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File: 16 KB, 225x225, Theosophy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7012149 No.7012149 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of theosophy?

>> No.7012161

lol, they changed the swastika at the top

>> No.7012165

Yet another wonderful outlet to fill people's spiritual needs. Yay for them.

>> No.7012173

literal liquid shit

>> No.7012234

Confirmed to know nothing about theosophy.

>> No.7012266
File: 24 KB, 288x317, teosofia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do people not see how ominous and blatantly evil this symbol is? Look at its imagery and philosophical meaning.

It's a symbol representing the eternal imprisonment of the soul within the deranged aborted matter of Yaldabaoth

>> No.7012272

>Gnostic heretic detected

>> No.7012279

sounds like a bunch of mystic new age garbaje before it was new age, worse than metaphysics tbh

>> No.7012334
File: 294 KB, 532x992, world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top left, angel, emotions
top right, eagle, intellect
bottom left, bull, body
bottom right, lion, sexuality/creativity
arranged by the negative and the positive, sun and moon
surrounded by the ouroboros, the constant change, the end and the neverending
inside the snake hit by the arrow, $, the "unknown superior", or perhaps a barred subject?

>> No.7012339

The first pulp religion.

>> No.7012348

It's only "evil" by the meanings of a paradigm that it doesn't subscribe to. You're silly.

>> No.7012350

For people who think the Cthulhu mythos and the Conan stories to be based on historical events.

>> No.7012354

I don't see what lemonade has to do with this.

>> No.7012368

People give theosophy/Gnosticism/Kabalah a lot of shit because New Age retards take that shit literally and think they are living in a fantasy setting.

But in reality very little separates it from theology or metaphysics.

The Kabbalah alone is one of the most impressive non-European metaphysical systems to ever exist.

>> No.7012394

Agree with you on Gnosticism and Kabbalah, but as far as Theosophy goes, Blavatsky herself even took it literally. She was a New Age retard before there was even such a thing.

>> No.7012402

Blavatsky more or less founded New Age

>> No.7012416

Blavatsky and Crowley ruined the west.

>> No.7012424

One simple interpretation is that those 4 are the Evangelists (the animals correspond) and the guy at the center is Christ ressurected/the iniate having completed intiation and reached the state of androgynous/adam kadmon the primordial man/woman of the kabbalistic tradition.

This. People associate the gnostic tradition and the kabbalah with New Age, because they associate anything that's not straight Christanity, straight Islam, etc. with New Age.

And that's because New Agers, just like people who see New Age in every spirituality, are lazy people with poor sense of distinctions, a poor taste for scholarship (or not at all), and absolutely low standards when it comes to holding their own beliefs to scrutiny.

The others learn ancient languages, but most importantly they learn to shut up.

As an aside a good deal of the kabbalah was designed by thinkers living in Europe, so it's not entirely non-European. Like commentaries on Greek philosophy, it's a thing that stretches accross the Mediterranea and reaches up to the Middle East, Central and Western Europe, and ultimately, even the US.

>> No.7014012

It's too concerned with symbolism and it ruined alchemy.

>> No.7014047

Blavatsky was a cheeky lass and it has an interesting history in bringing Buddhism to the west, but I have not interest in any of its 'teachings'

>The Kabbalah alone is one of the most impressive non-European metaphysical systems to ever exist.

I would agree, same with the enormous treatise and commentary tradition in Tibetan Buddhism.

>> No.7014068

>the enormous treatise and commentary tradition in Tibetan Buddhism.
Buddhism in general does this. Well, except for Zen, which basically says texts are distractions.