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7020891 No.7020891 [Reply] [Original]

What are your favorite tweets /lit/?

>> No.7020909

videogames are Art in the Aristotelian sense of Art tbh

>> No.7021025

I love those Bret Easton Ellis tweets where he talks about how much he hates Breaking Bad but always adds to the end that "[he wants] to fuck the cerebral palsy kid"

>> No.7023361

BB is overrated but he was being an edgelord

>> No.7023468

BEE is the aristic equivalent of a bitter hag with crumbling looks who spends her time talking shit about more attractive women to feel better about herself.

>> No.7023488

Dont know why people say this about BEE whenever he shares a negative opinion? Like this entire board and the internet in general is people spewing their negative opinions but people only get pissed when he does it. Im not a fanboy or anything but this weird reflex that people have anytime Bret says "I dont like thing" is weird.

>> No.7023500
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>> No.7023503

Because he is the sworn enemy of our Lord & Saviour, David "Patio Pinata" Wallace.

>> No.7023504

People always do that whenever they don't like whoever is criticizing whatever

>> No.7023508
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>> No.7024041
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Sounds legit.

>> No.7024081

>tfw you and Tallahassee Coats will never chase out the white devils with your fellow brothas of the Nation.
it hurts

>> No.7024091

Ah crap, 3 people I'm following are following this guy.

Ah crap, 8 people I'm following are following this guy.

>> No.7024141

He doesn't just share negative opinions, you can feel the bitter desperation in them. His online presence is like 'stop liking this guy he sucks i'm better right this guy is shit stop praising him'.

>> No.7024223

Hmm, or maybe you're just perceiving it that way because you don't like him.

>> No.7024258

Isn't this all Five Percent Nation stuff? I thought they were a meme for Wu-Tang Clan listeners.

>> No.7024282


>> No.7024284
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>> No.7024293

That tweet sucks. I only follow the "weird twitter"s that are actually funny, IE the ones that came from FYAD

>> No.7024297

>implying dogs aren't noble animals
This is what happens when you don't start with the Greeks. Forget Faulkner, the Cynics are the ones metaphysically scrutinizing opinions here.

>> No.7025033

Anything by Tao Lin @tao_lin

#taolin #taipei #collectedtweets #literature #postmodernism

>> No.7025056

I honestly don't care if this guy hates white people, but he shouldn't wander around the New York Times editorial section whining about racism if he is racially prejudiced himself

>> No.7025062
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>paying attention to anything related to race in 2015

You guys keep these spooks strong and alive.

>> No.7025065


>> No.7025071

the beer folks

>> No.7025094

But if i take away the spooks all I have is myself, and I'm nothing.

>> No.7025157

I wish I had a wife like Alice. Erudite, educated, but firm in her conservative convictions and the role that women must play.

>> No.7025161

Coates was posting these in reaction to some major magazine--which was celebrating a major anniversary at the time--having in the 90s done a huge front-page feature on 'The Bell Curve'. The magazine backpedaled once backlash ensued by claiming that they weren't promoting/advocating for the (racist) ideology of The Bell Curve, but that they thought it was worthy of debate. Some Twitter user was rehashing that argument to Coates because he was bitching about the reputation of said magazine, so Coates lampooned him by sarcastically 'discussing/debating' another racist ideology, but one directed at whites, not blacks.

y'all niggas need to learn how to read

>> No.7025171

the spookiness of race exists in the same way it does with taxonomical nomenclature. it has no intrinsic part in reality but it has a practical application in that institutions are based around the observation of phenotypes like skin color. i might not want to identify as 'black' or 'man', but i also face prejudice daily regardless of the spookiness of both items

>> No.7025184

The Bell Curve wasn't racist, and the magazine which covered the book should not have made an apology. The book is grounded in science, couches every result in peer reviewed studies, and makes conclusions based solely on the evidence provided. The Nation of Islam's belief that Yakub, a god like Black ancient scientist who created white men through genetic experimentation, has zero scientific basis.

Does Coates wish to imply that the NoI claims about race have the same credibility as scientific studies on intelligence? Does he wish to shut down any scientific debate on the nature of intelligence because it may offend him and his beliefs?

>> No.7025242


read for yourself (I would sum up, but I vaguely remember his reasoning)

>> No.7025268

It's funny because that's not what white privilege is.

She tried to dismiss a stupid ideology and failed. Embarassing. Like an average person losing an argument to a person with trisomy.

>> No.7025283

Um I don't agree with that tweet, but do you really not understand the rhetoric she was using

>> No.7025412
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this is perf tbh

>> No.7025434

Do you think using 'trisomy' instead of Down Syndrome makes you sound smarter?

>> No.7025459

He literally does. There was a guy a while ago who always insulted people by telling them they had trisomy instead of saying they were retarded, and he did it becuase he thought it was more clever. I'm not fucking with you: it's somewhere in the archive. It was some serious fedora-tier shit

>> No.7025498

Bullshit. This crap is just used to defend bigoted statements with ambiguously universal language like "I wish P's weren't/didn't do Q," with no existential quantifier in sight. Duh people are going to call that shit out.

>> No.7025500
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Nein has some good ones.

But 50 cent by far the best.

>> No.7026589

Biological reality isn't a "spook". You have no understanding of what spooks actually are.

>> No.7028110

Glad you agree, but the very best ones have all left with no sign of return.

>> No.7028119

>Biological reality


>> No.7028127

Nope, you just have a nineteenth century grasp of the state of human biology.

>> No.7028166

Shes satirising "white privilege is not..." posts, its a typical format found on tumblr and twitter

>> No.7028398

The notion of subspecies we've completely done away with in the 20th century. Now we judge how smart people are based on whether they're a Republican or not.

>> No.7028436

there are some good posters left on FYAD,
namely: g0m

>> No.7028453

Yeah, I just laughed at one of his funny threads. He's great.

>> No.7028546
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>> No.7029181

>Race denialism

The ultimate spook

>> No.7029201
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Based Danny

>> No.7029222

All new insults have to start somewhere

>> No.7029244


Such a well hard lad with his tight jeggins.

>> No.7029305

Celeb twitters are objectively the worst twitters

>> No.7029309

Bell Curve was pseudoscience you cuckold.

>> No.7029352

This, in addition to all science that gives me bad feels.

>> No.7029551

You're both right about the Bell Curve being shit and all, but there was one thing in this article that got me:

>In this sense it is unfortunate to see anonymous staffers accusing TNR's owner Chris Hughes of trying to create "another BuzzFeed." If that is truly Hughes's ambition, then—in at least one important way—he will have created a publication significantly more moral than anything any recent TNR editor ever has. No publication has more aggressively dealt with diversity than BuzzFeed. And not unrelated to this diversity has been a stellar range of storytelling and analysis, that could rival—if not best—the journalism in the latest iteration of TNR.

This is the trouble I have with those who prize identity politics above all else. Their goals may be understandable, but they will embrace any piece of shit that they perceive as being allies in their cause.

>> No.7029570

Reminder that BuzzFeed is funded by the Koch brothers

>> No.7029620

>I literally have no fucking clue what he is trying to say with Person 2
>I have studied logic for years

>> No.7029674

The minus is supposed to be a negation symbol, if that's what's confusing you

>> No.7029698

I hoped that was the case. I was also thrown off by the exclamation point, which I also took as a negation of some sort. Now I understand exactly what that double nigger was >implying

>> No.7029706

Man, it sure sucks that white people are so racist. Literally all of them. All white people are racist. It's disgusting.

>> No.7029717

> literally all of them

>> No.7029724

I know plenty of white girls that fuck niggers, is that racist? Is it?

>> No.7029727

Yes their fetishism of black hypermasculinity is objectifying

>> No.7029729

nah i have no opinion on the guy one way or the other but it really seems that way

>> No.7029744
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>using bad words is racist

>> No.7029750


>> No.7029760

obviously sarcastic.

>> No.7029770
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My favorite tweets are my tweets

>> No.7030025

Post some.

>> No.7030080

Only if you can guarantee me at least 500 new followers within 44hrs.