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7013102 No.7013102 [Reply] [Original]

Was Judge Holden God?

>> No.7013108

He was Cain.

>> No.7013112

he was pain

>> No.7013113

Woah dude MIND BLEWN

>> No.7013116

what did he mean by this?

>> No.7013122

He was a Gnostic Archon you stupid shit.

>> No.7013123

Casper knew this.

>> No.7013129

I thought he was the embodiment of war/human violence.

>> No.7013130

babby's first literary fiction

take it to /v/ kiddo

>> No.7013133

Blood Meridian would make a great videogame.
Im thinking Witcher 3 + Silent Hill 2

>> No.7013134
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Was Tom Bombadil God?

>> No.7013136

he was a renaissance man. that's it. compare his approach to life with that of the ex-priest.

>> No.7013139
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>> No.7013142

no he wasn't
the people who say blood meridian is gnostic don't have any idea what gnosticism is
you're just parroting ignorant morons

>> No.7013149

One day I've seen a thread about this book. Not really about it in the first time. OP asked if someone could give him some books that have that "Good, Bad and Ugly" feel in it. Someone replied: the best epic western novel is..., and the anti-western is Blood Meridian by McCarthy.

I can't remember the first one he listed, what was it?

>> No.7013152

>See The Judge
>You die
wow amazing

>> No.7013153

I really like the gnostic interpretation, what do you think is wrong with it?

>> No.7013159

>not playing as the Judge
what a casual

>> No.7013162

Holden was superego

>> No.7013170

I gurantee I know more about Gnosticism than you bitch.

>> No.7013171
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making up genres now are we?

>> No.7013177
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>> No.7013182

The guy used that word in his post.

>> No.7013192

>Play as the Judge
>See a bird
>Draw it then shoot it
>Have consensual sex with a man
yes how very hardcore

>> No.7013206

>Have consensual sex with a man
as long as its not a QTE and requires actual skilled gameplay it wouldnt matter.

>> No.7013211

what did i mean by that

>> No.7013213


>> No.7013215

Seriously though am I the only one who found it strange with the guy talking a piss just outside the jaks or was he just a red herring?

>> No.7013262

A couple of days ago in that thread about tripfags there was a picture talking about the cycle of posters, how eventually even people that post good stuff turn to shit with the anonymity. And I really think that's true. I've been posting such stupid shit for a while. anonymously, but 4chan was more fun as a trip. /lit/ was more fun.
No one solved my puzzle though.

>> No.7013371

it means a western that breaks the rules of traditional westerns

>> No.7013404

Come on lads, it's obvious that the Judge is Mephistopheles and Margaret is senseless and thrilling violence.

>> No.7013435

No. It's very clear Holden bears resemblance to Satan hence why the kid sees cloven hooves in the scene before they make their own gun powder.

>> No.7013463

The Judge is the anti-allegoric, the character who COULD stand for someone/thing, but instead opts to stand for no one/thing.

And he will never die.

>> No.7013740

Just finished this book yesterday. Enjoyed some parts of it but felt decidedly plebeian throughout most of it. I took the ending to mean the kid "embraced" whatever it was the judge stood for after denying him earlier. What was the epilogue about?

>> No.7013790
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No you goon. Mount & Blade: Scalpband. Play as a character from the books or create your own and the game stretches from California to Mexico City.

You can join up with Glanton and his gang and scalp natives for bounty money or you can join a militia to bring him to justice. You can even play as a native and try to kill whitey or just survive. Blood Meridian as a Mount & Blade mod just seems perfect to me. It's all about horses and bands of men wandering around killing each other. If nobody decides to make this mod when Bannerlord comes around I might have to.

>> No.7013808

Holden is obviously War.

>> No.7013866
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>> No.7013880
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>> No.7013924

>this entire thread
every post is bait right?
please tell me youre all joking.

>> No.7013931

Not this one >>7013139 fam tbh lad

>> No.7013934


>> No.7013941
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>> No.7013955

I don't think he's meant to symbolize any specific entity but there are certainly arguments to be made for him representing:

-"evil" interpretation of the old testament God

I lean more towards the first option, with his obsession to have control over all other beings (while Satan is more of a rebellious figure). But there are also some pretty clear allusions to the Satan of Paradise Lost so you can certainly make a case for that too.

>> No.7013995

Judge Holden was a sock puppet. I'm not surprised even /lit/ recognizes he wasn't supposed to be a real person. McCarthy has the subtlety of a titty bar dancer.

>> No.7014069

>muh subtlety
not everything has to be a puzzle, nerd

>> No.7014513

Didn't see the thread but another good "anti-western" is Sisters Brothers.

>> No.7014549

well memed

>> No.7014564

Holden raped his sister.

>> No.7014593

He was a representation of the Devil as he's presented in Paradise lost. There's a specific scene where he tell's them how to make gunpwoder which resembles a scene of the Devil speeching in Paradise lost.

Look up Yale Courses Blood Meridian on youtube, you can find an hour long lecture on why and how he is representing Satan.there(among other things)

>> No.7014745

So long you give the Apache crazy looking custom face paintings.

>> No.7014752

I imagined him as BANE.