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7023956 No.7023956 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that will make me believe in God?

>> No.7023978

Read Al-Ghazali

>> No.7024018

Kant's first two critiques

>> No.7024020

none, you have to be in the mindset first to be receptive to the idea of God in literary canon. how old are you?

>> No.7024022

Try these:

>> No.7024039
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tfw no christ chan gf

>> No.7024043


I, Lucifer - Glen Duncan.

>> No.7024046
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not a book obviously but watch the films of Terrence "St Francis of Assisi" Malick

>> No.7024048

More like books that will make you want to believe in God but then make you depressed when you can't force yourself to have faith

>> No.7024053

The Grand Inquisitor
All of Bros K tbh

>> No.7024054

>No Gene Wolfe

>> No.7024066

this is very true

>> No.7024078

Heaven is For Real

>> No.7024095


underrated post

>> No.7024102

Dianetics - L Ron Hubbard

>> No.7024112

Just listen to Bach tbh

>> No.7024137

The Ego and Its Own will make the need of a god obsolete.

>> No.7024138

Mr. Tickle.

>> No.7024143

Well, I didn't make the list and was actually looking for that image where a bunch of Christian work from classic authors and theologians such as Chesteron and Aquinas and categorized under either genre or "Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced" but I couldn't find it so I just grabbed a random list that would contain works that could help OP's searchings.

And Gene is top notch!

>> No.7024144

this basically

>> No.7024164

who is that virginal maiden?

>> No.7024165

Who is that cock-froth headcloth?

>> No.7024174

We should make better bread pill lists.

>> No.7024220

I've felt this way.

>> No.7024265

A FIRE-MIST and a planet,
A crystal and a cell,
A jelly-fish and a saurian,
And caves where the cave-men dwell;
Then a sense of law and beauty
And a face turned from the clod --
Some call it Evolution,
And others call it God.

A haze on the far horizon,
The infinite, tender sky,
The ripe rich tint of the cornfileds,
And the wild geese sailing high --
And all over upland and lowland
The charm of the golden-rod --
Some of us call it Autumn
And others call it God.

Like tides on a crescent sea-beach,
When the moon is new and thin,
Into our hearts high yearnings
Come welling and surging in --
Come from the mystic ocean,
Whose rim no foot has trod, --
Some of us call it Longing,
And others call it God.

A picket frozen on duty,
A mother starved for her brood,
Socrates drinking the hemlock,
And Jesus on the rood;
And millions who, humble and nameless,
The straight, hard pathway plod, --
Some call it Consecration,
And others call it God.

- William Herbert Carruth

>> No.7024386

Jose Saramago, Gospel according to Jesus Christ

>> No.7024602

she is so beautiful. I will never have such a beautiful girlfriend and future wife. I will always, at best, be stuck with trashy hipsters and feminists and tolerant new age bitches.

What can I do to have such a beautiful girlfriend?

>> No.7024627

Eastern europe

>> No.7024640

N. Steinhardt's 'The Happiness Diary'

>> No.7024687

Date pius Catholic girls. Ask them if they wear a mantilla. If yes, go for it.

>> No.7024755

Take any book, and bash yourself over the head with it until you suffer brain damage. This ought to make it much easier to believe in a god.

t. fedora

>> No.7024792

Jose Saramago
Gospel according to Jesus Christ

>> No.7024892

The Bible, The Sickness Unto Death, A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge.

>> No.7024920

op where did you get that picture of me. take it down immediately. i pray for your continued health and good humor

>> No.7024939


>> No.7024947

There is causation (Empirical Fact)
Actuality has potentiality (Empirical Fact)
Potentiality becomes Actual when it becomes Actual (Rational Fact)
This has to have a pure actuality so it doesn't go into an infinite chain which wouldn't make sense (Rational Fact)

>> No.7024954

This op. read kant

>> No.7025024

You should read 1984; it contains a wonderful set of instructions on how to get yourself (and others) to believe in almost anything

>> No.7025030 [DELETED] 

I'm saging the thread bro.

>> No.7025098

Even propaganda that powerful would not get any decently intelligent human to believe in empiricism, materialism, and naturalism.

>> No.7025186

>mfw 95% of people talking about the subject can't even understand Aristotle
It's suffering seeing all the people complaining about muh creationism or muh big bang as if it had anything to do with creation.

>> No.7025194

>Stalinism is baaaaaaaaaaad!
>Every fairy tale says so!

>> No.7025244
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Life of Pi

>> No.7025304

Bros K were a great book and I really enjoyed it and it enhanced my understanding of Christianity but it didn't made me believe tbh

>> No.7025518

>Actuality has potentiality

Isnt potentiality something we know from abstract rather than emperical reasoning

>> No.7025675

I loved that movie. Funny seeing all the bad reviews though.

>> No.7025685

surprised at this meme's longevity

>> No.7025701

Is this worth the read?

>> No.7026863


>> No.7026869

Zizek made me a Christian

>> No.7027287

joseph campbell - power of myth

>> No.7027380

that's great.

it's so the next level. some people don't even know.

>> No.7027408

Which one?

>> No.7027513

a model for veils

>> No.7027517

Go to Traditionalist Catholic churches and date one

>> No.7027617

underrated broast

>> No.7027620 [DELETED] 

Infinite Jest.

>> No.7027636 [DELETED] 

The Antichrist

also, sage.

>> No.7027821

Reading Gravity's Rainbow and the Qur'an back to back did it for me, but I also went kind of nuts for a bit so take from that what you will.

>> No.7027965


>> No.7028182
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>There is causation (Empirical Fact)

>> No.7028187

>causation is empirical

read a book nigger

>> No.7028205

elton george looks so much like Sansa Stark/Sophie Turner

it's weird

>> No.7028240

Fear and Trembling, tbqh.

>> No.7028537

Zizek is a closet Protestant tbh

>> No.7028538

seeing the tree of life on the big screen was a very profound experience to me, it left me in awe for a long time
I suspect that I will be able to look back on it as a pivotal point of my inner life

>> No.7028542
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>There is causation (Empirical Fact)

>> No.7028545
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>this entire post
>aquinasfags actually believe this has intellectual rigor
>they actually believe this isn't bullshit semantics

>> No.7029421

The Book of Daniel

>> No.7029439

Why do you have a picture of a 14-year-old girl on your HD?