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File: 457 KB, 600x336, samhYdeRACEWARNOW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7015323 No.7015323 [Reply] [Original]

Is it just me or is this board filled with post-Christian values and its twin brother post-modern narcissism?

No its not me. This board is representative of the shit state of "Western world".

Why dont you stop being an angsty druggie narcissist and start living the life of autheticity trought Jesus?

>> No.7015331


>> No.7015335
File: 58 KB, 850x400, quote-if-you-want-to-be-perfect-go-sell-your-possessions-and-give-to-the-poor-and-you-will-have-jesus-christ-36691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll do that on the day Christians embrace their own values and give away all their possessions to the poor

So in other words, never

>> No.7015348
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approach to human wealth i what counts i.e. "the love of money" not moeny per se

>inb4 pol

>> No.7015352
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The only sensible post-nihilism is a vital, life affirming nihilism.

>Unlike Nietzsche, his nihilism was gratified. Stirner laughs in his blind alley; Nietzsche beats his head against the wall.
-Bert Camels

>> No.7015359

Lel, the eternal cop out.

>I'm just going to let people starve and sit on my money, but I promise I'm not attached to it guys, I'm a good Christian boy!

>> No.7015366


I love how you prefer the comfortable explanation from an anonymous imageboard over the less comfortable explanation from your own holy book. Really shows what your real priorities are, namely material benefits.

>> No.7015384
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seriously whats wrong with not livign in poverty? how does poverty make you "more spiritual" ?

"For the love of money is a root of all sorts of evil, and some by longing for it have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs."

1 tim 6:10

not once does the bible mention that middle class tier wealth is something immoral. That being sadi, material burgeoaisse ideals (=persoanla comfort as the highest value) is a synonym with the love of money if you are refferign to that...

>The only sensible post-nihilism is a vital, life affirming nihilism.

it sound rational but Westrn societies are still very psot-christian, seems like people havent yet learned to lvie without God.

>> No.7015396

People already live without god, all they wanted in the first place were the trappings of religion. I really don't think most people are capable of standing on their own and need the support of some kind of community, and I'm not talking material self-sufficiency here I'm saying that most people need others to validate their experiences

>> No.7015404


>seriously whats wrong with not livign in poverty? how does poverty make you "more spiritual" ?

If you promote "living the life of autheticity trought Jesus", while ignoring all the bits that actually requires effort and action, such as giving away all your belongings to the poor, it shows that your absolute moral program is anything but authentic and is mostly based on talk and no action

>> No.7015419

>If you promote "living the life of autheticity trought Jesus", while ignoring all the bits that actually requires effort and action, such as giving away all your belongings to the poor, it shows that your absolute moral program is anything but authentic and is mostly based on talk and no action

you are reffering to this quote >>7015335 . In it Jesus confronts a rich young man and tell him what is quoted - to sell everythign and giv eit to the poor. That is the one of the few cases earthly poverty is made as an ideal in the NT.

Im not going full "prosperity gospel" but the other extreme i.e. equating asketism with Chrisntiy is just as bad. Judge for yourself, Jesus wasnt an ascetic. Money is just a tool, you can use it wisely and foolishly.

>> No.7015428

Christians are the biggest cucks

>> No.7015448

>Christians are the biggest cucks

nope, those would be post-chiristian/humanist/SJW types. Christians are far less guilt ridden than post-Chrisnitans.

>> No.7015450


More excuses. This is why people prefer nihilistic narcissism over "living the life of autheticity trought Jesus", because that life isn't authentic at all. It's all talk, all whining, and when actual effort is required, all excuses.

At least nihilistic narcissists are honest. They admit that they only care about material benefits, payoffs and rewards. You do too, but on top of it, you lie about it and when there are no rewards involved, you try to weasel your way out of action and use every excuse under the sun to not do what you boldly procliam everyone ought to be doing.

That answers the question you asked in the OP. You can end this thread now

>> No.7015458

That must be why everytime I go to a club the monks are always ballin with their Fendi clothes.

>> No.7015467

Egoism is not Hedonism.

>> No.7015480
File: 55 KB, 470x371, christiantiy voortrekersway_of_life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>More excuses.

I answered quite straigh forward your question abotu Christnian approach to money - its a tool use it wisely. Pragmatic, early protestant ethic approach is what is most cloesest to the biblical doctrine.

>> No.7015498

/lit/ cosplaying as anime villains again

>> No.7015502
File: 48 KB, 600x506, Please+Tread+on+Me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being guilt ridden has nothing to do with being cucked you stupid cuck

>> No.7015504


Yes, you conveniently 'interpreted' the Bible in such a way that there's no risk and no downside involved for you.

Again, you answered your own question. People prefer narcissism and post-Christian values over the whining of Holy Warriors of the Cross like you, because you claim to be authentic and act in a way that's anything but authentic. Postmodernists never claim to be authentic, so they don't fucking lie to me, unlike you

>> No.7015511


lol Protestant ethic cucked you out kid.

Read Weber's the Protestant ethic.

Protestants used pre-destination as a way to support Capitalism. Today's Americanized work ethic that exist in the western world is nothing else but the protestant work ethic in working towards salvation, only there is no God at the end, but just money. Protestants are the biggest hypocrites in that regard.

>> No.7015526
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>being guilt ridden has nothing to do with being cucked you stupid cuck

exept the fact that one cause the other. most psot-chrisntian societies are the msot cucked.

>because you claim to be authentic and act in a way that's anything but authentic. Postmodernists never claim to be authentic, so they don't fucking lie to me, unlike you

I dont know man...I mean I cant prove you Im authentic or whatever

>Read Weber's the Protestant ethic.

I did.

>Today's Americanized work ethic that exist in the western world is nothing else but the protestant work ethic in working towards salvation, only there is no God at the end, but just money.

A+. When you remove God from Protestant work ethic you end up with the current stat of affairs - diligent workign but with a worhtless goal. But protestant God is not to blame for that the problems of post-christian society...

>> No.7015538
File: 1.02 MB, 1388x1600, JohnCalvin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calvinism makes perfect sense, lad, it's the least inherently contradictory form of Christianity.

>> No.7015547


>A+. When you remove God from Protestant work ethic you end up with the current stat of affairs - diligent workign but with a worhtless goal. But protestant God is not to blame for that the problems of post-christian society...

The philosophy of Protestantism is so utterly stupid, that Protestants literally used pre-destination to justify capitalism. Catholicism was never ok with Merchant and Capitalist development in Europe since the model of power it had aligned itself was Feudalism.

Working for God or working for Capital, it doesn't matter , the result is the same , the abject greed and hypocritical egoism Protestantism developed is so out of proportion with the original message of Christianity it's not even funny. At least Catholics know that even if their church is the whore of Babylon, they don't use this lazy and hypocritical argument, "faith is enough" to be a christian.

Protestants are the laziest Christians and you have no right to complain about the post-christian world of today that Protestantism helped come about by being the ideological support for capitalism and economic exploitation.

>> No.7015558

>, they don't use this lazy and hypocritical argument, "faith is enough" to be a christian.
they use 'paid club membership is enough'.

>> No.7015572
File: 237 KB, 741x1208, protestant1410510161667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Protestants literally used pre-destination to justify capitalism.

I persoanlly wasnt impressed with Webers explanation of work ethics trough calvinism. Most of protestant sects rejected prredestianation but still had work ethics. I think work ethics in protestant societs had come msotly by more affirming approach to life, less guitl ridden by the assureness of salavtion in this life (that doesnt exist in Catholisicm).

>Protestants are the laziest Christians

What do you mean by that? They approact to the Christina doctrines the msot seriously of all Chrisitiay (the one who consider themselves as Christians), for example : pre martial sex is still a thign in the bible blet while cathilisc in europe are pretty casual about it, still USA is all about JEsus while europe is mostly "culturally christian"

>> No.7015575


Matthew 19:24 "Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God."

The Bible doesn't mention "middle class-tier wealth" because there was no such thing as a middle class in Judea. The concept of wealth in Christianity is that material possessions inherently create an attachment which distracts from spiritual devotion to God, hence why priests (at least in Catholic tradition) take a vow of poverty. Jesus makes it quite clear that wealth is incompatible with spirituality.

Mark 12:41-44 "Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents. Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, 'Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on.'"
Jesus makes it quite clear here that the full giving of one's wealth supersedes any concept of money as a "tool" — that you give all matters more to God than how much you give.

Of course, I'm sure your opinion is more valid to Christian doctrine (as seems to be the common case today) than the words of Jesus.

>> No.7015578

Which is why it needs to go away.

>> No.7015581


Because the children of today cannot possibly comprehend a world where the trillions of people whose bones litter this world might possibly have been right about a few things.

>> No.7015605
File: 158 KB, 500x530, weegee-the-impaler.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Children these days just don't get it

> an argument that has literally been made by every generation of old people, for thousands of years.

>Mfw the wisest old folks are the ones actually willing to believe in the potential of young people and give them some credit.

>> No.7015610

>Matthew 19:24 "Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God."

Rich in what way?

>Jesus makes it quite clear that wealth is incompatible with spirituality.

Absoltuly not. Jesus himself was ambivalent towards money -preached in the houses of rich people of Judea, preached to leppers, had fancy clothes the moment before he was crucified (that is why Roman sodleirs gambled for them). HE also enjoyed the company of friends, drinkign wine, small earthly pleasures that make life easier and that are completly OK in Gods eyes.

>Mark 12:41-44

you misunderstood that verse - it talks about hipocricy and approach to money not money per se.

>> No.7015612


Aristotle said that kids in his day didn't get it either, and they had him executed.

Learned men stand on the shoulders of giants.

>> No.7015621

Disregard, I meant Socrates.

It's been a while since I brought out the philosophy. It's a bit webby in my head still.

>> No.7015653

The history of the world is finished; all that is needed is for the specific individual to rediscover it in himself.

Napoleon’s victory at Jena, Hegel’s completion of The Phenomenology of Mind and the birth of Max "the Last Man" Stirner completed the initial formation and expression of modernity.

>> No.7015665


>when there's risk involved for others, it literally means whatever it says
>when there's risk involved for me, you totally 'misunderstood' it and it's not read 'in context'

>> No.7016038


>not being young and naive
>not drinking cheap lombrusco wine on the gianicolo hill overlooking rome

>> No.7016067
File: 21 KB, 576x317, sam hyde mde faggot889384252837_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like you

>> No.7016149
File: 18 KB, 914x1091, just_bee_yourself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still believing in the authentic existence
>thinking that your faith is not merely an expression of ""uniqueness"" that all individuals must maintain in a neoliberal society