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7019461 No.7019461 [Reply] [Original]

So why is the Bible sometimes said to be the literal word of God yet it contains instructions to murder people, stone gays, not eat certain kinds of food, and other hateful things?

>> No.7019463

*hateful/no longer followed rules

Not eating food isn't exactly hateful, sorry about that mistake.

>> No.7019464

Because religious people pick and choose just as much as non-religious people do. They just lie about it keep going a charade of authenticity

>> No.7019468

That is the word of God

>> No.7019473

Because its very marketable to say you have God's direct instructions.
The only Abrahamic religion that directly claims to be the words of God is Islam, but if you try to explain that to most Christians they think you're a terrorist.

Also trying to explain to Christians that just because the Bible says Jesus said or did something is not necessarily proof he did that thhing or that thing should be followed is impossible, because m-muh holy book.
Even though Jesus himself directly refuted the laws and teachings of his own religion.

>> No.7019475

I once heard that most of the Jewish laws in there aren't exactly from God but are mostly just to protect the Jewish people from other cultures and disease and death. So that explains a lot of the weird rules and why they are no longer relevant.

Plus, didn't Jesus come so that anybody, even somebody who wasn't a Jew, could be saved? He sort of fulfilled the Old Testament, so why would we have to take everything there literally anymore?

>> No.7019491

The problem is all the people that do take the Old Testament literally, and are typically the same people who know Genesis by heart but nothing else and they're preeeeety sure God hates thing X they disagree with even if they can't find the exact quote from scripture.

>> No.7019495

those are not hateful things.

you can be a faggot, you cant spill your seed. the bible does not advocate hating gays it advocates punishing people who break rules.

murder means wrongful killing, God telling you to kill someone can't be murder because God can't be wrong.

You should not be eating certain foods. The bible is correct about this. Mixed fiber are also fucking terrible they are bad for the environment and can graft to your skin in cases of fires. Just because they are cheaper because you exploit third world workers to make mixed garment fibers does not mean they are cheaper and better.

try growing up you fucking retard. Christians still have more charity work than all other groups combined through history. most doctors are Christian and most people who add something to the world not motivated by money are Christian or religious.

This wave of fat ugly betas who have dedicated years of their lives to complaining because their mom made them go to church, only to turn around and wear a 3 dollar thor hammer pendant, are so fucking delusional I'm honestly surprised they have the brain capacity to breath in between spitting up some sophistry argumentation from their "4 horsemen" idols.

I will enjoy watching you burn in hell form heaven.

>> No.7019496

"The matter is quite simple. The bible is very easy to understand. But we Christians are a bunch of scheming swindlers. We pretend to be unable to understand it because we know very well that the minute we understand, we are obliged to act accordingly. Take any words in the New Testament and forget everything except pledging yourself to act accordingly. My God, you will say, if I do that my whole life will be ruined. How would I ever get on in the world? Herein lies the real place of Christian scholarship. Christian scholarship is the Church’s prodigious invention to defend itself against the Bible, to ensure that we can continue to be good Christians without the Bible coming too close. Oh, priceless scholarship, what would we do without you? " - Kierkegaard

>> No.7019500
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>I will enjoy watching you burn in hell from heaven
Well goddamn

>> No.7019509

>nothing the Bible says is explicitly wrong
Then why Did Jesus actively refute the pharisees daily? Clearly there was some stupid old tradition shit no longer relevant, and 2,000 years later there's a lot more.
>grow up and stop discussing the nuances of a modern religious/cultural body you fat ugly betas
Massively buttfrustrated idiot detected
>Christian charity works outweighs centuries of warmongering, hate, genocide, etc
Oh fuck son you just went full retard

>> No.7019524

Carl Sagan - A Reassuring Fable


>> No.7019533

don't worry its not too late for you.

nice straw men. love how you atheists cant understand the logical fallacies you all have tattooed on your flabby arms.

jesus didnt "refute" anything. what he said "was". nobody else could have delivered that truth because only he could deliver the truth and make it the truth at the same time.

unless you are jesus, (you are not) stop editing the rules like a smart ass.

if im frustrated its only because im an imperfect human, like we all are. Hopefully if i follow the bible and keep god in my heart he will show me mercy. I will pray he gives you grace to change as well, its never too late.

Im not historically retarded. Christians have been good and bad. and yet still they are doing more good than bad.
All the bad shit Christians did probably would have occurred by any other name tbh because its all down to the evil in man, but the goodness of christian charity cant be ascribed to mans normal ways.

>> No.7019563

If you are not a troll, I feel sorry for you.

>> No.7019578
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