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7015983 No.7015983 [Reply] [Original]

Do you read in cafés?
Type on your laptop in cafés?
Or even write in a notebook in cafés?

We have no café culture where I'm from, so I'm curious how it works in real life and not just stereotypical portrayals.

>> No.7015986

most people have their laptops in cafes here in the USA

I rarely see people reading books, and if I do it's 9/10 times a girl reading pop/pseudo lit just begging to be hit on by some hipster douchebag like myself

>> No.7015996
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There's no "cafe culture" but yeah I read in cafes because I like to read with my coffee and breakfast. I don't write there because I prefer my own room for that. Reading and writing are both common enough in cafes around here that nobody's gonna judge you for it unless you live next door to Sam Hyde or something.

>> No.7015998

I used to go to one to read since my broder practiced drum playing pretty much every day. Since he was willing to impose instead of passively agressively walk around the issue he is now a pretty good player while I'm not really all that well read.
I'd recommend forcing others to tolerate your obnoxious reading.

>> No.7016000

café culture is overrated and hyped . Actually reading or writing in crowded, noisy public spaces is not efficient and peaceful. It isn't even a good way to meet and interact with people

>> No.7016014

>tfw you will never debate what to do with those troublesome Balkan provinces in a 19th century Viennese coffe house with your bros.

>> No.7016023

Yeah, that hurts to feel

>> No.7016024

Good post

>> No.7016027
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> mfw you'll never be a dandy

Why even live chaps?

>> No.7016033

only one way to find out...

>> No.7016049

>3) Your relationship status is:
>a) Single (+10)

This could work out for us, chums.

>> No.7016050

I read and write in cafés. Reading is common here, writing less so (I worry sometimes about how I look if I'm writing a lot). The fact that some cafés serve alcoholic drinks here can be a help with writing.

I don't have any problem doing it. Maybe you're oversensitive to sound or something.

>> No.7016060

I like to read in pubs sometimes. Well, I mainly just need to drink all the time and having a book with me can make me feel less weird about drinking alone.

>> No.7016064

I doubt it bothers the people who frequent them though. Its also a lot better to meet people than say reading at home. Some people are just extroverts and have to make everything a social thing.

>> No.7016107

I rarely leave my house.

>> No.7016245

You know, I always thought that writing in coffees was something for hipster, something for people who were more interested in acting like artists than actually struggling to produce significant art.

Then one day I had to make a surgery and stayed in my parents house for recovery (I needed supervision on the first days). After I start getting a little better I decided to write again. I had my office on my own apartment, so I drove every morning from my parents house to my apartment (15 minute drive). In the middle of the way there was a coffee-house and bakery, and I decided to make a quick stop there to get some coffee.

One day I sited down at one of the tables with my notebooks and resource books and started drafting some lines while I waited. To my surprise the place was strangely comfortable and inviting: I was at the same time alone and surrounded by people. I could feel the warmth of company even from complete strangers. After that I started ti work a little bit on coffee-houses every morning.

I have stopped with this habit now that I move back to my house, but I think I will start doing it again. It's a good way of starting the day.

>> No.7016297
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Cozy post, anon.

>> No.7016323
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>> No.7016344

I would if people weren't such noisy bastards

>> No.7016357
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>> No.7016362

>One day I sited

>> No.7016363

this is fuckin hilarious

>> No.7016365

Once or twice a week I go to a local 24 hour breakfast place late at night. To read or write or whatever. I actually do have one friend that meets me once a week and we discuss books or politics or whatever else.

>> No.7016371

I read in cafes all the time in jeans and a tshirt

>> No.7016388


>> No.7016466

W-what did I do wrong?

>> No.7016478

I studied a bit in cafes. Also a lot of meetings for startup shit. And working when we didn't have an office.

>> No.7016599

No. I'm too povo to waste my money on little things like Starbucks everyday.

>> No.7016606

You put milk in your coffee for one, you disgusting fatty pig.

>> No.7016617

I like to go during the quiet day hours, order a few pints and relax while reading.

>> No.7016652

Cafes are 50% people on laptops, 30% people having conversations, and 20% people reading.

>> No.7016677

What about for two?

>> No.7016687

I can't stand cafes because as soon as I wander near one I see an array of obnoxious Apple logos striking me down with their glare. I can't stand brandism, consumerism, nor technological illiteracy, and unfortunately that's what about half or so people using Apple products are, illiterate consumers. The other half or so just don't care, and want something that works as they get on with their careers and life. They're wilfully ignorant consumers, not caring about their privacy or the immediate world around them.

>> No.7016692

You don't put your shit on a coaster like an animal. And it looks like a chain you are sitting in for a third.

>> No.7016740

You seem to make a pretty good case for Apple products.

>> No.7017064


>> No.7017240


All these people wasting and overpaying their apple products, those shits are for designers/architects and audio engineers, fucking people pay 2K to play LoL and facebook.

I do see people working in their laptops at cafes (mostly Starbucks), some playing LoL, and what seem to be teachers grading works. I'm too socially awkward and fucked up to go alone to a cafe, though I think a lot about doing it.

>> No.7017298
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>We do local, organic, healthy options. Not only does our coffee shop provide an excellent and ethical assortment of drinks, but it is also our explicit goal to create an outlet for creative energies. For this reason, we host original music nights and poetry readings, along with art shows, and meetings for community groups.

is it worth checking out?
I'm trying to weigh the pros and cons

>> No.7017301

Why the fuck would I go to a cafe on my own?

>> No.7017325

So that folks can laugh at you in unison, like that time you went to the hoedown without a jig partner? Life must be hard in the sticks.

>> No.7017329

Sure, whatever.

Why the fuck would I go to a cafe on my own? I still don't understand.

>> No.7017335

To drink coffee.

And to be laughed for having no friends within a two metre radius, which is a very serious concern for small children and residents of collective farms. Buddy system and all that.

>> No.7017339

Why wouldn't I drink coffee at home? Is Starbucks coffee so superior to what I can purchase at any store? I don't get it.

>> No.7017344

Why would I drink coffee when I can just have a caffeine pill or two or half?

>> No.7017353

Starbucks is better than instant, which isn't saying much.
Boutique cafes are usually better than Starbucks.

From a practical point of view, the idea is that you do not drink coffee at home when you are not near home. A difficult concept for turnip tenders to grasp.

>> No.7017362

why go into public when I can sit on my computer and argue with internet strangers?

>> No.7017365

Pretty much.

>> No.7017477

I'm not directing this at you, but think it's important to point out that there's a difference between being single because you don't go outside/can't talk to women, and being single because you find companionship wearisome/unfashionable, even as women vie for your attention in light of your attractiveness, intelligence, dress, manners, and generally cultured tastes.

>> No.7017490

>I was at the same time alone and surrounded by people. I could feel the warmth of company even from complete strangers.

This is exactly why I go to a cafe every single day to read. Actively being WITH people exhausts me, but it feels comfortable being in a sociable environment where I can casually chat with someone for a few minutes at a time if and when I feel like it.

Just the fact that you COULD talk to someone is enough to prevent things from getting boring. Talk to the barista once every hour or two as you get another coffee, people-watch a bit, and it becomes a lot easier to read for long periods of time without feeling tired.

>> No.7017839
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>Do you read in cafés?
Yeah. I sometimes do it for the good coffee, and I'll go to one of those modern places that charge you exorbitant prices, which are usually very quiet, almost like College libraries.

Sometimes I just like going to shitty places for the anonymous company that >>7017490 noted,
or the big windows. I'll spend hours at some McDonald's paying attention to the employees, the homeless, the poor. Every now and then I'll stare out the windows and feel relaxed watching the cars and people go by, while I'm pretty comfy with not a care in the world.

My country has a pretty established café culture but we sometimes call them bars because that's where some people have their vermouth and what-not, and they're akin to those of France and Spain. The city has recently filled with shitty Starbuck-like 'boutiques' (that's how they appeal to the locals), but the worst imo are the really old ones, where you'll find old waiters in black and white who are very jumpy and impolite as fuck and every square feet crowded with small tables. The noise of those places is unbearable even if only a few tables are occupied with people.

>> No.7017845

(Con't) The only reason why I do it is because I might be on foot in the city and have a few free hours between errands.

>> No.7017879


I don't know which country you're from, but spending an afternoon in a cafe talking with your friends, or reading, while having some nice coffee and some sort of sweet is the best. Sorry man.

>> No.7018710

That sounds nice actually.

>> No.7018724

I often read in cafés, or write on a notebook in cafés too. I don't have a laptop but when i do, i'll probably use it in cafés too.

>> No.7018733

well you're not reading in a café to meet people.
you're reading there cause you want to enjoy the place or the drinks that they provide.

>> No.7019206

Yeah its not bad. After about 11 pm there are mostly single old people around (one or two in the entire restaurant) so it's quiet and they don't mind if you stay for hours.

>> No.7020721

No cafes besides Starbucks near me and I don't care for their coffee.

>> No.7021098

>tfw want to read at the local cafe but afraid of being spotted and slated by the #lads

I just want to live in a city where I don't know anyone

>> No.7021123

Why did I get strange looks while reading in my uni's study room? I just wanted to get out of my apartment for a while? Is it that rare to see someone reading?

>> No.7021170

most people in college don't read, even for classes. I'm serious, you're an anomaly if you care about your education beyond getting As at all.

>> No.7021198

>I could feel the warmth of company even from complete strangers.
I love this.
This is the reason I like public transportation. I sometimes take buses from end to end to get this feeling.
I have never actually sat alone at a café like this though. I think would feel really self-conscious if I stayed there for too long. At least on the bus no one wonders why I'm there.