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7016393 No.7016393 [Reply] [Original]

What is the worst book you ever read?

Pic related, it's mine

>> No.7016422
File: 169 KB, 319x475, HeartsInAtlantis.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolute shit. Pretentious and uninspired. Haven't touched a King book since.

>> No.7016433
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I've heard that others like Player of Games are much better, but this left such a bad taste.

>> No.7016448
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My diary, tbh

>> No.7016449
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>> No.7016451
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This is objectively the worst book ever written.

Do not try me. I would rather eat rocks.

"A comic epic poem in prose"

>> No.7016458

Wait wait, worst book EVER?

I didn't like it that much either but that's really really harsh.

>> No.7016469

I remember liking the atmosphere for the 1st 100 pages or so and then the plot turned to shit and the ending was (as always) incredibly goofy

>> No.7016473
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Truly a marvel that an editor green-lit this.

>> No.7016587

Jane Eyre.

I honestly, honestly, honestly can't comprehend how people think it's even remotely good.

Most classics have something in them I can understand as interesting of timeless. But I literally, literally can't even with JE

>> No.7016600

Anything, fucking ANYTHING by Cory Doctorow

>> No.7016644
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>> No.7016654
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>> No.7016669

The Catcher in the Rye
Good read for sitting on the toilet.
Also doubles as butt wipe.

>> No.7016684

probably Catcher in the Rye
Holden is just so unlikeable!

>> No.7016697

S. King
contrived, contrived, contrived

>> No.7016706
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>> No.7016761

Kafka on the Shore. When Kafka and Oshima have those little chats, it was like reading a /lit/ thread on philosophy. Painful.

>> No.7016770

He got in trouble for plagiarism /twice/, didn't he?

>> No.7016782

The Minotaur Takes a Cigarette Break... Its utter shite

>> No.7017909
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I tried to like it, I really did, but holy shit. The whole series had been going downhill for quite sometime before this volume, and it's not like it was supposed be hard science fiction in the first place, but this is the point where I had to get off the ride.

>> No.7018072
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I read "The painted bird" and I thought "this is awesome" but then I read "Passion Play" and it was so bad. I'm disenchanted.

>> No.7018717
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nothing is as it seems

>> No.7018764

why was this one so terrible? is it the author? my gf is obsessed with him

>> No.7018786

dogshit book indeed

>> No.7018798

Paulo Coelho sucks in general

>> No.7018803

Boy...that's going to go to either "The Story of O" or "The Elementary Particles", which were both so disappointing that I can't even look at their covers.

>> No.7018809

This because by the time you're 500pgs in and realise it's shit it's way too late.

>> No.7018831

Catcher in the rye

>> No.7018865

This. Total garbage. I lost two days of my life for this. I don't even hate Murakami. The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle has its merits.

>> No.7018914
File: 86 KB, 360x504, shoplifting_taolin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally the same shit as Eeeee Eee Eeee but way more pretentious. Are all his novels about a frustrated pomo wannabe neoyorker author and his struggle with existentialism?

>> No.7018916

this was shit.

I read it after Tai Pei, which literally erases any need for Shoplifting to even exist.

>> No.7018931

Old man's war and name of the wind
Easily the worst pseudo intellectual progressive genre garbage one can read. They have no redeeming qualities.
I hated Madame Bovary with a passion, but it's not that bad. Just unbelievably boring.
Some warhammer stuff was really bad, but it's expected.

>> No.7019143

Pride & Prejudice and A Clockwork Orange

>> No.7019240
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Either this or War of the Worlds.

>> No.7019389
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Either this or The Shining.

>> No.7019432

I am reading the Stand right now, never read a King book but I'm moving to the other side of the world and didn't want to start something like a Gaddis novel until I've settled in, it really is just awful but it puts me to sleep and sometimes I do want to know what will happen.

I read Island by Aldous Huxley earlier this year too, which might be worse than King.

>> No.7019840

King's short stories tend to be be better than his long works.

>> No.7019852
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>> No.7019856
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It really is a complete piece of shit.

>> No.7019866


Agreed, I have no idea why people say it's so good.

>> No.7019869
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>> No.7019936

maybe, but the movie is goat

>> No.7020302

tagobe, op?

>> No.7020464

I remember reading a small preview portion of the book. Shit book indeed.

>> No.7020490

I'm Brazilian, Paulo Coelho is a fucking joke here, no one know why he sold so much. It's so fucking ridiculous, makes no fucking sense how it happened.

>> No.7020499

Scarlet letter was terrible. Granted I read it in high school but I bet it's still shit.

>> No.7020513

I only read good books.

>> No.7020514

probably taipei

>> No.7020667
File: 95 KB, 500x308, 1430441152639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ this whole book was a train wreck. First 100 pages are all a bunch of irrelevant flashbacks, the last 160 are just Scout bitching and moaning because she learns that things change over time. God Damn. No wonder this book got canned all those years ago

>> No.7020718

1. Back to /r/books

2. He rapes his sister, Phoebe

>> No.7020762
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>having a gf
lucky tbh, I feel like Murakami fans would be cute and empty-headed enough to be fun

>> No.7020824


I just read it a few days ago, the introduction talked about how it was "the grandfather (or mother) of Proust, Joyce, etc." because it made the first jumps into personal consciousness or summat

I don't buy it

Reader, I married him.

>> No.7020839

Haha, underrated post friend

>> No.7020860

In France only plebs praise him, he's a joke for the others

>> No.7020864
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psshh...nothin personnel...kid...

>> No.7020886

But Snooki, the average erect length of a gorilla penis is three centimeters

>> No.7022191

This. I would say The Alchemist is by far the worst thing I have ever read.

>> No.7022385

mon pauvre pourquoi as tu lu ca ?

>> No.7022478

The consumer.
Gira should stick to music tbh

>> No.7022486

>much feel good shit

>> No.7022523

Gone Girl.

I was stuck at work for a couple hours, bored out of my mind, so I decided to download a book on my phone. I wanted something that doesn't require a whole lot of effort to read, because it's nearly impossible to concentrate in that environment.

Holy shit, it was terrible. Gillian Flynn writes like a depressed 14-year-old girl trying her hardest to be dark and edgy.

>> No.7023115

Agreed. Shit book. Alos don't understand why people like it so much. Clinton invited the author to some meeting with other high bosses to discuss the future.
I am told the book is about following your dreams. I didn't get this part.

>> No.7024949


>The painted bird
>Blind Date

You don't need anything else by Kosinski.

>> No.7024963

thoughts on the movie?

i liked seeing nph get garroted, but that's probably because i'm a homophobe

nph is one of those actors that just plays nph, like tom hanks or samuel l jackson

i couldn't get through captain phillips because i kept thinking why the fuck is tom hanks a ship captain

>> No.7024969

oh i didn't realize that was posted 14 hours ago

he's probably not in the thread anymore

or she

>> No.7024972


Once you've read 'The Travels' by Marco Polo, eating rocks will be a treat.

Never again, my gott

>> No.7025069

Infinite Jest.

>> No.7025301

Well, you should read Steps, maybe, it was pretty good imo

>> No.7025311


Like most people who discard this novel, it seems you have have omitted your reasoning.

Want to explain why you don't like fun?

>> No.7025328

Nph plays a boring cultured richboy fixated on his HS crush who turns out to be something of a hyperpossessive maniac. Don't know if that means he's also nph in the movie.

>> No.7025421
File: 61 KB, 500x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This piece of trash right here.
First of all it's a short read so there's no chance to fully explore the full backstory and reasoning behind Clifford's unusual coloring or mass. Second of all, the aligorical contexts of the main and secondary events are muddled and obtuse. And while the minimalist art style seems aesthetically pleasing at first, it's continued presence in this manner seems rushed and lackadaisical. The focus is all over the place and the secondary characters seem more like furniture than engaging voices to affect the main character. Having read he series I'm at a loss to find saving graces within the later installments. Whether the rudimentary plots take the reader to the post office or fire station, the climaxes arrive far to prematurely with the end of the book. One would think that by being a story from the western world that the author could at least (if even sparingly) utilize the age old crush of the Monomyth as a template for a crude story arc. But no, this goes right out the window as none of the rules of fine contemporary literature are followed. post modernism should weep for this callous example as it leaves the reader unsatisfied and mystified in its purpose or place on our book shelves.
Dictated not read,

>> No.7025442

I don't know. Probably some meme books I've started to read from here and quit reading after realizing they were shit memes.

>> No.7025468

The ending, where he literally is stationary in a hotel room for 100 pages, is a bit of a let down, but honestly, you didn't even like the early stuff with Boris? That was the bomb, man.