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7001510 No.7001510 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best moral/philosophical literature on abortion?

I don't mean partisan politics shit. I mean dispassionate discussions by actual philosophers. I don't have any ideological preconceptions, so it can be literature from either side of the "debate."

>> No.7001586

Catecism of the Catholic Church

>> No.7001609

>21st century
>Americans are STILL arguing about abortion

Fucking lel.

>> No.7001618

Peter Singer.

Legalize postpartum abortion

>> No.7001632

we already have a thread going with this image

also no discussion is 'dispassionate' dipshit

>> No.7001636

What's that picture trying to say?
Straight men rape far more than transgendered males.

>> No.7001637
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>> No.7001666

woah, please don't add imaginary qualities to individuals who prefer a certain sexual practice

>> No.7001687
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I'm not even saying a majority of straight men prefer forced copulation with unwilling partners.

>> No.7001696

What kind of fucked up retardation is this?

>> No.7001712

I'm poking fun at the damn picture in the OP
The character isn't the one pregnant. See?

Seriously though, if the anti-abortion crowd would just work to make it unnecessary, you'd bring those abortion rates way down and make the world a better place for the children that are brought into it.

>> No.7002949


>> No.7002988

Aquinas had some stuff to say that wasn't wholly pants-on-head retarded. It was thoroughly rooted in a Christian understanding, however, so if that's not your thing then someone else would be better.

>> No.7002995

nice image do you mind if i save it?

captcha: select all images with bananas

>> No.7002999

Aquinas talked about abortion?
Source please
Since you know so much, where does he talk 'bout people who had sex with demonsa nd stuff?

>> No.7003015

The only issue I have with abortion is how people try to sanitize what it is. This isn't a question of debate, if you get an abortion, you are necessarily and absolutely killing your child. If you personally step in the way of the process of the child becoming fully formed and being born, you are actively ending it's life.

I'm not saying it shouldn't be legal, but women shouldn't try to sugar coat the reality of the situation.

>> No.7003020

>Seriously though, if the anti-abortion crowd would just work to make it unnecessary, you'd bring those abortion rates way down and make the world a better place for the children that are brought into it.
nice platitude

>> No.7003021
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killing babies is wrong

>> No.7003029

i hit a baby squirrel today w my car

>> No.7003355

enjoy hell, sodomite

>> No.7003367

David Oderberg Moral Theory and Applied Ethics

>> No.7003413

Objectively speaking there is nothing wrong with killing babies, Governments do it all the time in wars.

Unless you want to talk about moral sentiments , then this discussion is pointless. Since we are solely discussing about "the potential for human life" and not human life itself, in which case retarded ethics entering the picture are little more than feel-good bullshit.

>> No.7004128
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The good book, my man.

>> No.7004137

>Governments do it all the time in wars
>Therefore it is right
And Israel is the USA's greatest ally, right?

>> No.7004513

When will the far right traditionalist meme fucking die?

>> No.7004523 [DELETED] 

When will you Marxist faggots fucking die?

>> No.7004534

I think the ancient Germanics had the right idea
Don't abort it, carry it to term and then carry it out and let it die in the cold.

>> No.7004551

a fetus isn't a child

>> No.7004560

Nah, it's just an unborn child

>> No.7004592

lol fag

>> No.7004902

Christians apologists are by necessity pants-on-head retarded.

>> No.7005027
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>Don't abort it, carry it to term and then carry it out and let it die in the cold.
but it clashes with the principle of life of the classical liberals

and it clashes now with the hedonism of the liberals [aka women]

Abortion is good since it releases women from being responsible [so less pain] and can quickly go back to sleeping around [so more pleasures for them]

wider women market = more competition between women = more pleasures for men accessing this market

>> No.7005084

David Benatar argues for a pro-death view on abortion among other things in Better Never To Have Been.

Chapter 5, page 132->

>> No.7005297

>No argument as to why it's actually wrong

Lel look how clever you are inserting your heroic white power rhetoric in an ethical discussion where it's completely irrelevant.

>> No.7005309

if you're really going into the philosophy of that stuff the only decision about killing thigs that makes sense is you can kill and do whatever you want.
saying you cant kill any life is fucking stupid becauae it basically says you cant interact with anything around you. what about bacteria or virus. also you'd have to define life, what is just as hard
making an arbitrary line that says: you can kill this life, but not that life as it is intelligent or conplex enough is also pointless because drawing that line will be really fucking hard.
so you just gotta accept that you can kill anything but have to deal with the consequences

>> No.7005884

>so you just gotta accept that you can kill anything but have to deal with the consequences
women do not want to deal with consequences

>> No.7006116

Why do you think it's a platitude? Why wouldn't turning the world into a nicer safer place be a *noble* goal?
The preferred alternatives of the anti-abortionists is to make it illegal, protest, shame, push crazy people into murdering practitioners. This makes the world that much more a shittier place.

>> No.7006502


>> No.7006516
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>The preferred alternatives of the anti-abortionists is to make it illegal, protest, shame, push crazy people into murdering practitioners. This makes the world that much more a shittier place.
to present them as you did is precisely ''making the world that much more a shittier place.''

but is is expected from liberals

>> No.7006536
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>Abortion is clearly murder, for it is written that the soul enters the body upon conception!

>> No.7006594
File: 296 KB, 576x1024, justdoit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not moral/philosophical, but every American should read "Crazy For God" by Frank Schaeffer. He was the son of Francis Schaeffer, an extremely influential figure in American evangelical Christianity that pretty much made it the political force it is today. Frank is still a Christian but rejected Republican Jeezus Christianity after writing books and directing movies that pretty much created that sort of religion. His biggest regret is pushing anti-abortion activism with the movie "Whatever Happened to the Human Race".

He think abortion is an abomination personally but thinks there are good reasons for it to remain legal to some degree.

>> No.7006644

What about women who were raped? Or condoms that broke?

>> No.7006685

I do believe that is supposed to be a woman.