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/lit/ - Literature

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7016490 No.7016490 [Reply] [Original]

how do we stop this?

>> No.7016500

We assassinate le 'sex is just like cereal' hack man and set his corpse on fire.

>> No.7016504

Destroying capitalism

>> No.7016512

If you expect me to care about some effete primped "YA author", you're asking for too much kid.

>> No.7016516

Embrace a personal hedonism

>> No.7016518



>> No.7016520 [DELETED] 

You should reflect on how insecure you are at this point in your life if every time issues of race or a work by a person of color generates such a petty knee-jerk reaction. Maybe take a step back from the computer, stop regurgitating the hard right 4chan idea of how the world is, and try to engage more actively with people who aren't decrepit and overreliant on this website as validation for an empty existence. That is how you stop this.

>> No.7016536

You should reflect on how insecure you are at this point in your life if every time person of color is praised or the issue of race is brought up generates such a petty knee-jerk reaction. Maybe take a step back from the computer, stop regurgitating the hard right 4chan idea of how the world is, and try to engage more actively with people who aren't decrepit and over-reliant on this website as validation for an empty existence.

That is how you stop this.

>> No.7016543

HAHAHAHA coates is a fucking hack
i guess it makes sense that these two would enjoy each other's work

>> No.7016556

I am sure my use of the phrase "person of color" irritated you. I'm also sure you have little in your bank account. I'm sure you'll call me classist for saying that when I'm actually drawing attention to your indolence. I don't doubt your parents have money in their pockets if they can afford to house a fully grown man whose days are spent on 4chan. I'm sure you'll accuse me of projection. Nice cop out. It doesn't work. Heh, heh, heh.

>> No.7016562

Tl;dr tbh


Looks like girl glasses no wonder his wife like trying me cereal.
>my kids

>> No.7016567

you know it's considered racist to call people colored, right? similar to how it's rude to call someone a negro.

>> No.7016571
File: 354 KB, 484x600, John_Green_Electric_No.1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Green is published and critically acclaimed, and also a bestseller.

Reminder that if you're bashing his work, you're nothing but a pretentious shrill child, infuriated at his success, thinking your opinion is worth more than the consensus.

Reminder that he has a wife and children, while you have nothing, save for maybe a (useless) degree and some checkmarks on your reading list.

>> No.7016572
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>le 'sex is just like cereal' hack man
But it is anon.

>> No.7016574

Ah, tl;dr. For when you want to dismissively insult someone by pretending you didn't read that thing they wrote that hurt you delicate sensibilities. Ha hahahaha! Edgar is king.

>> No.7016578

>he has a wife and children
He married a Jewish woman who had children from another man.


Least he gets to pound sweet tasting 16 year old audience pussy

>> No.7016583
File: 650 KB, 1000x495, DFW-Quote_02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who again?
>I do things like get in a taxi and say, "The library, and step on it."

>> No.7016585

how do we stop fags from hiding behind their computers and feeling superior to other humans because they are book worms?
oh yeah, we dont need to punish them, their existence is enough punishment already

>> No.7016586

>my kids


>> No.7016589

Poor anon, so lonely and sad. When's the last time you had meaningful human contact?

>> No.7016592

>I am sure my use of the phrase "person of color" irritated you.

Frankly I find it worrisome that any seemingly sane adult would use such a risible term.

>> No.7016593

>Least he gets to pound sweet tasting 16 year old audience pussy

better than a wife tbh

>> No.7016608

>you will accuse me of projection
lol, you only say that if you are projecting
>You will way that I am looking at your ass but I am not haha
you were looking
>You are depressed and you feel empty haha
you are feeling sad
>You will project haha
You will project haha

>> No.7016616

Willfully pretending to be obtuse to the difference between the connotations of PoC versus the term "colored people" in order to claim concern when you'd really rather squash use of the term that is both politically correct and in many circles empowering? I'm shocked. No need to skirt around your problem with PoC while you're anonymous, friend. Be frank in your racism if that's who you are. It makes it easier to know to avoid you! Hahaha!

>> No.7016622

I too hide my pain behind humor
because people called me emo in highschool

>> No.7016624

Why do you guys care about this guy?
all the big name best sellers will be forgotten in time, only the ones that have made really great works of art and human thought will live all throught history.

I'm pretty sure there were far more sucessful writers on the start of the XX century, but does any of them compare to Joyce?
Making money and being an e-celeb means nothing.

>> No.7016625

I struck a chord! Huzzah! +1

>> No.7016634

because he is popular
even we talk about what is popular

that is the reason it is popular, that even those who hate it talk about it

>> No.7016642

>Least he gets to pound sweet tasting 16 year old audience pussy
The sole reason I write is in pursuit of eventual sweet tasting 16 year old audience pussy

>> No.7016643

Do you control your irony or does your irony control you?
have you consider that irony is your mental power-fantasy?
If you are free wink, she wont see you

>> No.7016657

Man John Green sucks.

>> No.7016670

+1 sincere post

>> No.7016673

Such imperfection. Such imperfection!
Edgar is the final... harumph, boss!
I am the final boss! Hahaha! I'm impenetrable!
A real cog in your systematic impotency!
The scourge of your schism .
The goad of jism!

I'm Edgar, and you are not; 'nuff said! Shoo now! HAHAHA

>> No.7016674


>> No.7016680

He kind of reminds me of the schizophrenic guy who made TempleOS.

>> No.7016682
File: 884 KB, 600x600, yPUDOXj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey! I'm the shitposter round these parts!

>> No.7016693
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“That’s always seemed so ridiculous to me, that people want to be around someone because they’re pretty. It’s like picking your breakfast cereals based on color instead of taste.”
John "People are cereal" Green strikes again

>> No.7016698

So I read Looking For Alaska and watched Paper Towns recently, and enjoyed both. His works have definite literary value, heaps above the likes of J.K. Rowling. What's wrong with Green, really?

>> No.7016699


Don't trip


>> No.7016700
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Bigger picture

>> No.7016714

“Why are breakfast food breakfast foods?" I asked them. "Like, why don't we have curry for breakfast?"

"Hazel, eat."

"But why?" I asked. "I mean seriously: How did scrambled eggs get stuck with breakfast exclusivity? You can put bacon on a sandwich without anyone freaking out. But the moment your sandwich has an egg, boom, it's a breakfast sandwich.”

>> No.7016720

Since when? I've eaten scrambled egg a lot but never for breakfast.

>> No.7016733

nah I'll just call you a faggot and filter your trip.

>> No.7016799

Liking good looking people is exactly the same as liking good tasting food. The obvious analogy is to the nutrition of food but obviously people eat good tasting unhealthy food all the time so it doesn't work and he was looking for an easy comparison and just wrote down the first retarded thought that entered his head.

tbh i would probably have liked this shit if i knew about it when i was 14

>> No.7016977

well if you want to call them colored people then go for it i guess, though you may get in some trouble if you do it at work

>> No.7016996

holy shit

>> No.7017016

i get the impression that he tends to write in the morning when he's having cereal for breakfast

also zizek or someone should probably say something funnie about this cereal fetishism and how it relates cupcake fascism. there's this cereal cafe in london as well which seems kind of related on the whole twee infantilism wavelength http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/food/article-3063972/The-Cereal-Killer-Cafe-open-second-branch-Camden-Stables-London.html

>> No.7017034
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>> No.7017145

delayed maturity


>> No.7017147
File: 296 KB, 576x1024, justdoit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Write something better.
Don't buy their books.

>> No.7017396


>> No.7017406

literally who cares?

>> No.7017429

Read something else. Write something else.

The New Irony can't happen if you don't kickstart its existence, guys.

>> No.7017502

trips go to lit for attention too? smh tbh fam.

>> No.7017512


Why do you children get so worked up about race discussion? read the book and form your own opinion.

>> No.7017549

this and >>7016504 this one as well although the latter is mostly aimed at stopping john green

>> No.7017564

Turkey burger with fried egg is a delicious lunch

>> No.7017899

Yes this

>> No.7018039

we consider aesthetics important in almost every facet of life
it isn't shallow to apply the same standards we apply to art, literature, architecture, film etc to people

>> No.7018112

Probably the worst thread I've seen on any board in a while; I also am conscious of the fact my own post didn't remedy the ills of it, or possibly even made the thread worse.

>> No.7018132

rest assured that every thread you post in is made worse anon.

>> No.7018154

That's been my goal since I started posting and I get the feeling it's most other posters' goal too.

>> No.7018160

The idea behind what he's saying is reasonable enough, but to say it's okay for a woman to have had 47 partners before you is just silly, especially if it's a woman in her 20s.

>> No.7018176

It's not a matter of Coates being a Negro, imo. It's a problem that his book has little artistic merit, and amounts too nothing better than a get-rich-quick scheme, profiting off the lives of dead black youths

>> No.7018177

its like I'm on facebook

>> No.7018235

You can't. Democrats have external locus of control, basically they are helpless in life. They have low self-esteem too, thus tending to conflate their own self-worth with that of others.

>> No.7018261

who is this guy? seems like a huge fag

>> No.7018300

do all liberals have clinical depression or something

>> No.7018310

No, not that I know of although I wouldn't be surprised to find higher rates of mental ailments.

>> No.7018315

jesus fuck, i agree with your politics and you're autistic ass isn't helping at all

>> No.7018451

I wouldn't have ever recognized the guy's name nor recognized his face if he wasn't posted here 20 times a day. You stop this by not posting him here.

>> No.7018455

There's a distinct Jared Fogle-ish air about the guy.

>> No.7018567


Shut the fuck up, you insipid cretin. Green's books are absolute tripe, formulaic, and inane. Young adults with shit taste become adults with shit taste and have brought about an era of, used loosely, literature where George RailRoad Martin is seen as greatness.

Dark times. Fuck you.

>> No.7018590


If I had a Facebook profile I am sure I would see more of this kind of shit with, "soooooooo trueeeeeeeeee omg loveeeeeeeee ittttttttt."

>> No.7018699

I've never read G.R.R.M, in you opinion is he any good? And what is /lit/'s general consensus of him?

>> No.7018776


>> No.7018841


>> No.7019004

>your whole-grain crunch
I haven't cringed this hard in a while breh.

>> No.7019082

Ah butterfly, wherever there's a shitty bait you just can't avoid replying, can you?
You're the only thing/person that makes me genuinly upset on the internet

>> No.7019411
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How do we make the Sherlock autist die off already /lit/?

>> No.7019498

You just sound insecure when you post stuff like this.

>> No.7019505

Dank meme man xDDDDD

>> No.7019604

I'm no great fan of conservatives but liberals can't deny that very promiscuous women often have deeper psychological issues at play that influence that behavior. Ignoring that won't really help women at all. It's just as dumb as telling obese people it's okay to be fat rather than telling them to exercise and eat better.

>> No.7019614

that sex is like cereal thing doesn't work. woman are held to different standards for sex because men's dicks don't seem like they'd be changed from sticking them in lots of vaginas but vaginas seem like they'd be stretched or broken in from taking a ton of dicks. whether or not it's true, it's easy to assume that.

>> No.7019656

Cereal doesn't transmit diseases. It also doesn't have anything whatsoever to do with human intimacy.

>> No.7019661

>cereal meme
idk what this green fellow is on about, there's no way id eat cereal someone had already fucked

>> No.7019790


>> No.7019809

But why though? He is just affirming his taste in women. There is nothing wrong with wanting an exclusive experience.

>> No.7019849


>> No.7019870

>black people do terrible shit to him for his entire life
>literally the very worst anecdote he can remember about a white person is some old lady in an elevator being condescending to him

>> No.7019973
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Are you really gonna make fun of a successful author online to feel better about yourself? How vain

>> No.7020061

Are you really gonna make fun of an anonymous person online to feel better about yourself? How vain.

>> No.7020338

White is a colour :^)

>> No.7020339

Are you really gonna make fun of an anonymous person online to feel better about yourself? How vain.

>> No.7020354

Is Between the World and Me any good?

>> No.7020369

you mean John Green threads? just stop posting them

>> No.7020374

what do you propose should replace it?

>> No.7022346
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The real world of course. What's left of it anyway.