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6997696 No.6997696 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone recommend me an interesting book regarding aliens. I really want to read about ancient aliens, conspiracies or basically anything involving them that can hold my attention. I've already read a few books like The Martian Chronicles. Any other suggestions?

>> No.6997703

Sirens of Titan, I guess?

>> No.6997725

Don't want to give it away, but The Stranger by Camus.

>> No.6997728
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>> No.6997826

Why do you want to believe, OP?

I may have something for you but it's more a critique of conspiracy and addresses it's underlying causes. Also it's a collection of essays, not a narrative

>> No.6998282

That sounds pretty good actually.

>> No.6998290

Sounds pretty good. Looked up plot. May give it a read. Thanks!

>> No.6998367

It's a book called the Pyrotechnic Insanitarium and it's a collection of essays that addresses possible reasons why our culture is so obsessed with things like conspiracy theories or aliens. From what I've read thus far (im 150 pages in but I'm loving it, finally got it by mail today) it's fascinating. It talks about McCarthyism, and the Oklahoma bomber, and Area 51, and The NSA, and media's influence on our fragile minds and how much of this is baseless conspiracy, and how much of this holds weight.

I especially love when he speculates on the psychological. For instance, one theory is that man must always ascribe order to something. When he stops believing in Christianity or what have you, he merely finds a system elsewhere. Man is not content with the random or the chaotic. In ascribing seemingly unconnected events to an underlying system, to a battle between forces or to a war unseen by the masses, man can boil things to do to simplistic and orderly 'good vs evil', in which *someone* is in charge and *someone* is calling the shots. Man hates chaos. Man needs order.

He calls upon and references Pynchon, Deleuze, Adorno, Chomsky, Eco and the like in a mish-mash of literary, philosophical, historical, and journalistic evidence and frequently returns to Coney Island as a figurehead for the turning point that results in our current cultural 'Pyrotechnic Insanitarium': a place in which our minds stopped seeing the external as reality and internal as fantasy, but vice versa. He then argues that this mindset of Coney Island has slipped its way into and become apart of our entire culture.

It is a little dated because it was published in 1999 and fails to address the current digital age or 911, but survives nontheless as a terrific attempt in rationalizing America's current unstable and consumer culture.

Sorry if my thoughts seems schizophrenic, im on mobile and a little drunk. But I think it's a wonderful read.

>> No.6998441


Check out the books by these three:

Karla Turner
David Jacobs
John Mack

>> No.6998545

The Trickster and the Paranormal by George P Hansen

Jacques Valee

>> No.6998622

Looking it up now. Is it by Mark Dery? Sounds like something I'd like.

>> No.6998636

Thas how I always imagined the main character.

>> No.6998644

Nice. Interesting

>> No.6998813

Yes it is by Dery and I recommend checking it out if you're at all interested in current American culture. The structure of the essays even reflect the author's theories on contemporary thought patterns and he himself says his essays go off on tangents and jump from theory to theory because our subculture has conditioned him to think this way. It really is very humorous because he supplies so many citations, even to his tangents.

Worth the buy. Used on Amazon for cheap

>> No.6998997

Slaughter House 5 sometimes
Martian Chronicles

All easy reads

>> No.6999019

Martian Chronicles

>> No.6999067

This crazy Navy SEAL once gave me a book called Dark Mission about how NASA was this evil nwo org and there are pyramids on the moon and that not only was nasa behind the kennedy assassination, but it was an astronaut that actually pulled the trigger. He made me read it and then talked to me about it every chance he got.

>> No.6999418

Tell him to watch Tribulation 99

He will lose his shit

>> No.6999493

What was this book called? Do you remember?

>> No.6999494

ayy lmao

>> No.7000663

You must be a real nutcase if you actually believe in all that bullshit.
Anyway, here are my suggestions:
Space Odyssey tetralogy - Arthur C. Clarke
Childhood's End - Arthur C. Clarke
Inherit the Stars - James P. Hogan
War of the Worlds - H. G. Wells
Cthulhu Mythos - various authors; read H. P. Lovecraft's stories preferably

>> No.7000667

Dark Mission

>> No.7000687

It's not exclusively ufos / aliens but the best book I've read like this was the rough guide to unexplained phenomena