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7003397 No.7003397 [Reply] [Original]

write whats on your mind

>> No.7003409

How am I supposed to write what's not in my mind?

>> No.7003411

"Demons" by Fyodor Dostoevsky is a near unbearable bore of a read.

>> No.7003415

People called me stupid for enjoying/mentioning Tundra and now I'm bitter.

>> No.7003426

I saw a homeless man get struck by a car today.

What's so boring about it?

>> No.7003428


wait, did you mention it irl? You might have blundered hard

>> No.7003455

Nah, I mentioned it to my tryhard pleb internet friends.

Who the fuck would I tell about Tundra in the real world? The authorities?

>> No.7003480

i'm really struggling with the second chapter of my book.

>> No.7003482

did he die?

>> No.7003484

my diary tbh

>> No.7003493

beastial ideology and selfishness

contradictory, i know. but still...

>> No.7003498

It seems that essentially all philosophers and writers and poets were all just talking to themselves and were all therefore being misleading in their attempts to properly express whatever they were trying to convey to others, but not just them humans in general are all at fault when it comes to this. You see everyone has been conditioned by their environment and culture and its own societal values, etc. that trying to convey an aspect of truth to others ends up making it more confusing therefore creating more confusion.

So that leads to the next question, is there anything behind all those abstractions they were throwing at us? We have no way of knowing it, and it if we have no way of knowing it that means they had no way of communicating it, and if they had no way of communicating it then what the hell are we doing reading them?

That begs the next question, if we have no way of communicating precisely what we mean when trying to share an aspect of truth wit others then what are we to do; better yet WHAT can we do about it?


>> No.7003506

Why do I continue to post on 4chan when I should be fulfilling client orders?

>> No.7003546

I really fucking hate the unpredictability of life, hopefully I'll get hit by a bus or contract some life threatening disease someday so it can all stop.Forever.

>> No.7003551

The idea of you will die, but there is no death. Your physical body may die but then other things will feed of and sprout from it. Energy just being transformed into something else.

>> No.7003752

You see Mark, what it all comes down to is geometry. Imagine two abstract
animals, spheres or circles. Like all higher animals they have to combine their
genes in a fashion to allow for sexual reproduction. Now imagine both animals
have holes, or hatches so to speak, through which they pass their genetic
information from one to the other. None of them would be any more successful at
passing on its sperm than the other. But let's now give one of them a
protruding appendage, an abstract, cone-shaped penis so to speak. Purely out of
its geometry, that animal - he - will have higher chances of lining up with
other "holed" animals. But now let's say these animals are social, they carry
and care about their children. Now it makes no sense for the penis carrying
animal to also carry the children: For once, the geometry of the penis makes the
transmission of sperma a one-way deal, from male into female. Furthermore, why
should the animal that is better at passing on its genes waste its potential by
getting pregnant for a few weeks or months or years? So the demanding task of
carrying the young falls on the "holed" counterpart, which in return means said
counterpart is not able to expend as much energy into growing strong and
musculous and athletic. So we see the entire power of men over women, from simple
biological family matters over rape up to modern societal power structures, all
in a sense all comes down to a purely geometric issues, Mark.

>> No.7003797
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i am going to die

i cannot take this stress

i barely moved into my dorm today and i feel like a sheltered little babby. i always thought that i'd be fine on my own since im an only child and i only have a handful of friends and spend a majority of my time shitposting on 4chan. i thought this would be fine. but now that i'm here i feel lonely and homesick. i just want to be back in my room jacking off, not living with a bunch of dudebros.

i dont know how im going to feed myself. $1500 for an entire semester? is that enough?

where are my classes? how am i supposed to navigate through this maze of a campus to all my classes? there's no one to hold my hand anymore, i'm just expected to do everything. i want to die and i want to cry. i am so lonely.

>> No.7003844

the room?

>> No.7003853
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Hey man college is fun. You cant help but meet people and make friends. By soph year you'll have enough friends to go to parties and have fun. Trust me. I was you a year ago.

>> No.7003854
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The smell of crushed sea shells

>> No.7003858

>go to class
>everyone is a pleb

>> No.7003859

Give it a few months and you're gonna cringe at what you just wrote. Everybody gets the ol' depressed freshman.

>> No.7003868

I wanted this thread to be here a few days ago because I wanted to rant about something but now I don't remember what it was. It was lit related but didn't deserve a thread.
Why couldn't you post this before?

>> No.7003875

I want to be screenwriter for comedy but I don't know how to get into that profession. Maybe I should worry more about actually writing more first.

>> No.7003880
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thanks anons, i just needed to vent a little bit and you've certainly made me feel a whole lot better.

we're all gonna make it

>> No.7003889

The moment I write something that is in my mind it stops being a merely abstract thought and is real and therefore not in my mind anymore. However, I can only truly know what exactly are those thoughts after I put them to test against the reality of, first, this immediate cellphone screen and then the incorporation in it of the impositions and distortions made by the communitary substance (other users) that absorb and give true meaning to my post.

>> No.7003920

Once on a survey I was asked what my happiest memory was but I had none because all of the landmark moments of my life were negative events

>> No.7003938

>tfw your mom asks why the only memories you mention of your childhood paint her in a negative light
>tfw she still doesn't get it

>> No.7003945

When are they going to nerf Lina? Seriously. Just kidding, I love playing Her

>> No.7003951

I'm always concerned by trivial things,maybe comfy modern living really is making everyone soft. I would give anything to have actual hardship dominate my mind than the foggy cloud of bullshit that is ever present in my mind.

>> No.7003958

It is extremely difficult to evaluate advice when you don't respect anybody or anything, and yet what is one to do when they come to a genuine point of indecision? How am I to know whether it is my "self" making a decision of my own will or the pressure of external forces choosing for me? Whether advice is "good" or not is entirely dependent upon the inclinations of the advice's recipient, and thus somebody who is truly indecisive cannot come to a genuine "self"-made decision after advice has been provided, as even if the advice is regarded as "bad" it is still affecting their (sub)consciousness, pushing the recipient in one way or another. However, being truly undecided implies that the self has failed, logically or otherwise, at making a decision. Do we, by making a decision on the advice of others, destroy part of ourselves in the process? If choice is a reduction of our capacity to free will and self, then perhaps death is preferable to making a decision poisoned by advice. A Dilbert comic from a month ago said that, "advice is just ego and ignorance disguised as helpfulness." I'm fucked enough to be reading Dilbert for philosophical stimulation, maybe it's time to use 4chan less and get more than 3 hours of sleep per night.

>> No.7003959

Fuck off, firebitch.

>> No.7003976

The spiders are coming. I know they aren't real but I feel them. My nightmares are so real they make me question this reality. To wake from it and into any other life would be a blessing. I can't stop shaking. I will never call an ambulance.

>> No.7003997

I don't know if anyone has ever loved me, and the one person I loved, didn't love me back.

>> No.7004005

the only person that loves me doesn't know I'm unhappy and i don't want to tell her at the risk of sounding melodramatic

>> No.7004028
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>1500 for an entire semester.
Where I live, you can eat healthily for about 50 bucks a week if you don't eat out and choose the right groceries. If you're willing to eat nothing but cereal grains and canned meats, you can probably live for about... 35? Honestly I've never tried.

Anyway, I'd say you can survive on 200 dollarydoos a month pretty handily if you don't eat out. Make a budget now and learn to stick with it. Try to make some friends to split grocery bills with and hope you've got a kitchen suite in your dorm. If not, go to your local goodwill and pick up a hotplate and a george foreman grill.

On a more personal note, I remember feeling exactly the same way when I went to college. I seriously contemplated suicide for a few months in my freshman year. My entire life up to that point had been managed by others and my job had just been to do well in school. Suddenly I was making my own curriculum, I had no support, no friends, and my family was hours away.

If you would like some advice, I provide this: In your own mind, accept your fear. With others, hide it. Keep your door open. You are in a building with like 50 other people who are exactly as terrified as you are. The extroverts among them will be actively hunting for friends because they are *extra* terrified. Accept these people, learn about them, and decide if you can tolerate them. If you're asked to do something, try it. If you don't like it, don't do it again. You will be tempted to hide, and you will be tempted to exert influence on others. Resist both temptations. Recognize that the place you are in is strange, and the people stranger, and accept that no one will save you. Never, under any circumstances, succumb to hopelessness. Recognize that when you're feeling anxiety or loneliness that these feelings are transient. Do your homework. Do not get drunk or high until your homework is done. If you are lost, it is okay to ask basically anyone.

>> No.7004036

My mind doesn't exist without external stimulus. Here I go!

Sounds good

Don't go with the disease route it's one of the more miserable ways to go, but then again you can't really compare something like misery all that well

Your body is trying to get you to give up and go back to when things were easier. Take it one day at a time and count every single thing you do as an accomplishment. $1500 could get you through a semester worth of food. The best way to get through everything is to become preoccupied with other things which are easy to find at a college. Don't hole up in your room because then it will just be you and your incredible sense of inferiority. In fact try to avoid doing anything in your room no matter how convenient it is.

If everyone you meet is a pleb...

If you don't remember it after a few days then it didn't really matter

Look into making your own videos, or finding a group that needs a writer. You will need to actually write, but making short films and just putting them on your website or submitting them to competitions can get you onto the scene. I always thought about getting together with my friends and trying to get a short on channel 101 or something.

I once wrote something very similar. Now I don't write

Just pick something sort of good and then look back on it fondly for a couple years. One of my happiest moments was one fall when I was walking through the woods and the sun broke through the clouds and I could feel the warmth from the light washing over me. Shit man have you ever sat in bed after a long day and just felt awesome stretching out? Why are you narrowing yourself down to big events?

Go workout

You should just make decisions and then come up with a justification later, or better yet don't bother coming up with a reason just use your gut. When it comes down to it this is what everyone does anyway you might feel better if you own up to it

Can they do anything about you being unhappy? If so then you should tell them and not regret it since they will probably be glad to help you. If not then they might find out anyway just from any changes in your behavior brought about by being unhappy.

>> No.7004066

I wish I were never born

Suffering is everywhere, and the fact that nothing is done about it eats at me

I probably sound childish.

But every day I go about town carrying an urge to punch every person I see

Fuck suburbia.

I wonder what's going to happen to my autistic brother when my parents die

How the fuck are people not bothered by poverty and extreme wealth inequality

Travis Bickle was a hero and an inspiration

I can't wait for grad school to begin

Zapffe was right

>> No.7004074

Thank you. I'm definitely going to be frugal with my money just to be safe. I never learned how to cook so I'm mainly going to be eating out, unfortunately.I'll try to find places that I can cook really simple stuff though.

Getting out seems very important, so I'll make sure to spend less time in my room. I understand that being active within school is important but I just don't feel like I fit in with anyone here. Hopefully the club fair will change that and I'll meet some people that share my hobbies. Thanks so much anons.

>> No.7004092

It's been weeks since she wrote but I'm also aware the only reason I care is because I'm lonely, not(!) that I want her. I'm stoned as always on any night, and as I slowly let go of expectations from others I find what I expect in myself.
Still, I could forget all this tomorrow and still torture at what others' think. But somehow I know that because I've finally expressed all of this, I'll never quite be the same.

>> No.7004100

I remember thinking grad school was going to save me.

It didn't. The world doesn't disappear when you close your eyes.

But, on the other hand, people who open them tend to find the world is tolerable, if not ideal. It may be a burden to attend to your autistic brother. I don't know you, but for reasons I can't explain, I believe you and the other people in his life will be up to the challenge. You should also do some research on your local department of disabilities and special needs.

The private tragedies experienced by you, and, I'm quite certain, many of the people you feel angry and aggressive towards, are great and terrible. The sharing of and coping with of these tragedies is the great work of life. The omnipresence of suffering is not a reason to accept hopelessness. It is the source from which meaning is derived.

>> No.7004126

>Suffering is everywhere, and the fact that nothing is done about it eats at me
Then do something about it

Pointing out your own flaws is just an excuse to not work on them later because you "put in the effort". If you actually do something about your problems, or take active steps away from them, you will feel better

>> No.7004140

i feel this way but without the adolescent desires to punch random people or hatred to suburbia (although i do have a distaste for contemporary suburban lifestyle). but yes i do overall wish i hadn't been born and the world is really awful. there is nothing good anywhere you look. the world could be great but never will be. why live?

>> No.7004143

If I were capable of doing that then I don't think I'd experience regret, which is more or less the only thing I feel anymore. If I could truly relegate all of my decisions to my "gut" (sunconscious) I probably would, as that's the closest a person can conceivably get to "living the dream" in a literal sense. I often think the life of an animal would be a rather pleasurable experience, acting only on so-called instinct rather than often flawed reason.

>> No.7004155

You would be shocked at how easy cooking is. As an experiment, consider going to a local grocery store, buying a package of frozen chicken breast, a bell pepper, a bottle of canola oil, a small can of minced garlic and an onion. This should cost you between 10 and 20 dollars. Take a knife and cut the pepper, the onion, and 1 chicken breast into rough chunks about 1inx1in, put about a tablespoon of oil in the pan. Fry the chicken and about a teaspoon of garlic until it looks pale on all sides, then add the onion and peppers until they are tender enough to eat. It's basically impossible to undercook peppers and onions. It should take about 15 minutes and will feed four people or make you leftovers that will last for 4 days. You should have a shitload of garlic and chicken left over for later meals as well. You can make stir-fry with rice and beans and make it last 8-12 days. You can find simple, easy recipes for cooking rice and beans online with very little effort.

Investing in 1 cheap frying pan and 1 cheap saucepan will make virtually all easy dishes and costs a total of maybe 20 or 30 bucks. In exchange it can literally reduce your cost of food by half to 2/3. If the stir-fry concept is too hard to deal with at first, just try making ramen noodles and dumping shit in there for vitamins. A pot of ramen noodles plus some frozen carrots, canned chicken and corn is basically impossible to fuck up and will under no circumstances poison you.

>> No.7004169

I was saying that I know what I expect of myself because I've temporarily stopped thinking about what other people think of me. I'm temporarily unflawed, and I just am who I am. But even now, as I explain myself to you, I begin to wonder how long it will be until I care all too much about your opinion.

But for the time being, I don't think you understand me.

>> No.7004173

I hate my job.

>> No.7004201

Nobody cares go to work and get rich like me or die alone and penniless like the socialist coward you are

>> No.7004281

don't trust this faggot
I fit all of your traits and I've been to college for a year now, and just to make an example I've done literally nothing the entire summer except sit at the computer doing the same fucking thing every day. I've spent a total amount of two hours with people out of school and every social interaction I have there is empty and embarrassing. I hate myself and want to die.

>> No.7004378
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Wow. My father was the cook in the house so I never figured to learn myself. But I mean if I can start out with really simple shit like this, it would save me and my parents a lot of money. Dad would even be proud too.

Maybe it'll finally give me a productive hobby too

>> No.7004397

I'm trying to write a novel in a historical period and place that I know nothing about and so I've decided it might be a good idea to frame the story in some sort of television movie so I can use my ignorance to my advantage. Good idea or bad?

>> No.7004464

I mean, in the way that a writer for a tv movie might not have any knowledge of the time and place, just sort of a cartoonish understanding of it

>> No.7004781

I should dump my girlfriend. I constantly cheat on her.

>> No.7004803

i love normcore

i will be its face

>> No.7005987

It is not fear. It is not anxiety. It is not ennui or alienation. It is not melancholy. It is something different, something altogether indescribable. I do not know if it is borne in the womb or determined by history, whether it found me like the noose finds the neck, or simply grew attached because I was in its way. It came to me like an apparition; silently it entered my soul, a wisp - an inclination of otherness. With time it permeated, it took control of everything that I called my own. In between its beak my heart, wrapped around its talons my guts. My eyes are its eyes; its depression is my depression.
I have only one memory that isn’t cast in the dim light of its shadow, a single instance free from the weight of its burden. I was young, I do not know how young. My mother is cradling me in her arms, in my mouth her tit, in the room silence. A moment of affection etched into a cerebral labyrinth of misery: it is this thought that haunts me, that tells me there was a time – no matter how distant – that everything was okay.

>> No.7005995

i can't stop masturbating, somebody help

>> No.7006898

I hate Facebook

>> No.7006906

i've been drinking kind of a lot lately in order to replace drug habits i've dropped

i'm sick all the time, i have constant headaches, yet for whatever reason i am a slave to the desire to alter my mind state

le dysfunctional human face