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/lit/ - Literature

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7002309 No.7002309[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why does /lit/ regard themselves as the archetype of anti-social behavioural types? Other forms of entertainment are too as escape from reality, or a rejection of reality as undesirable. Reading books does not separate you from the person in pic related. You just went down an alternative alley. Explain yourself.

>> No.7002331

I don't regard myself that way. I'm just vaguely antisocial. I don't aim to be the archetype of anything, since trying to be a universal and not a particular is the epitome of being spooked.

>> No.7002333

The correct use of term here is "asocial", antisocial denotes an active opposition to cultural norms and values

>> No.7002336

I'm not antisocial. I'm asocial.
Anyway, what is "reality"? Are our imaginations and thoughts any less real than then the outside world?

>> No.7002348

effort/passive tbh
also information density

>> No.7002351
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This is why. Reading books has made us more intelligent than the uncultured masses, filling us with dark compulsions to play mind games with them.

>> No.7002355
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There was no need to say the word related
This and your misuse of anti social probably means you're an idiot but whatever

I probably do actually have some kind of anti social personality disorder, but I also have anxiety.
I can be out with friends, pretty much dreaded in anxiety, some female friend of friend I met once or a random girl will stand near me and I'll be groping her, touching her pussy and ass through and under her skirt ir something, respectively while my oblivious friend is talking to her and everyone besides me and her us oblivious to what I'm doing, and I still go through the rest of the night quite and not really talking to anyone because I have some intense anxiety

How I'm special or different doesn't have much to do with my reading books, and I usually just read non fiction books on business and finance or white collar crimes or something

>> No.7002365

Absolutely. Small talk is painfully insincere for me so I'm the definition of unapproachable.

>> No.7002371

>some female friend of friend I met once or a random girl will stand near me and I'll be groping her, touching her pussy and ass through and under her skirt ir something
How are you not arrested or shunned for this behaviour?

>> No.7002374

socially avoidant is the correct term. Antisocial implies lack of empathy.

>> No.7002375

>There was no need to say the word related
>not understanding the historical use of "pic related" on 4chan
>proceeds to call op an idiot

>> No.7002392
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I like people sort of I don't like myself always but that doesn't mean that I shouldn't like others not like also the way the more others of today of the last time of course the said not people around me just backward so the general direction of people around me are cool the way it's not just justify myself the way backward the people around me they don't never understand the me and me and I'm said people around me backward the soil of today and there is bird and bird singing in a tree and the people around me just can't the people around me they the people around me

I appreciate others' existence.

I don't appreciate the forms we have grown used to call communication. I like silences that most would call awkward. I like strange situations. I do not like being asked to speak, nor do I respond to many prompts. I don't think there is much value to it. I think reading articulates ideas and writing articulates ideas in a way that is difficult to translate to dialogue. I like talking mostly to hear other people's voices and maybe to exercise my own, but I don't care much for what is said. I do not like when I get angry at someone, because it is automatic and
a nervous gesture mostly.

I don't like nervousness. A healthy nervous-system is all I ask for in life.
I know no one that has a healthy nervous-system. I know calm people but they are more numb than "healthy."

>> No.7002411

Because I'm attractive and the girls evidently want it

That doesn't mean anything other than you being too autistic to separate the phrase from its actual meaning

>> No.7002422

>Reading books does not separate you from the person in pic related.

The /lit/ version of that person would probably be a teenage girl who reads Twilight and The Hunger games and is not "antisocial" at all, they just don't like the shitty high school/college party scene

>> No.7002432
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i dunno, i guess it's because most people don't really read literature and people who are lonely tend to go for activities that don't require social interaction, like reading

>> No.7002434

Or a non-desire to do so. Please consider all possible options before coming to a conclusion. You assumed an error on my part from YOUR inability to rid yourself of a pre-judicative judgement before applying judgement after it. You are clearly in the wrong here. Also, if I was OP I wouldn't have referred to OP as a third party. Try logic sometime.

>> No.7002440
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Id rather hang out with the Heideggerian "enjoy life" chick then the materialistic "lets watch super hero movies" chick

>> No.7002467

You're generalizing.

>> No.7002485



L a ma o

Most people like materials, liking materials does not make you a bad person or lesser person in anyway, coveting said materials and making it your life goal to gain them is a completely different matter.




It was one of the biggest blockbusters of the year that girl has fucking shit tastes and can't even excuse being a plebby antisocial girl by having atleast decent tastes. /tv/ hates this picture by the way.

>> No.7002489


>> No.7002508
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>> No.7002519

The girl on the right cares about collecting and talking about dumb merchandise related to her hobby than engaging in so-called normal social interaction. At best a vapid shut in with nothing interesting to say.

The two on the left just wants to have a good time. At best carefree and happy-go lucky, at worst hedonists - which is still preferable to the girl on the right.

>> No.7002523
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>> No.7002528


>> No.7002532

Same tbh

>> No.7002552

wtf are you going on about anon.

>> No.7002555


>people around me
>Christian, nationalist, conservative youths

This can't be real.

Even in Ireland.

>> No.7002562

/lit/ is certainly a creative force. Keep 'em coming guys. Show those /tv/ people your worth.

>> No.7002569

If its true, I'm moving there right now. I live in a conservative state and every youth around me is still a spoonfed liberal twat

>> No.7002572

nice Joyce quote!

>> No.7002573
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>> No.7002577

reminder that Joyce constantly made fun of libs throughout his work

>> No.7002599

You know very well what he means when he says materialistic. After all you said it in your post.

>> No.7002605
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The person who made the comic looks to be exactly that, actually.
From a cursory glance at her website, she seems somewhat materialistic and somewhat obsessed with her self image, although I won't hold that against anyone as that is not atypical for teenage girls with an internet connection

>> No.7002616

"Keep it up comrade!"

>> No.7002618

just threw in a bunch of random things just to get the point across

>> No.7002621

>implying girl in middle isn't also dressed like slut

>> No.7002628

The outer girls have summer wear on, girl in the middle rips/buys rips clothes.

>> No.7002718
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>Skirt is just as short
>flesh tight stockings that are laddered to show glimpses of flesh
>form fitting blouse tucked in to press it against bust

>> No.7002738

>buying/ripping clothes to show more skin
>not slutty
Keep believing this, slut apologists

>> No.7002777

this guy has it right

the past 50 years have been centered around making specific fixes and not universals - we know there is no universal fix for cancer. We know that different economic theories work based on the population. The time for universal solutions is long over. Look up the guy who invented extra chunky spagetti for the guy who started it

>> No.7002787

tbh I don't consider myself any different. I'm a loser so I read. I'd be happy to Chad it up if I could but I'm not hot, funny, exciting, a good conversationalist, have interesting stories to tell etc. At best, I'm a good listener and sympathetic.

>> No.7002817


wow how can she be that oblivious to the irony behind this image?

quality pomo comedy there tbh

>> No.7002829

you can be all of those things and still not a Chad because you're interested in very different things than a normalfag Chad. Just because you're physically attractive doesn't mean you have to be a Chad or blindly follow his archetype

>> No.7002830


t-that's the joke

>> No.7002837
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>> No.7002840


are you earnestly suggesting that chunky spaghetti kicked off the postmodern era?

>> No.7002853


Did she intend it to be a joke? I'm not going to honor her blog with an opened tab.

>> No.7002885

Just lay on the deep soul searching on us why don't you.

>> No.7002886

OK I meant in the economic world, not the literary

the whole chunky thing was about unconscious desires of people, a designer for the big companies figured out that you can sell like 3 or 4 types of sauce because people will buy their preference and the company that started this plan made a shitton of money, from there it blossomed out
I honestly don't know much about postmodernism at all, I don't study lit
his name was Howard Moskowitz by the way

>> No.7002902

I should mention that before that, in the 1950s and 60s the trend was that everybody should be exactly the same, what with the same houses, same type of cheese, whole milk, etc.

>> No.7002908

99% chance not as I said earlier she's a teenage girl on tumblr

>> No.7002915


So, you are saying sauce is the source of the unsolvable lack of solace this era's souls appear to sing?

>> No.7002938

I think you accidentally your question

>> No.7002961


You shoulda just refereed to the golden mean, breh, which is the answer to >>7002309

The rational and the virtuous find the perfect balance of resistance to groupthink and not being a hypocritical misanthrope.

>> No.7002962

>Ugh why are white girls all so slutty compared to asian me

>> No.7002976


hey there totally-not-aristotle

>> No.7002987

I gave up at some point. Don't really know when, but just woke up one day and realized I'd never be a people person no matter how much I put myself out there.

I have friends now, but I don't bother trying to make them. If someone wants to talk and sit for a while it's good.

But more than anything else, being around people is way too tiring. I can hardly stand more than three at a time or else I feel my neck droop from the need to sleep.

>> No.7003004

She looks more like a spic tbh


>> No.7003019


god dammit what a vapid qt

these girls drive me insane with cognitive dissonance

>> No.7003027


>> No.7003030
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>> No.7003041


brown girls are god tier, man. even when they got no ass

>> No.7003052
File: 73 KB, 640x640, tumblr_nsi0ovVVtW1rrzd1uo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even on the most basic level I fail to see the overall difference between the dress in pic related and the one on the girl to the immediate left from her.

>> No.7003064

>lit will never be a hangout for people with aspd

>> No.7003072

Jesus christ

>> No.7003074


you're not wrong. that doesn't unfuck my brain when i see these mamis around campus tho

>> No.7003082


>> No.7003116

God I hate these girls

>> No.7003139

people who are drawn to books tend to not be typically sociable. big fucking wow. next thing you are going to tell us that people who go to nightclubs and play on sports teams are extroverts.

>> No.7003165


>> No.7003191

You seem mad

>> No.7003306

stop hating on women pls.