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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 103 KB, 1050x590, 1439645843014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7021601 No.7021601 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Post the average fan base of an author of your choice
Ill start with Nietzsche
>Nietzsche tattooed on arm
>dating a porn star
>drug addict
>steroid user
>violent criminal
>get sent to jail for being your slut girlfriend unconscious
"God is dead, and everything is permitted" aka I can act like a piece of shit hedonistic shitbag because there is no god!

someone do Dostoevsky

>> No.7021624
File: 423 KB, 550x137, 1436820894893.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah dude bro daddies are just cuh-razy about syphilitic 19th century german philosophers

>> No.7021635


He had cancer not syphilis


>> No.7021640


Is that the War Machine? lol

>> No.7021646

>atheism tattoo
>anarchism tattoo
>No gods No masters
Jesus christ Nietzsche is the king of the edgelords, I though Albert Camus was bad, but this guy is worse

>> No.7021651

Are they fucking back together again?

>> No.7021666

This board is turning into tv

>> No.7021675

>Thinks Camus is edgy becuase he uses edgy subjects to deliver safe and inoffensive messages
Yeah and also The Rolling Stones are a great death metal band.
Good one m8.

>> No.7021681 [DELETED] 


>teen going through existentialist phase
>thinks Dosto counts as "difficult" despite the entry-level nature of his works
>reads for the plot, has no taste in quality of prose
>finds good authors like tolstoy boring
>atheist but pretends to enjoy Dosto's repeatedly forced Orthodox christian memery because it sounds "deep"
>orientalizes Russia as a country of backward psychopaths forever wallowing in their own squalid suffering despite never having visited the country
>second favorite author is dfw

>> No.7021684
File: 52 KB, 500x748, portrait[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on man, just look at the guy, he was trying so hard

>> No.7021686


>teen going through existentialist phase
>thinks Dosto counts as "difficult" despite the entry-level nature of his works
>reads for the plot, has no taste in quality of prose
>finds good authors like tolstoy boring because there are no epileptic axe murderers/raving religious maniacs
>atheist but pretends to enjoy Dosto's repeatedly forced Orthodox christian memery because it sounds "deep"
>orientalizes Russia as a country of backward psychopaths forever wallowing in their own squalid suffering despite never having visited the country
>thinks Infinite Jest is a masterpiece

>> No.7021724

oh oh oh me me me ill be next :3


>edgy teen
>thinks truth and philosophy are the most important things objectively (obviously entry level)
>goes around talking about how being a philosopher is most important and everyone is just a dumb rhetorician
>"your values are misdirected and the average person is a fuckwad"
>thinks he is a genius and is considering a philisophy major because its his passion

Did i berate le dumb americans well too, bb? :333

>> No.7021731

> Russia as a country of backward psychopaths forever wallowing in their own squalid suffering despite never having visited the country

but that is true

>> No.7021738

Have you read about him?

>> No.7021749

any pomo philosopher like Lacan

>works at Starbucks
>has really strong opinions about gender and genitals
>believes nothing exists that he can't touch or tag on facebook
>'those silly dead white men, amirite?'
>believes the world pre-their DOB was a misogynistic hellscape

i guess what im saying is fuck pomo

>> No.7021762

>believes nothing exists that he can't touch or tag on facebook

wat, that sounds more like a stem drone.

>> No.7021785

>>believes nothing exists that he can't touch or tag on facebook
w-whats wrong with that?

>> No.7021797

I guess love doesn't exist cause its intangible right

>> No.7021802

>Loves Lacan

>hates "dead white men"

I think you're conflating two different groups of people.

>> No.7021803

Love is a chemical reaction in the skull, stop romanticizing things you tremendous faggot, life is not a television show

>> No.7021812

David Foster Wallace

>ages 18-30
>has suffered from (not necessarily clinical [or even legitimate]) depression/anxiety/loneliness
>was considered gifted during early childhood
>eventually crushed by the anxiety of success

>> No.7021817

and life is a chemical reaction but it so obviously not "just" that

put down the god delusion and join the rest of us out here irl where STEM isn't the only valid way to understand reality you fucking goober

>> No.7021819
File: 27 KB, 250x198, Dorothy_Day_CNA_US_Catholic_News_11_29_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to read infinite jest
>tfw reading 5 pages about how the ventilation system inside the school works
>paragraphs about utter nonsense such as "heards of hamsters"
>random interludes of poor black kids and their shitty childhood
Not a profound thought was had

>> No.7021825
File: 150 KB, 415x476, ideology intensifies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Slavoj Zizek's fanbase

>undergraduate in some humanities faculty
>former traditionalist
>not involved in any activist group whatsoever
>spends most of his day hating liberals more than fascists
>effortposter on 4chan
>hates buddhism
>jerks off to porn with Zizek's concept of true love in mind

>> No.7021827

>Not a profound thought was had
says more about you tbh

>> No.7021830

>legitimate]) depression/anxiety/loneliness


>> No.7021891

It's written for (and resonates with) exactly the demographic I just lined out. In many ways it tries to show the general unhappiness that's been affecting a traditionally successful and dominating (in terms of social hierarchy) group of people. It's difficult to really spell out in terms that don't make me sound like a raving identitarian, but I'll try my best.

Traditionally in the American university system the WASPs stood as the most privileged, and most successful, for obvious reasons when looked historically (WASPs founding the country). After the university system gradually became more meritocratic (this happened in the 70's and 80's) the WASP children had to compete with a larger pool of candidates using a more specialized pool of credentials. With GPAs and test scores now becoming as relevant as letters of recommendation and alumni interviews, the WASP class find itself in a position where to compete–and even conquer–in the system children are incredibly dehumanized. Think about that stereotype of high-performance students backed by high expectations from parents. This is something that should be gone in depth, but for sake of brevity just take my word that this entails that (all) kids are pushed into a high-stakes-anxiety-filled showdown where the winner gets the best seat at the Universities and a better chance at a future.

So suddenly you have a traditionally dominating demographic that's cracking under the pressure. It's still easier to get in as a WASP, as most WASP kids are higher preforming due to another variety of reasons (personal tutors, etc.). But there's still an incredibly high percentage of Ivy Leaguers with depression, along with a slew of other mental instabilities.

Infinite Jest (or at least the ETA parts) are an investigation into that demand of high performance that's become necessary in the current meritocratic system. It's easily translated into athletic terms, but besides the added anxieties of getting into the Show threats of collegiate failure always loom. Throughout the novel Hal is seen preparing for the SAT, and in the end (beginning) his largest concern after becoming incomprehensible is still getting into college.

There's more to the book than the commentary on this system, but it's the most apparent and is what really grabs a lot of ex-gifted children who end up completely chewed up by the aforementioned system

>> No.7021905
File: 79 KB, 685x525, 1439766300649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you implying?

>> No.7021923

Everything, it's simple-minded and arrogant.
>becuz i sed so

>> No.7021941

God, this board is trash..

>> No.7021962

Joyce fans:

>mature, early to mid 40's
>professor of English literature
>studied in the western canon, understands its importance
>well-rounded individual, both emotionally and intellectually
>appreciates innovation and quality in prose form
>pursues a deep understanding of the human condition
>agnostic, open to all authors regardless of creed or origin
>appreciative of both irony and sincerity in literature
>does not browse 4chan

>> No.7022224
File: 116 KB, 1024x1234, 1077ba0a6ddbab1c993696fd65fe6eb390c3798ecb061e78d7141b2c092a1a24_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The War Machine is one of the greatest minds of this generation


>> No.7022239
File: 1.85 MB, 500x281, GakkouGurashi-Episode4-Omake-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7022243

>get sent to jail for being your slut girlfriend unconscious

..shouldn't I go to jail?

>> No.7022247

me at 15 tbh
good profilin', bud

>> No.7022264

Someone do Kafka, Tolstoy or Omar Khayyam

>> No.7022308


>> No.7022343


In the decades to come this will be regarded as truly great photography.

>> No.7022345

what is she doing to her eye

>> No.7022370

it's actually impressive

>> No.7022381
File: 151 KB, 500x500, 1340742935458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So it goes

>> No.7022998


why specify straight/white when most people are? are you fucking stupid?

>> No.7023009

this is me tbh. And I loved Infinite Jest

>> No.7023014

>white, 18-25
>owns a lot of nice clothes that don't fit
>likes to fantasize that he's too emotionally distant for relationships
>generally sexually unsuccessful due to doughy body and hostile personality
>has never faced significant difficulty in life
>wishes he lived in a big city or a different big city "where life is"
>knows his parents will never let him fall into poverty
>owns a bike to ease his conscience but still drives a car everywhere
>tells women he's a writer but hasn't written anything for the last three months

>> No.7023026

im not white tho

>> No.7023100


>> No.7023112

>male, 18 to no high-end limit
>struggling with being an outcast
>obsessed with human condition
>dreads sexuality and relations
>intelligent but never bragging about it
>tfw no gf

>> No.7023127

Wow... That was pretty straight-up tbh.

>> No.7023163
File: 19 KB, 293x400, sex machine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone do mine. I like Gene Wolfe and Yukio Memeshima.

>> No.7023164

I wonder if someone who read nietzsche is the kind of person to tattoo it on his arm.

>> No.7023202

>male, white/asian between 16 and 36
>have almost ordered a custom katana for seven thousand dollars
>you like to practice with your swords in front of a mirror
>sometimes you think church might be cool, and then you go, and it's terrible and gay
>your parents are worried about you
>in one of your elementary school assignments, you said you wanted to be a "god king"

>> No.7023224
File: 148 KB, 1000x843, x1reb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddammit, you got me almost to a.T.

>> No.7023228


I hate how SomethingAwful's lingo wandered over here.

>> No.7023235

You are aware of 4chan's history, right?

>> No.7023239

>and life is a chemical reaction but it so obviously not "just" that
2/10 I replied

>> No.7023245


>> No.7023253

Not too bad but I've never had a thing for swords. I appreciate that you actually answered my request.

>> No.7023256

>trying so hard
>wins Nobel prize

And people will forget your existence weeks after your death. But hey, at least you weren't a 'try hard'.

>> No.7023271

>>teen going through existentialist phase
>>reads for the plot, has no taste in quality of prose
>>atheist but enjoys Dosto's repeatedly forced Orthodox christian memery
Me tbh

>> No.7023278

Almost me, except for the fedora bit.

>> No.7023288

>literally any human capable of reading

>> No.7023291

>knows his parents will never let him fall into poverty

>> No.7023296

White boi detected
What's it like having all your female contacts bbcucked into oblivion

>> No.7023300

>20 year old girl
>has a fringe haircut
>in college that her parents paid for
>So it goes tattoo'd somewhere on her body

>> No.7023311

>in one of your elementary school assignments, you said you wanted to be a "god king"
This hit too close to home :(

>> No.7023324

>formed stemlord currently studying music
>former radical, currently apolitical and christian
>have gotten teargassed more than once in my life
>hate nobody
>shitpost 99% of the time
>buddhism is wrong, but interesting
>pornography is disgusting and masturbation is degradation of oneself
Still really like Zizek :)

>> No.7023328

Someone do Frank Herbert and I will give you a rare pepe.

>> No.7023337
File: 1.98 MB, 1712x2288, Chomsky[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wears skinny jeans and hipster clothing
>"bisexual"/genderfluid or some other strange shit
>has gone to college, but studied some useless liberal arts or humanities garbage
>works at starbucks and lives off of handouts from parents to fight their crushing student loan debt
>does not understand economics or science, only cares about "muh feels"
>Has never read any good conservative literature like Ayn Rand to challenge their viewpoints
>smokes weed and does drugs

>> No.7023356
File: 205 KB, 444x593, Marx_old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>relatively wealthy parents, might even have a trust fund, but deludes themselves into thinking they are one step above total poverty
>probably has an Ipad or Macbook
>Thinks Howard Zinn's "A peoples History" is the definitive guide to American history, only one "worth reading"
>owns Das Kapital, hasn't read it or only has read excerpt of it
>refuses to get a job because they don't want to participate in "corrupt system"
>if they do get a job they constantly find ways to undermine their bosses authority, arriving late/high
>smokes marijuana and brags about ability to test well under the influence
>spends days arguing online and memorizing statistics to support worldview

>> No.7023362

>Howard Zinn's "A peoples History"
just ordered that offline
Is it not any good?

>> No.7023366
File: 246 KB, 1274x1600, John_Stuart_Mill_by_London_Stereoscopic_Company,_c1870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Studies Law
>Generally likable person
>Acknowledges that utilitarianism is not without it's faults but a good starting point nonetheless

>> No.7023372

it's fine if you read the forward where zinn explicilty states he goes into the book with a bias and writes from the point of view of the disenfranchised. It's just another side of history that isn't often told and which fits a narrative. I actually like Zinn and Marx though.

>> No.7023373

lol I work at a used book store by a college and so I see the average Nietzsche reader pretty much every day.

>wearing all black, poorly-fit clothes
>some kind of bad facial hair
>can't even make eye contact with you when you're ringing up their purchases

>> No.7023403

Well, its a SJW Bible. Not inherently wrong or false, but remember to read historians using your critical mind.

I'd recommend Dunn, Wood and Lasch. Especially Lasch.

>> No.7023431


>> No.7023440

lel this is youtube comment tier

>if gucci mane makes bad music why does he make more money than u!??

>> No.7023444

Sorry I am a non native speaker and find myself making that mistake from time to time.

Same goes for your/you're

>> No.7023466
File: 348 KB, 800x429, 1438983186897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>13 to 30
>You try to appear cool and calculating but your autism betrays your lack of social grace and intelligence
>You may have tried to learn a martial art at one point but you couldn't fight your way out of a wet paper bag
>You think you understand the greater workings of societies better than most other people

>> No.7023469
File: 650 KB, 400x300, Gh59uWf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, anon.

>> No.7023480
File: 19 KB, 466x600, 2o3o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>exceptionally attractive
>slightly religious
>understands irony and absurdism, but doesn't glorify them
>ultimately, a real human bean

>> No.7023532
File: 29 KB, 300x415, lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Zinn doesn't write from the point of view of the disenfranchised, he writes from the point of view of liberals in the American 1980s. The disenfranchised are completely irrelevant to his narrative, because he ignores what they actually thought and tells the reader what they should have thought if they were as clever and compassionate as Howard Zinn.

I mean seriously:

>people's history of us
>index mentions Christianity twice
>conservatism never

More seriously, he is BTFO here: https://www.dissentmagazine.org/article/howard-zinns-history-lessons

>> No.7023536


Nah. Read Foner instead.

>> No.7023543

I don't even Chomsky but hol-y shit anon

>> No.7023544

see I wish more Zizek fans would actually come to hate (what has become of) liberals/progressives, become more traditionalist in a kind of mystical/synthetic sense and finally embrace vitalism. how more of them haven't made that move I don't understand.

there's so clearly a certain step that needs to be made among the brighter and more gifted but I only see it happening among artists

>> No.7023546

When did Vonnegut become a hipster maymay?

>> No.7023587



>> No.7023607

>only knows On the Road
>carries copies of his books around but never actually reads them

>> No.7023629
File: 103 KB, 909x628, war machine twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>atheism tattoo


>> No.7023632


>Are they fucking back together again?

Obviously not. He's in prison in Nevada. She's recently been giving interviews about how dangerous he is. (wondering how she missed that fact before)

>> No.7023662

So Nietzsche, basically.

>> No.7023667

hits me hard and I only pretended to read Camus

>> No.7023671

How does that devalue it? How does that make it any less romantic?

>>>>>it doesnt
>>>>>>>>but it's cool to think it does

>> No.7023673

What do you expect from a Camoo shiteater?

>> No.7023684

Great post

>> No.7023698

Anyone got a set for Gunther Grass?

>> No.7023725 [DELETED] 

tfw this was my High School english teacher

>> No.7023738
File: 32 KB, 450x305, lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I read for prose

>> No.7023748

He looks like a respectable young man.

>> No.7023761

>jerks off to porn with Zizek's concept of true love in mind
Love this.

>> No.7023815

i see reddit is here today

>> No.7023841

Ayn Rand is loved by fedora-tipping redditards, are you joking?
Rand's philosophy is only matched in immaturity and brute stupidity by her own terrible prose.

>> No.7023843

Only butthurt libtards(aka reddit) hate Rand, because she tells it like it is, read an econ book and go back 2 your Sanders rally you literal faggot.

>> No.7023866

Indeed, Vitalism is something I see making a comeback in the future.
First we would probably have to logically confirm consciousness though.

>> No.7023889
File: 334 KB, 1536x2274, o-KIERKEGAARD-facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Young and inexperienced
>Prone to anxiety
>Fears depression and wishes it didn't exist
>Claims to be agnostic, but secretly really hopes that there's some kind of heaven beyond this world
>Genuinely likes humanity and wonders why it's so trendy to hate humanity now

>> No.7023926

Sounds like me, except strident fedora.

>> No.7023944

Do me, my favorite is Bradbury

>> No.7023945
File: 79 KB, 904x542, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nailed it tbh

>> No.7023968

>hasn't graduated high school

>> No.7023986

ITT: Undeniable proof lit is unredeemable garbage

>> No.7024010

Good thing Nietzsche was strongly opposed to anarchism and wanted a patriarchical aristocracy

>> No.7024019
File: 29 KB, 400x600, 1371779453570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a Zizek fan and this is 90% me, but I don't participate in politics because I think humanity is doomed

>> No.7024040

what happened?
Did you turn your screen off and see ur reflection??

>> No.7024044

>implying most Nietzsche lovers have ever read anything he wrote other than "god is dead" on some internet image macro

>> No.7024065

>tells it like it is
Go back to playing Bioshock, its the only media form smart enough for truly enlightened gentlemen like you

>> No.7024123

That stung.

>> No.7024135

I find it unbelievable how close-minded and condescending people on /lit/ can be. There is some serious insecurity on this board and so it needs to be compensated for by disparaging what 'plebs' and 'entry level' readers enjoy to read.

>> No.7024167

Yeah. It's too bad. I used to hope this place would be the ideal alternative to the reddit hug box but it's just so full of obviously posturing insecure little men that I've sort of given up on it.

Source: am an insecure little man trying to fix himself

>> No.7024177

>if people don't like me it means they don't like themselves secretly!!

Nice bullshit pseudo-Freudian coping mechanism, miss.

>> No.7024190

>"God is dead, and everything is permitted" aka I can act like a piece of shit hedonistic shitbag because there is no god!
You forgot the part where god is dead because we killed him and where Nietzche does not argue that this is a good thing.

>> No.7024193

i think it's mostly ironic

>> No.7024276

You've perfectly described me, yet I've never read Kierkegaard before. I suppose I should now.

>> No.7024283
File: 13 KB, 197x256, 342546234646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe you should try going back to reddit?

>> No.7024311

Ray Bradbury
>Likes the idea of science fiction but finds the endless descriptive language to be tedious.

>> No.7024524

Work on your reading comprehension. Neither of those posts say anything positive about shit-tier reddit books.

Thanks for illustrating my point about posturing twats though.

>> No.7024588
File: 77 KB, 422x600, 1438111289630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

except for
>knows his parents will never let him fall into poverty
>owns a bike to ease his conscience but still drives a car everywhere

this is spot on.

>> No.7024592

What an awful thread.

>> No.7024630

I find it curious that the posturing and puffing of metaphorical chests is greatest where identity is nonexistent and any statements made will not be traceable.

>> No.7024675

>waahhh why can't everyone be nice to one another and agree with me

you're a retard. Go back to your containment hugbox

>> No.7024699
File: 49 KB, 346x461, Cremaster_3_Apprentice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone do Dostoevsky

You already did, albeit in mutilated form.


"Irredeemable", step up, son.

Anyway, Wittgenstein - pic related. Autistic shut-ins who spend even more time with their gundams than they spend deleting gay porn from their phones. Likely to do, and to share, 'Can YOU complete these trivial grammar exercises?' shit on Facebook and have at least one person reply to it. And to reply to that reply.

>> No.7024719
File: 35 KB, 305x305, companies-in-china-rent-american-white-people.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Foucault: Probably reading Sociology, possibly even criminology. Hasn't told her parents she's an atheist yet, hasn't told her boyfriend she doesn't like anal yet.

>> No.7024724

At least one of them condones the sufferance of idiots. Not opposing idiocy makes it think it is welcome. It is not.

>> No.7024745

Cremaster was fucking genius.
>Dat masonic imagery
>Dat Northern Irish giant

>> No.7024753


I love that he only made like a hundred copies and they were $10K each or some shit. And it's up on TPB lol.

>> No.7024766


sounds like a slut tbh.

>> No.7024777

>you're only defining me in those terms because you want to exert control over me and that makes me wet

>> No.7024801


Scary, nice trips though, ur not wrong if you're implying many women like to be called that while in an intimate relationship.

>> No.7024842


Well done.

>> No.7024865

>while in an intimate relationship.

i think you mean during sex

>> No.7024889

Thug moron following an idiot philosopher; what did you expect, anon?

>> No.7024928

>is what really grabs a lot of ex-gifted children who end up completely chewed up

So you're saying I'd like it. Must grab it, so.

>> No.7024956

cretin can think of nothing of substance to say, starts slinging shit.
I can smell your low self-esteem from here.

>> No.7025009
File: 538 KB, 410x2048, 1440343214589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you're mean to me you must hate yourself
Have you ever considered maybe people just don't like you because of you stupidity?

>/lit/ should accept every opinion just like r/books and /tv/eddit
>hurr durr it's all relative man, if you think otherwise you must be an elitist
kill yourself

>> No.7025032
File: 757 KB, 1188x1188, 1440440550351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone should be a dick on the internet just because lol also i was touched as a child

>> No.7025058

>trys (*tries. did you make this yourself you illiterate retard?) too hard to force shallow uninformed idea of what 4chan should be
Since you clearly can't read I am the one saying people can post whatever they want and they don't have to accept all opinions as valid. if you are so desperate to make a thread about your shitty genre book go ahead but don't have an autistic attack when someone calls you a faggot.

whining and passive aggressively posting about someone disagreeing with your opinion is the most autistic thing you can do besides typing up lists of 4chan rules, but you're free to do it. Just like real life you have to accept when people are dismissive of you. You'd know that if you ever went outside.

>> No.7025061


>/lit/ should accept every opinion just like r/books and /tv/eddit
>hurr durr it's all relative man, if you think otherwise you must be an elitist

I said exactly none of that you absolute sperg. I just complained that /lit/ spends most of its time shaming plebs instead of actually discussing valuable lit. Calling someone out for getting off on feeling superior isn't the same as saying superiority doesn't exist. How thick are you?

>> No.7025079

>>get sent to jail for being your slut girlfriend unconscious
crimes of ontological passion

>> No.7025086

what's it like getting off on calling out people who get off on felling superior to others you retard?

It's nice of you, being so wise and intelligent to try to better everyone else on the board and show us all the error of our ways from your ivory tower of humility.

>> No.7025100

>what's it like getting off on calling out people who get off on felling superior to others you retard?
what's it like getting off on calling out people who get off on calling out people who get off on feeling superior to others you fucking cunt

>> No.7025116 [DELETED] 

this has devolved.

good luck have fun

>> No.7025656

You had me by the balls (except maybe the part about reading for plot) until you mentioned IJ. I would never read /lit/'s favorite meme book.

>> No.7025738

>War Machine
>clearly a reference to Deleuze
>implying he isn't schizo-affect embodied

Get your head right, OP

>> No.7025764

>not "Get philosophically buggered, OP"

Damn, son. You lined it all up perfectly and then screwed the pooch.

>> No.7025809

reminds me of that kid here recently who said he was aspiring to start dressing like a dosto character unironically

>> No.7026239

r/ing CS Lewis, Aquinas, McCarthy or Pynchon.

not much fiction or theology in here

>> No.7026279
File: 1.29 MB, 960x720, Batman.S01E02.720p.BluRay.x264-DEiMOS.mkv_snapshot_06.18_[2015.02.12_21.33.11].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CS Lewis

Reading Divinities. Thinks gay marriage is 'far enough' and opposes abortion past the first trimester. Has "You don't HAVE a soul - you ARE a soul. You HAVE a body" as his signature on numerous BBS boards. Probably donates to an animal welfare charity. Sorry this isn't terribly funny, but I swear to Christ it's on the fucking money.

I'd do Aquinas but the only thing you can say for sure about his devotees is that they've either never read him or have ONLY read him. No saying which is worse.

>> No.7026292

Wait, so fans of Nietzsche get this? When does it arrive in the mail, because it has been 3 years at least.

>> No.7027537

The whole of human experience is a collection of electrical signals and chemicals. The fact that this is the case doesn't devalue them.

>> No.7027567

>Love is a chemical reaction in the skull, stop romanticizing things you tremendous faggot, life is not a television show
Like >>7027537 said. This is why life pretty much resembles a tv show since both of them are just a collection of signals.

>with Zizek's concept of true love in mind
Dunno anything about him, but all his ticks. Please enlighten me on his concept of true love? Some kind of ideology based of a movie he's seen recently?

>> No.7027572

Chomsky is pretty cool

>> No.7027587
File: 28 KB, 707x707, 1431096713614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she doesn't like anal yet.
with him

women love anal with men doing it properly to the point of asking for it

>> No.7027593

The thing I can't stand about Rand, or at least her followers who identify themselves as "libertarians" is that Rand herself despised libertarians. (The original and free market ones)
You can find enough interviews where she doesn't want anything to do with libertarians.

Her writing is about as good as Nietzsche, the style at least.
If Friedrich wrote fiction, it would probably be on par with Atlas Shrugged. Nietzsche wouldn't be a good fiction writer.

>> No.7027623

>>orientalizes Russia as a country of backward psychopaths forever wallowing in their own squalid suffering despite never having visited the country
Strange since Tolstoy says pretty much the something in Anna Karenina

>> No.7027630


okay mr anal machine XDDD

>> No.7028139

Evola. Fastidiously clean, but LOOKS like he smells. Outwardly normal, initially, but hearing too many hard 'c's, or words rhyming with 'fuck' will quickly set him off: "Cuck! Cuck! Cuck! Cuckcuckcuckcuck!"

You will think, at first, that it's a coughing fit. As it continues, you'll assume it's Tourette's or similar. But if you remain there for several hours, with nothing from him but "Cuck! Cuck! Cuckcuckcuck! Cuck!" interspersed with the occasional "Niggerfaggot KIKE!", you'll soon see it's genuine insanity. Get close enough, and the metallic scent of fresh blood can be detected on his breath - he is literally destroying his throat in the throes of this passion. Look in his eyes and you can plainly see: There is nobody home. Nobody at all.

>> No.7028144
File: 103 KB, 1280x720, Evola Alove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


God dammit I forgot the picture. Rats.

>> No.7029432

Don't forget "leftist despite Dostoevsky being Monarchist"

>> No.7029804

You've only got
>orientalizes Russia as a country of backward psychopaths forever wallowing in their own squalid suffering despite never having visited the country
On me

>> No.7029812

I love Kierkegaard but not of these stick

>> No.7029816

>Russia as a country of backward psychopaths forever wallowing in their own squalid suffering despite never having visited the country
That's exactly what it is though. You'd have to be kinda retarded to not see that.

>> No.7029842

>Claims to be agnostic, but secretly really hopes that there's some kind of heaven

Those aren't exclusive at all.

>> No.7029847

Yes. "Alpha male shit" now means "Getting raped in jail".

>> No.7029853

I like Joyce

>never finished college
>barely remember anything about the western "canon" from high school
>I'm posting on 4chan right now

Though most people who like Joyce are middle aged or old.

>> No.7029867

Blame reddit.

>> No.7029894

I've been here for nearly a decade and no one goes on more than a handful of boards unless they're spamming something. Why would you post or lurk on boards that aren't relevant to your interests?

>> No.7029912


>is a drug addict
>calls themselves a "psychonaut"
>doesn't trust "big pharma" and the fda
>trusts crystals and eastern philosophy
>thinks fractals are ontologically important
>poisons themselves by taking 25i
>dies, ends up in the newspaper, and makes drug users everywhere look bad

>> No.7029930


>> No.7029955


thinks bnw is better than 1984
>thinks we live in a dystopia
>has tried meditation a few times, gotten bored and gave up
>tells people he meditates all the time

>> No.7029962

Then they read Rawls.

Source: JD at top 10 law school

>> No.7031074
File: 35 KB, 512x512, cormac_mccarthy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>English major at liberal arts college
>doesn't attend class but complains about how college fails to educate people
>Favorite movie is There Will Be Blood
>Calls any piece of art that is set west of the Mississippi a "western".
>Loves season 2 of True Detective
>Believes own prose is refined enough to do away with syntactical conventions
>Will develop alcoholism with 5 years and drown self in bath-tub
>Smokes cigarettes but never let's anyone else bum a cig
>Stopped believing in God in middle school and used Atheism as an attention-grabber in High School
>Believes humanity is inherently evil despite the fact most people try to be nice to them and they are just too socially inept to respond to genuine human interaction.

>> No.7031095

You forgot
>Is a self-described socialist
>If they know anything more about socialism than Zizek, they are absolutely a champagne socialist
>Low natural intelligence and aptitude
>Poor in Math and Science skills
>Poor social skills and poor understanding of social queues
>Too edgy

>> No.7031107

>Low natural intelligence
>social queues

Ya blew it.

>> No.7031112

What's wrong? You've probably been cut in line by a Lacanian at some point in your life.

>> No.7031116


Nah. Someone once slugged me with a pool queue once, though. Boy, did that smart.

>> No.7031123

It seems like everyone wants to take a dip in the Summer. It's a pity more people don't appreciate arctic skinny dipping. There's no accounting for pore taste among the undereducated.

>> No.7032136

Someone do Dostoyevsky well and with a pic

>> No.7032485

>chemical reaction in the skull


i think you might need to look up "skull" again.

>> No.7033771

>I'm autistic and lonely please help me

>> No.7033846

Prove me wrong
Best case scenerio you get in a good fuck before it wears off
I can tell both of you are young and have yet to experience the world, you think there is some magic out there that will find you given enough time, but theres nothing, sorry kid.

>> No.7034027
File: 200 KB, 955x1200, The-Edge-u2-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That sense of hostility you're feeling, prompting you to project superiority in that unconvincing manner? That's just a chemical reaction in your skull, mate. Which is apparently a synonym for 'insignificant and without value', so, well, you put it together.

>> No.7034126

>His gf got paid to cuck him.

>> No.7034130

lol love and sexual attraction isn't the same thing you fucking retard

silly virgin

do you want to fuck your mom ?
fucking autists on my board LMAO

>> No.7034136

meme pour moi mon frere

>> No.7034139

>tfw you meme for your brother

>> No.7034550

self satisfaction mostly