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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 221 KB, 576x432, 9045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7003785 No.7003785 [Reply] [Original]

I don't like being alive, wat do?

Has any book ever changed your perception of existence for the better?

>> No.7003795

nahh its all fucked
keep breathing for the pinecone, brother

>> No.7003802

camus or walden dude

>> No.7003803
File: 121 KB, 266x318, Epicurus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When life is unpleasant, do less unpleasant things and do more pleasant things.

Epicureanism has changed my perception of existence for the better.

>> No.7003806

Start with Stirner.

>> No.7003808

The problem for me is there are no pleasant things.

There used to be but they all got old one by one.

>> No.7003817

>I don't like being alive, wat do?

>> No.7003818

End ur life stupid

>> No.7003827

If they were in fact pleasant at one point in time what makes you think that there isn't more things out there to find the same sort of, if not better, pleasure in?
and if it's the idea that they will inevitably end up milked of all their pleasantness, then what makes you think that you've tried everything?

>> No.7003831
File: 481 KB, 1200x1541, nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

he really really REALLY likes life

>> No.7003836

If you truly suffer from anhedonia I would get help, that's a disorder that you can't solve by reading a nice book.

>> No.7003845

I think I've read just about everything Camus wrote and I didn't agree with a lot of it and found it very easy to refute. By walden do you mean the book or is the a writer named walden I don't know about?

>> No.7003848

this. especially if you are suffering from nihilism

>> No.7003860

If he likes life so much then why did he die?

>> No.7003888

He mostly pretended to tbh.

>> No.7003895

Your capacity to "like" and "dislike" things in the first place is meant to keep you alive. To dislike being alive is a paradox.

>> No.7003906

>tfw don't like being alive but u kinda like it sometimes but dislike 99% of it
>tfw don't want to kill urself either
indifference is suffering

>> No.7003909

>To dislike being alive is a paradox
no it's not

>> No.7003942
File: 1.35 MB, 1680x1091, 1279674981509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP enjoy disliking things. lots of us do it. you can even get very very good at it.

also find the times, the short seconds and moments, where you don't don't want to be alive. They're probably the best thing you can ever have.

Also take to: klonopin, drinking, heroin. You don't even want to be alive so get fucked up so they can't do anything with you. If you're lucky you'll be dead by 30 or w/e. Personally i play to die by 60;

>> No.7003956
File: 463 KB, 2048x1366, 11012646_940690042643374_414787047283768510_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Walden by Thoreau. Read it. I just started, but it's helped me. Highly recommended. If that doesn't help, try pic related.

>> No.7003965

Walden is shit, thoreau was a phony

>> No.7003987

Relax Holden, we are all friends here.

>> No.7003990

is that you bitch? put your trip back on

>> No.7004001
File: 416 KB, 1524x1900, 1439761515542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I'm not Twiggy :^)

>> No.7004010

I will check it out. I googled it and it seems like my kind of book. But I've been almost entirely alone for 10ish years so I don't know

>> No.7004012
File: 266 KB, 1023x645, northerncardinal4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this dumbass is a birder
ugh I hate sharing my hobbies with fags

>> No.7004016

Don't talk to him, he rapes his sister, Phoebe.

>> No.7004017

Suttree. The man doesn't know how to live his life, and neither do we. There's something comforting about it.

>> No.7004020

tell me what you meant by the two hawks

>> No.7004021

Birds Are Not That Important.

>> No.7004022

I had never thought of that novel in that way before. Thank you very much for your take on it, that just opened it from being boring and uncompelling to being boring and somewhat compelling, like Infinite Jest.

>> No.7004030


Nietzsche got off on hating everything except himself (when not praising himself) ... oh the contradictions with that guy

>> No.7004044
File: 248 KB, 1690x1164, northerncardinal15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a lame meme, I never liked it. obvious bias though

>> No.7004045
File: 328 KB, 1024x1024, Eastern_Bluebird-27527-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

red bird is shit tier

>> No.7004050

Birds Are Very Important.

>> No.7004052
File: 48 KB, 643x482, northerncardinal7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off bluebird, your palette is objectively inferior. cardinal red is literally divine

better meme

>> No.7004054

name one thing they do other than shit on cars

>> No.7004061

Cars are an arrogant and destructive invention.

>> No.7004064

Nigga Mao once thought like you did and 20 million people died
Don't make the same mistake

>> No.7004067

Anthony pls

>> No.7004068


>> No.7004069
File: 859 KB, 720x838, compassplant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Pollination and the spreading of seeds. Without birds we would have substantially fewer flowers and trees. Don't even get me started on what the environment would be like without the benefits of trees.

>> No.7004075

read 'Either/Or' by Kierkegaard

>> No.7004079

What do trees do other than get in the way of my car when I'm drunk?

>> No.7004094
File: 508 KB, 1623x1299, northerncardinal10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hates trees AND birds
oi lad your mother should've made you go outside more often

>> No.7004114
File: 73 KB, 800x621, 1439918879551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you had read Walden, you'd know.

>> No.7004227

You're on the wrong track, if you're looking that from a book. Also, these plebs here know nothing of happiness so why even bother

>> No.7004254


the Bible
the whole thing
positive net gain of happiness
though small

>> No.7004282
File: 73 KB, 448x280, ducks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who /ducks/ here?

>> No.7004554

>wat do?
Wait a few decades. No really. Time heals all wounds... Maybe the Stupids too.

>and found it very easy to refute

Nietzsche is wasted on OP, who's way far down the ladder.

>> No.7004725

Savage detectives, and Don Quijote

>> No.7004817

walden stirner birds etc

there, now you can die

>> No.7004818

I genuinely hope you die, that's how bad your posts are.

>> No.7004919

I've had this feeling. The only answer is to discover different things to enjoy.

>> No.7004933

Azazaza the Lunatic's posts have made me hate Butterfly less for some reason.

>> No.7004941
File: 440 KB, 1600x900, 1439581935769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What ladder? Of knowledge? Of "natural power"?

>> No.7004942


read DeLillo's Underworld. One of the best American novels ever basically and one that offers a very convincing optimistic look at human interconnectedness. Read it, it's heartbreakingly beautiful.

>> No.7005007

Crime and Punishment is a good way to teach edgy snowflake teens to stop being massive cocksucking faggots.
So there's a start

>> No.7005055

Kill urself. Mankind is a shitwhole and u r part of it.
you better get used to live or just jump from the next building .fgt

>> No.7005060

When I read it in high school it only made me more of a massive cocksucking faggot tbh

>> No.7005065

Read Stephen Zweig. His works showed me there can be beauty among this slaughterhouse we call humanity.

But really, I'm serious. Prepare for feels.

>> No.7005132


>> No.7005137

don't bother replying to butters she's genuinely insane

>> No.7005143

He's one of only things keeping me together

>> No.7005144

Honestly, I'd just kill yourself. That's not coming from a malicious place, either. Being alive is extremely overrated.

>> No.7005166

if you're looking for meaning, you must have lost it

>> No.7006922

Read Cioran's On the Heights of Despair. It's like a journey from pessimism to something that's like pessimism but doesn't sound like a bitch whining.

>> No.7006932

you guys must not have been here for Foucalt and Kitty.

Butterfly doesn't create threads, if you don't like her you should filter her.

>> No.7006950

I dont't think any one book changed my perception of life and lack of meaning. The sum total of books i've read and their meaning to me have probably changed me on some deeper level though. All the experiences and views and characters and fates that i have been a part of through the medium of literature. All the people i have experienced an intimate, somehow metaphysical, bond with -- both the writers as well as the fictional characters -- make life interesting for me. The books have interested me and the people involved with them have interested me. That somehow is enough for me to know that there are more interesting things out there that i want to be a part of and experience, which in turn means i want to keep on living because death would take it all away. Lately, too, these intense emotions and experiences have prompted me to give my own part to this puzzle. I have started writing, both poems and a longer story that is turning into a book. This added aspect of literature just came to me, just like anything could come to me in the future. Also, the same experience i used to only have with books, i now have with my inner life. I'll be surprised and amazed at whatever comes through my brain ans into words and it makes me want to understand and explore it, take it to new and different levels. Consciousness (and the somehow common consciousness shared through literature) is just way too interesting to give up through death.