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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 200 KB, 528x704, potter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7000160 No.7000160 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you're sorted into Hufflepuff

>> No.7000166

I didn't read Harry Potter. Maybe I wouldn't have grown up to be a brain damaged drug addict NEET if I read that shit like all the other kids.

>> No.7000170

at least you're not a normalfag

>> No.7000178

Harry Potter really was one of the highlights of my youth. Felt so good being immersed in a non-muggle world. I'm still forced to distract myself from the realization that I will never attend Hogwarts, because it's too painful.

>> No.7000182
File: 58 KB, 743x557, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw your test says you're most compatible with Abnegation, but your heart is with Dauntless.

>> No.7000197

>tfw you spend the night of the Yule Ball posting on Wizardchan instead of dancing with qts

>> No.7000201
File: 1.13 MB, 1216x688, 1s21y0go1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw sorted into slytherin

2 edgy

>> No.7000235

tfw i unironically think i'd be in ravenclaw

>> No.7000241


An italian qt made me do the test

I'm Slytherin masterrace.

>> No.7000242

ITT: personality quizzes


check if you are. :')

>> No.7000244
File: 329 KB, 900x696, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw slytherin

dropped the series after the first book

>> No.7000261

Ravenclaw masterrace reporting in.
I've never read Harry Potter

>> No.7000267

>you will never attend a cozy, secluded boarding school in an old castle
>you will never be friendly with an awkward, humorous dude and a cute, intelligent girl
>you will never go on adventures through the castle
>you will never drink honeymead
>you will never attend the Yule Ball
>you will never go for walks around the lake with your qt wizard gf
>you will never ride your broomstick with your qt gf sitting behind you
>you will never go shopping on Diagon Alley
>you will never eat chocolate jumping frogs
>you will never attend a feast in the great hall

>> No.7000277

Is that image the structure of Finnegans Wake? Because now I feel like reading past the first ten pages.

>> No.7000280

It's random rambling, there's no structure.

>> No.7000284

That image or FW?

>> No.7000285
File: 49 KB, 147x249, 1428873023420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ravenclaw > Slytherin > Gryffindor >>>>>>> muggles > squibs > Hufflepuff

>> No.7000288

>tfw ravenclaw

>> No.7000298
File: 24 KB, 446x500, FB,6684,72,eti-topkek-meyveli-40gr-24-lu-koli-biskuvi-kraker-urunleri-eti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The brave and the bold go to Gryffindor
>The cunning and the ambitious go to Slytherin
>The intelligent and studious go to Ravenclaw
>Everyone else goes to Hufflepuff

>> No.7000305

Hufflepuff are gentle and are good with animals.

>> No.7000307

also they live by the kitchens.

>> No.7000309
File: 745 KB, 500x275, jdt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girlfriend moves in with me
>go on vacation for two weeks
>come back to find the apartment redecorated with hufflepuff shit everywhere

>> No.7000311
File: 9 KB, 252x252, 1373303599620[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Hufflepuff isn't the comfiest of houses

>> No.7000314


>> No.7000320

>not wanting to be in the stoner house
Look, they're literally named "Huff le puff," and run by the school's herbology teacher.

>> No.7000323

>you will never roleplay as Hogwarts students


>> No.7000330


>> No.7000337
File: 55 KB, 1280x720, 1280x720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gryffindor mascot is a lion
>Slytherin mascot is a snake
>Ravenclaw mascot is an eagle
>Hufflepuff mascot is a badger

>> No.7000339

Honey badgers are deadly mate

>> No.7000342

It was drawn by László Moholy-Nagy. Finnegans Wake was one of his favorite books.

>> No.7000387

Let me clarify, it's a ruse.

>> No.7000391
File: 9 KB, 208x250, wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /slytherin/ here?

>> No.7000402

>tfw you're about to sit down and you yell GIVE ME THE SNAKE and your serpentine brothers applaud and hiss their tongues for you

>> No.7000465

My girlfriend's cat smacked a honey badger and the vet bills were obscene.

>> No.7000524

Jesus was a Hufflepuff m8

>> No.7000533

>77% slytherin
>69% ravenclaw
what i expected tbh

>> No.7000534

so was thomas merton tbh

>> No.7000561

trauma like this is why white people dont have kids anymore

>> No.7000562



fml (fuck my life) fam

>> No.7000562,1 [INTERNAL] 

>cunning, ambition, determination

was there ever a slytherin in harry potter that really displayed these traits? Haven't read the books for like 5 years but idk, all the slytherins i remember were just nasty. i should probably ask this on tumblr tho, they'd know better.

>> No.7000639

>tfw your serpentine brothers let their serpents savagely slither into your slick hole

All of Slytherin can bust a train on this soft ass

>> No.7000657

>fml (fuck my life)

wow, you really are a redditpuff

>> No.7000676

>Ravenclaw and not Gryffindor because i have common sense

>> No.7000693

>80% Slytherin

fine by me tbh fam8s

>> No.7000703

Ravenclaw are STEM autists blindly absorbing information

Slytherin is /pol/

Hufflepuff is reddit

Gryffindor is normies REEEEEEEEEEEE

>tfw 79% ravenclaw

>> No.7000714

Gryffindor isn't normies. Neville, Ron, Harry... It's autist central.

Hufflepuff is Reddit and weaboos

Ravenclaw is STEMtards and dudebros

Slytherin is fratboys, Nietzsche fanboys and people who "related" to the movie American Psycho

Gryffindor is for the pure of heart, the sensitive autistic robots

>> No.7000723


>> No.7000751
File: 20 KB, 235x400, 1424375407885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>88% Gryffindor
>79% Ravenclaw

so close.

>> No.7000761
File: 50 KB, 778x286, Screen Shot 2015-08-19 at 7.07.44 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is ravenclaw good?

>> No.7000767

76% Ravenclaw
68% Gryffindor

If I got put into Ravenclaw along with everyone on /lit/, I would blow my brains out onto the hall floor. I can't even imagine.

>> No.7000769

>you will never cuck your best-friend

>> No.7000770

It's for asspies and normie STEMfags

>> No.7000774

Go back to /s4s/

You're not funny and you're shitting up the board

>> No.7000778

Your Result: RAVENCLAW


Congratulations! You have been sorted into Ravenclaw, the house of intelligence, curiosity, individualism, and wit. You are amongst other Ravenclaws, such as: Cho Chang, and Luna Lovegood.




>> No.7000791

Your Result: SLYTHERIN!

86% Congratulations! You have been sorted into Slytherin, the house of ambition, determination, and cunning. You are amongst other Slytherins such as: Snape, Draco, and MERLIN.

well that explains all the merlin stuff

>> No.7000793

Literally on the floor LAUGHING at all the normies in this thread getting sorted to Ravenclaw. I can't WAIT to beat you the f**k out in Qudditch this year.

>> No.7000803

You're in the house with fine ass babes and you're smart AF.

It's the only house worth being in

>hey guys what should we do tonight
>uh im going to read Merlin by the fireplace and then go fuck some intelligent babes like Cho Chang or Luna Lovegood

>hey guys what should we do tonight
>uh idk, we're all so goddamn ugly we shouldn't leave our rooms or try with girls. Let's just fuck

>hey guys what should we do tonight
>go to bed. I need my strength *everyone masturbates under the covers and tries to be quiet about it*

>hey guys what should we do tonight
>entire room smells like shit because so many pets
>snot rags everywhere
>the clattering of the kitchen is constant
>employees smoking cigarettes right outside and the smoke drifts into your house
>Dumbledore pisses on your door when he sleepwalks
>cots are full of bedbugs and everyone wears rags
>nobody knows who you are
>nobody responds

>> No.7000805

who gryffindor here?

>> No.7000807

>mfw the house i get sent to i still get a low compatibility percentage

>> No.7000808

Merlin is Slytherin, retard. Stopped reading your post before halfway.

>> No.7000810

72% Hufflepuff
70% Ravenclaw
70% Gryffindor
20% Slytherin

I don't even know what that means

>> No.7000811


>> No.7000816

I'm Gryffindor. Have you been told which room you'll be occupying yet? I received my letter of acceptance but still waiting on accommodation stuff. I hope I live in a mixed dorm.

>> No.7000824

Oh it'll be mixed alright.

A nice mixture of autists and gaybois

>> No.7000831

Daily reminder that Ginny is best girl

>> No.7000832

88% Gryffindor
72% Ravenclaw
40% Hufflepuff

Feels good

>> No.7000835

>all these autists that think they're cool for choosing Ravenclaw answers
Hearty kek

>> No.7000837


How do you figure?

>> No.7000845

oh no i was shit-posting, in a shit posting thread, how could i make such a fatal mistake

>> No.7000852

STEM students are more useful to the world than you tho

Ain't no reason to hate on people with more knowledge than you.

>> No.7000855
File: 161 KB, 498x750, ravenclaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Hey bro why you looking at my girl? Huh, nerd? I can't hear you kid, speak you before I knock you out"

Disgusting, well-adjusted, practical-minded plebeians.

>> No.7000857

>being able to do complex math
>more knowledge

Kid you have no idea

>> No.7000858

So smart normies?

>> No.7000860

>Congratulations! You have been sorted into Ravenclaw, the house of intelligence, curiosity, individualism, and wit. You are amongst other Ravenclaws, such as: Cho Chang, and Luna Lovegood.
>the house of intelligence, curiosity, individualism, and wit

I am cool :^)

>> No.7000863

Nope you're just a normie chad

I recommend facebook

>> No.7000868

>calling me a STEMfag
>thinks this is an insult

I'm okay with Ravenclaw, sounds good.

>> No.7000869

Hufflepuff reporting in. Never read Harry Potter but it sounds like the most comfy house.

Ravenclaw sounds like annoying STEMfags, Gryffindor sounds like Normie Central, and Slytherin sounds like pompous kikes.

>> No.7000872

I'm quite anti-social until four weeks ago when I started talking to people again, I couldn't take my eyes off of them. I was just trying to observe them instead of talking and then when they wanted me to talk I sounded incoherent as fuck.
Extended isolation really fucks your social abilities up. Dang.
And fuck facebook and allt hat shit.

>> No.7000882

is ravenclaw good?

>> No.7000886

88% Slytherin
67% Ravenclaw
31% Gryffindor
26% Hufflepuf

Feels evil man.

>> No.7000887

Gryffindor is NOT normie. Stop saying this. Most of us are virtuous intelligent and empathetic outsiders who are too sensitive for the muggle world and too principled to suffer a world where Dark Magic is a constant thread.

>> No.7000899
File: 75 KB, 495x660, Kafka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humour, I would be sorted into Slytherin.

>> No.7000902
File: 6 KB, 152x225, 1560775_10201303328962046_470857818_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.7000903

Someone should compare the Houses to MBTI Types

>> No.7000913

Posted it again, huh? I hope you wake up as a bug someday.

>> No.7000915

People who are intensely hostile towards Harry Potter either haven't read it or were too autistic to appreciate it.

>> No.7000916

Gryffindor is the house for kids who wish they got picked first for teams. It's incurably normie.

>> No.7000924 [DELETED] 
File: 665 KB, 1632x1224, dsc_0096voj1g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will this conclude the "The Dagger & The Coin" series?

Because I've finished the fourth book and I don't want this shit to end ;_;
One of the most fleshed our series I've read so far. I also like the fact that the author doesn't use POVs as inflationary as others do, you basically end up with about 3 or 4 POVs per book (depending on who dies or travels with whom).

It's also so far the only book whose introduction ended with giving me the awesome chills, especially when it all comes full circle over the course of the series.

>tfw no more intrigues and assassinations
>tfw no more medieval dictator spilling spaghetti everywhere
>tfw no more spider priests and lie detection
>tfw no more qt3.14 banker girls
>tfw no more mercenary action, dead thugs and adventuring throug the jungle

My only qualm with the series is how zig-zag it looks in a bookshelf...

>> No.7000927

harry potter used to be super popular here five years ago

>> No.7000931

Ron never wished that.
Harry never wished that.
Neville never wished that.

You need to stop.

>> No.7000937

>76% Slytherin
>74% Ravenclaw

I'm okay with this.

>> No.7000938


oh fuck, wrong thread.


>> No.7000939

Hello guys, sorry for my bad english here

I am student at Durmstrang Institute but I will spend this year exchange at Hogwarts. What can I expect from my year? What kind of things do you do for fun here?

Thank you

>> No.7000947

Harry LITERALLY whispered 'Not Slytherin' because he knew he was going there, and he knew he was too normie for Hufflepuff and too stupid for Ravenclaw so he figured, aw shit, it's Slytherin or normie central, I better shoot for normie central.


>> No.7000950


Mostly cock swinging and old people

>> No.7000952

It's a house for all the beta faggots and you know it. No ambition, no drive, just highly principled ideology. Zizek would have a field day in there. Ron and Harry are just normal beta boys. Full of anti-intellectual conformists. The smart girl is nothing but a book worm, she doesn't have any indications of intellectual capacity beyond applying textbook dictation.

>> No.7000960

But "beta faggots" aren't normie. Where the heck is your logic dude?

>muh ambition
>m-muh "drive"

Back to Ravenclaw Tower

>> No.7000969

Fuck off

>> No.7000976

Gryffindor: ENFP, ENFJ, ISFJ
Ravenclaw: INTP, INFJ, ISTP

>> No.7000980

>five years ago

>> No.7000987
File: 547 KB, 2560x1064, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem like a Slytherin type guy

Pic related. You're the guy in the middle and the guy on the left is the lurker who snickers at your post.

>> No.7000989

What an asinine sorting system. Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff made the most sense, Slytherine is a stretch but ambition and ruthless cunning could have an academic approach. Admitting students on the basis of bravery is pretty stupid though.

>> No.7000994

Coward detected

>> No.7001021

I suppose with the amount of bullshit that invariably ends up happening in the school it would be helpful for a fourth of the population to not be afraid to fuck shit up.

>> No.7001045

Ravenclaw here. I can confirm that i would cast spells from a safe distance and would not put myself in any real danger

>> No.7001072
File: 265 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2015-08-19-11-28-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhh people are saying ravenclaw is for STEM are wrong because I'm fucking autistic when it comes to STEM.
Why is this accurate? ISTP here.

>> No.7001088

Even the Sorting Hat knew Harry was not fit for normie central.
Too bad he allowed prejudice to influence him.

Harry would have made an excellent dark Lord.

>> No.7001100

But not wanting to be in Slytherin is so fucking normie

>> No.7001102

Fancy a pint of Butterbeer down at the Three Broomsticks later lads?

>> No.7001104 [SPOILER] 
File: 843 KB, 1080x1920, 1439998813227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Harry Potter threads are now well received on /lit/
We only get worse.

>> No.7001112

Chill nigga, filter and move on if you don't find it fun

>> No.7001113

>blerrghjhg I've been here for two months n lit is dying!1!1!22

We used to have fun here before you pseudos came in with your "PLZ can we talk about Finnegans wake despite me never having read him"

You are the cancer

>> No.7001118
File: 31 KB, 393x224, Screen Shot 2015-08-19 at 17.43.28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slytherin 4 life

>> No.7001123

I'll tell you a "secret" that Rowling puts right in front of your face like you're a fucking moron: the values of each house are irrelevant for which house you get into, you can choose whatever house you want.

>> No.7001131
File: 32 KB, 633x758, 1367316521975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Slytherin represents ambition and cunning
>Crabb and Goyle are utterly retarded followers who don't manage to produce an individual thought throughout the entire series and never speak until the last chapter of the last book despite being named in the 1st.

>> No.7001136
File: 13 KB, 400x233, pottermore results.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hu, weird, I always thought myself as a Ravenclaw but both you and the website say Slytherin.

Well, I like the symbol of the snake.

>> No.7001137

>I w-wanted to be in Hufflepuff

Sure thing kiddo

>> No.7001139

The hufflepuff/slytherin combo is weird.

>> No.7001140

Fuck off, retard, fun is something intellectually stimulating, not something so vapid.
Nice projection, asswipe.

>> No.7001142
File: 16 KB, 398x237, slytherin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what house I'd choose tbh.

Slytherin is the best fit, but I don't want to surround myself with weirdos. Either Ravenclaw or Gryffindor, but I can't choose whether to go with the normalfags or the autists.

>implying squibs aren't just muggles

>> No.7001147

>not opening the spoiler
>being this retarded

>> No.7001151

Why... Doesn't Ravenclaw have an exclamation point? Does the quiz just know that those sorted into Ravenclaw will be mildly amused?

>> No.7001154

The whole 'divide the houses by character traits' probably made more sense in the middle ages tbh. it's probably all just empty ceremony now

On a side note, the fact that Rowling associates ruthlessness and machiavellianism with fascism is lulzy.

>> No.7001159

Ok fine but Quidditch is still stupidly unbalanced.

>> No.7001162

Go back to the Nietzsche forums edgelord

>> No.7001165

That sounds like quite the place

>> No.7001177 [DELETED] 

probably 1880 times better than Marx forums
I can only imagine what kind of people post on Marx forums

>> No.7001179

the same ones that post here

>> No.7001184

>implying I like Nietzsche
neetzchfags are the fucking worst

But no really, its frankly laughable that all the perceived evils of today's liberal society (ambition, ruthlessness, subversiveness, cunning) are just meshed together with the ideological principles of Nazism (aristocratic elitism, racialism, totalitarian will, etc) even when the actual existing fascist movement tends to produce more edgelord useful idiots then it does actual Machiavellians.

Check it for yourself

>> No.7001189

>frankly laughable

Stopped reading there

>> No.7001194 [DELETED] 

The only perceived (and actual) evil of today's liberal society is ignorance

>> No.7001199

This is a friendly thread about wizards

>> No.7001206

I already said 'lulzy', and I'm not feeling actually looking up in a thesaurus or some shit to change some iffy phraseology on a fucking imageboard for Tibetan sand-painting.

so says the namefag shitposter
>political idealism
the 1800s is over m8

>> No.7001207
File: 71 KB, 1142x532, hogwartsgreathall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never experience this

>> No.7001213 [DELETED] 

>muh faggot rights
>plz obamba send me moe money

>> No.7001214

Not a big deal.
I've experienced better in real life.

>> No.7001221

Sure you have

>> No.7001228

how could we have kids how could we bring them into this world

>> No.7001252
File: 27 KB, 948x711, Leddit+content+gt+into+the+trash+it+goes+_878b08cd54189ff0fa1efef5408cd1d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a liberal and the only real evil liberalism sees is ignorance
>I'm going to base my whole argument on a caricatured vision of liberalism which I assume you uphold

>> No.7001282

This is a friendly thread about wizards

>> No.7001288


imagine the anxiety

>> No.7001300
File: 857 KB, 1242x4769, arryyporrer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7001316

Fuck off, this thread is starting to turn into something of substance[1].

[1] Compared to what it is currently.

>> No.7001321

See >>7001316

>> No.7001332
File: 667 KB, 1280x1811, polyjuice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be Emma Watson

>> No.7001333

Holy shit

>> No.7001338

I will be Emma Watson

>> No.7001376

Did the books ever tell how to get into the Hufflepuff common room?

I'd put forward lighting a joint in a statues mouth.

>> No.7001410


>> No.7001473

82% Slytherin
43% Ravenclaw
20% Hufflepuff
19% Gryffindor

I'm a conniving motherfucker apparently.

>> No.7001487

if you have an opinion on which harry potter club you'd like to be in, then you are a pleb

>> No.7001490

you remind me of those girls who proudly consider themselves "bitches" because they don't take no shit for no body!

>> No.7001496
File: 501 KB, 1280x720, 1438288114731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw going to Oxford

>> No.7001536

89 raven claw
28 gryffindor
12 hufflepuff


>> No.7001606

Well that's just not true

>> No.7001626

i-is it really like that? what's it like being in a castle?

>> No.7001742

>68% Skytherin
>64% Hufflepuff

fuck me

>> No.7001775

Yep, a few places in Oxford were used in HP.
So you're another Crabbe or Goyle

>> No.7001844

>82% Ravenclaw
>76% Gryffindor
>44% Slytherin
>40% Hufflepuff

Everything I could have hoped for

>> No.7001861

>not Luna

>> No.7001879

It's like /lit/ but less self-aware

>> No.7001976

86% Ravenclaw


>> No.7001984

i don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing

>> No.7001988


Literally just for the Cambridge rejects.

>> No.7002002

I visited a friend who studied at Oxford. While walking around the town I found a graffiti that read "I love history <3"

>> No.7002029

But it is

>> No.7002030


is he like the Hegel of the wizard world?

>> No.7002442

I never had the chance to be rejected from Cambridge. Anyway, I know I only got in by merit of my entrance exam and interviews. My grades would be average at best for an applicant.. Cambridge might not have given me the chance.

>> No.7002579

Ginny is probably one of the most uninteresting characters in all of arry porrer.

>> No.7002649

You're kidding, right? HP probably has one of the biggest rp'ing movements out there. Plus, normies do it, so it's only kind of weird.

82 - RC
42 - GD
20 - HP
19 - S

Guess I'm a snooty-patooty goody-two-shoes.

>> No.7003457
File: 77 KB, 394x317, Pottermore Quiz Result.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Got this one long ago.

Also, one year ago, I had two threads for this on /v/. There were almost no Hufflepuffs, so the test outside of Pottermore is unbalanced.

>> No.7003554

4chan doesn't attract hufflepuffs

>> No.7003576

84% hufflepuff. Feels party, man. The badger's name is actually bluto.

>> No.7003667
File: 85 KB, 945x574, image (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>92% Slytherin

>> No.7003704
File: 1.79 MB, 334x357, 1400624331141.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

89% ravenclaw
50% slytherin

>> No.7003769
File: 32 KB, 499x499, SLFQL8Sp5VE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your Result: SLYTHERIN! 82%

>> No.7003789

>/lit/ is crawling with slytherins and ravenclaws
I'm not even surprised

>> No.7003796
File: 128 KB, 640x618, 1435243324691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i scored like 60ish in all of them.
>tfw I wouldn't even fit into a house at Hogwarts

>> No.7003811



>> No.7003814

Also Ravenclaw masterrace
Also haven't read HP

>> No.7003822

Admit it, you fags just want the title Dark Lord because it sounds cool as balls.

>> No.7003828

I'm Hufflepuff too OP

>> No.7003871
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>> No.7003975
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>tfw when this is the best thread on /lit/ right now

>Dark Lord
I prefer Ubermensch thank you very much

>> No.7004561

Being a squib is worse than being a muggle. Muggles are unaware wizards exist and live in the muggle world that has all the wonders of technology.

Squibs are pretty much the muggles of the wizard world. They live in the backwater pre-industrial society like all the other wizards, and yet they don't have the benefit of being able to use magic and constantly have to live with the fact that they're inferior to everyone else and a disappointment to their families.

>> No.7004948

How can Merlin have been in Slytherin if Slytherin was founded thousand years ago, even though the story of King Arthur takes place much earlier?

>> No.7004993

82% Ravenclaw.

That means I would have had a shot with Luna Lovegood :(

>> No.7005130


>Gryffindor 76%
>Congratulations! You have been sorted into Gryffindor, the house of bravery and chivalry.
>Hufflepuff 60%
>Slytherin 58%
>Ravenclaw 48%

Aww shiet. Anyway, I'm pretty cool being in any, except Hufflepuff. Who the fuck would want to be in Hufflepuff?

>> No.7005162

in retrospect the books are bad, but their youth books and comfy as fuck

>> No.7005222

fucking bullshit
Slytherings are edgy retards or just assholes
Gryffindors are pretty cool but also cocky. for example a buff sports guy
Ravenclaws are intelligent STEM etc. people
Hufflepuffs are fair, nice and trustworthy people. the base of any civilization, literally the most important and best house

>> No.7005245

i see you're using hufflepuff-tier spelling

>> No.7005254


>> No.7005289

>The entrance to the common room is located "in a nook on the right hand side of the kitchen corridor", concealed behind a stack of barrels. In order to reveal the entrance, no password is required. Instead, one must tap the barrel two from the bottom, middle of the second row, in the rhythm of ‘Helga Hufflepuff’, which will make the lid swing open, exposing a passageway that will lead to the basement when crawled through. However, if the wrong lid is tapped or the wrong rhythm is used, the intruder will be doused in vinegar and barred access.

>> No.7005305


>> No.7005322

Did anyone here read Harry Potter as a kid?

>tfw mum comes back with the new book from Tesco
>tfw sitting on the stairs all day without moving while reading
>tfw sitting on the toilet for hours reading

I doubt I'll ever be that immersed in a book again.Feels bad tbh

>> No.7005343

>Did anyone here read Harry Potter as a kid?
No, you are probably the only one.

>> No.7005383

>implying squibs aren't just muggles
>letting mudblood propaganda cuck your thinking

>> No.7005396
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What epic memes do you think wizards post on their wizardchan?
I bet they get angry at muggles all the time and tell them to get out REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.7005404

I went to wizardchan once hoping to hang out with my fellow wizards but all I saw was depressed virgin nerds.

It's like I was in Ravenclaw all over again.

>> No.7005415

Ravenclaw here, I've had sex with enough women to make up for the rest of the house being virgins

>> No.7005422

Are you going to the Quidditch game this weekend?

Slytherin have a new seeker this year and he's supposed to be pretty GOAT. A couple of us are heading down to Hogsmeade afterwards if you wanna join.

>> No.7005443

I never read them either.
Tbf I never read anythink
Why i'm on Lit?

>> No.7005445

I am 200!

>> No.7006340

Because JK Rowling realized she fucked up by not having a single likeable slytherin for Harry to befriend. Its a lazy retcon.

>> No.7007290 [SPOILER] 
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Order of Phoenix best book
Philosopher's Stone worst book
Prisoner of Azkaban best movie
Goblet of Fire worst movie
>tfw no Sims-like Harry Potter video game

>81% Ravenclaw
>48% Slytherin
Yeah, thats pretty obvious.

>> No.7007994

80% Gryffindor
80% Ravenclaw
56% Slytherin
28% Hufflepuff

It put me in Gryffindor despite the fact that I'm not suicidal and not a normie.

I always thought that was just how all Quidditch players are.

Ravenclaw is just for intelligent or curious people.

With my luck, I'd have some qt come sit by me and then end up spilling spaghetti everywhere.

>> No.7008071

I would disagree. They showed ambition through the idea that sticking with Malfoy, the scion of an enormously wealthy and influential family would get them places in life. It didn't work out very well for them, but it was a good plan.

>> No.7008075


88% Ravenclaw

>> No.7008143

>76% Slytherin

>> No.7008278

who is this ugly cunt

>> No.7008519

The Harry Potter houses really do map well to the groups at a high level prep school.

Slytherin - Rich kids from the Upper East Side and CT. They go on international vacations on every break, often together without their parents.

Gryffindor - Jocks. They're pretty cool, and generally nice to everyone, but definitely think they are better than everyone but Slytherin.

Ravenclaw - Asians and nerds.

Hufflepuff - Normies

>> No.7008526

>Not Cho Chang

Cho is clearly the /lit/ choice

>> No.7008565
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Ravenclaw. Huh, is that a thing?

>> No.7008925

I'm a Slytherin, but I'm an ISTJ. Kickass.

>> No.7008939

nah gryff is all fucking normies.

>> No.7008986

The idea that Salazar Slytherin was a huge asshole was fucking asinine in the first place. He didn't want muggles in the school in 1000 A.D. When muggles regularly tried to set them in fire. This seems reasonable.

>> No.7009126
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>got based Ravenclaw
feels good man

>> No.7009142

wow, this guy doesn't like the people who burn us, what a racist

>> No.7009144

ravenclaw is all the cool with none of the responsibility

>> No.7009151

Exactly. It's like a Hebrew school in the 1930s being called bigoted because they won't let the Hitler Youth attend.

>> No.7009161

Rowling can't invent magic names for shit.

>> No.7009168

>huff and puff
>huff le puff
Just another reason to dislike Rowling.

>> No.7009216

No, I read harry potter as a 92 year old dying man.

>> No.7009222


>> No.7009342

Actually the wide witch burning trend appeared much later (like, centuries later). Slytherin was just a litteral edgelord.

>> No.7009609

>implying JK Rowling would know this

>> No.7009712

She's actually very intelligent and studied classics in uni. There are countless subtle references in the book to historic figures and events that are obscure to most people.

>> No.7009827

>oh wow Agrippa was a wizard bravo so deep

>> No.7009851

>tfw no muggle gf

>> No.7009904

atleast here in the uk, you can only apply to one of cambridge and oxford, hence cambridge rejects cant go to oxford because they would have had to apply to oxford instead of cambridge.

>> No.7009918
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>> No.7010185

>Gryffindor 84%
>Ravenclaw 74%
>Slytherin 54%
>Puffs and Muffs 32%

FFS. Is it because I saved this stupid cure? Fuck Gryffindor tbh

>> No.7010186
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You can override the sort, right? I remember that being the case--you can just say "FUCK YOU HAT I WANT BITCHES AND MONEY IN SKULL & BONES HOUSE" and the hat just says "okay have a nice day."

If so, that says even worse things about Hufflepuffers.

>> No.7010240
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based slytherin

>> No.7010485

Someone post that picture with the recommended reads before each book

>> No.7011047

Daily reminder that Rowling's favorite house is Hufflepuff:


>> No.7011206


Hufflepuff master race reporting for duty

>> No.7011263

Did Cho Chang have any real characterization aside from being Ms. Yellow Fever?

>> No.7011269

The hat knows, man. If you want bitches and money and conspiracies, it will put you in Slytherin anyway.

>> No.7011341
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I'm special

>> No.7011423
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Holy fuck, I'm an INFJ and a STEM major, and I turned out Ravenclaw. Is that really a thing?

>> No.7011539

Ravenclaw > Gryffindor = Hufflepuff > shit > Slytherin

>> No.7011706

>Muh Cedric

That's really it.

>> No.7012789

I have a hard time deciding whether I'm Gryffindor or Ravenclaw

>> No.7012805

It's possible she would. The way references were handled in the book made me think of Rowling as something of a history-trivia fan (perhaps more than that).

It's not even that obscure.

>> No.7012856

Cho Mama

>> No.7012862
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>the good house
>the evil house
>the smart house
>the dumb house

Does that about settle it?

>> No.7013336

Hufflepuff just ends up being the 'other house' more than the 'dumb house'. They're supposed to all be outgoing and loyal and hardworking, but it just ended up being written as the place where characters who aren't brave, smart, or evil end up

>> No.7013356

i thought hufflepuff were like the good-hearted ones. gryffindor i thought was courage, slytherin ambition, and ravenclaw intelligence

Haven't read these books in years though

>> No.7013613
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Ravenclaw ENTP.

Might need to rethink this typology system a bit

>Harry potter
>Not on tumblr

>> No.7014081

Slytherin is the home of racist edgelords. Their only defining characteristics are ambition, racial purity and amorality.

If you believe slytherin is better than hufflepuff reevaluate your priorities

>> No.7014334

>better than hufflepuff
everything is better than hugglepuff m8

>> No.7014349
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>> No.7014378

I'm sure this is because of my nature-loving bias. In reality I'd be that asshole misanthrope who would sooner save a... bunch of whatever the fuck animals exist in the wizard world than save the life of a bunch of students.

>> No.7014393

This image can fuck right off, phrenology is the patrician's choice of personality indicators.

>> No.7014407
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88% Ravenclaw INFJ

>> No.7014412

autistic as fuck

just because someone takes an MBTI doesn't mean they think it's an objective empirical measure for determining their identity, it's usually just for fun to see what they get

>> No.7014422

>>entire room smells like shit because so many pets
Sounds like heaven tbh.

>> No.7014424

I bet you find horoscopes and palmistry "fun" as well, you untermensch.

>> No.7014425

>not liking harmless fun
Do you have any friends?

>> No.7014427

Friendly reminder that MBTI never considered itself a science :^)

INFJ masterrace

>> No.7014433

So? It's bullshit either way.

>> No.7014436

My point, dear autismo, is that it should be taken with a grain of salt.

>> No.7014442

What kind of defense is that? You accept it's at least flawed. It should be disregarded entirely.

>> No.7014449

I've accepted that it isn't a science and it should be taken as such, or are you one of those idiots that fell for the scientism bait?

>> No.7014453

You clearly don't understand what scientism is. There are other valid ways of understanding the world. MBTI is simply not one of them. As I said, it's bullshit EITHER WAY (whether it pretends to be science or not).

>> No.7014458

Yep, that's a scientist alright, stubborn to the very end.

>> No.7014481

You still haven't explained why it should be taken seriously.

>> No.7014500

I know that feel ;_;
>tfw you used to pretend to be Ravenclaw to look aloof and cool

>> No.7014514

you sound like a hufflepuff

>> No.7014520
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fuckin hufflepuffs man

>> No.7016343

Gryffindor = Hufflepuff > Ravenclaw >>>>> Slytherin


>> No.7016361

objectively wrong

This is the objective ranking
Ravenclaw = Slytherin > Gryffindor >>>>>>> Hufflepuff

>> No.7016367

>Ravenclaw the greatest
>implying study/intelligence is anything without nobility, goodness, kindheartedness, etc.

>Slytherin the second
>literally house of psychopaths

>> No.7016378

>m-muh honour
>m-muh virtue
dumb jock, go play your sports

>> No.7016419
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I'm okay with this.

>> No.7016470

If you're living in a world where studying literally gives you supernatural powers, I'd say that Ravenclaw's attributes are clearly the best.

>> No.7016611

>tfw the field that people at your uni used to play Quidditch on has been converted into a tennis court
; ;
actually p hilarious to watch them play tbh

>> No.7016752
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Just as expected and fitting too

>> No.7016756


>> No.7016763

>Hermione has no last name

>> No.7016775

No, they meant to say that her last name is the same as the next person's.

>> No.7016781


>> No.7017799

Gifted my friend the first two HP books today. It was his birthday and he had never read them because his parents were religious nutbags. Felt pretty good, since it was many years ago on my birthday that I also got the same two books

>> No.7018282
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the fucking amount of replies good god. Image if you made a thread with pic related just simply asking "What did you think?", the shit-storm of pretentious faggots trying to seem patrician would be immense. I love Harry Potter btw.

>> No.7018387
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I never actually read the last HP book. I think. I read parts of an anonleak where... Harry's dad had possessed some crossdressing whore and had been using her to fuck dudes the whole time. Or something like that.

Harry ends up being blacklisted for taking a dive, because George and that his monkey were being taken to town by some legitimate businessmen over some lapsed business loans. He spends the rest of the novel hunting Welsh dragons and fucks Flower Dame La Cour.

Given this, what are my chances of improving my experience if I just find a legitimate library copy?

>> No.7019957

I read that shit and I'm still a brain damaged drug addicted NEET

To be fair tho, I stopped reading after Cedric died and pretended that was the end of the series

>> No.7019988

Hufflepuff here.
Your butthole doesn't attract hufflepuffs.

>> No.7020226

Ravenclaw INFP, suck my sensitive ass ;_;

>> No.7020281

Always INTP.
Usually Ravenclaw, sometimes Slytherin.
According to these tests.

>> No.7022439

Fuck that

>> No.7022817

Even when I was younger I just couldn't get into Harry Potter. I was a Hobbit and LotR kid even before Jackson's abominations.

>> No.7022818

You lack empathy and imagination

>> No.7022843


Witches were hanged, not burned. Also it was illegal to believe in witchcraft.

>> No.7022850


Not really, I'm just not a fan of magic kids and wizard schools. I was interested more by the history and linguistic influences of Tolkien's work.

>> No.7022855

saudi arabia still executes witches and sorcerers today. just to make it clear, they have a law against magic and its punished with death,

>> No.7023429

No, >>7012862 is right. Gryff vs Slyth is basically good vs evil, Ravenclaw is smart. Hufflepuff are just boring faggots nobody gives a shit about.

>> No.7023458

Stop attacking Hufflepuff please. It's not kind. I got sorted there when I joined and my brother was too when he was at Hogwarts. Also Slytherin is not all evil, it's really rude to say that. Yes many of them are rather mean and superioristic but some of my friends are from that house and they're cool to hang around with. Also how can you say Ravenclaw are smart when we beat them this year in academic results? Don't bother replying if you're going to be mean.

>> No.7023464

Go roleplay somewhere else, faggot.

>> No.7023467


>> No.7023626


>> No.7023681

*aims wand at you*

"expecto patronum!"

heh, nothing personnel, kid

>> No.7023774


>> No.7024464


In England they were hanged, but in France and the rest of the continent they did indeed burn. In Germany sometimes they even boiled them alive.

All witches were tortured to produce confessions, regardless of locale. Also many municipalities have issued edicts finding the condemned innocent after the fact, in some cases they did so only several years afterward (lol).

Witchcraft was the flavor of the times later than 1000 AD, but many of the practices considered to be evidence of witchcraft, were themselves worthy of the death penalty. A family of brothers and sisters who could not find spouses due to consanguinity, lived in incest and were all impaled once it was found out. Impalement for incest is only the tip of the iceberg. As always those in power flouted the law, and would prosecute those with wealth they wanted to confiscate under the best available pretext.

The 11th century was a time of great pogroms. Jewish communities were wiped out under the aegis of the Crusades. The Normans were beginning their attacks on Eastern Christians. It was a shitty time to be associated with any sort of natural lore. The calm surgeon and tender poultice was replaced by the Frankish axe.

>> No.7024890
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>Dumbledore pisses on your door when he sleepwalks

>> No.7024951

I thought Hufflepuff symbolised patience and loyalty.

I mean in the final battle the whole of Gryffindor and Hufflepuff stayed to fight, while only some of the other two stayed.

Also Pettigrew was a Gryffindor and he was a traitorous fuck. Wouldn't get those types in Hufflepuff.

But Slytherin still best house.

>> No.7025861
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Slytherin's the best.
>Most aesthetic emblem
>Most successful alumnus
>Coolest common room
>All kinds of secrets

Some of our members are purist shitbirds, but not all of us. Just the ones Harry Potter paid attention to.