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7011890 No.7011890[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>"I am a philosopher of the Dark Enlightenment."

>> No.7011897

>i got it on sale

>> No.7011902

Fucking Marxist scum go back to >>>/leftypol/ like the brainwashed faggot you are
When the world goes up in flames, we'll be there to pick up the pieces, and you'll still be a faggot. Only probably a dead one.

>> No.7011912
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>I consider myself an archeofuturist

>> No.7011922
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>When the world goes up in flames, we'll be there to pick up the pieces, and you'll still be a faggot. Only probably a dead one.

>> No.7012441

The Dark Enlightenment is actually the only theoretical system in modern political science that makes any kind of sense. The rest are universally pure shitty ideology without any rational content at all. Moldbug's analysis of the castes of the US was brilliant, as are Nydwracu'd linguistic dissections. Of course they are mocked when the pseudointellectual Brahmin scum on this board buy into everything the Cathedral tells them.

>> No.7012466

Moldbug presents an interesting critique of the current system, but rather than thinking of unique solutions to the system's issues, he engages in idiotic hero-worship of the Ancien Regime, dismissing its obvious and gaping flaws as lies spread by the so-called "cathedral," which is basically a more intellectual sounding version of Jewish conspiracy theories. Just another STEMlord who thinks he can solve all problems in all fields without rigorously engaging with those fields.

>> No.7012473
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>> No.7012474

if i heard anyone use that made up word in real life, it would absolutely be vomited forth by a fucking fedora, and they would receive a fist to the throat

>> No.7012479

>Ever since it became theoretically evident that our precious personal identities were just brand-tags for trading crumbs of labour-power on the libidino-economic junk circuit, the vestiges of authorial theatricality have been wearing thinner

everything nick land says is correct and the truth

it is a misfortune that you lack the foresight to recognise this fact if you disagree with this

>> No.7012489

Of all the names that they could've chosen for their movement why did they choose "Dark Enlightenment"? It sounds like something a middle schooler would come up with.

>> No.7012492

What does he mean by authorial theatricality

>> No.7012497

>dark enlightenment
The main problem with them is their name. They sound like cartoon villains.

They should just call themselves traditionalists or reactionaries.

>> No.7012505

>the so-called "cathedral," which is basically a more intellectual sounding version of Jewish conspiracy theories
Moldbug himself is a Jew, mate. And he explicitly notes that it is not any sort of centralized conspiracy.
>he engages in idiotic hero-worship of the Ancien Regime
Not true at all. He recognizes the central characteristic of the political systems of our time (and, indeed, all time) — that the Left is entropy and the Right is order — and builds successfully from there. That the Ancien Regime was unquestionably better at maintaining order is no hero-worship but the bald truth.

>> No.7012510

Enlightenment is not only a state, but an event, and a process. As the designation for an historical episode, concentrated in northern Europe during the 18th century, it is a leading candidate for the ‘true name’ of modernity, capturing its origin and essence (‘Renaissance’ and ‘Industrial Revolution’ are others). Between ‘enlightenment’ and ‘progressive enlightenment’ there is only an elusive difference, because illumination takes time – and feeds on itself, because enlightenment is self-confirming, its revelations ‘self-evident’, and because a retrograde, or reactionary, ‘dark enlightenment’ amounts almost to intrinsic contradiction. To become enlightened, in this historical sense, is to recognize, and then to pursue, a guiding light.

>> No.7012516

that you're just an assemblage of anonymous slime unconsciously striving towards the full body without organs

>> No.7012537

Moldbug is almost certainly more well-read than you are and will ever be. He's also an admitted philosemitic, being of Jewish ancestry himself and in respect of their high IQ.

>> No.7012547

>The Dark Enlightenment is actually the only theoretical system in modern political science that makes any kind of sense
Reading about the Dark Enlightenment has made me question how much they know or understand about modern political science.

>> No.7012569

because your brain is clogged with cathedral-think

>> No.7012588

>He recognizes the central characteristic of the political systems of our time (and, indeed, all time) — that the Left is entropy and the Right is order — and builds successfully from there.
In other words, he and his lackies want monarchy and feudalism with planes, trains, automobiles, computers, and the a-bomb.

Brilliant. This will surely usher in a new Zeitgeist.

>> No.7012604

What's the difference between this school of thought and Julius Evolas call for a radical social reformation towards a more Traditional order?

Does Nick Land understand the transcendent metaphysical truth that serves as its foundation?

>> No.7012624

Anti-Oedipus aligns itself with the replicants, because, rather than placing a personal unconscious within the organism, it places the organism within the machinic unconscious

>> No.7012626

Dismissing the last 200 years or so of political and social theory as "cathedral think" is a mighty convenient excuse to ignore it all in favor of some dank reactionary theory you got from a fucking blog.

>> No.7012634

They understand enough. They just want to monopolize violence and own the patents.

>> No.7012645

Well bloody done. 9/10. This definitely rustled my jimmies, eh

>> No.7012661

>those nails
spaghetti just squirted out of my nose

>> No.7012703

>Fucking Marxist scum go back to >>>/leftypol/ like the brainwashed faggot you are. When the world goes up in flames, we'll be there to pick up the pieces, and you'll still be a faggot. Only probably a dead one.
>tfw no gf

>> No.7012717

Left: Feminine men, masculine women
Right: Masculine men, feminine women

>> No.7012754

modern liberalism is as much a theological enterprise as organised religion used to be (that's why it's called the cathedral) no qualms in dismissing it offhand once one comes to this conclusion

i remember being a left-wing type person when i started to fall down this rabbit hole and i remember the couple of weeks of trauma i went through after reading land's DE essays. that's what it feels like to realise you've been lied to your entire life.

>> No.7012764

Moldbug is a Jew who has spent his entire internet career writing about how modern atheism is actually Christianity's fault. Also, it actually IS Christianity.

>> No.7012770

Left: liberty to be what you want to be.

Right: compulsion and mandatory asymmetrical power dynamics.

>> No.7012772

>i remember being a left-wing type person when i started to fall down this rabbit hole and i remember the couple of weeks of trauma i went through after reading land's DE essays. that's what it feels like to realise you've been lied to your entire life.
Sounds like you're very impressionable if a single essay convinced you that everything you've ever known was a lie.

>> No.7012783

>le more well read argument.

Different anon. Please don't use that argument on /lit, it's completely bankrupt and way overused.

Thousands of idiots are more well-read than most people, it doesn't mean much.

>> No.7012796

>mandatory asymmetrical power dynamics
biologically determined hierarchy is the natural order

intelligence > dummies
handsome > uglies
athletic > fatties

>> No.7012797

Because a neckbeard on 4chan blaming his lack of girlfriend on all women not being feminine enough is the epitome of masculinity.

>> No.7012811

Why not? It was a response to the accusation of Moldbug for not 'engaging with the field'.

The people who are criticising the DE should cite something and point out what's wrong with it.

>> No.7012812

Can we please stop with that Matrix style ideological meme? "Lol I read some right-wing fringe author's stuff about women and niggers and it was a revelation to realize the far-left commie estalishment has been lying to me because women are free to fuck whomever they please and not me"

>> No.7012815

>le appeal to nature maymay
>still believing in the bullshit notion of nature, let alone the false nature vs nurture dichotomy

>> No.7012816

I have a girlfriend, what you're saying is directed at a boogyman straw person that you've created in your mind to affirm your views due to any opposing views being held by non fashionable disagreeable people.

>> No.7012820

Liberal defeners, explain the race gap in IQ.

>muh environmental circumstances

>> No.7012821

>Liberty to be what you want to be (with no one having the right to speak against your choices no matter what they are or you will do everything you can to ruin their life)

>> No.7012826

>The only thing that matters is the last 200 years

>> No.7012832

They will fall back and double down. It's all social. It's all circumstancial. No evidence will prove their god wrong.

>> No.7012833


Moldbug just devolves into hysterics, all of his rants are some kind of libertarian "the state has too power and is devolving to cultural warfare" bullshit.

Yet all of these idiots are playing right into the hand of identity politics Liberal Democracy thrives on, i.e. healthy participation in the collective political determination of a state.

Nothing Moldbug says is particularly original, it's just more conservative bitching over an imagined "egalitarian conspiracy" meant to destroy Western civilization, yet nothing he says is particularly against or apart the European Enlightenment.


I agree with Nick Land but from a Marxist perspective, yet I'm also very aware that Nick hasn't identified with these idiots from the purity of his heart or because he is blithering racialist/paleo-conservative.

>> No.7012839


>Taking the Ebola meme seriously.

Might as well read Blavatsky and Crowley m8.

>> No.7012842

Sure thing. If you think le dark enlightenment hasn't been fashionable for years you're deluded. It's the new cool thing to justify one's idiotic beliefs under the pretense of a brand ideology with a cool-sounding name for the Y generation.
>you know, I hate it when women have fun by doing things I don't want them to do. But this isn't because I'm a sexist asshole, it's beause I believe in le Dark Enlightenment®. Also I never studied political science and I think evopsych is taken seriously anywhere outside evopsych

>> No.7012850

I'll happily explain to you once you explain the leftist-rightist IQ gap.

>> No.7012851

>intelligence > dummies
>handsome > uglies
>athletic > fatties
Do you understand the Darwinist concept of reciprocal altruism? Everyone has different talents, which are just as valuable as pure intelligence. Furthermore, 'intelligence' can be divided into subcategories. In your society of 'masculine' STEM nerds, who do you imagine will pave the roads, erect the skyscrapers, and toil in the factories? Who will draft the extensive sets of technical schematics and construction drawings? Who will aid the surgeon in the operating room, or tend to the patients after? Robots? Who will assemble the robots?

See, people like you have no idea about what constitutes the 'natural order'. Purely in Darwinian terms, your genes aren't very successful if they can't make you cooperate with other people. If you're an asshole, no matter how smart you are, objectively speaking you are a failed organism. Trying to subordinate others to your will is futile, as history has shown time and time again.

>> No.7012864

>evopsych is taken seriously anywhere outside evopsych

you mean to say that the entire social science dept. industry whose interest is in maintaining the delusion of blank slate theory are opposed to biological determinism

>> No.7012867

Still on that Darwin grind, eh? How strange

>> No.7012870
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Anybody here who is a conservative/Nrx read this book.

Because Land's early works are certainly nihilistc and don't point towards any positive political program.

Don't get me wrong wanking off to De'Maistre and Burke is good for conservative points. But Nick Land and Accelerationism is pure Darwinism. Has nothing to do with reinforcing traditional values/morality but reinforcing capitalist de-teriorilization, arguably to such an inhuman level, that it sounds like the script from the Terminator.

>> No.7012872

There's also the fact that Darwinian evolution doesn't fucking explain everything in modern society as anyone with a post-high-school understanding of evolution will tell you.

>> No.7012874
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>> No.7012876

Why else would I have been drawn to Evola if I wasn't already deeply rooted in the occult and mysticism?

>> No.7012885


If that's what rocks your boat, ok.

>> No.7012890

High IQ doesn't mean resistance to brainwashing

Academia is institutional brainwashing

>Left: Feminine men, masculine women
>Right: Masculine men, feminine women

>> No.7012892

No, I meant in actual biology which is where I work for. Again, no one serious in the field subscribes to the false nature vs nurture dichotomy, and what they reproach among among the many faults that make evopsych a non-hard science is the fundamental unfalsibiality of its central tenets.

>> No.7012893

i have only seen one study which is satoshi kanazawa's which i believe is the one you're citing. the conclusions he arrived at seem pretty reasonable to me.

now your turn.

check out his other studies btw :^)

>> No.7012902

>masculine is what I want it to be
What's your digit ratio Mr. Uberalpha?

>> No.7012913

You didn't lool hard, enough. Here's what 10 seconds of googling found:
Then again, I won't mind if blacks and right-wing people do turn out to be naturally dumber as I am left-wing and white :^)

>> No.7012918

>There's also the fact that Darwinian evolution doesn't fucking explain everything in modern society
It must explain many things. It's true that our psychological inclinations should be a function of our evolutionary history.

The funny thing about that is that right-wingers often like to appeal to evolutionary psychology to justify reactionary memes that are specifically NOT beneficial in evolutionary terms. Rigid hierarchical structures based on arbitrary criteria for what constitutes 'superiority', and the treatment of our fellow humans as cattle is one example of things that aren't justifiable as a viable survival strategy, but are pushed by right-wing pseudoscientists constantly.

>> No.7012925

>Academia is institutional brainwashing
Because 4chan nerds who never studied any kind of pol sci are obviously immune to brainwashing on top of being the final authority on what is masculine and feminine

>> No.7012932


check em

>> No.7012933

land's position is only called 'right wing' because the left's hatred of capitalism and darwinism sequesters it there. the statist left gave up on revolution when they stopped being economic marxists and became cultural marxists

>> No.7012937

Didn't imply that, but scrawny liberal weaklings aren't either

>> No.7012941

>muh pol sci
social 'science', political 'science'

these are misnomers. unless they produce testable hypotheses, repeatable experiments, consistent predictions they are not sciences.

>> No.7012949

>cultural marxism
That's a literal buzzword invented by the American far-right to lump everything they don't like into one ideology. As always with Americans, its very terminology shows a remarkable lack of understanding about Marxist theory.


>> No.7012955

Doesn't matter what you call it

>> No.7012956

it encompasses all that is called by the hallowed name, 'theory', by left wingers. it's just a different name

>> No.7012959

The social sciences' rigor is another debate on which I mostly agree with you. That still doesn't mean Anon's STEM degree grants him in any way the expertise needed to evaluate brainwashing and the "essence" of masculinity.

>> No.7012963

>The most fundamental idea, egalitarianism, is in fact a form of individualism. When an individual says “I want to do whatever I want and no one can tell me I am wrong or stupid,” this is individualism, but when applied to a population — for example the idea of universal validity of lifestyle approaches and values, or pluralism — it keeps the same form but is argued from the group instead of from the individual. This disguises its fundamentally parasitic nature. Civilization involves a trade-off between individual needs and responsibilities involved in keeping civilization afloat; the individualists only see the first part. This means that they use civilization for their own ends, partaking of its benefits and externalizing — or making into obligations for others — the results of their behavior.

>> No.7012968

I just call myself a Juggalo.

>> No.7012970

tl;dr i want people to do what i think they should do

>> No.7012983

> Civilization involves a trade-off between individual needs and responsibilities involved in keeping civilization afloat; the individualists only see the first part. This means that they use civilization for their own ends, partaking of its benefits and externalizing — or making into obligations for others — the results of their behavior.

>a woman's obligation is to stay in the kitchen and please my throbbing cock
>a homosexual's responsibility is to not exist
>a transgender person's responsibility is to not exist
>it is everyone's responsibility to be born high IQ STEMlards. anything else is worthless
>other responsibilities include following arbitrary customs, social norms, and various other elaborate rituals that don't really have any objective value besides pleasing my personal whims

>> No.7012994

: )

>> No.7013005

TBH Napoleon was pretty close to his age's version of that in his early life, yet he was also the baddest motherfucker of all time.

>> No.7013020

You're obviously having a hard time reading books of any significance, huh?
>inb4 fedora

>> No.7013023

Appeal to popularity
Argumentum ad baculum
blah blah blah, you're wrong on so many levels.

>> No.7013037

The point of aristocracy is recognizing that most people are self-interested, but per Dunning-Kruger and a half-dozen other reasons, unlikely to correctly identify what self-interest is.

The myth of the rational consumer becomes tenfold with democracy.

>> No.7013056

>When the world goes up in flames...
The world is already ash for the worker my euphoric friend.

I went to /leftypol/ and got banned in like two day because every single on of them is exactly like you! They hate the SJWs and the feminists! Apparently the sanctity of the gender binary negates any possibility of a popular front.

You just want to preserve muh western civ through some minor Hal Lindsey shyt, these dudes want to preserve western civilization, patriarchy, and white supremacy through a revolution in the means of production.

They love them way more than you ever can. ;_;

>> No.7013062

Marxism is actually the only theoretical system in modern political science that makes any kind of sense. The rest are universally pure shitty ideology without any rational content at all. Marcuse's analysis of the classes of the US was brilliant, as are Badiou's linguistic dissections. Of course they are mocked when the pseudointellectual Bourgeois scum on this board buy into everything the State Academic Apparatus tells them.

>> No.7013065

Fallacy fallacy
Attempting to use cool latin words to make you sound smart like in your debating classes fallacy

>> No.7013070

tw: redpill

human beings will never not be lied to their entire lives.

take a few deep breaths and have a glass of water.

>> No.7013079


Wait, do you people actually take this seriously? Wow.

>> No.7013092

Gender is totes historical and region specific.

>> No.7013104
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>Everybody except us Marxist post-modernists is on the wrong side of history, don't you see that our ideology will go unchallenged for the rest of human existence?

>> No.7013118

>1. Peace, prosperity, and freedom
blue pill:
Democracy is responsible for the present state of peace, prosperity, and freedom in the US, Europe and Japan.

red pill:
The rule of law is responsible for the present state of peace, prosperity and freedom in the US, Europe and Japan.

>2. Democracy, freedom, and law
blue pill:
Democracy is inseparable from freedom and law.

red pill:
At best, democracy is sand in the gears of freedom and law. At worst it excludes them entirely, as in Iraq.

>3. Fascism and communism
blue pill:
The disasters of fascism and communism demonstrate the importance of representative democracy.

red pill:
Fascism and communism are best understood as forms of democracy. The difference between single-party and multiparty democracy is like the difference between a malignant tumor and a benign one.

>4. The nature of the state
blue pill:
The state is established by citizens to serve their needs. Its actions are generally righteous.

red pill:
The state is just another giant corporation. Its actions generally advance its own interests. Sometimes these interests coincide with ours, sometimes they don’t.

>5. The power structure of the West
blue pill:
Power in the West is held by the people, who have to guard it closely against corrupt politicians and corporations.

red pill:
Power in the West is held by the civil service, that is, the permanent employees of the state. In any struggle between the civil service and politicians or corporations, the civil service wins.

>> No.7013124

>6. The extent of the state
blue pill:
The state consists of elected officials and their appointees.

red pill:
The state consists of all those whose interests are aligned with the state. This includes NGOs, universities, and the press, all of whose employees are effectively civil servants, and side with the civil service in almost all conflicts.

>7. The danger of right-wing politics
blue pill:
Right-wing politicians, and the ignorant masses who support them, are a danger to democracy. They must be stopped.

red pill:
Right-wing politicians are a classic democratic phenomenon. Domestically, they have little power and are mostly harmless. Their international adventures are destructive, but they are inescapable consequences of democracy itself.

>8. Democracy and nonpartisan government
blue pill:
True democracy is not merely the rule of politicians. For a democracy to succeed, a nonpartisan decisionmaking process is essential. Civil servants, especially judges, must be isolated from politics, or they will become corrupt.

red pill:
Democracy is politics. Any other definition is Orwellian. The absence of politics is the absence of democracy, and apolitical civil-service government is indeed better than democracy. But this is a low standard to surpass.

>9. The history of Western government
blue pill:
The present system of Western government is the result of adapting 19th-century classical liberalism to the complex modern world.

red pill:
Western governments today are clones of the quasi-democratic FDR regime, whose best modern comparisons are leaders like Mubarak, Putin or Suharto. Its origin was the Progressive movement, which broke classical liberalism, then complained that it didn’t work.

>10. The future of Western government
blue pill:
The Western world is moving toward a globalized, transnational free market in which politics is increasingly irrelevant, and technocratic experts and NGOs play larger roles in fighting corruption, protecting the environment, and delivering essential public services.

red pill:
Civil-service government works well at first, but it degrades. Its limit as time approaches infinity is sclerotic Brezhnevism. Its justification for ruling is inseparable from democracy, which is mystical nonsense and is rapidly disappearing. It cannot survive without a captive media and educational system, which the Internet will route around. Also, its financial system is a mess and could collapse at any minute. The whole thing will be lucky if it lasts another ten years.


>> No.7013128

uuuuh, bro, you do know how ideology works?

>> No.7013141


Maoism is cooler tbh.

>> No.7013184

Mencius Moldbug is one of the best political philosophers of the past 20 years and I'll never stop saying it.

>> No.7013254

It's a shame that his followers are absolute garbage though.

>> No.7013303

Gee, I wonder who could be behind this thread? I

>> No.7013497

>le jew conspiracy maymay

>> No.7013512

Funny thing is, my (probably) American friend, if I post my dick pic you will find that I am uncircumcised. Can you say the same, mutilated cock?

>> No.7013517

I find the whole concept pretty intriguing though i think they concentrate too much on progressivism and not the nature of 'cathedral'-like entities themselves. I'm fairly certain liberalism and conservatism and whatever are inconsequential side effects of history

>> No.7013524

lol at your little picture there

>> No.7013529

what the fuck is dark enlightenment
sounds like a jrpg

>> No.7013546

/ _ o \
| _ _ _\ >
\_ _罒/
| _ _|
|_ _ _\==3

>> No.7013547

It's the new cool brand of traditionalism, Evola is so 2014

>> No.7013555

Evola is like Nietzsche but for retards.

Funny how DE is only now starting to be a meme here after 2 years of being around.

>> No.7013603

I'd argue Land, Moldbug et al. are just a continuation of the merchant caste, or the Third Estate.

>> No.7013630
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>angrily projecting Œdipal peepee issues on a Cambodian daguerreotype forum. Intact Canadian, ps. Good goy, keep pushing infantile "debates".

>> No.7013636


>> No.7013667

>subversion disruption operations on imageboards to stop an ideology from rising up.
So, remember it is irrelevant to argue with these shills, but consistently trying to meme away political ideology is going to prevent political solutions from arising.

These threads are designed to repel people from adoption of ideology by assigning people identities to imageboards then trying to pitch them against each other. It is a standard method of disruption that comes out of intelligence practice. Anyone who spent time in Ceaușescu Towers can tell you all about it. It seems though they have adapted counter-subversion to the internet for destroying dissent. The state probably assumes that these movements are propped up by subversive elements and foreign actors.

This process will slowly result in the endless centralization of politics towards a bland neoliberal ideal.

They already used this libertarianism on the internet too.

>> No.7013695

>stuff I do matters.

>> No.7013729
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>see obvious bait friday 6p
>6 hrs later
>100 replies

>> No.7013752

>Dark Enlightenment
In other words, theology.

>> No.7013779

No, they're staunch atheist reactionaries. The most famous is Nick Land I believe, who also holds the distinction of the only triple digit iq among them

>> No.7013860

I don't care what a bunch of goth kids call themselves. It sounds like the reverse of the enlightenment, as the revolution has counterrevolutionaries. Their name is buttz.

>> No.7013935

You're not very bright, huh?

>> No.7013950

libertarians moved on I wouldn't say they were actively killed off

>> No.7013991

Read this again
what they want to call themselves. They are stupid.
Do you get it now?

>> No.7014105

A tip of the hat to you, gentlesir.

>> No.7014213

>Power in the West is held by the civil service, that is, the permanent employees of the state. In any struggle between the civil service and politicians or corporations, the civil service wins.
Who is stupid enough to believe this?

>> No.7014285

Anyone who's ever read anything by Land knows that. The only reason he's ever even been associated with traditionalism is because he's been willing to engage with traditionalists.

Also, Marxism is clearly left-wing, and "techno-commercialism" is about as far away as you can get from it, so that makes him right wing by default I guess.

>> No.7014598

What do you call cultural marxism then ?

>> No.7014872

cultural marxism is just cultural marxism. it's the application of the idea of class struggle (historical materialism) into all fields of the humanities and social science, in particular what is called 'cultural studies' or 'critical theroy'

it is blasphemy for a professor in these fields to not be a marxist

>> No.7014891

the left academy being rekt by chomsky


>> No.7014950


>> No.7014962

Social Liberalism is actually the only theoretical system in modern political science that makes any kind of sense. The rest are universally pure shitty ideology without any rational content at all. Rousseau's analysis of the origin of class society was brilliant, as is Rawls's Theory of Justice. Of course they are mocked when the pseudointellectual conservatives on this board buy into everything FOX tells them.

>> No.7014966


>> No.7015109


>> No.7015418

Yep. Some Neo Reactionaries have good critiques of modernity but their solutions are shit. We can't go back and we shouldn't want to anyways.

>> No.7015421

> Moldbug's analysis of the castes of the US was brilliant

Anyone mind enlightening me? What is his analysis?

>> No.7015432

Their ridiculous name is one of the reasons I don't feel threatened by them at all. I'm an Anarchist so of course I strongly oppose their ideas but they could never gain popular support and will never come to fruition.

>> No.7015968

In the Brahmin caste, status among both men and women is defined by scholarly achievement, success in an intellectual profession, or position of civic responsibility. The highest-status Brahmins are artists and scientists, but Brahmins can also be doctors or lawyers, although it is much better to be a doctor than a lawyer, and much better to be a lawyer than a dentist (a trade which was perhaps once Brahmin, but is now definitely Vaisya). Ideally, as a Brahmin, if you are a doctor you should be primarily concerned with caring for the poor; if you are a lawyer, your practice should focus on civil liberties and social justice - cardiology and corporate law are slightly de trop. An increasing number of young Brahmins consider themselves "activists" and work for "nonprofits" or "NGOs," lending some credence to the theory that the Brahmins are our ruling or governing caste. Entry into the Brahmin caste is conferred almost entirely by first-tier university admissions, although getting into Harvard doesn't mean you don't still need to make something of yourself.

In the Dalit caste, status among men is defined by power, wealth and sexual success, among women by attractiveness and popularity. The favored occupation of Dalit men is crime, preferably of the organized variety. However, Dalit criminals are not generally psychopathic; they perceive crime as guerrilla warfare against an unjust society. Dalit women may support themselves by crime, welfare (which they consider a right), or payments from men. Both male and female Dalits may occasionally support themselves by conventional employment, but this is usually in jobs that other castes (except Helots) would consider demeaning, and Dalits share this association. The Dalit caste is not monolithic; it is divided into a number of ethnic subcastes, such as African-American, Mexican, etc. A few white Dalits exist, notably in the Appalachians. There is little or no solidarity between the various Dalit ethnicities.

>> No.7015979

The Helot caste is an imported peasant caste, originating primarily in rural Central America. Status among Helot men is conferred primarily by hard work, money and power. Status among Helot women is conferred by attractiveness, motherhood, and association with successful men. The Helot value system does not seem to be sustainable in the US, and the children of Helots tend to grow up as Dalits. New Helots, however, can always be imported to replace them.

The Optimate caste has to be mentioned, because it was until quite recently the US's ruling caste. It is not clear, however, that the Optimate value system still exists in any meaningful sense, and if it does it is decaying rapidly, with most young Optimates becoming Brahmins. However, status among any men and women who do still follow the Optimate way is conferred by birth, breeding and personal character, with wealth serving as a prerequisite but not a mark of actual distinction. The Bible of the Optimate caste is, of course, the Social Register.

The Vaisya caste is the most difficult to define. It's tempting to say that a Vaisya is anyone who is not a Brahmin, Dalit, Helot or Optimate. Status among Vaisya men is conferred by productive employment, generally defined in monetary terms; by a successful family life; and by participation in church or other formal social groups. Status among Vaisya women is conferred by attractiveness, motherhood, and social participation, with an increasing number of Vaisya women entering the labor force, typically in unintellectual white-collar jobs.