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7014447 No.7014447 [Reply] [Original]

Best companion for Ulysses?

>> No.7014452

a brazilian shemale with a thick cock. Coke can thick.

>> No.7014454

ebic post eks dee

>> No.7014457

harr harr harrr!

>> No.7016056

Bumping for sensible answers

>> No.7016065

His letters to Nora.

>> No.7016070

>literally thinks in terms of porn and commercialized capitalism.

Good goy

>> No.7016083

The Bloomsday Book is essential

>> No.7016118

Well, I used the Gifford annotations as well as a book of essays on each episode. I recommend a similar arrangement, as that way you get a meticulous catalogue of the obscure facts mentioned in the novel, while also getting some more holistic interpretive views to stimulate your own.

>> No.7016356


>> No.7016401

Haven't got to read Ulysses yet, but I bought the 20th Anniversary Edition of Gifford's Ulysses Annotated. Anon's from here recommended it and I've heard positive opinions about it.
Even >>7016118 recommends it, so yeah, I think it's your best bet.

You should also take some good dictionary just in case the words seem odd to you or if English isn't your native, and reading previous Joyce's works and The Odyssey/The Iliad is required. Also, when I'm reading complex and long works, a good cup of my favorite caffeine drink helps to keep my concentration high (Yerba Mate for me).

Good luck anon.

>> No.7016415


Oh, yeah, I'm the guy you quoted, and if the OP's still here you should definitely have a dictionary by your side. I'm a native English speaker with a pretty large vocabulary, and even I was quite frequently having to reference things in the dictionary, especially as Joyce seemed to have a penchant for using slightly archaic words (even for the time period) to describe everyday objects and the like. Also, of course it was written nearly a hundred years ago, so it's gonna have slightly archaic vocabulary no matter how you slice it.

>> No.7016423

Thanks for the advice
I guess I'll start off by reading Dubliners...

>> No.7016442
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While we're on the topic of Joyce, what notes/companions would you guys recommend for Finnegans Wake?

>> No.7016446

As many companion books as you can get your grubby little paws on. The more interpretive angles the better, as far as I'm concerned. There's basically an infinite amount of information in that book, which makes sense, as Joyce intended it as an account of everything. But, I personally think Joyce's Book of the Dark is maybe the best, though it is itself a quite dense book.

>> No.7016455

No problem, if you have any further questions just make a thread of ask here. Generally /lit/ is a good place to ask for help about Joyce in general.

>> No.7016491


>> No.7016526


>> No.7016546

Frank Delaney's Re:Joyce is bretty good.

>> No.7016614

Why don't you use your fucking MIND instead of relying on commentaries, you fucking pleb? Did you know that you only use 10% of your brain's power, and even then the power that you do use is greater than the most powerful supercomputer's maximum power? You're a disgrace to the human race. Where's your pride and your spirit? Have you even read Plato's Republic? For fuck's sake, I'm rambling but you really disgust me and you should disgust yourself.

>> No.7016686

Probably Polites. Most of the other ones that are named manage to fuck up in some way or other, eating things they're not supposed to, cracking winds they're not supposed to, those kinda things.

>> No.7016728


Some people just aren't as smart as you and can't do a thing about it. So please, be fucking nice.

>> No.7016780

lmao kill yourself

>> No.7016909

Why does he wear the patch?

>> No.7016936

A lot of loyalty for someone who doesn't read!

>> No.7016950
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me? i read.

haven't read ulysses though tbqhwyiim (to be quite honest with you if i may).

>> No.7017031

>not realizing he's being facetious
Well, I guess we've found a couple of ACTUAL idiots. I mean, he gave it away from the start with the stuff about "10% of your brain's power." Shamefur dispray.

>> No.7017059


>> No.7017098
File: 486 KB, 900x696, fwake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


· finwake.com (glosses)

· pen and paper (make your own glosses)

· www.wakeinprogress.com (I like this guy)

· 'A Skeleton Key to Finnegans Wake' (although this is more me recommending you Campbell, he is fun to read, and has interesting ideas/interpretations of his own)

Plus this movie is somewhat fair to the book:


And don't forget to listen to the song atleast twice a week:


&finally, picrelated.