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7011578 No.7011578 [Reply] [Original]

>not being an egoistical hedonist
it's like you don't want to be happy

>> No.7011581

feeling good > truth

>> No.7011586

I'm a nihilist and no longer know the meaning of anything.

>> No.7011588
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collective happiness > individual happiness

>> No.7011590

You can only survive being this way if you're wealthy.

Poor people can't be this way.

>> No.7011591

Good thing those things aren't mutually exclusive

>> No.7011594

If that was true, you'd kill yourself to ease the suffering of all the creatures on earth.

>> No.7011599

>wanting to be happy
top pleb

>> No.7011606


Being poor myself I cannot be a hedonist for long enough to be worth it.

>> No.7011612
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im limiting the harmful parts and maximizing the helpful, u mad?

>inb4 there are unintended consequences
>inb4 the pessimist outlook betrays itself

>> No.7011613

Everyone is a hedonist

>> No.7011624

Yeah, I remember being 12 years old too

I actually did believe this in 6th grade, I thought I had come up with the deepest insight ever

>> No.7011636

no, some people live their lives for the love of others
not everybody is out for just themselves

>> No.7011659

It's like being a rat in a maze chasing bumps of cocaine in a closed circuit that spirals down into a heated pit of agitation, frustration and rage. Also the path is greased.

>> No.7011668
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>not MDMA
Shit tier taste in uppers tbh lad

>> No.7011671 [DELETED] 
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Pleasure should be a byproduct of being awsome. hedonists, chasing their pleasures are emotional puppets, unable to achieve anything. Being a slafe to pleasure always ends in inability to feel it or total life wreckage
>pic related, result of prolonged hedonism

>> No.7011704

>empirical happiness
> being happy is about having external circumstances to coincide with your desires
> not being happy by the actualization of your being in the deeds and works that you accomplish, and therefore seeing your individuality united with reality in a stable manner.

>> No.7011792

shh, let them figure it out once they get out of high school

>> No.7011824

>people who think pleasure is the same as


>> No.7011845

You can't just decide to be egoistical, it doesn't work that way.

>> No.7011856


Delayed gratification is a stupid trick of the human brain, and "self-actualization through one's own effort" and similar adult notions of deep happiness are closely related to the equally stupid protestant work ethic. In ancient times, the elites did not exercise high class by "working a high-powered job" as today's elites do, but by sitting on the throne, killing the right people at the right time (a historical invariant), and leaving the shit-work to the help. Culture fell off when the upper class became (culturally) deluded into the importance of work, as opposed to the simple appearance of doing work.

As for delayed gratification in general, the world is a dangerous place and there's always a good chance that you could die before receiving the delayed gratification, but your stupid animal brain dumps more stuff when you get one of those. But because you could have died before receiving such, instant gratification is better, objectively speaking.

I'm older than most of you. And the older I get, the more easily I see through the cultured bullshit of modern adult happiness. On several issues, petulant children and teenage edgelords really are closer to the truth, even though they may only articulate their ideas clumsily, or out of some frustration.

>> No.7011875

>implying the only way to happiness is materialism, drugs and sex.

>> No.7011898

Yeah, so they live for others because it brings them pleasure. So they're a hedonist.

>> No.7011901

Can't you see that the point is not gratificication? It is being free of the contingencies of your limited individuality by leaving something that wil stay on this world longer than you.

You are merely returning to the empirical happiness I said above. It is not about you, it's about everyone else.

>> No.7011923

An intriguing thought, but that angst HAS to be expressed coherently and analytically in order to be recognized.

Which brings me to a request: Does anyone know of "edgelord" philosophy

>> No.7011983

I talked with my roommate about this for a bit. We have decided that if you do anything altruistic it still brings you some sort of pleasure through the feeling of doing something positive with your life. However if the reason you begin to do it (like if a friend asks you for a loan) you make your decision to help them based purely on you want to help them through whatever it is then it is not hedonism. Hedonism implies that you would not help other people if it did not bring you pleasure. You can do some things and not get any pleasure at all out of them but you choose to do it because you care about them. Even if they didn't give you any return.

You see the point is you receive pleasure for everything that you do that is good. But you do not do everything so that you can receive pleasure, on the contrary most altruistic notions bring hardships of some sort that could have been avoided otherwise. The implication being a hedonist would rather avoid these hardships and being generous altogether, since they won't bring net pleasure.

>> No.7012153

Egoistical hedonism is one of the logical conclusions of nihilism tho fam.

>> No.7012160

Sometimes they are.

>> No.7012171
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I sort of feel that if you think that an altruist experieces pleasure whenever they do something for someone else then you've probably never met an altruist and probably dont have much experience with adults in general

>> No.7012178

I was the person who said feeling good > truth.
What I was getting at was that OP was just a hedonist because it made him happy, not because there was any validity in the theory
it's like people who become christians because it gives them purpose - you should do it because you believe in that reality, not just because it suits your agenda or is particularly easy

>> No.7012184

first rule of psychoanalysis nobody wants to be happy

>> No.7012215

second rule of psychoanalysis is everybody want to fuck their mother

>> No.7013125

I'm 20 years old and I still can't understand how people don't do things which please them. Even the ascetic must surely derive joy from believing he is denying a life full of material goods and pleasure (in his definition of it).


>> No.7013147
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all of lacan's, freuds and jung's research is refuted by doing dank