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6996669 No.6996669[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>female authors are just as good as male ones, and I shall defend their honor until my last breath. Chivalry isn't dead.

>> No.6996686

get bent

>> No.6996697


You fags who can’t get pussy sure know how to be bitter.

>> No.6996709

>Average /lit/ lefty

>> No.6996720

cuck beta detected

>> No.6996764

Hey OP, if you are alpha and get a lot of pussy (or at least have a girlfriend) then prove it, post some pics of yourself, pics with girls, or even some pics that girls send to you (you know, that naked pics that fuck-buddies use to post late at night?).

Something tells me that you look quite like the pic you posted. Maybe not fat, but certainly very fucking ugly (that type of guy who gets mad with girls because they don’t give a damn about him and who can’t approach them because he is too scared and has low self-esteem).

Why don’t you prove that you are not just butt0hurt because you can’t get laid?

>> No.6996827
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Regardless, it is true to an extent.

>I must stand up for women cause they will like me
>I hate women because they don't like me
Both are equally foolish. But on one hand you usually have some obese nerd who puts pussy on a pedastal. And on the other you have some bone bag try hard, like that Aurini(?) Guy. Who try so hard to be cool and edgy--but fail.

Its the autism that pulls you too far to either side, with their fanaticism; while any normal person stands along the middle.

Pretty much any male; virgin or not. Desires females without question.