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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 904 KB, 1871x2673, 20150817_191210-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6997313 No.6997313 [Reply] [Original]

Went to my local used bookstore for maybe the last time before I move and this is what I picked up. Didn't have all the Mishima from the last time I was there, but that was also a few months ago.

>> No.6997430

Nice cops, OP. Never heard about those historians, though.

>> No.6997557

They caught my eye the last few times I went, so I figured I'd give em a shot.

>> No.6997613

i read 1421, i like it very much.
i dont know about the existence of 1434

>> No.6997619

are you homosexual, OP? Serious question.

>> No.6997642

/lit/ - muh materialism

>> No.6997694

Liking Mishima does not mean someone is a homosexual.

>> No.6997807
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My jealousy is palpable. Good scores.

>> No.6997849

I'm glad it was a good read. It's quite intriguing.
Not that I know of. Maybe I'll discover it about myself like Mishima.

>> No.6997867


/lit/ - triggered plebs

>> No.6997874
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Is this just an american thing? Making unnecessarily big, flashy and showy books along with all the review culture and stuff, seeing people having the need to show what they own makes me feel confused. It really surprised me when I realized how big of a thing it was on youtube since ever. Its kinda interesting. Don't mean to troll or anything, its just something that has been calling my attention for years since I started using the internet frequently.

>> No.6997932


>Is this just an american thing?

Mostly a young and/or vain thing. The people who posts this sort of lame /soc/ tier shit are typically new readers looking for validation under the thin guise of bragging.

But the utilitarian casual readers who are against physicals completely out of arrogant brokefag denial are just as bad in their own way.

>> No.6997959

I post about my books because no one around here really reads much. I lend out my books and they get returned barely read a few weeks later.

>> No.6998017
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Most recent. Repeat from last 404d thread I missed.

>> No.6998474

mirin pale fire

>> No.6998482

Lotta weeb shit there opie

>> No.6998521


>> No.6998598

Hows Everymans Poetry

>> No.6998660

1431 and 1421 are both considered some of the worst historical scholarship in publication. I'd avoid them.

>> No.6998807
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Bookshop near me had sale, everything $6

>> No.6998812

i prefer free audiobooks

>> No.6998891

I can't think of a less appealing read than around the world in eighty days

>> No.6998907


Oh yeah, I haven't read that, but I liked journey to the center of the earth when I was 14 so my parents got my a couple more Jules Verne books. I always thought it would be a pretty comfy read?

>> No.6998947
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Also picked up A Confederacy of Dunces.

Free pickup.

Not sure which Faulkner to read first, I don't overly care about "DURR READ THEM CHRONOLOGICALLY" I just don't know enough about either book to decide which to read. I don't really know much about The Count of Monte Cristo either..

I might read TCoL49 before Gravity's Rainbow..

>> No.6998962

Went to a local Half Price bookstore to pick up some books before I head back to uni. Got a Penguin 20th Century classics copy of Gravity's Rainbow and a hardcover Mason & Dixon.

Feels good.

>> No.6998989
File: 103 KB, 392x574, Gravitys_rainbow_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't lie, kind of rustled that I didn't acquire this cover of Gravity's Rainbow.

>> No.6998993

Fucking solid bunch, dude. I read Moby and Monte Cristo recently, and you won't be disappointed. Moby is shorter yet tougher and more insightful; Monte Cristo is far longer (2x+), but easier and more fun. Amazing adventure story.

>> No.6999006

Cheers! I've really been meaning to read Moby Dick but I keep pushing it back for other "/lit/ canon" books. I'll read a couple chapters of Monte Cristo right now and see how I like it.

I might tackle Monte Cristo before Moby Dick so Moby Dick doesn't seem as daunting of a task.

>> No.6999016

>is this just an American thing?


>> No.6999039

Did Zhu Di destroy the Chinese navy and turn China to isolationism because his palace burned down when it was struck by lightning?

>> No.6999044
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Got this new for like $3 USD.

>> No.6999075

Currently reading Monte Cristo. Fantastic book, I assume and hope you didn't get the abridged. I have no idea they would compress all that down to ~500 pages.

>> No.6999076

Nah son, got the Oxford edition. Thing is like 1100 pages or something close.

>> No.6999096

mmm dat fire

>> No.6999113

Definitely As I Lay Dying first. It's a better introduction, whereas Sound is a better book.
Also Crying is great and you could read it in an afternoon.

>> No.6999191
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I didn't actually order this but I was putting books I wanted in a cart for the hell of it and now I kind of want to pull the trigger on it despite not quite having the time to read em soon or the shelf space to keep em

>> No.6999431

That glorious pale fire. Gets me going more than the boys back in my beloved Zembla!

>> No.6999468
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Visiting nyc went to some thrift store in astoria to check some stuff out and they were selling hardcovers for 2.50 and soft covers for 1.50. I picked up some book called Matterhorn. I've never heard of it but it was one of the only hardcovers in good condition and norton anthology of short fiction for 1.50

>> No.6999471
File: 52 KB, 250x377, Hallucinations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last book I bought was a study on Hallucinations by Oliver Sacks. I read his book An Anthropologist on Mars and liked his writing style, intelligence and humour. Good stuff.

>> No.6999481

I read an essay by Achebe and it was fucking awful.

>> No.6999488

damn dude i do the same exact thing


>> No.6999829

I'm delicately fingering the facsimile note cards as we speak.

>> No.6999959


Was it that one about Joseph Conrad? That's the only one I've read and it was okay but not great. Things Fall Apart seems good so far though

>> No.7000498
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I'm a pleb, I know, don't bully
I've just started to get into literature - these are some good picks, r-right?

>> No.7000511

>20.000 Leagues Under the Sea - Jules Verne
>Greek Literature - Penguin Collection
>The Informers - Bret Easton Ellis
>Collection of Charles Dickens' short stories - Penguin Collection

>> No.7000514

nice doggy

>> No.7000516

>1421 and 1434 by Gavin Menzies
May the ghosts of nine thousand serious scholars of Chinese history arise as one and murder you in your sleep, OP.

>> No.7000602

dont fret anon we all start somewhere

>> No.7000604

Why would you buy books? Are libraries not a thing in Amurica?

>> No.7000608

Don't pretend you can get every single book you can think of at a library.

>> No.7000621

don't buy penguin translations pleb

>> No.7000642

why aren't they good?

>> No.7000653
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>Gavin Menzies

>> No.7000679
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>> No.7001129

Guess I'll view them as a AU fanfiction or something

>> No.7001315

That would be wise. Although I do admire Menzies' cojones.

>be amateur historian
>release book that makes pretty extraordinary claims backed up by insuffiicent evidence
>get roundly kicked by professional historians
>release book with subtitle "The year a magnificent Chinese fleet sailed to Italy and ignited the Renaissance"

>> No.7001326

A chinese yacht sailed to Italy and ignited the rennaisance???

>> No.7001351

It's a dangerous book though. I got it when I was a kid (13 or 14 maybe) and totally bought into it. It took me a couple of years to learn it was nonsense. I'm shocked it got published and sold so well.

>> No.7001365

Yes. They set fire to Florence.

>> No.7001371

i'm an old european and i like seeing what everyone has bought
i love books and seeing what nice things people have acquired.

>> No.7001517


>> No.7001630

Anon is being a patrician. Penguin translations are fine unless you are planning on writing a thesis on Dostoevsky, in which case learn Russian.

>> No.7001672

>What We Talk About When We Talk About Love
>The Elephant Vanishes
>The Snow Country

>> No.7002236

What was your favorite story from the Murakami collection. I read the first half, but nothing felt really special to me and I never finished it.

>> No.7003478
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First time at Powell's. I'm thinking of reading The Castle first.

>> No.7003483

For what reason do you purchase so many books at one time?
Does it not make sense to purchase and then read ONE book and then return to your local bookstore and purchase the next within a new state of mind, knowing what you would like to read as opposed to either being forced to read some thing you may no longer be interested in or wasting the book by possibly never reading it?
This may work for the first three but there are certainly going to be two you will no longer be interested in.

>> No.7003499


What if you buy one book and you aren't into it. Then you have to go all the way over the bookstore again rather than getting the next one on your shelf.

>> No.7003512

nice pickups french fag.. i just picked up bleak house as well

>> No.7003528

>What if you buy one book and you aren't into it
That happens often but you read it none the less and correct yourself when you return.
But you do not want to end up with what would essentially be a 5000 page book, unless you are tackling Proust or a christian metaphysician, although you can read the volumes unchronologically [sic, is now a word] as well.

>> No.7003540

I've recently come across two paperbacks featuring this cover art of Gravity's Rainbow. I think it's my favorite book cover of all time at the moment. Still hoping I'll happen upon a perfect condition hardcover at some point.

>> No.7003543

You just got me interested in Mishima. I will probably order Spring Snow in the near future.

>> No.7003624

The books are pretty cheap, and they might not be there the next time I go, like the other Mishima ones I mentioned. If I don't like them, I'll donate them to another store since I'll be out of this area soon.
I have all of his novels as ebooks, but I'm letting a friend borrow my Nook for a while. I'm reading his biography right now.

>> No.7003661

Because I know what I'm going to buy ahead of time.
That and there are no bookstores. You can go to B&N I guess but the selection and prices are shit, you're best getting a whole bunch that you know you're going to read and get the free shipping that way.

>> No.7003709

Jesus, you fell for the /lit/ Mishima trolls hard.

>> No.7003711

Picked up some ice cream, about to head back for some milk and cheese since I'm running low again.

>> No.7003718

why didn't you get milk and cheese when you were already out?

>> No.7003729

Well I still have maybe a cup or so of milk so it's not high priority but the cheese I left out overnight so it's ruined. all hard and shit

>> No.7003732

rough brah

>> No.7006017
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I fell for the meme.

>still 1st edition after 20 years...lel

>> No.7006328
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Finished both, really enjoyed Animal farm and Mythology was a good introduction to all the greek stuff, just started reading no bully pls

>> No.7006331
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Just ordered this, did I do good?

>> No.7006339

seems a little small

>> No.7006349

Franz Kafka, Collected Stories (Everyman's Library Classics)


>> No.7006406

I actually picked up Mishima because of /fit/, n-no homo

>> No.7006512
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Halfway through VALIS

>> No.7006519

>I don't really know much about The Count of Monte Cristo
I've been meaning to make a What I read/Expected/Got for it