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7016946 No.7016946[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Professor gives me a D on my paper for not supporting my supposed "bizarre" arguments about the nature of uncultured plebs and women
>Call him a cuck on my next paper

>> No.7016968

>go to college
>do OK
>six figure debt
>English/religion degree

>> No.7016974

>write psychology paper about how people that are selfless are only that way because it makes them feel better, meaning even supposed selfless acts are selfish
>the professor writes he disagrees with my assessment but it is interesting, get an A
Not impossible to do both m8

>> No.7016976


>> No.7016981

No not really.
I'm more shocked that he didn't hold my view as I thought that was the common reasoning in the psychology world

>> No.7016982
File: 142 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mzi3toxYJS1rllo7mo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fine arts degree
>"can i start you off with something to drink?"
kill me

>> No.7016984

>people that are selfless are only that way because it makes them feel better, meaning even supposed selfless acts are selfish
Wow, how groundbreaking lad.

>> No.7016986

>government is cuck to EU and wants refugees and yada yada
>vote centre right nationalist party

I didn't do nothing wrong.

>> No.7016988


The only reason I think it is notable is because the prof disagreed.
I'd like to hear his thoughts on the subject.
I never asked him

>> No.7016993
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>professor asks my opinion on immigration
>tell him that not only that multiculturalism is good, but racemixing is biologically and genetically healthy and produces attractive children and that if the world became more like Brazil it would be better off
>he gave me an A

>> No.7016998

>This is BTFO the establishment

>> No.7017005
File: 58 KB, 450x378, lacplesis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-but that's the opposite anon of what OP said.

That's too bourgeois. I'm an enlightened aristocrat in the strictest sense of the world :^^)

Picture related, me with my lad.

>> No.7017010

How is your jaw?

>> No.7017013

But anon...

I was being sincere. I support mixing, and he was very middle ground on the issue :^)

>> No.7017017

Oh man that's never been suggested before.

>oh wait even the 19th century economist Thorstein Veblen said that

>> No.7017018
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>> No.7017019

You're right, your professor sounds like an idiot.

>> No.7017025

I'm the one on top.

He actually kills the bear that way ;_;
People can't even get along with Russians tbh, Arabs are too different from us tbh and I don't like big Semitic noses, unless they look Mischa Maisky tier

>> No.7017028

No I mean as an aristocrat.

How's your jaw?

>> No.7017044


I'm poor as shit and can't even afford the books I like, please send humanitarian support

>> No.7017058
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>feminist professor
>write an essay about how The Crying of Lot 49 is all about decentering white men from literature and political discourse.
I am the goodest goy.

>> No.7017075

Is she hot

>> No.7017078

Nah m8