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7006400 No.7006400 [Reply] [Original]

I wanted to get involved in the alt lit scene
A few months ago, before I even knew alt lit or Kerouac for that matter existed, I started writing about my experience as a young lower class America male. I wrote about my often times disturbing and borderline abusive relationships with women. This was different. This was interesting. This was my voice and something I don't think just anyone is capable of

I discovered that there was an active scene where I live in the bay area. I was excited

Until I realized women ruined it
Last year there was a witch hunt against perceived abusive or misogynistic writers, that were apparently ruling this scene. An environment where I'd thrive, where I could finally be recognized. And it's gone

The women write about being sluts and this is alt lit. In this society men write about being chauvinistic and using women, something rare among males these days, and it's hated on; called into question how it's even "alt", because this is such the standard

These male writers have disappeared. I have no one to talk to
Women fucking ruin everything

>> No.7006403

r9k or redpill on reddit idc

>> No.7006404

hol up hol up
i ain't readin all dat

>> No.7006409

Maybe you should be less of a dick


>> No.7006449

I wasn't aware R9K associated with women or went outside

I'm generally viewed as favorable with girls but I some do over the top things

To put this in context, a girl can get praise for writing about abusive relationships in her book I Will A Always Be Your Whore and get praise but if I wrote You Will Always Be My Whore, I'd be shunned

That's my qualm
Though this kind of thing was apparently beinh written with praise a year ago which I think twists the knife for my situation

More than anything I just to want to connect with people and be heard

>> No.7006467

>often times disturbing and borderline abusive relationships with women.
>relationships with women

Get out normie


>> No.7006472

I know this is joking but I'm butthurt right now

This is another qualm. The girls accuse this type of thing as not actually being alt (but being the norm) when it's clearly anything but. I'd be hard pressed to find anyone in any sub culture that condones how I act
I thought the scene would be different. Girls ruin everything

>> No.7006479


Welp. Millennials are absolutely silent about the shitshow that is Academia (out of fear of "offending" people.)

Now they get to endure the collapse of their own favorite institution.

>> No.7006561

People are telling you to fuck off to /r9k/ because "girls ruin everything" is their ethos condensed to three words. Connecting with people is fine, but if your basis for doing so is your knowingly abusive behaviour you need to reevaluate yourself and your priorities.

Anyway, the obvious thing to do is gather the ostracized misogynist writers together into a new scene.

>> No.7006576

To be honest OP your story just confirms my suspicion that the alt lit scene is inhabited by narcissistic pricks. Including you. You see, were you actually writing something worthwhile, I'd have some actual sympathy for your plight, but you're not; you're just whining that you can't write all about yourself.

It sounds to me like you're writing thinly veiled self-insert "fiction" memoirs about your boring life and getting upset when that amounts to admitting you beat women and people take issue with it. I'm sure your fellow writers are also writing similarly narcissistic "fiction" about their lives too, including the women. Protip: you're probably not nearly as interesting as you think you are, and
>This was my voice and something I don't think just anyone is capable of
really just confirms it, seeing as your "voice" just amounts to being some blue-collar schlep with girl issues, which are dime-a-fucking-dozen these days.

Get your head out of your ass and actually write about something bigger than yourself for fucking once. The world doesn't revolve around you.

This is the exact reason I hate alt lit bullshit; because everyone only cares about themselves and what their experiences are like without regard to others', so you just get vapid, mediocre "fiction" about how disaffected everyone is and how their lives suck and it just reassures narcissistic young people that being a self-absorbed piece of shit is fine.

Get back to work OP.

>> No.7006595

alt things aren't interesting forever. your shit would be weak even back in the 60's, so you are legitimately 50 years behind.

come back when you trans into a woman, marry a muslim and cuck him with a chinese man or something.

>> No.7006620

>alt lit
>lower class
They aren't your people. Just be a good artist and work hard to get published. "Scenes" are for the privileged.

>> No.7006626

tbh no offense but it sounds like most of the stuff you're talking about was already covered by Kerouac, Ginsberg, Burroughs, etc. about 60 years ago. There's not a whole lot of new stuff your perspective, judging from this post, would bring to the alt lit scene

At least women and minorities ("da sjwwwws" as mongoloids call them) can bring something relatively new to the table, although that's starting to get a bit tired too. I'd say even to think about going a bit more experimental with your writing, maybe?

>> No.7006663

You've already posted this. Fuck off.

>> No.7006689

I would want to read your work, but from what I can imagine from your description is that I should expect something similar to bukowski?

>> No.7006772

They bullied women into sleeping with them.
What about that is not worth talking about?

>> No.7006789

should i go to graduate school and write a thesis on how fucked American Academia is?

>> No.7006801
File: 694 KB, 1665x2453, Catch 22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Implying that Grad Students are cognitively capable of reading uncomfortable things.


If we lived in sane times, then that is EXACTLY what would have been done.

>Our crisis is a Catch 22.

>> No.7006820

You are the biggest fucking faggot I've ever seen on here.
You have absolutely no idea what "alt lit" is and I can tell by your post that you're a shit writer. Nothing you've written is interesting. Stop trying to blame women for you shortcomings as a person.

>> No.7006960 [SPOILER] 
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I wonder who could be behind this thread?

>> No.7007088

Wait a minute, is anon here complaining that no one wants to listen to him talk about treating people poorly?

>> No.7007182

Yeah idk
I'm going to an open reading, 1,500 words trur story on a taboo subject
Which is kind of perfect for what I want tbh

I'll post something if you want
I don't care about anything bigger in the sense that, like with novels and movies, I like aesthetically driven and character based but I do want to be doing something a lot more than I'm doing now and I wouldn't be content to publish a book purely on mundane social situations or my tweets or anything, and I'm not as big on prose as I am substance
A big place I'm coming from is being an observer having lived my life mostly in my room, and my mission to kind of grow as a person

If you want an example look up entropic knight on blogspot, I only made a few posts 4 years ago as a 19 year old virgin and I genuinely stand by what I wrote, as opposed to cringing over it

As far as the woman situation, I want to express how I am with them and what I do. Which I think is at least interesting, but the point being expression

I don't think the women are bringing anything new at all to the table

I fight more than anyone I've seen irl. I went gay for relatively large pay when I was 18 and I want to pimp women and I've been offered multiple times. I have this kind if innocence tbh and social inexperience from having lived most of my life in my room

I don't think there's been a voice for my perspective and especially in this generation, there's a vacuum for the modern male voice - we need more

>> No.7007193

I'm largely better looking and tbh smarter than these people
(I posted a pic and some critiques on tao lin in his thread if you want an example )
I belong anywhere I want

>> No.7007194

Aren't you the guy who groped that chick on a bus, wanted to write Kerouac-esque but have never read Kerouac, and slammed that chicks head into the ground?

>> No.7007222

>I'm largely better looking and tbh smarter than these people
Here's your reply.

>> No.7007234

Why decide that you belong in the alt lit scene then? Why not just do your own thing?

>> No.7007254

>I'm largely better looking
pics faglord

>> No.7007263

Examples please

>> No.7007270

Pretty decent b8
If not, kill yourself in your man den

>> No.7007288
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If your such a great writer then post some of your writing so that we can critique.

>> No.7007434

If anything I'm being baited itt. A lot of hostile assumptions

I never said I was a great writer and I prefer action/event oriented, but here's some nothing

I just had a chat with some a recently married couple of my quasi roomnates
They caught me on the side of the loft writing the above post in my briefs and after the male got close and made a point to say 'there's no problem' in regards to my decency (my mom told me they tried to initiate a 4 sum with her and her ex) I made a joke about quitting my job to write before going into some of my ideas. Toward the end, when I was basically shoving an unrelated stream of thoughts down their throat it started to get kind of awkward
Despite the female graduating from a good college, having lived a semi interesting life and knowing some semi interesting people into some of the things I was saying, I don't think she's too bright and I encountered some dissonance that I think ultimately came from her not having a real opinion on much of anything. When I switched from universal health care into a mafia approach to working (basically unions) the male almost hostily told me to ask my grandpa, a former port plumber, about that; clearly trying to brush those two culturally competing ideas away
I realize I don't actually talk to people enough and I can sometimes be too much. I should've gone more in depth on singular specifics
>what degree did you get?
>where do you work? (I've never asked)
Actually connecting to people in insignificant ways is a lot more fulfilling than desperately trying to on more I guess perceived topics, trying so hard to start something important

I wouldn't have minded a 3 sum

I'm not arrogant enough to feel what I said is true, and I just want to connect with people
I've never been a joiner for anything, late to every party including those on the internet. I'm intellectually and socially alone. I want to be a part of something

Lol I've read On The Road at this point and yeah I've been wanting to write in this space before I heard of Kerouac or the alt lit scene

>> No.7007556

Your entire writing style consists of nothing but dramatic summary and completely lacks any sort of structure. Also, your spelling is garbage and referring to men and women as "male" and "female" is pretty cringeworthy and comes off like I'm reading something by a sociopath, to be quite honest.

>I'm intellectually and socially alone.
I'm sure there are plenty of other wannabes who are just as arrogant as you are.

>> No.7007592

How would I going about developing more structure?

>> No.7007605

Write scenes.

>> No.7007614

>I went gay for pay when I was 18
>I want to pimp women
>I have this kind if innocence
You sound retarded as fuck, tbh. I doubt anyone would read your shit for anything other than cheap shock value even if you did find someone to put it out.

>> No.7008900

tbh I'm ok with all of that tbh tbh

>> No.7008923

you're what everyone means when they talk about piece of shit lit dudes (well you're a wannabe lit dude, even more pathetic)
no talent or work ethic but lots of misogyny and self importance in spite of overwhelming evidence/consensus that you're trash

>> No.7010199
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>> No.7010259


I know exactly who you are. I legitimately hate you. You're the most selfish person I can imagine, I really, really hope you can manage to safe yourself, but to be honest you seem like a lost cause to me.

>> No.7010276

This thread is lies

>> No.7011315

I thought about messaging Ellis's gay ass, trying to sell him on me in the hopes he could point me in some direction but apparently you can't message on twitter
He's obviously getting paid for half of his twitter posts and there's an air if detachment that probably comes fom being young in the 80's. I don't think he's fully comprehending that he's talking to people on an individual level
The fact that twitter doesn't allow private messages is I think telling in that it is more a voyeuristic media than social, albeit on an exceptionally personal level to those following

>> No.7012225

this is easily the worst thread on /lit/

I wish you would put on a tripcode OP so I could filter you.

>> No.7012879

out the bitch
out yourself OP

also wish we could filter images...the jared leto pic makes me sick like only images of zizek usually do