.7036566


>> No.7036578

I haven't
nah, I agree with >>7036547, no one should have control
feel free to expand on the summary

>> No.7036580


he did leave a lot out but the majority of what was included is quite important. he did miss some links even with those though

>> No.7036589

I'm not him but I have read Tundra cover to cover although i didn't translate the bits in other languages.

>> No.7036590

plot summary?

>> No.7036608

The Puerile King = the Pubescent King = the Prudent King?

>> No.7036611

Anon is the hero of the multiverse, but he is a fat neckbeard. The lizardmen are 5th dimensional beings conspiring to control the multiverse. The lizardmen fuck up anon's life by several interventions to make sure he ends up being a shitty useless hero. Robin Williams Effigy and White Supremacist Rat try to positively influence Anon's life but fuck it up because they're incompetent. Cosmo Kramer is enlisted by Tao Lin to smoke DMT and fight the Lizardmen in the fifth dimension. He forgets why he is there and doesn't really accomplish anything. Dakota Fanning is manipulated by a Lizardman over the internet and tricked into helping ruin anon's life with her psychic powers. She comes from a planet called E-rth which is a planet far away from Earth but more or less identical.

About a quarter of the way in this plot more or less disappears and it just becomes random vignettes about lizard conspiracies and shit. There's a short storyline about a ghost on a plane. One chapter is about a russian emperor trying to rule a tundra. The tundrafolk are very similar to 4chan anons, they have slavsquats that are basically 4chan threads and shitpost by talking joycean nonsense. There are two characters called fat and slim nigel that recur throughout, they represent the reader in some capacity. Fat Nigel is dead for most of the story but revived by a Jew (there are a couple of chapters warning the reader about Jewish influences on the story, saying they conceal themselves better than the lizardmen). Slim Nigel faints and everything between him fainting and reawakening is considered a non-canon dream since he represents the reader. At the end one of the nigels kills the other but it is unclear which, the story is told in 12 different ways but all of them are a conversation between the nigels ending with a gunshot and 'nigel' dieing without it being specified which one. Fat Nigel is normally questioning Thin Nigel in these sections.

>> No.7036619

The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra (the book) exists within the story and is binded by Harold Bloom (who later goes mental and gets a typewriter that lets him send messages to the nigels and shitpost in the book itself, he also gets a gun that lets him control people). David Foster Wallace is a lizardman who is tasked with procuring the book for the lizard council. Due to crossed wires Dakota accidentally thwarts this plan and the book ends up landing with Anon who reads it but doesn't realize what it is (although he finds the main character relateable). When he grows up he actually contributes to the book, the start of the story is about him making his mum proofread his contribution.

>> No.7036626

I'm giving the end of part 3 a shot

>> No.7036631

i thought they were all different kings, it would be good progression for his character but their actions don't really line up with his

>> No.7036633


MAIN CHARACTERS (recurring) (as of Part 3, up to the Physics of Hyperspace by Prof. Ozymandias Mansnake)
1. BIGNOSE - Resident of the hypersphere, frequently of the second room. Visited the first-room world of the popular, prohibited drug wojamba to play basketball and was killed by a pack of apes (black people?). Returned to the skeleton-packed second room just as a passage into the next room began. Was dumped into the third room (along with everyone else in the second room) to compete for his place in hyperhistory. While most of the skeletons and black people proceed to the fourth room, Bignose is stuck, cornered by a group of skeletons that want to discuss the (rumored inexistant) ninth room and do wojamba.

2. CAITLYN JENNER aka BRUCE JENNER aka WUCIE - Former celebrity who transgendered in order to stay in the public eye and be a current celebrity. After recovering her fame, she longs to go back to manhood. She retransitions into a man, divorces, and falls in love with her PR agent DAMIAN FETTERLOVE. However, the SJWs are pissed that she turned her back on the transgender community and their narrative of him being a woman at heart. They lay siege to Bruce's mansion, remove his penis and cast him into the Netherrealm as the gender-neutral Wucie. In the Netherrealm, Wucie meets the law enforcer Geibacca, who guides him on his quest to recover his dick. Meanwhile, Damian waits for his beloved.

3. JONES and BOB, HYPERSPACE DETECTIVES - Bob and Jones go undercover to root out Jewish moles from "the Dutch operation" in wojamba world. They arrive and make connections with wojamba dealer. When they go to see one, their story is interrupted by the appearance of LSD, who takes over the scene and has a metaphysical experience. The detectives have not been seen since.

4. THE PUERILE KING - Eldritch devourer of hyperspace, ruler of the Puerile Kingdom and object of devotion for JOHANNES WILKENSSBURG. The Puerile King is hated for his space-eating and cyberbullied by black autodidacts, causing him to abandon devouring. Since then he's been in a tempestuous relationship with Johannes, whose devotion he greatly appreciates at first but instinctively rejects when it transpires into homosexual love. However, most recently at the royal gala, the Puerile King is nervous and excited for Johannes' arrival.

5. INSPECTOR FRIEDRICH DAWKINS and DETECTIVE THOMAS JEFFERSON - The investigators working the case of God and Democracy, who were murdered in a men's restroom in Buckingham Palace. Their one clue: a paper note in God's fist that reads "god save the queen", on the back of which is the flyer for an engine repair place.

6. LUGER FOUCALT - The 29-year old eternally virginal paraworld traveler and manipulator of sub-concepts. Called in for a job by the Princess PowerP. Last seen attempting and failing to set up a sex date with Donna Krautwurt May at the Reno Station.

>> No.7036641

yeah, Pubescent > Puerile could work, but I don't know how Prudent fits in. timeline-wise no combination could work (relative to Emma Zizek), but maybe it has something to do with hypertime or being all places all times at once in hyperspace.

>> No.7036655

the guy narrating all of the black people scenes is called Tyrell, he's named in the David Foster Wallace bit.

>> No.7036664

>something to do with hypertime or being all places all times at once in hyperspace
that's quite good

>> No.7036720

I introduced Pubescent and Prudent as different characters but I really like how the everything at once at all times fits into it. It also makes sense in how the story is all over the place at all times.

I think we're onto something here lads

>> No.7036731

7. DONALD TRUMP - The eternal bane of Mexicans. Builds a hypermachine that projects him into the hypersphere and awakens him to the simultaneous, omnipresent existence of hyperspheric beings. Travels time to profit off and destroy the 18th century Serbian bottle industry.

8. BRYCE THE COWARD - Weak lying coward who wants nothing more than to kill himself but is too afraid and spends his life pretending in front of others that he wants to be 1) a soldier 2) gay. Succeeded by Bryce the Second, who courageously declares that he WILL kill himself and he WILL be homosexual.

9. SLAVOJ and EMMA ZIZEK - I'm not sure what's going on with Slavoj 'cause I couldn't understand that first story with him. At some point he is possibly an advisor to the Puerile King. His daughter Emma has an affinity for old men from an early age. As a child she rejects the advances of THE PUBESCENT KING, who used an aging potion to make himself attractive to her but went too far and became a troll. She later marries Donald Trump.

11. BEN BIN AL-AFLECK - Devout muslim and adulterous actor. Receives a strange postcard from the Black Ayyster Cült with an email address on it. He sends an email to the address and the response is a supernatural message that informs him of coming doom, of “hollow beings in a hollow universe”, of the progenitor of races, of a cult of the Unspeakable Burrower who seek an eldritch artifact: the Hypersphere. The message fades from his memory, but he starts to have dreams about the hollow beings and looking into the nine rooms and the hypersphere. Thus he is initiated into the hyperspherical mysteries by the Black Ayyster Cült, and receives an email from an E. Bowler Chairman welcoming him to their family. Later, he finds his brother Mucca bin J-lo killed in his office, along with the book DE VERMIS MYSTERIIS.

11. HULK HOGAN - Wrestler whose sex tape is posted on Gawker. In response, he challenges Gawker editor Nick Denton to a Yapappii strap match.

12. RIKU and MAKI - Two Japanese anime girls who research memes and debate whether they're funny.

13. TIMMY TINGLER - A beleaguered hyperblack who's failing to get his liberal shards degree. He commits the dire mistake of posting an unironic post on FYAD - moments later, while jerking off to korean pop idols, he accidentally kills himself by cumming in his own eye, breaking the machine that has kept him alive for eons. His body is dumped between rooms three and four, and centuries later internet archivists find his unironic post and throw it in the smut bin.

14. GEORGE NEWMAN and the CONSPIRACY THEORIST - Conspiracy Theorist who has run away to escape abduction by aliens and left George Newman in charge of his laboratory.

15. JIM (RAYNOR) - Space marine in sector (KOPRULU) who goes to live in peace with his girlfriend (KERRIGAN) after the defeat of the villain Arcturus (MENGSK). However, there remains a villain in their sector: Amon (AMON).

totally missed that, thanks

>> No.7036752

Man, there are a lot of characters. Others with extended stories:

Phoebe Caulfield
Sam Murphy
sonicfan06, blitzmyclitz69, and generousbuisnessjewISRL
Sam Hyde, Nick Rochefort and Charles Carroll
Harold Bloom
Captain America
Osama bin Laden, Che Guevara, and their combined form Ryan Seacrest
Lock the rape victim and Key the rapist
The author of the Divisible Thirds
Bottles Man
Harold D. Munch

>> No.7036771

>12. RIKU and MAKI - Two Japanese anime girls who research memes and debate whether they're funny.
At the same time, they are the alt-dimensional alter-egos of Renko Usami and Maribel Hearn and they run the Memeing Club.

>> No.7036779


>> No.7036781
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I love you /lit/

>> No.7036788

we should have sam hyde do a livestream reading

>> No.7036864

Alright, I added another part of my 1882-part mock-Joyce screenplay. Is it still quality? I may go back and retroactively butt in with still another, chronologically displaced portion.